
Defines functions DiffFiltLoss

Documented in DiffFiltLoss

#' Difference in filtering loss
#' @description This function calculates differences in filtering loss due to removing a set of J taxa sequentially.
#' @usage DiffFiltLoss(X, Order_Ind, Plot = TRUE, Taxa_Names = NULL)
#' @param X OTU table, where taxa are columns and samples are rows of the table. It should be a in dataframe format
#' with columns corresponding to taxa names.
#' @param Order_Ind Numeric column order corresponding to taxa importance arrangement.
#' @param Plot A binary TRUE/FALSE value. If TRUE, the function returns plot of sequential differences in filtering loss.
#' @param Taxa_Names Optional taxa labels corresponding to the columns ordering given by Order_Ind.
#' @details This function calculates and plots (if Plot = TRUE) differences in filtering loss sequentially
#' for removing the first j taxa as DFL(j+1) = FL(J_{j+1}) - FL(J_j) for taxa j=1, ..., p.
#' @return
#' \item{DFL}{Differences in filtering loss values.}
#' \item{p_FL}{Plot of the differences in filtering loss.}
#' @references Smirnova, E., Huzurbazar, H., Jafari, F. ``PERFect: permutation  filtration of microbiome data', to be submitted.
#' @author Ekaterina Smirnova
#' @seealso \code{\link{FiltLoss}}
#' @examples
#' data(mock2)
#' # Proportion data matrix
#' Prop <- mock2$Prop
#' # Counts data matrix
#' Counts <- mock2$Counts
#' #arrange counts in order of increasing number of samples taxa are present in
#' NP <- NP_Order(Counts)
#' #obtain numeric column order corresponding to taxa importance arrangment
#' Order_Ind <- match(NP, names(Prop))
#' DFL <- DiffFiltLoss(X=Prop, Order_Ind = Order_Ind, Plot = TRUE, Taxa_Names = NP)
#' #Differences in filtering loss values
#' #Plot of the differences in filtering loss
#' DFL$p_FL
#' @export

DiffFiltLoss <- function(X, Order_Ind, Plot = TRUE, Taxa_Names = NULL) {

  # Check the format of X
  if (!is(X, "matrix")) {
    X <- as.matrix(X)

  # Check the format of Order_Ind
  if (!is(Order_Ind,"integer"))
    stop("Order_Ind argument must be a vector of integer values")

  # Check the format of Plot
  if (!is(Plot,"logical"))
    stop("Plot argument must be a logical value")

  # X - data matrix with taxa in columns and samples in rows
  p <- dim(X)[2]  #total #of taxa
  DFL <- rep(1, p - 1)
  X <- as.matrix(X)
  Netw <- t(X) %*% X

  for (j in seq_len(p - 1)) {
    DFL[j] <- DiffFiltLoss_j(Order_Ind, Netw, j)
  DFL <- DFL / sum(Netw * Netw)

  if (Plot == TRUE)
    # Plot Full Norm reduction
    df <- data.frame(Order_Ind[-1], rep(seq_len(length(DFL))), DFL)
    names(df)[2] <- "x"
    Lab <- seq_len(length(Order_Ind[-1]))
    df <- cbind(Lab, df)

    p_FL <- ggplot(df) + geom_line(aes(x = Lab, y = DFL, group = 1),
                                   colour = "dodgerblue3") +
        panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white"),
        panel.grid.major = element_line(colour = "grey90"),
        axis.text.x  = element_text(
          size = 10,
          colour = "black",
          angle = 90,
          hjust = 1
      ) +
      ggtitle("") + ylab("Differences in Filtering Loss") + xlab("Taxa") +
      xlim(0, max(df$Lab))

  }  #end if Plot = TRUE

  if (!is.null(Taxa_Names)) {
    names(DFL) <- Taxa_Names[-1]

  return(list(DFL = DFL, p_FL = p_FL))

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PERFect documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:43 p.m.