
Defines functions draw_forest

Documented in draw_forest

#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom stats setNames

#' A function to draw a forest plot from the REM MetaVolcano result
#' This function draws a forest plot for a given gene based on the REM 
#' MetaVolcano result
#' @param remres MetaVolcano object. Output of the rem_mv() function
#'        <MetaVolcano>
#' @param gene query gene to plot
#' @param genecol name of the variable with genes <string>
#' @param foldchangecol the column name of the foldchange variable <string>
#' @param llcol left limit of the fold change coinfidence interval variable
#'        name <string>
#' @param rlcol right limit of the fold change coinfidence interval variable
#'        name <string>
#' @param jobname name of the running job <string>
#' @param outputfolder /path where to write the results/ <string>
#' @param draw either 'PDF' or 'HTML' to save metaolcano as .pdf or .html
#'        respectively <string>
#' @keywords draw forest-plot gene
#' @return \code{ggplot2} object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(diffexplist)
#' diffexplist <- lapply(diffexplist, function(del) {
#'     dplyr::filter(del, grepl("MP", Symbol))
#' })
#' mv <- rem_mv(diffexplist, metathr = 0.1)
#' gg <- draw_forest(mv, gene="MMP9")
#' plot(gg)
draw_forest <- function(remres, gene="MMP9", genecol="Symbol", 
			foldchangecol="Log2FC", llcol="CI.L", rlcol="CI.R", 
			jobname="MetaVolcano", outputfolder=".", draw="PDF") {
    if(!draw %in% c('PDF', 'HTML')) {
        stop("Oops! Seems like you did not provide a right 'draw' parameter. 
              Try 'PDF' or 'HTML'")


    if(is(remres) != "MetaVolcano") {
        stop("Oops! Please, provide a MetaVolcano object as input")
    rem <- merge(remres@metaresult, remres@input, by = genecol) %>%
        dplyr::filter(!!rlang::sym(genecol) == gene) -> sremres

    if(nrow(sremres) == 0) {
        stop(paste("Oops! Seems that", gene, "is not in the",
                    "provided REM result"))
    stds <- unique(unlist(regmatches(colnames(sremres),
		regexec('_\\d+$', colnames(sremres)))))
    if(is.null(remres@inputnames)) {
        message("We recomend providing a character vector with the names
	        of the input studies")
        stds <- setNames(stds, paste('study_', seq_along(stds)))

    } else {
        stds <- setNames(stds, remres@inputnames)

    # setting data for visualization
    edat <- Reduce(rbind, lapply(names(stds), function(sn) {
		std <- dplyr::select(sremres, 
						   '|', stds[sn],
		colnames(std) <- gsub('_\\d+$', '', colnames(std))
		std[['group']] <- sn
    if(!all(c(genecol, foldchangecol, llcol, rlcol) %in% colnames(edat))) {

        stop("Oops! Please, check the match among the provided parameters
              and the colnames of the remres@metaresult and remres@input")

    edat <- dplyr::select(edat, c(!!rlang::sym(genecol), 

    sdat <- data.frame(genecol = unique(edat[[genecol]]),
    		       foldchangecol = sremres[['randomSummary']],
		       llcol = sremres[['randomCi.lb']],
		       rlcol = sremres[['randomCi.ub']],
		       group = 'FoldChange summary')
    colnames(sdat) <- c(genecol, foldchangecol, llcol, rlcol, 'group')
    dat <- rbind(edat, sdat)
    dat[['class']] <- ifelse(grepl('summary', dat[['group']]), 
			 "FoldChange summary", "Study")

    sumfc <- dplyr::filter(dat, grepl("summary", `class`))[[foldchangecol]]
    maxfc <- max(dat[[rlcol]])
    minfc <- min(dat[[llcol]])

    if(sumfc > 0) {
        sumcol <- "#E41A1C"
        minlim <- -maxfc
        maxlim <- maxfc
    } else {
        sumcol <- "#377EB8"
        minlim <- minfc
        maxlim <- -minfc

    gg <- ggplot(dat, aes(x = group, y = !!rlang::sym(foldchangecol), 
			  color = `class`)) +
	     geom_point() +
	     geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = !!rlang::sym(llcol), 
			       ymax = !!rlang::sym(rlcol), 
			       width = 0.1,
			       color = `class`)) +
	     scale_color_manual(values = c(sumcol,"#bdbdbd")) +
	     scale_x_discrete(limits = rev(dat[['group']])) +
	     theme_classic() +
	     ggtitle(unique(edat[[genecol]])) +
	     geom_hline(yintercept = 0, linetype = "solid", 
			size = 0.05, color = "#969696") +
	     geom_hline(yintercept = sumfc, linetype = "dashed", 
			size = 0.1, color = sumcol) +
	     theme(legend.position = "none") + 
	     scale_y_continuous(limits=c(minlim, maxlim)) +
    if(draw == "PDF") {

	     "/Forestplot_", unique(edat[[genecol]]), '_', jobname,
	     ".pdf"), width = 4, height = 5)
    } else if (draw == "HTML") {

				"/Forestplot_", unique(edat[[genecol]]),
				jobname, ".html"))


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MetaVolcanoR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:52 p.m.