
Defines functions TraditR2 TraditR1 sum_n NCw_Order NC_Order pvals_Order NP_Order sampl_distr Perm_j_s DiffFiltLoss_j

Documented in NC_Order NCw_Order NP_Order pvals_Order TraditR1 TraditR2

#Global variables
utils::globalVariables(c("dsn", "..density..", "Taxa","p_value","Quantiles"))

#Function to calculate j^th DFL loss
DiffFiltLoss_j <- function(Perm_Order,Netw, j){
  J_jp1 <-  Perm_Order[seq_len(j+1)]
  #calculate corresponding norm ratios this is the value of the matrix ||
  DFL <-  (2*t(Netw[J_jp1[max(NROW(J_jp1))],-J_jp1])%*%Netw[J_jp1[max(NROW(J_jp1))],-J_jp1]+
             Netw[J_jp1[max(NROW(J_jp1))], J_jp1[max(NROW(J_jp1))]]^2)

#Randomly permute labels n times for a fixed j
Perm_j_s <- function(j, Netw, k,p, p2 = NULL){
  #Netw = X'X - data matrix with taxa in columns and samples in rows
  #k - number of permutations used
  #create a list of k*p arrangements of orders
  if(is.null(p2)){p2 <- p}
  labl <- lapply(seq_len(k),function(x) NULL)
  labl <- lapply(labl,function(x)  sample(seq_len(p),p2))
  FL_j <- vapply(labl,DiffFiltLoss_j, numeric(1), Netw = Netw, j=j)

#Obtain sampling distribution using permutations of DFL
sampl_distr <- function(X, k){
  p <- dim(X)[2]
  Netw <- t(X)%*%X
  #full_norm <- psych::tr(t(Netw)%*%Netw)#this is full norm value
  full_norm <- sum(Netw*Netw)
  #For each taxon j, create a distribution of its DFL's by permuting the labels
  res_all <- lapply(seq_len(p-1),function(x) x)

  # Calculate the number of cores
  no_cores <- parallel::detectCores()-1
  # Initiate cluster, start parrallel processing
  cl <- parallel::makeCluster(no_cores)
  #load variables for each core
  #parallel apply
  FL_j <- parallel::parLapply(cl, res_all, function(x) Perm_j_s(j = x, Netw = Netw, k = k, p = p, p2 = x + 1))
  #FL_j <- lapply(res_all, function(x) Perm_j_s(j = x, Netw =Netw, k=k, p =p, p2 = x+1))
  # End the parallel processing

  #divide by the full matrix norm values
  res_pres <- lapply(FL_j, function(x) {x/full_norm})

#Compare results of filtering rules

# ResultsComparison <-function(X, Counts,Ab_min = 0.001,rel =FALSE, thresh=5,prop =FALSE,
#                              res_sim, res_perm){
#   #Traditional filtering
#   Filt_R1 <- TraditR1(X=Counts,  rel =rel, thresh=thresh)#if rel = TRUE then use propo of samples > thresh (say 0.05 = 5%)
#   Filt_R2 <- TraditR2(X=Counts,  Ab_min = Ab_min)#prop =FALSE if counts matrix is used
#   #taxa left after traditional rules 1 and 2 applied
#   Trad_R1 <- names(Filt_R1)
#   Trad_R2 <- names(Filt_R2)
#   #taxa left after traditional rules 1 and 2 applied
#   Loss_Trad_R1 <- FL_J(X = X, J = Trad_R1)
#   Loss_Trad_R2 <- FL_J(X = X, J = Trad_R2)
#   #PERFect loss
#   PERFect_sim_taxa <- names(res_sim$filtX)
#   PERFect_perm_taxa <- names(res_perm$filtX)
#   #corresponding filtering loss
#   Loss_PERFect_sim <- FL_J(X = X, J = PERFect_sim_taxa)
#   Loss_PERFect_perm <- FL_J(X = X, J = PERFect_perm_taxa)
#   #table for the paper
#   Res <- cbind(rbind(length(Trad_R1), length(Trad_R2), length(PERFect_sim_taxa), length(PERFect_perm_taxa)),
#                rbind(Loss_Trad_R1, Loss_Trad_R2, Loss_PERFect_sim, Loss_PERFect_perm))
#   colnames(Res) <- c("N_taxa", "FL")
#   rownames(Res) <- c("Trad_R1", "Trad_R2", "PERFect_sim", "PERFect_perm")
#   return(list(Res = Res,  Filt_R1 = Filt_R1, Filt_R2 = Filt_R2, res_sim = res_sim, res_perm = res_perm))
# }

#Order functions
#' Taxa importance ordering by the number of occurrences of the taxa in the n samples
#' @usage NP_Order(Counts)
#' @param Counts OTU COUNTS table, where taxa are columns and samples are rows of the table.
#' It should be a in data frame format with columns corresponding to taxa names.
#' @return NP Taxa names in increasing  order of the number of samples taxa are present in.
#' @references Smirnova, E., Huzurbazar, H., Jafari, F. ``PERFect: permutation  filtration of microbiome data", to be submitted.
#' @author Ekaterina Smirnova
#' @examples
#' data(mock2)
#' # Proportion data matrix
#' Prop <- mock2$Prop
#' # Counts data matrix
#' Counts <- mock2$Counts
#' #arrange counts in order of increasing number of samples taxa are present in
#' NP <- NP_Order(Counts)
#' @export

NP_Order <- function(Counts){
  #arrange counts in order of increasing number of samples taxa are present in
  NP <- names(sort(apply(Counts, 2, Matrix::nnzero)))
#' Taxa importance ordering by PERFect p-values
#' @description This function orders taxa by increasing significance of simultaneous PERFect p-values.
#' @usage pvals_Order(Counts, res_sim)
#' @param Counts OTU COUNTS table, where taxa are columns and samples are rows of the table.
#' It should be a in data frame format with columns corresponding to taxa names.
#' @param res_sim Output of \code{PERFect_sim()} function.
#' @return Order_pvals Taxa names in increasing order of p-values significance.
#' @references Smirnova, E., Huzurbazar, H., Jafari, F. ``PERFect: permutation  filtration of microbiome data", to be submitted.
#' @author Ekaterina Smirnova
#' @seealso \code{\link{PERFect_sim}}, \code{\link{PERFect_perm}}
#' @examples
#' data(mock2)
#' # Proportion data matrix
#' Prop <- mock2$Prop
#' # Counts data matrix
#' Counts <- mock2$Counts
#' # Perform simultaenous filtering of the data
#' res_sim <- PERFect_sim(X=Counts)
#' #order according to p-values
#' pvals_sim <- pvals_Order(Counts, res_sim)
#' @export

pvals_Order <- function(Counts, res_sim){
  vec <- names(res_sim$pvals)
  Order <- c(setdiff(colnames(Counts), vec), vec)
  Order_pvals <- Order[c(1,sort.int(res_sim$pvals, index.return = TRUE, decreasing = TRUE)$ix +1)]

#' Taxa importance ordering by the number of connected taxa
#' @usage NC_Order(Counts)
#' @param Counts OTU COUNTS table, where taxa are columns and samples are rows of the table.
#' It should be a in data frame format with columns corresponding to taxa names.
#' @return NC Taxa names in increasing  order of the number of connected taxa.
#' @references Smirnova, E., Huzurbazar, H., Jafari, F. ``PERFect: permutation  filtration of microbiome data", to be submitted.
#' @author Ekaterina Smirnova
#' @examples
#' data(mock2)
#' # Proportion data matrix
#' Prop <- mock2$Prop
#' # Counts data matrix
#' Counts <- mock2$Counts
#' #arrange counts in order of increasing number of samples taxa are present in
#' NC <- NC_Order(Counts)
#' @export

NC_Order <- function(Counts){
  Counts <- as.matrix(Counts)
  Netw <- t(Counts)%*%Counts
  Netw2 <- Netw
  diag(Netw2) <- 0
  NC_val <- sort(apply(Netw2, 2, Matrix::nnzero), decreasing = FALSE)
  NC <- names(NC_val)

#' Taxa importance ordering by the weighted number of connected taxa
#' @usage NCw_Order(Counts)
#' @param Counts OTU COUNTS table, where taxa are columns and samples are rows of the table.
#' It should be a in data frame format with columns corresponding to taxa names.
#' @return NCW Taxa names in increasing  order of the weighted number of connected taxa.
#' @references Smirnova, E., Huzurbazar, H., Jafari, F. ``PERFect: permutation  filtration of microbiome data", to be submitted.
#' @author Ekaterina Smirnova
#' @examples
#' data(mock2)
#' # Proportion data matrix
#' Prop <- mock2$Prop
#' # Counts data matrix
#' Counts <- mock2$Counts
#' #arrange counts in order of increasing number of samples taxa are present in
#' NCw <- NCw_Order(Counts)
#' @export

NCw_Order <- function(Counts){
  Counts <- as.matrix(Counts)
  #first calculate NC values
  Netw <- t(Counts)%*%Counts
  Netw2 <- Netw
  diag(Netw2) <- 0
  NC_val <- sort(apply(Netw2, 2, Matrix::nnzero), decreasing = FALSE)
  NC <- names(NC_val)
  #then weight by the number of samples taxon is present in
  n <- dim(Counts)[1]
  n_Tilde <- apply(Counts[,NC], 2, Matrix::nnzero)
  NCW_val <- sort((n_Tilde*NC_val)/n, decreasing = FALSE)
  NCW <- names(NCW_val)


# filt_pval <- function(X, pvals, alpha, Order = "NP",   Order.user = NULL, pvals_sim = NULL){
#   #Order columns by importance
#   if(is.null(Order.user)){
#     if(Order == "NP") {Order.vec <- NP_Order(X)}
#     if(Order == "pvals") {Order.vec <- pvals_Order(X, pvals_sim)}
#     if(Order == "NC"){Order.vec <- NC_Order(X)}
#     if(Order == "NCw"){Order.vec <- NCw_Order(X)}
#   } else {
#     Order.vec <- Order.user #user-specified ordering of columns of X
#   }
#   X <- X[,Order.vec]#properly order columns of X
#   #remove all-zero OTU columns
#   nzero.otu <- apply(X, 2, nnzero) != 0
#   X <- X[, nzero.otu]
#   p <- dim(X)[2]
#   Order.vec <- Order.vec[nzero.otu]
#   #select taxa that are kept in the data set at significance level alpha
#   Ind <- which(pvals <=alpha)
#   if (length(Ind !=0)) {Ind <- min(Ind)}
#   else{Ind <- dim(X)[2]-1
#   warning("no taxa are significant at a specified alpha level")}
#   #if jth DFL is significant, then throw away all taxa 1:j
#   filtX <- X[,-(1:Ind)]
#   return(filtX)
# }

sum_n <- function(tot){
  p <- (-1+sqrt(1+8*tot))/2
  idx <- ceiling(cumsum(c(p:1)))
  return(list("p" = p, "idx" = idx))

# Traditional Filtering Rule 1
#' Traditional Filtering Rule 1
#' @description This rule suggests to remove taxa that are mostly absent in all samples.
#' @usage TraditR1(X, thresh =5)
#' @param X OTU COUNTS table, where taxa are columns and samples are rows of the table.
#'   It should be a in data frame format with columns corresponding to taxa names.
#' @param thresh Numerical value, set to 5 by default. Throughout all samples, taxa that are present for less than this
#'  threshold with be removed.
#' @return
#' \item{filtX}{Filtered OTU table}
#' @references Smirnova, E., Huzurbazar, H., Jafari, F. ``PERFect: permutation  filtration of microbiome data.
#' @author Ekaterina Smirnova
#' @examples
#' data(mock2)
#' # Counts data matrix
#' Counts <- mock2$Counts
#' # Filtering
#' Filtered_X <- TraditR1(Counts)
#' @export
TraditR1 <- function(X, thresh=5){
  # Check the format of X
  if (!is(X, "matrix")) {
    X <- as.matrix(X)

  # Check the format of thresh
  if(!is.numeric(thresh)) stop('thresh argument must be a numerical value')

  #Select without setting filtering criteria
  TaxaAll <- colnames(X)
  NNzero <- apply(X, 2, Matrix::nnzero)
  # if(rel == TRUE){
  #   n <- dim(X)[1]
  #   NNzero <- NNzero/n}
  filtX <- X[,NNzero >= thresh]

# Traditional Filtering Rule 2
#' Traditional Filtering Rule 2
#' @description This rule is adopted from Milici et al. (2016) that removes taxa with low abundance level.
#'  Specifically, it keeps taxa with abundance level higher than 0.001\%. Then it further selects taxa that satisfy at least one of the following conditions:
#'  Present in at least one sample at a relative abundance higher than 1\% of the reads of that sample,
#'  present in at least 2\% of samples at a relative abundance higher than 0.1\% for a given sample,
#'  present in at least 5\% of samples at any abundance level.
#' @usage TraditR2(X, Ab_min = 0.001)
#' @param X OTU COUNTS table, where taxa are columns and samples are rows of the table.
#'   It should be a in data frame format with columns corresponding to taxa names.
#' @param Ab_min Numerical value, set to 0.001 by default. Throughout all samples, taxa with abundance less than this
#'  threshold with be removed.
#' @return
#' \item{filtX}{Filtered OTU table}
#' @references Smirnova, E., Huzurbazar, H., Jafari, F. ``PERFect: permutation  filtration of microbiome data.
#' @author Ekaterina Smirnova
#' @examples
#' data(mock2)
#' # Counts data matrix
#' Counts <- mock2$Counts
#' # Filtering
#' Filtered_X <- TraditR2(Counts)
#' @export
TraditR2 <- function(X, Ab_min = 0.001){

  # Check the format of X
  if (!is(X, "matrix")) {
    X <- as.matrix(X)

  # Check the format of Ab_min
  if(!is.numeric(Ab_min)) stop('Ab_min argument must be a numerical value')

  #check if X is a relative abundance matrix
  if(!(all(apply(X, 1, sum) ==1))) {X <- sweep(X, MARGIN=1, apply(X,1,sum), '/')}
  n <- dim(X)[1]
  #Min abundance level is always 0, select max expression of a taxon
  Abund <- apply(X, 2, max)
  Nsamp <- apply(X, 2, Matrix::nnzero)
  Psamp <- Nsamp/n
  #Select only taxa with abundance level > 0.001
  if(is.null(names(Abund))){names(Abund) <- seq_len(Abund)}
  Taxa <- names(Abund[Abund > Ab_min])
  Abund <- Abund[Taxa]
  Nsamp <- Nsamp[Taxa]
  Psamp <- Psamp[Taxa]
  #Check additional conditions
  C1 <- names(Abund[Abund > 0.01 & Nsamp >=1])
  C2 <- names(Abund[Abund > 0.001 & Psamp >=0.02])
  C3 <- names(Abund[Psamp >=0.05])
  Taxa <- unique(c(C1, C2, C3))
  filtX <- X[,Taxa]

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PERFect documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:43 p.m.