summarize: Summarize the object of S4 class 'BetaMixture' or 'PAN'

Description Usage Arguments Details Author(s) References Examples


The function helps print a summary of an object of S4 class BetaMixture or PAN.


summarize(object, what='ALL', ...) 



an object of S4 class BetaMixture or PAN.


a character value specifying what to print (see details).


not in use, only for further extension.


This function print a summary of an object of BetaMixture or PAN. The function is also called by S4 method show, which prints only a short message about the input parameters and data.

For an object of class BetaMixture:

If what='input', the function prints to screen a summary of input parameters; If what='fitNULL', the function prints to screen a summary of fitting results for the NULL distribution. If what='fitBM', the function prints to screen a summary of fitting results for the beta-mixture model. If what='ALL', all above messages will be printed.

For an object of class PAN:

If what='input', the function prints to screen a summary of input object(s) of class BetaMixture; If what='graph', the function prints to screen a summary of inferred posterior association network; If what='module', the function prints to screen a summary of functional gene modules; If what='ALL', all above messages will be printed.


Xin Wang


Xin Wang, Mauro Castro, Klaas W. Mulder and Florian Markowetz, Posterior association networks and enriched functional gene modules inferred from rich phenotypic perturbation screens, in preparation.


summarize(bm1, what='ALL')

Example output

Loading required package: igraph

Attaching package:igraphThe following objects are masked frompackage:stats:

    decompose, spectrum

The following object is masked frompackage:base:


phenotype partition     model    metric 
  273 x 7      None    global    cosine 

-NULL fitting 
           No. of perm       summarize method     permutation method 
                    10                 median                    all 
shape1 (start->fitted) shape2 (start->fitted) 
              4->2.990               4->2.938 

-Beta-Mixture model fitting
                 z (init)            shapes(- init)            shapes(x init) 
                     None        shape1=2, shape2=4 shape1=2.99, shape2=2.990 
           shapes(+ init)                     gamma 
       shape1=4, shape2=2                      None 
--control arguments: 
     fitNULL    tolerance maxIteration 
       FALSE          0.1          Inf 
           shapes(- fitted)            shapes(x fitted) 
shape1=3.031, shape2=11.404  shape1=2.990, shape2=2.938 
           shapes(+ fitted)                 pi (fitted) 
 shape1=8.429, shape2=1.650           0.260,0.491,0.249 

PANR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:15 p.m.