
Defines functions normalize.ExpressionSet.scaling normalize.ExpressionSet.invariantset normalize.ExpressionSet.qspline normalize.ExpressionSet.contrasts normalize.ExpressionSet.loess normalize.ExpressionSet.quantiles

Documented in normalize.ExpressionSet.contrasts normalize.ExpressionSet.invariantset normalize.ExpressionSet.loess normalize.ExpressionSet.qspline normalize.ExpressionSet.quantiles normalize.ExpressionSet.scaling

## file: normalize.exprSet.R
## aim: normalization routines as applied to
##      exprSets (ie normalize expression values)
## Methods implemented
## quantiles  (quantile normalization)
## loess  (cyclic loess)
## contrasts (contrast loess)
## qspline (quantile spline method)
## invariantset (Similar to method used in dChip)
## Most of this is just wrappers around the approrpiate
## routine from the affy package, just adapted to deal
## with exprSet
## created: Aug 22, 2003
## written by: B. M. Bolstad <bolstad@stat.berkeley.edu>
## History
## Aug 22, 2003 - Initial version
## Aug 23, 2003 - added nomalize.exprSet.scaling
## Aug 25, 2003 - Added parameters to control whether
##                a log/antilog transformation should be applied
##                this is most useful with RMA expression estimate
##                that is usually given in log2 scale
##                note that while normalization is carried
##                out in transformed scale, returned values will be in
##                original scale
## Sep 11, 2003 - Normalize invariantset now allows you to select
##                baseline
## Sep 20, 2003 - Fix problem with transforming in normalize.exprSet.contrasts
## Jan 3, 2007  - add methods for ExpressionSets
## Jan 4, 2007  - remove methods for exprSets

#### Corresponding methods for ExpressionSets

normalize.ExpressionSet.quantiles <- function(eset,transfn=c("none","log","antilog")){
  transfn <- match.arg(transfn)
  col.names <- colnames(exprs(eset))
  row.names <- rownames(exprs(eset))
  if (transfn == "none"){
    exprs(eset) <- normalize.quantiles(exprs(eset))
  } else if (transfn == "antilog"){
    exprs(eset) <- log2(normalize.quantiles(2^exprs(eset)))
  } else {
    exprs(eset) <- 2^(normalize.quantiles(log2(exprs(eset))))
  colnames(exprs(eset)) <- col.names
  rownames(exprs(eset)) <- row.names

normalize.ExpressionSet.loess <- function(eset,transfn=c("none","log","antilog"),...){
  transfn <- match.arg(transfn)

  if (transfn == "none"){
    exprs(eset) <- normalize.loess(exprs(eset),...)
  } else if (transfn == "antilog"){
    exprs(eset) <- log2(normalize.loess(2^exprs(eset),...))
  } else {
    exprs(eset) <- 2^(normalize.loess(log2(exprs(eset)),...))

normalize.ExpressionSet.contrasts <- function(eset, span = 2/3, choose.subset = TRUE, subset.size = 5000, verbose = TRUE, family = "symmetric",transfn=c("none","log","antilog")){

  transfn <- match.arg(transfn)
  col.names <- colnames(exprs(eset))
  row.names <- rownames(exprs(eset))
  alldata <- exprs(eset)

  if (transfn=="antilog"){
    alldata <- 2^(alldata)
  if (transfn=="log"){
    alldata <- log2(alldata)
  if (choose.subset)
    subset1 <- maffy.subset(alldata, verbose = verbose, subset.size = subset.size)$subset
  else subset1 <- sample(1:dim(alldata)[1], subset.size)
  aux <- maffy.normalize(alldata, subset = subset1, verbose = verbose,
                         span = span, family = family)

  if (transfn=="antilog"){
    aux <- log2(aux)

  if (transfn=="log"){
    aux <- 2^(aux)
  exprs(eset) <- aux
  colnames(exprs(eset)) <- col.names
  rownames(exprs(eset)) <- row.names

normalize.ExpressionSet.qspline <- function(eset,transfn=c("none","log","antilog"),...){

  transfn <- match.arg(transfn)
  col.names <- colnames(exprs(eset))
  row.names <- rownames(exprs(eset))
  if (transfn == "none"){
    exprs(eset) <- normalize.qspline(exprs(eset),...)
  } else if (transfn == "antilog"){
     exprs(eset) <- log2(normalize.qspline(2^exprs(eset),...))
  } else {
    exprs(eset) <- 2^(normalize.qspline(log2(exprs(eset)),...))
  colnames(exprs(eset)) <- col.names
  rownames(exprs(eset)) <- row.names

normalize.ExpressionSet.invariantset <- function(eset,prd.td = c(0.003, 0.007), verbose = FALSE,transfn=c("none","log","antilog"),baseline.type=c("mean","median","pseudo-mean","pseudo-median")){
  transfn <- match.arg(transfn)
  baseline.type <- match.arg(baseline.type) 
  nc <- length(sampleNames(eset))

  alldata <- exprs(eset)
  if (transfn == "log"){
    alldata <- log2(alldata)
  if (transfn == "antilog"){
    alldata <- 2^(alldata)

  m  <- vector("numeric", length = nc)
  if (baseline.type == "mean"){
    ## take as a reference the array having the median overall intensity
    m <- vector("numeric", length=nc)
    for (i in 1:nc)
      m[i] <- mean(alldata[,i])
    refindex <- trunc(median(rank(m)))
    baseline.chip <-  c(alldata[, refindex])
    if (verbose) cat("Data from", sampleNames(eset)[refindex], "used as baseline.\n")
  else if (baseline.type == "median"){
    ## take as a reference the array having the median median intensity
    m <- vector("numeric", length=nc)
    for (i in 1:nc)
      m[i] <- median(alldata[, i])
    refindex <- trunc(median(rank(m)))
    baseline.chip <-  c(alldata[, refindex])
    if (verbose) cat("Data from", sampleNames(eset)[refindex], "used as baseline.\n")
  } else if (baseline.type == "pseudo-mean"){
    ## construct a psuedo chip to serve as the baseline by taking probewise means
    refindex <- 0
    baseline.chip <- apply(alldata,1,mean)    
  } else if (baseline.type == "pseudo-median"){
    ## construct a pseudo chip to serve as the baseline by taking probewise medians
    refindex <- 0
    baseline.chip <- apply(alldata,1,median)

  #for (i in 1:nc) m[i] <- mean(alldata[, i])
  #refindex <- trunc(median(rank(m)))
  #if (verbose)
  #  cat("Data from", sampleNames(eset)[refindex], "used as baseline.\n")
  for (i in (1:nc)) {
    if (verbose)
      cat("normalizing array", sampleNames(eset)[i], "...")
    tmp <- normalize.invariantset(alldata[, i],
                                  baseline.chip, prd.td)
    tmp <- as.numeric(approx(tmp$n.curve$y, tmp$n.curve$x,
                             xout = alldata[, i], rule = 2)$y)
    alldata[, i] <- tmp
    if (verbose)

  if (transfn == "log"){
    alldata <- 2^(alldata)

  if (transfn == "antilog"){
    alldata <- log2(alldata)

  exprs(eset) <- alldata

normalize.ExpressionSet.scaling <- function(eset,trim=0.02,baseline=-1,transfn=c("none","log","antilog")){

  transfn <- match.arg(transfn)
  col.names <- colnames(exprs(eset))
  row.names <- rownames(exprs(eset))
  if (transfn == "none"){
    exprs(eset) <- normalize.scaling(exprs(eset),trim,baseline)
  } else if (transfn =="antilog"){
    exprs(eset) <- log2(normalize.scaling(2^exprs(eset)))
  } else {
    exprs(eset) <- 2^(normalize.scaling(log2(exprs(eset))))
  colnames(exprs(eset)) <- col.names
  rownames(exprs(eset)) <- row.names

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