Man pages for MCRestimate
Misclassification error estimation with cross-validation

class.factor.formatA function for creating a factor from the phenoData slot of...
ClassifierBuildBuilding a classifier as a combination of preprocessing and...
geneReductionVariable selection and cluster functions
important.variable.namesWriting tables with variable information
indVotesIndividual Error of the outer cross-validations
intersectListA function for creating a all possible intersects for a list...
MCRconfusionSummary tables for MCRestimate objects
MCRestimateEstimation of misclassification error by cross-validation
MCRestimateMergeMerging objects of class MCRestimate
plot.MCRestimatePlot method for a objects of class MCRestimate
PLRA function which performs penalised logistic regression...
replace.NAReplaces in a given numeric matrix NA values per row or per...
select.NA.elementsSelects NA values of a given numeric matrix
SVM.OVA.wrapSVM with 'One-Versus-All' multiclass approach
wrapper.fktWrapper function for different classification methods
MCRestimate documentation built on Oct. 31, 2019, 10:29 a.m.