
Defines functions .merge_hclust .add.singles hclust_semisupervised

Documented in hclust_semisupervised

#' Semi-supervised hierarchical clustering
#' This function will run a semi-supervised hierarchical clustering, using
#' prior knowledge to initialize clusters, and then unsupervised clustering on 
#' the unlabeled data.
#' @param data a data.frame to be clustered by rows
#' @param groups a list of vectors. If we unlist(groups), all elements must be
#' present in the rownames of data. Each vector in the list will be treated as
#' a separate group for the hierarchical clustering, and rejoined in order at
#' the end.
#' @param dist_method a distance computation method. Must be one of "euclidean", 
#' "maximum", "manhattan", "canberra", "binary", "minkowski", "pearson", "spearman"
#' @param hclust_method an agglomeration method. Should be a method supported by
#' hclust, one of:  "ward.D", "ward.D2", "single", "complete", "average" (= UPGMA), 
#' "mcquitty" (= WPGMA), "median" (= WPGMC) or "centroid" (= UPGMC).
#' @return hclust_semisupervised returns a list. The first element of the list
#' is the data, reordered so that the merged hclust object will work. The second
#' element is the result of the semi-supervised hierarchical clustering.
#' @examples 
#' #--- add  unique labels to 'iris' data
#' rownames(iris) <- paste(iris$Species, formatC(1:nrow(iris), width=3, flag="0"), sep="_")
#' #--- unsupervised clustering
#' hc <- hclust(dist(iris[, -5]))
#' plot(hc, hang=-1, cex=0.5)
#' #--- semi-supervised clustering
#' hc_ssuper <- hclust_semisupervised(data = iris[, -5], 
#'                                    groups = split(rownames(iris), iris$Species))
#' plot(hc_ssuper, hang=-1, cex=0.5)
#' @importFrom stats as.dendrogram dist as.dist as.hclust cor dist hclust
#' @export

hclust_semisupervised <- function(data, groups, dist_method = "euclidean",
                                  hclust_method = "complete") {
    #-- Group checks
    if (!all(unlist(groups) %in% rownames(data))) {
        stop("vectors in `groups` must contain rownames of `data`")
        stop("`groups` can't have elements duplicated within or in different 
    #-- dist_method checks
    alldists <- c("euclidean", "maximum", "manhattan", "canberra", "binary", 
                  "minkowski", "pearson", "spearman")
    if(!(dist_method %in% alldists)){
        stop("'dist_method' must be one of: ", paste(alldists, collapse=", "))
    #-- hclust_method checks
    allhclusts <- c("ward.D", "ward.D2", "single", "complete", "average", 
                  "mcquitty", "median", "centroid")
    if(!(hclust_method %in% allhclusts)) {
      stop("'hclust_method' must be one of: ", paste(allhclusts, collapse=", "))
    #-- Get groups with 1 member
    g_size <- sapply(groups, length)
    if (any(g_size == 1)) {
        s_groups <- unlist(groups[g_size == 1])
        groups <- groups[g_size != 1]
    #-- Make distance matrices
    if (dist_method %in% c("pearson", "spearman", "kendall")) {
        distlist <- lapply(groups, function(group) {
            as.dist(1 - cor(t(data[group,]), method = dist_method, 
    } else {
        distlist <- lapply(groups, function (group) {
            dist(data[group,], method = dist_method)
    #-- Use hclust
    hclist <- lapply(distlist, hclust, method = hclust_method)
      hc <- .merge_hclust(hclist)
    } else {
      hc <- hclist[[1]]
    #-- Join groups with one element
    if(exists("s_groups")) {
          s_hc <- hclust(dist(data[s_groups,]))
          hc <- .merge_hclust(list(hc, s_hc))
        } else {
          hc <- .add.singles(data, hc, s_groups)
    #--- Set data input to hclust order
    # data_reordered <- data[hc$labels,]
    # return(list(data = data_reordered, hclust = hc))
    #--- Set hclust to keep original data order
    dtLabOrder <- rownames(data)
    hcLabOrder <- hc$labels[hc$order]
    hcOut <- hc
    idx <- match(hcLabOrder,dtLabOrder)
    hcOut$order <- match(hcLabOrder,dtLabOrder)
    hcOut$labels <- dtLabOrder
    idsIn <- -as.numeric(hcOut$merge)
    idsOut <- -hcOut$order[match(idsIn,hc$order)]
    idsOut[is.na(idsOut)] <- -idsIn[is.na(idsOut)]
    hcOut$merge[,] <- idsOut
    #--- Check
    #all(hcOut$labels==rownames(data)) #TRUE
.add.singles <- function(data, hc, s_groups){
      s_hc <- hclust(dist(data[s_groups,]))
      hc <- .merge_hclust(list(hc, s_hc))
    } else {
      dd <- as.integer(length(hc$labels)+1)
      hc <- as.hclust(merge(as.dendrogram(hc), dd))
  hc$height <- hc$height/max(hc$height)
.merge_hclust <- function(hclist) {
    if(!is.list(hclist)) {
        stop("`hclist` must be a list.")
    if(!all(sapply(hclist, class) == "hclust")){
        stop("All objects in `hclist` must be `hclust-class`")
    d <- hclist[[1]]
    d$height <- d$height/max(d$height)
    d <- as.dendrogram(d)
    for (i in 2:length(hclist)) {
        dd <- hclist[[i]]
        dd$height <- dd$height/max(dd$height)
        dd$height[is.nan(dd$height)] <- 0
        d <- merge(d, as.dendrogram(dd))
    hc <- as.hclust(d)
    hc$height <- hc$height/max(hc$height)

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RTNsurvival documentation built on Nov. 12, 2020, 2 a.m.