
Defines functions FastqFile

Documented in FastqFile

FastqFile <-
    function(con, ...)
    .ShortReadFile(.FastqFile_g, con, ...)

setMethod(readFastq, "FastqFile",
    function(dirPath, pattern=character(), ...)
    if (length(pattern) != 0)
                      "'pattern' ignored for '%s'",
    callGeneric(path(dirPath), ...)

setMethod(writeFastq, c("ShortReadQ", "FastqFile"),
    function(object, file, mode="w", full=FALSE, compress=TRUE, ...)
    callGeneric(object, path(file), mode=mode, full=full,
                compress=compress, ...)

setMethod(countFastq, "FastqFile",
    function(dirPath, pattern=character(), ...)
    if (length(pattern) != 0)
                      "'pattern' ignored for '%s'",
    countFastq(path(dirPath), ...)

setMethod(FastqFileList, "ANY",
    function(..., class="FastqFile")
    Rsamtools:::.RsamtoolsFileList(..., class=class)

setMethod(FastqFileList, "character",
    function(..., class="FastqFile")
    fls <- lapply(..1, FastqFile)
    FastqFileList(fls, class=class)

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ShortRead documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:02 p.m.