
This file describes the 'ex' directory

'ex' is a toy example for the vignette and users to play around with. The samples PCR1, PCR2, and PCR3 are generated using synthetic datasets.

The dataset used in the above examples was obtained from a combination of synthetic sample datasets generated using MiXCR's program here. Firstly, three distinct samples were generated, each simulated with the following parameters in MiXCR:

```{r mixr-test-params, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE, warnings=FALSE, results='asis'} tabl <- " | Parameter | sample 1 | sample 2 | sample 3 | |---------------|---------------|---------------|---------------| | reads | 10000 | 10000 | 10000 | | clones | 5000 | 5000 | 2000 | | seed | 4228 | 2428 | 2842 | | conf | MiSeq-300-300 | MiSeq-300-300 | MiSeq-300-300 | | loci | IGH | IGH | IGH | | species | hsa | hsa | hsa | " cat(tabl)

Following that, an arbitrary number of sequences were randomly
drawn from each of the 3 samples and randomly amplified.
This process was repeated 3 times, resulting in a final repertoire
of 3 samples, named PCR1, PCR2, and PCR3.

Finally, these 3 samples were analyzed by sabseqPy. The command used to
analyze these samples are as follows:

abseq -y params.yml

where the contents of params.yml is:

# params.yml
    bitscore: 300
    sstart: 1-3
    alignlen: 250
    outdir: ex
    task: all
    threads: 1
file1: PCR1.fasta
name: PCR1
file1: PCR2.fasta
name: PCR2
file1: PCR3.fasta
name: PCR3

abseqPy's analysis output on these 3 samples are contained within the dataset described in this vignette.

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

abseqR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:28 p.m.