Man pages for StarBioTrek

averageFor TCGA data get human pathway data and creates a matrix...
circleplotPreparation for circle plot
ConvertedIDgenesGet interacting genes inside pathways.
Data_CANCER_normUQ_filpathway data list
dsscorecrtlkFor TCGA data get human pathway data and creates a measure of...
eucdistcrtlkFor TCGA data get human pathway data and creates a measure of...
GE_matrixGet human KEGG pathway data and a gene expression matrix in...
GE_matrix_meanGet human KEGG pathway data and a gene expression matrix in...
GetDataGet general information inside pathways.
getNETdataGet network data from GeneMania.
GetPathDataGet genes inside pathways.
GetPathNetGet interacting genes inside pathways.
GOChordDisplays the relationship between genes and terms.
IPPIMultilayer analysis Cava et al. BMC Genomics 2017
listpathnetGet human KEGG pathway data and the output of list_path_net...
netwnetwork data
netw_IPPInetwork data for IPPI fucntion
normTCGA data with normal samples
pathpathway data list
path_KEGGAll pathways data from KEGG
pathnetGet human KEGG pathway data and creates a network data.
pathwaypathway data
pathway_matrixnetwork data
plotcrosstalkPreparation for plotting cross-talk
score_euc_distaScore Matrix of pairwise pathway using euclidean distance
select_classSelect the class of TCGA data
SelectedSampleSelect the class of TCGA data
StarBioTrekDownload data
stdvFor TCGA data get human pathway data and creates a measure of...
svm_classificationSVM classification for each feature
tumoTCGA data with tumour samples
StarBioTrek documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:02 p.m.