
Defines functions .graphToJSON createTestGraph

Documented in createTestGraph

#' simpleDemoGraph
#' @rdname simpleDemoGraph
#' @return a graphNEL with 3 nodes and 3 edges
#' @export
#' @examples
#'   g <- simpleDemoGraph()
simpleDemoGraph <- function ()
  g <- new ('graphNEL', edgemode='directed')

  nodeDataDefaults(g, attr='type') <- 'undefined'
  nodeDataDefaults(g, attr='lfc') <-  1.0
  nodeDataDefaults(g, attr='label') <- 'default node label'
  nodeDataDefaults(g, attr='count') <-  0

  edgeDataDefaults(g, attr='edgeType') <- 'undefined'
  edgeDataDefaults(g, attr='score') <-  0.0
  edgeDataDefaults(g, attr= 'misc') <- "default misc"

  g <- graph::addNode ('A', g)
  g <- graph::addNode ('B', g)
  g <- graph::addNode ('C', g)
  nodeData (g, 'A', 'type') <- 'kinase'
  nodeData (g, 'B', 'type') <- 'transcription factor'
  nodeData (g, 'C', 'type') <- 'glycoprotein'

  nodeData (g, 'A', 'lfc') <- -3.0
  nodeData (g, 'B', 'lfc') <- 0.0
  nodeData (g, 'C', 'lfc') <- 3.0

  nodeData (g, 'A', 'count') <- 2
  nodeData (g, 'B', 'count') <- 30
  nodeData (g, 'C', 'count') <- 100

  nodeData (g, 'A', 'label') <- 'Gene A'
  nodeData (g, 'B', 'label') <- 'Gene B'
  nodeData (g, 'C', 'label') <- 'Gene C'

  g <- graph::addEdge ('A', 'B', g)
  g <- graph::addEdge ('B', 'C', g)
  g <- graph::addEdge ('C', 'A', g)

  edgeData (g, 'A', 'B', 'edgeType') <- 'phosphorylates'
  edgeData (g, 'B', 'C', 'edgeType') <- 'synthetic lethal'

  edgeData (g, 'A', 'B', 'score') <-  35.0
  edgeData (g, 'B', 'C', 'score') <-  -12


} # simpleDemoGraph
#' createTestGraph
#' \code{createTestGraph} With as many nodes and edges as you wish, but neither edge nor node attributes.
#' @rdname createTestGaph
#' @param nodeCount 1 or more
#' @param edgeCount 0 or more
#' @return a graphNEL with \code{nodeCount} nodes and \code{edgeCount} edges
#' @export
#' @examples
#'   g <- createTestGraph(5, 3)
createTestGraph <- function(nodeCount, edgeCount)
   elementCount <- nodeCount^2;
   vec <- rep(0, elementCount)

   vec[sample(1:elementCount, edgeCount)] <- 1
   mtx <- matrix(vec, nrow=nodeCount)

   gam <- graphAM(adjMat=mtx, edgemode="directed")

   g <- as(gam, "graphNEL")
   edgeDataDefaults(g, attr="edgeType") <- "testEdges"
   nodeDataDefaults(g, attr="nodeType") <- "testNodes"


} # createTestGraph
# the basic form
#   network =  {"nodes":[{"data":{"id":"o"},"position":{"x":779.5, "y":500 }}],
#               "edges":[{"data":{"source":"o","target":"o","id":"e1"}}]};
.graphToJSON <- function(g)
   if(length(nodes(g)) == 0)
      return ("{}")

       # allocate more character vectors that we could ever need; unused are deleted at conclusion

    vector.count <- 10 * (length(edgeNames(g)) + length (nodes(g)))
    vec <- vector(mode="character", length=vector.count)
    i <- 1;

    vec[i] <- '{"elements": {"nodes": ['; i <- i + 1;
    nodes <- nodes(g)
    edgeNames <- edgeNames(g)
    edges <- strsplit(edgeNames, "~")  # a list of pairs
    edgeNames <- sub("~", "->", edgeNames)
    names(edges) <- edgeNames

    noa.names <- names(graph::nodeDataDefaults(g))
    eda.names <- names(graph::edgeDataDefaults(g))
    nodeCount <- length(nodes)
    edgeCount <- length(edgeNames)

    for(n in 1:nodeCount){
       node <- nodes[n]
       vec[i] <- '{"data": '; i <- i + 1
       nodeList <- list(id = node)
       this.nodes.data <- graph::nodeData(g, node)[[1]]
       if(length(this.nodes.data) > 0)
          nodeList <- c(nodeList, this.nodes.data)
       nodeList.json <- toJSON(nodeList, auto_unbox=TRUE)
       vec[i] <- nodeList.json; i <- i + 1
       if(all(c("xPos", "yPos") %in% names(graph::nodeDataDefaults(g)))){
          position.markup <- sprintf(', "position": {"x": %f, "y": %f}',
                                     graph::nodeData(g, node, "xPos")[[1]],
                                     graph::nodeData(g, node, "yPos")[[1]])
          vec[i] <- position.markup
          i <- i + 1
        if(n != nodeCount){
           vec [i] <- "},"; i <- i + 1 # sprintf("%s},", x)  # another node coming, add a comma
       } # for n

    vec [i] <- "}]"; i <- i + 1  # close off the last node, the node array ], the nodes element }

    if(edgeCount > 0){
       vec[i] <- ', "edges": [' ; i <- i + 1
       for(e in seq_len(edgeCount)) {
          vec[i] <- '{"data": '; i <- i + 1
          edgeName <- edgeNames[e]
          edge <- edges[[e]]
          sourceNode <- edge[[1]]
          targetNode <- edge[[2]]
          edgeList <- list(id=edgeName, source=sourceNode, target=targetNode)
          this.edges.data <- edgeData(g, sourceNode, targetNode)[[1]]
          if(length(this.edges.data) > 0)
             edgeList <- c(edgeList, this.edges.data)
          edgeList.json <- toJSON(edgeList, auto_unbox=TRUE)
          vec[i] <- edgeList.json; i <- i + 1
          if(e != edgeCount){          # add a comma, ready for the next edge element
             vec [i] <- '},'; i <- i + 1
          } # for e
      vec [i] <- "}]"; i <- i + 1
      } # if edgeCount > 0

   vec [i] <- "}"  # close the edges object
   i <- i + 1;
   vec [i] <- "}"  # close the elements object
   vec.trimmed <- vec [which(vec != "")]
   #printf("%d strings used in constructing json", length(vec.trimmed))
   paste0(vec.trimmed, collapse=" ")

} # .graphToJSON

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RCyjs documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:20 p.m.