Man pages for TPP2D
Detection of ligand-protein interactions from 2D thermal profiles (DLPTP)

annotateDataListAnnotate imported data list using a config table
bootstrapNullBootstrap null distribution of F statistics for FDR...
bootstrapNullAlternativeModelBootstrap null distribution of F statistics for FDR...
competeModelsCompete H0 and H1 models per protein and obtain F statistic
computeFdr-defunctCompute FDR for given F statistics based on true and null...
computeFstatCompute F statistic from H1 and H0 model characteristics
computeFStatFromParamsCompute F statistics from paramter data frame
config_tabExample config table for a import of a simulated 2D-TPP cell...
configWide2LongTranform configuration table from wide to long
filterOutContaminantsFilter out contaminants
findHitsFind hits according to FDR threshold
fitAndEvalDatasetFit H0 and H1 model to 2D thermal profiles of proteins and...
fitH0ModelFit H0 model and evaluate fit statistics
fitH1ModelFit H1 model and evaluate fit statistics
getFDRGet FDR for given F statistics based on true and null dataset
getModelParamsDfGet H0 and H1 model parameters
getPEC504TemperatureGet pEC50 for a protein of interest at a specific...
getPvaluesCompute p-values for given F statistics based on true and...
gg_qqPlot qq-plot of true data and bootstrapped null with ggplot
import2dDatasetImport 2D-TPP dataset using a config table
import2dMainImport 2D-TPP dataset main function
plot2dTppFcHeatmapPlot heatmap of 2D thermal profile fold changes of a protein...
plot2dTppFitPlot H0 or H1 fit of 2D thermal profile intensities of a...
plot2dTppProfilePlot 2D thermal profile intensities of a protein of choice
plot2dTppRelProfilePlot 2D thermal profile ratios of a protein of choice
plot2dTppVolcanoPlot Volcano plot of TPP2D results
raw_dat_listExample raw data for a subset of a simulated 2D-TPP cell...
recomputeSignalFromRatiosRecompute robust signal intensities based on bootstrapped TMT...
renameColumnsRename columns of imported data frame
resolveAmbiguousProteinNamesResolve ambiguous protein names
runTPP2DRun complete TPP2D analysis
simulated_cell_extract_dfExample subset of a simulated 2D-TPP cell extract dataset
TPP2D-defunctDefunct functions in package 'TPP2D'.
tpp2dExperiment-classS4 TPP2D Experiment Class
TPP_importCheckConfigTableImport and chech configuration table
TPP2D documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 4:54 p.m.