
Defines functions listCMOptions

Documented in listCMOptions

#' \code{show}
#' @rdname CMoptions-class
#' @aliases show,CMoptions-method
#' @param object  CMoptions instance
#' @return the list of options
#' @description This method shows the list of options to run the Entity finder
#' @examples
#' opt <- CMoptions()
#' show(opt)
setMethod("show", "CMoptions", function(object) {
    message("CMoptions object to set ConceptMapper Options")
    message("SearchStrategy: ", object@SearchStrategy, "\n", "CaseMatch: ", object@CaseMatch, 
        "\n", "Stemmer: ", object@Stemmer, "\n", "StopWords: ", object@StopWords, 
        "\n", "OrderIndependentLookup: ", object@OrderIndependentLookup, "\n", "FindAllMatches: ", 
        object@FindAllMatches, "\n", "SynonymType: ", object@SynonymType)

#' \code{paramValueIndex}
#' @rdname paramValueIndex
#' @description Method to get and set the parameter combination index corresponding to a given parameter combination. The value of the paramValueIndex lays in the range [0:575]
#' @param x instance of class \code{\link{CMoptions}}
#' @return The paramValueIndex corresponding to the current options when used as get, the new CMoptions object with updated parameters when used to set.
#' @examples
#' opts <- CMoptions()
#' paramValueIndex(opts)
#' @export
setMethod("paramValueIndex", "CMoptions", function(x) {

#' \code{paramValueIndex<-}
#' @rdname paramValueIndex
#' @param value Index corresponding to a given parameter combination
#' @examples
#' opts <- CMoptions()
#' paramValueIndex(opts) <- 2
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("paramValueIndex", "CMoptions", function(x, value) {
    options_combinations <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "Options_table.rds", package = "Onassis"))
    x@paramValueIndex <- as.character(value)
    x@SearchStrategy = as.character(as.vector(unique(options_combinations$SearchStrategy[which(options_combinations$paramValueIndex == 
    x@CaseMatch = as.character(as.vector(unique(options_combinations$CaseMatch[which(options_combinations$paramValueIndex == 
    x@Stemmer = as.character(as.vector(unique(options_combinations$Stemmer[which(options_combinations$paramValueIndex == 
    x@StopWords = as.character(as.vector(unique(options_combinations$Stopwords[which(options_combinations$paramValueIndex == 
    x@OrderIndependentLookup = as.character(as.vector(unique(options_combinations$OrderIndependentLookup[which(options_combinations$paramValueIndex == 
    x@FindAllMatches = as.character(as.vector(unique(options_combinations$FindAllMatches[which(options_combinations$paramValueIndex == 
    x@SynonymType = as.character(as.vector(unique(options_combinations$SynonymType[which(options_combinations$paramValueIndex == 

#' \code{SearchStrategy}
#' @rdname SearchStrategy
#' @description Method to get and set the SearchStrategy parameter
#' @param x instance of class \code{\link{CMoptions}}
#' @return The SearchStrategy corresponding to the current options when used as get, the new CMoptions object with updated parameters when used to set.
#' @examples
#' opts <- CMoptions()
#' SearchStrategy(opts)
#' @export
setMethod("SearchStrategy", "CMoptions", function(x) {

#' \code{SearchStrategy<-}
#' @rdname SearchStrategy
#' @param value The matching strategy for finding concepts in the input text
#'\item{CONTIGUOUS_MATCH}{Longets match of contiguous tokens within enclosing span}
#'\item{SKIP_ANY_MATCH}{Longest match of not-necessarily contiguous tokens}
#'\item{SKIP_ANY_MATCH_ALLOW_OVERLAP}{Longest match of not-necessarily contiguous tokens, overlapping matches are allowed}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' opts <- CMoptions()
#' SearchStrategy(opts) <- 'SKIP_ANY_MATCH_ALLOW_OVERLAP'
setReplaceMethod("SearchStrategy", "CMoptions", function(x, value) {
    options_combinations <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "Options_table.rds", package = "Onassis"))
    x@SearchStrategy <- as.character(value)
    x@paramValueIndex <- as.character(as.vector(unique(options_combinations$paramValueIndex[which(options_combinations$SearchStrategy == 
        x@SearchStrategy & options_combinations$CaseMatch == x@CaseMatch & options_combinations$Stemmer == 
        x@Stemmer & options_combinations$Stopwords == x@StopWords & options_combinations$OrderIndependentLookup == 
        x@OrderIndependentLookup & options_combinations$FindAllMatches == x@FindAllMatches & 
        options_combinations$SynonymType == x@SynonymType)])))

#' \code{CaseMatch}
#' @rdname CaseMatch
#' @description Method to get and set the CaseMatch parameter of \code{\link{CMoptions}} instances
#' @param x instance of class \code{\link{CMoptions}}
#' @return The CaseMatch corresponding to the current options when used as get, the new CMoptions object with updated parameters when used to set.
#' @examples
#' opts <- CMoptions()
#' CaseMatch(opts)
#' @export
setMethod("CaseMatch", "CMoptions", function(x) {

#' \code{CaseMatch<-}
#' @rdname CaseMatch
#' @param value One of the following :
#'\item{CASE_IGNORE}{ Fold everything to lowercase for matching}
#'\item{CASE_INSENSITIVE}{ Fold only tokens with initial caps to lowercase}
#'\item{CASE_FOLD_DIGITS}{ Fold all (and only) tokens with a digit}
#'\item{CASE_SENSITIVE}{ Perform no case folding}
#' @examples
#' opts <- CMoptions()
#' CaseMatch(opts) <- 'CASE_SENSITIVE'
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("CaseMatch", "CMoptions", function(x, value) {
    options_combinations <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "Options_table.rds", package = "Onassis"))
    x@CaseMatch <- as.character(value)
    x@paramValueIndex <- as.character(as.vector(unique(options_combinations$paramValueIndex[which(options_combinations$SearchStrategy == 
        x@SearchStrategy & options_combinations$CaseMatch == x@CaseMatch & options_combinations$Stemmer == 
        x@Stemmer & options_combinations$Stopwords == x@StopWords & options_combinations$OrderIndependentLookup == 
        x@OrderIndependentLookup & options_combinations$FindAllMatches == x@FindAllMatches & 
        options_combinations$SynonymType == x@SynonymType)])))

#' \code{Stemmer}
#' @rdname Stemmer
#' @description Method to get and set the Stemmer parameter
#' @param x instance of class \code{\link{CMoptions}}
#' @return The Stemmer corresponding to the current options when used as get, the new CMoptions object with updated parameters when used to set.
#' @examples
#' opts <- CMoptions()
#' Stemmer(opts)
#' @export
setMethod("Stemmer", "CMoptions", function(x) {

#' \code{Stemmer<-}
#' @rdname Stemmer
#' @param value
#'\item BIOLEMMATIZER {A stemmer specific for biomedical literature}
#'\item PORTER {A stemmer that removes the commoner morphological and inflexional endings from words in English}
#'\item NONE {No word stemming}
#' @examples
#' opts <- CMoptions()
#' Stemmer(opts) <- 'PORTER'
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("Stemmer", "CMoptions", function(x, value) {
    options_combinations <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "Options_table.rds", package = "Onassis"))
    x@Stemmer <- as.character(value)
    x@paramValueIndex <- as.character(as.vector(unique(options_combinations$paramValueIndex[which(options_combinations$SearchStrategy == 
        x@SearchStrategy & options_combinations$CaseMatch == x@CaseMatch & options_combinations$Stemmer == 
        x@Stemmer & options_combinations$Stopwords == x@StopWords & options_combinations$OrderIndependentLookup == 
        x@OrderIndependentLookup & options_combinations$FindAllMatches == x@FindAllMatches & 
        options_combinations$SynonymType == x@SynonymType)])))

#' \code{StopWords}
#' @rdname StopWords
#' @description Method to get and set the StopWords parameter
#' @param x instance of class \code{\link{CMoptions}}
#' @return The StopWords corresponding to the current options when used as get, the new CMoptions object with updated parameters when used to set.
#' @examples
#' opts <- CMoptions()
#' StopWords(opts)
#' @export
setMethod("StopWords", "CMoptions", function(x) {

#' \code{StopWords<-}
#' @rdname StopWords
#' @param value
#'\item PUBMED {A list of stop words obtained analyzing Pubmed papers}
#'\item NONE {No stop words }
#' @examples
#' opts <- CMoptions()
#' StopWords(opts) <- 'NONE'
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("StopWords", "CMoptions", function(x, value) {
    options_combinations <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "Options_table.rds", package = "Onassis"))
    x@StopWords <- as.character(value)
    x@paramValueIndex <- as.character(as.vector(unique(options_combinations$paramValueIndex[which(options_combinations$SearchStrategy == 
        x@SearchStrategy & options_combinations$CaseMatch == x@CaseMatch & options_combinations$Stemmer == 
        x@Stemmer & options_combinations$Stopwords == x@StopWords & options_combinations$OrderIndependentLookup == 
        x@OrderIndependentLookup & options_combinations$FindAllMatches == x@FindAllMatches & 
        options_combinations$SynonymType == x@SynonymType)])))

#' \code{OrderIndependentLookup}
#' @rdname OrderIndependentLookup
#' @description Method to get and set the OrderIndependentLookup parameter
#' @param x instance of class \code{\link{CMoptions}}
#' @return The OrderIndependentLookup corresponding to the current options when used as get, the new CMoptions object with updated parameters when used to set.
#' @examples
#' opts <- CMoptions()
#' OrderIndependentLookup(opts)
#' @export
setMethod("OrderIndependentLookup", "CMoptions", function(x) {

#' \code{OrderIndependentLookup<-}
#' @rdname OrderIndependentLookup
#' @param value
#'\item ON {Ordering within span is ignored (i.e. 'Breast cancer' would equal 'Cancer breast') }
#'\item OFF {Ordering is taken into consideration}
#' @examples
#' opts <- CMoptions()
#' OrderIndependentLookup(opts) <- 'ON'
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("OrderIndependentLookup", "CMoptions", function(x, value) {
    options_combinations <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "Options_table.rds", package = "Onassis"))
    x@OrderIndependentLookup <- as.character(value)
    x@paramValueIndex <- as.character(as.vector(unique(options_combinations$paramValueIndex[which(options_combinations$SearchStrategy == 
        x@SearchStrategy & options_combinations$CaseMatch == x@CaseMatch & options_combinations$Stemmer == 
        x@Stemmer & options_combinations$Stopwords == x@StopWords & options_combinations$OrderIndependentLookup == 
        x@OrderIndependentLookup & options_combinations$FindAllMatches == x@FindAllMatches & 
        options_combinations$SynonymType == x@SynonymType)])))

#' \code{FindAllMatches}
#' @rdname FindAllMatches
#' @description Method to get and set the FindAllMatches parameter
#' @param x instance of class \code{\link{CMoptions}}
#' @return The FindAllMatches corresponding to the current options when used as get, the new CMoptions object with updated parameters when used to set.
#' @examples
#' opts <- CMoptions()
#' FindAllMatches(opts)
#' @export
setMethod("FindAllMatches", "CMoptions", function(x) {

#' \code{FindAllMatches<-}
#' @rdname FindAllMatches
#' @param value
#'\item YES {All the matches within the span are found }
#'\item NO {Only the longest match within the span will be returned}
#' @examples
#' opts <- CMoptions()
#' FindAllMatches(opts) <- 'YES'
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("FindAllMatches", "CMoptions", function(x, value) {
    options_combinations <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "Options_table.rds", package = "Onassis"))
    x@FindAllMatches <- as.character(value)
    x@paramValueIndex <- as.character(as.vector(unique(options_combinations$paramValueIndex[which(options_combinations$SearchStrategy == 
        x@SearchStrategy & options_combinations$CaseMatch == x@CaseMatch & options_combinations$Stemmer == 
        x@Stemmer & options_combinations$Stopwords == x@StopWords & options_combinations$OrderIndependentLookup == 
        x@OrderIndependentLookup & options_combinations$FindAllMatches == x@FindAllMatches & 
        options_combinations$SynonymType == x@SynonymType)])))

#' \code{SynonymType}
#' @rdname SynonymType
#' @description Method to get and set the SynonymType parameter
#' @param x instance of class \code{\link{CMoptions}}
#' @return The SynonymType corresponding to the current options when used as get, the new CMoptions object with updated parameters when used to set.
#' @examples
#' opts <- CMoptions()
#' SynonymType(opts)
#' @export
setMethod("SynonymType", "CMoptions", function(x) {

#' \code{SynonymType<-}
#' @rdname SynonymType
#' @param value
#'\item EXACT_ONLY {Only exact synonyms are considered }
#'\item ALL {All synonym types are included}
#' @examples
#' opts <- CMoptions()
#' SynonymType(opts) <- 'ALL'
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("SynonymType", "CMoptions", function(x, value) {
    options_combinations <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "Options_table.rds", package = "Onassis"))
    x@SynonymType <- as.character(value)
    x@paramValueIndex <- as.character(as.vector(unique(options_combinations$paramValueIndex[which(options_combinations$SearchStrategy == 
        x@SearchStrategy & options_combinations$CaseMatch == x@CaseMatch & options_combinations$Stemmer == 
        x@Stemmer & options_combinations$Stopwords == x@StopWords & options_combinations$OrderIndependentLookup == 
        x@OrderIndependentLookup & options_combinations$FindAllMatches == x@FindAllMatches & 
        options_combinations$SynonymType == x@SynonymType)])))

#' \code{listCMOptions}
#' @description This method retrieves all the possible parameters combinations for Conceptmapper.
#'\item{paramValueIndex}{An integer value to index the 576 parameter combinations}
#'\item{SearchStrategy}{The matching strategy for finding concepts in the input text}
#'\item{CONTIGUOUS_MATCH}{Longets match of contiguous tokens within enclosing span}
#'\item{SKIP_ANY_MATCH}{Longest match of not-necessarily contiguous tokens}
#'\item{SKIP_ANY_MATCH_ALLOW_OVERLAP}{Longest match of not-necessarily contiguous tokens, overlapping matches are allowed}
#'\item{CASE_IGNORE}{Fold everything to lowercase for matching}
#'\item{CASE_INSENSITIVE}{Fold only tokens with initial caps to lowercase}
#'\item{CASE_FOLD_DIGITS}{Fold all (and only) tokens with a digit}
#'\item{CASE_SENSITIVE}{Perform no case folding}
#'\item BIOLEMMATIZER {A stemmer specific for biomedical literature}
#'\item PORTER {A stemmer that removes the commoner morphological and inflexional endings from words in English}
#'\item NONE {No word stemming}
#'\item PUBMED {A list of stop words obtained analyzing Pubmed papers}
#'\item NONE {No stop words }
#'\item ON {Ordering within span is ignored (i.e. 'Breast cancer' would equal 'Cancer breast') }
#'\item OFF {Ordering is taken into consideration}
#'\item YES {All the matches within the span are found }
#'\item NO {Only the longest match within the span will be returned}
#'\item EXACT_ONLY {Only exact synonyms are considered }
#'\item ALL {All synonym types are included}

#' @rdname listCMOptions
#' @return The data frame with all the possible parameter combinations
#' @examples
#' o <- listCMOptions()
#' @export
listCMOptions <- function() {
    options_combinations <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "Options_table.rds", package = "Onassis"))
    options_combinations[, 1:ncol(options_combinations)]

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