##' An extension of the bigmemory package with added safety, convenience, and a factor class.
##' This package defines a 'BigMatrix' ReferenceClass which adds
##' safety and convenience features to the filebacked.big.matrix class from the
##' bigmemory package. BigMatrix protects against segfaults by monitoring, and
##' gracefully restoring, the connection to on-disk data. It also protects
##' against accidental data modification with a filesystem-based permissions
##' system. BigMatrix provides some optimizations related to attaching to,
##' and indexing into, file-backed matrices with dimnames. Additionally, the package
##' provides a 'BigMatrixFactor' class, a file-backed matrix with factor
##' properties.
##' BigMatrix stores the
##' filesystem path to its on-disk data. When a big.matrix object is saved, e.g. with
##' 'save' the external pointer to the on-disk data becomes 'nil'. Any access
##' to this gMatrix object will
##' gracefully re-attach itself to its on-disk components any time use of the
##' 'nil' pointer is attempted.
##' @docType package
##' @name bigmemoryExtras-package
##' @aliases bigmemoryExtras-package
##' @seealso BigMatrix-class BigMatrixFactor-class BigMatrix BigMatrixFactor filebacked.big.matrix ReferenceClasses
##' @import methods
##' @import bigmemory
### Modifications to big.matrix object from bigmemory to help with saving to and
### restoring from disk and to prevent usage of a nil address
# Initialize can't require args or have side-effects, so can not create on-disk
# elements with initialize. Have to do 'BigMatrix' function (and/or method?) for
# users to initialize
######################## Class BigMatrix ###
##' @exportClass BigMatrix
setClassUnion("characterOrNull", c("character", "NULL"))
BigMatrixGenerator <- setRefClass("BigMatrix", fields = list(.rownames = "characterOrNull",
.colnames = "characterOrNull", .description = "list", .bm = "big.matrix", bigmat = function(value) {
if (missing(value)) {
if (is.nil(.self$.bm@address)) {
} else {
if (is.big.matrix(value)) {
.self$.bm = value
} else {
stop("Replacement value for bigmat must be a big.matrix\n")
}, backingfile = function(value) {
if (missing(value)) {
return(file.path(.self$.description$dirname, .self$.description$filename))
} else {
if (file.exists(value)) {
.self$.description$filename = basename(value)
.self$.description$dirname = dirname(value)
} else {
stop("Specified 'backingfile' does not exist. Please move/copy the file before re-setting 'backingfile'.")
}, description = function(value) {
if (missing(value)) {
} else {
.self$.description = value
methods = list(rownames = function(value) {
if (missing(value)) {
} else {
if (base::length(value) != .self$nrow()) {
stop("Length of rownames must match the number of rows.")
.self$.rownames = value
}, colnames = function(value) {
if (missing(value)) {
} else {
if (base::length(value) != .self$ncol()) {
stop("Length of colnames must match the number of columns.")
.self$.colnames = value
}, dimnames = function(value) {
if (missing(value)) {
if (is.null(.self$.rownames) && is.null(.self$.rownames)) {
} else {
return(list(.self$.rownames, .self$.colnames))
} else {
if (!is.null(value) && base::length(value) != 2) {
stop("dimnames must be set with a list of length 2.")
.self$.rownames = value[[1]]
.self$.colnames = value[[2]]
}, dim = function() {
return(c(.self$description$nrow, .self$description$ncol))
}, nrow = function() {
}, ncol = function() {
}, length = function() {
return(.self$description$nrow * .self$description$ncol)
}, attach = function(force = FALSE) {
if (force == FALSE && !all(vapply(.self, class, character(1)) %in% c("refMethodDef",
"activeBindingFunction"))) {
# All data in private (dot prefix) member variables not seen by *apply or ls
stop("Attempting to attach an older type of BigMatrix. Please use the updateBigMatrix function first.")
if (force == FALSE && !is.nil(.self$.bm@address)) {
message("Already attached to on-disk data. To re-attach, use force=TRUE.\n")
} else {
message("Attaching to on-disk data: ", .self$backingfile, "...\n")
if (!file.exists(backingfile)) {
stop("Backing file ", backingfile, " does not exist.")
if (file.access(.self$backingfile, 4) != 0) {
stop("Can not attach to descriptor file without read permissions.")
desc = new("big.matrix.descriptor", description = .self$description)
.self$.bm = attach.big.matrix(desc)
}, error = function(e) {
stop("Failed to attach big.matrix on disk component.\n")
}, getValues = function(i, j, drop = TRUE, withDimnames = TRUE) {
object = .self$bigmat
if (!missing(i) && is.character(i)) {
i = match(i, .self$.rownames)
if (!missing(j) && is.character(j)) {
j = match(j, .self$.colnames)
if (missing(i)) {
if (missing(j)) {
x = object[, , drop = drop]
} else {
x = object[, j, drop = drop]
} else {
if (missing(j)) {
x = object[i, , drop = drop]
} else {
x = object[i, j, drop = drop]
if (withDimnames == TRUE && base::length(x) > 1) {
if (is.matrix(x)) {
if (!is.null(.self$rownames()) && !is.null(.self$colnames())) {
if (missing(i)) {
i =, .self$nrow())
if (missing(j)) {
j =, .self$ncol())
dimnames(x) = list(.self$.rownames[i], .self$.colnames[j])
} else {
if (missing(i) && !is.null(.self$rownames())) {
names(x) = .self$.rownames
if (missing(j) && !is.null(.self$colnames())) {
names(x) = .self$.colnames
}, setValues = function(i, j, value) {
object = .self$bigmat
if (!missing(i) && is.character(i)) {
i = match(i, .self$.rownames)
if (!missing(j) && is.character(j)) {
j = match(j, .self$.colnames)
if (missing(i)) {
if (missing(j)) {
object[, ] <- value
} else {
object[, j] <- value
} else {
if (missing(j)) {
object[i, ] <- value
} else {
object[i, j] <- value
}, save = function(rdsfile) {
saveRDS(.self, rdsfile)
}, show = function() {
message(class(.self), "\nbackingfile: ", .self$backingfile, "\n", "dim: ", paste(.self$dim(),
collapse = ", "))
if (!is.null(.self$rownames())) {
message("rownames: ", paste(head(.self$rownames()), collapse = ", "), " ...")
} else {
message("rownames: NULL")
if (!is.null(.self$colnames())) {
message("colnames: ", paste(head(.self$colnames()), collapse = ", "), " ...")
} else {
message("colnames: NULL")
if (is.nil(.self$.bm@address)) {
message("Object is not currently attached to on-disk data.\n")
} else {
message("Object is currently attached to on-disk data.\n")
setValidity("BigMatrix", function(object) {
if (!file.exists(object$backingfile)) {
return("Backingfile does not exist")
if (file.access(object$backingfile, 4) < 0) {
return("Backingfile is not readable")
## Maintain Generic Function and Method illusion for certain matrix API functions
## No logic other than passing to the right R5 method
##' @exportMethod '['
setMethod("[", signature(x = "BigMatrix"), function(x, i, j, ..., drop = TRUE) {
return(x$getValues(i, j, ..., drop = drop))
##' @exportMethod '[<-'
setMethod("[<-", signature(x = "BigMatrix", i = "ANY", j = "ANY", value = "ANY"),
function(x, i, j, value) {
x$setValues(i, j, value)
##' @exportMethod dimnames
setMethod("dimnames", signature(x = "BigMatrix"), function(x) {
##' @exportMethod 'dimnames<-'
setMethod("dimnames<-", signature(x = "BigMatrix", value = "ANY"), function(x, value) {
##' @exportMethod nrow
setMethod("nrow", signature(x = "BigMatrix"), function(x) {
##' @exportMethod ncol
setMethod("ncol", signature(x = "BigMatrix"), function(x) {
##' @exportMethod dim
setMethod("dim", signature(x = "BigMatrix"), function(x) {
##' @exportMethod length
setMethod("length", signature(x = "BigMatrix"), function(x) {
##' @exportMethod as.matrix
setMethod("as.matrix", signature(x = "BigMatrix"), function(x) {
return(x[, ])
setAs("BigMatrix", "matrix", function(from) {
return(from[, ])
##' @exportMethod apply
setMethod("apply", signature(X = "BigMatrix"), function(X, MARGIN, FUN, ...) {
if (!require("biganalytics", quietly = TRUE)) {
stop("Failed to require 'biganalytics'\n.")
biganalytics::apply(X$bigmat, MARGIN, FUN, ...)
##' Create a new BigMatrix-derived class
##' Create a new BigMatrix-derived class
##' @param x NULL, matrix, or big.matrix. Optional data or big.matrix for new BigMatrix
##' @param class character, class name. BigMatrix or BigMatrixFactor currently.
##' @param backingfile character, full path to the file that will contain the data matrix
##' @param nrow integer, number of rows in the matrix we are about to create
##' @param ncol integer, number of columns in the matrix we are about to create
##' @param dimnames list, list(rownames,colnames), as for a typical matrix
##' @param type character, can be double, integer, or char
##' @param ... other args to pass to 'new' method of generator object, like levels
##' @return BigMatrix
##' @keywords internal
##' @rdname initBigMatrix
.initBigMatrix = function(x = NULL, class = c("BigMatrix", "BigMatrixFactor"), backingfile,
nrow, ncol, dimnames = NULL, type = "double", ...) {
class = match.arg(class)
backingpath = dirname(backingfile)
dir.create(backingpath, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
backingpath = normalizePath(backingpath)
descriptorfile = paste(backingfile, ".desc", sep = "")
if (is.matrix(x)) {
if (is.null(dimnames)) {
dimnames = dimnames(x)
dimnames(x) = NULL
new.matrix = as.big.matrix(x, backingpath = backingpath, descriptorfile = basename(descriptorfile),
backingfile = basename(backingfile))
} else if (is.big.matrix(x)) {
if (is.nil(x@address)) {
x = attach.big.matrix(descriptorfile)
}, error = function(e) {
stop("Failed to attach big.matrix on disk component.\n")
new.matrix = x
} else if (is.null(x) || (is.numeric(x) && length(x) == 1)) {
new.matrix = filebacked.big.matrix(init = x, nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, type = type,
backingfile = basename(backingfile), descriptorfile = basename(descriptorfile),
backingpath = normalizePath(backingpath), dimnames = NULL)
} else {
stop("Argument x must be a scalar numeric, matrix, or big.matrix.\n")
unlink(file.path(backingpath, descriptorfile)) # Delete bigmemory version of desc file until they stop using dput/dget
description = describe(new.matrix)@description # description method is not exported and it just does this anyway
bm = getRefClass(class)$new(.bm = new.matrix, .description = description,
.rownames = dimnames[[1]], .colnames = dimnames[[2]], ...)
##' Create a new BigMatrix
##' Create a new BigMatrix
##' @param x scalar numeric, NULL, matrix, or big.matrix. Optional data or big.matrix for new BigMatrix. A scalar numeric can be used to initalize the whole matrix. NULL gives the bigmemory feature of initializing to all zeros instantly.
##' @param backingfile character, full path to the file that will contain the data matrix
##' @param nrow integer, number of rows in the matrix we are about to create
##' @param ncol integer, number of columns in the matrix we are about to create
##' @param dimnames list, list(rownames,colnames), as for a typical matrix
##' @param type character type of big.matrix (double, integer, char)
##' @return BigMatrix
##' @examples
##' dnames = dimnames=list(letters[1:3],LETTERS[1:3])
##' x = matrix(1:9,ncol=3,dimnames=dnames)
##' ds = BigMatrix(x,tempfile())
##' @export
BigMatrix <- function(x = NA_real_, backingfile, nrow, ncol, dimnames = NULL, type = "double") {
bm = .initBigMatrix(x = x, class = "BigMatrix", backingfile = backingfile, nrow = nrow,
ncol = ncol, dimnames = dimnames, type = type)
##' Update previous BigMatrix type to new BigMatrix
##' BigMatrix has changed some of its internal storage to eliminate the descriptor file and to keep the dimnames on the R side. This function will take a
##' Version <= 1.3 type and update it to the Version >= 1.4 type.
##' @param object BigMatrix
##' @export
##' @return BigMatrix
updateBigMatrix <- function(object) {
if ("descpath" %in% ls(object)) {
path = object$descpath
desc = readRDS(path)
}, error = function(e) {
stop(sprintf("Failed to read descriptor file when updating BigMatrix.\n%s\n", e))
desc.list = desc@description
dimnames = list(desc.list$rowNames, desc.list$colNames)
desc.list$rowNames = desc.list$colNames = NULL
new.desc = new("big.matrix.descriptor", description = desc.list)
bm = attach.resource(new.desc)
backingfile = file.path(dirname(object$descpath), desc.list$filename)
} else {
dimnames = list(object$.rownames, object$.colnames)
backingfile = object$backingfile
object$attach(force = TRUE)
bm = object$bigmat
if (class(object) == "BigMatrixFactor") {
bigmat = .initBigMatrix(x = bm, class = "BigMatrixFactor", backingfile = backingfile,
dimnames = dimnames, .levels = object$levels)
} else {
bigmat = BigMatrix(x = bm, backingfile = backingfile, dimnames = dimnames)
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