
Defines functions selectModel

#' Model selection for time-base RT prediction using cross validation
#' @param datRTrain a data frame of retention time training set, must include
#' two columns: RT_detected.base and RT_detected.
#' @param k a numeric value specifying the fold number of the cross validation
#' @return a model object based on the best RMSE average on cross validation
#' @examples 
#' libfiles <- paste(system.file("files",package="SwathXtend"),
#'                              c("Lib2.txt","Lib3.txt"),sep="/")
#' datBaseLib <- readLibFile(libfiles[1], clean=TRUE, nomod=FALSE, nomc=FALSE)
#' datExtLib <- readLibFile(libfiles[2], clean=TRUE, nomod=FALSE, nomc=FALSE) 
#' datRTrain <- getRTrain(datBaseLib, datExtLib, nomod=FALSE)
#' bestmodel <- selectModel(datRTrain)

selectModel <- function(datRTrain, k=5){

  candidateModels <- c("lm", "svm")  

  ll = splitData(datRTrain)
  rmses <- matrix(0, nrow=2, ncol=k)  
  f <- as.formula("RT_detected.base ~ RT_detected")
  # best parameters for svm  
  obj <- tune.svm(f, data=datRTrain, kernel="radial",
                  gamma = c(0.001,0.01, 0.1),cost=c(0.1,1,10,20))
  for(jj in 1:2){
    alg <- candidateModels[jj]
    for( ii in 1:length(ll)){
      dtrain = do.call(rbind, ll[-ii])
      dtest = ll[[ii]]        
      if(alg == "lm")
        fit = get(alg)(f, data=dtrain)  
      else {# svm   
        fit = get(alg)(f, data=dtrain, kernel="radial", gamma=obj$best.parameters$gamma, cost=obj$best.parameters$cost)  
      predicted = predict(fit, dtest)
      rmses[jj,ii] <- sqrt(mean((dtest$RT_detected.base - predicted)^2)) 	  
  # average rmse of cross validation  
  rmse.avgs <- apply(rmses, 1, mean)
  # select minum
  model.idx <- which(rmse.avgs == min(rmse.avgs))
  if(candidateModels[model.idx] == "lm")
    bestModel <- lm(f, datRTrain)
    bestModel <- svm(f, datRTrain, kernel="radial", gamma=obj$best.parameters$gamma,

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SwathXtend documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:42 p.m.