
Defines functions BigMatrixFactor

Documented in BigMatrixFactor

############################## Class BigMatrixFactor ###
##' @exportClass BigMatrixFactor
BigMatrixFactorGenerator <- setRefClass("BigMatrixFactor", contains = "BigMatrix",
    fields = list(levels = function(value) {
        if (missing(value)) {
        } else {
            stop("BigMatrixFactor levels are read-only.")
    }, .levels = "character"), methods = list(getValues = function(i, j, drop = TRUE) {
        mat = callSuper(i, j, drop = TRUE)
        att.list = attributes(mat)
        if (is.matrix(mat)) {
            att.list = c(att.list, list(class = c("matrix", "factor"), levels = .self$levels))
        } else {
            att.list = c(att.list, list(class = c("factor"), levels = .self$levels))
        attributes(mat) = att.list  # This is the second time we set dimnames, so that could be improved.
    }, setValues = function(i, j, value) {
        if (!is.character(value)) {
            value = as.character(value)
        value = match(value, .self$levels)
        callSuper(i, j, value)
    }, nlevels = function() {
    }, show = function() {
        message("Levels:", paste(.self$levels, collapse = " "), "\n")

##' Create a new BigMatrixFactor
##' Create a new BigMatrixFactor
##' @param x scalar or matrix to be treated as character.
##' @param backingfile character, full path to the file that will contain the data matrix
##' @param nrow integer, number of rows in the matrix we are about to create
##' @param ncol integer, number of columns in the matrix we are about to create
##' @param dimnames list, list(rownames,colnames), as for a typical matrix
##' @param levels character, as for a typical factor
##' @return BigMatrixFactor
##' @examples
##' dnames = dimnames=list(letters[1:3],LETTERS[1:3])
##' levels=c('AA','AB','BB')
##' x = matrix( sample( levels, 9, replace=TRUE), ncol=3, dimnames=dnames)
##' ds = BigMatrixFactor(x,tempfile(),levels=levels)
##' ds = BigMatrixFactor(backingfile=tempfile(),nrow=3,ncol=3,dimnames=dnames,levels=levels)
##' @export
BigMatrixFactor <- function(x = NA_character_, backingfile, nrow, ncol, dimnames = NULL,
    levels) {
    if (!(is.matrix(x) || length(x) == 1)) {
        stop("Initial value for BigMatrixFactor must be a matrix or of length 1.")
    if (missing(levels) && is.character(x)) {
        levels = sort(unique(as.vector(x)))
    if (length(levels) > 127) {
        type = "integer"
    } else {
        type = "char"
    att.list = attributes(x)
    if (!is.character(x)) {
        x = as.character(x)
    x = match(x, levels)
    attributes(x) = att.list
    bm = .initBigMatrix(x = x, class = "BigMatrixFactor", backingfile = backingfile,
        nrow = nrow, ncol = ncol, dimnames = dimnames, .levels = levels, type = type)

## Maintain Generic Function and Method illusion for certain matrix API functions
## No logic other than passing to the right R5 method
##' @exportMethod levels
setMethod("levels", signature = signature(x = "BigMatrixFactor"), function(x) {

##' @exportMethod 'levels<-'
setMethod("levels<-", signature = signature(x = "BigMatrixFactor"), function(x) {
    stop("Levels are read-only.")

##' @exportMethod nlevels
setMethod("nlevels", signature = signature(x = "BigMatrixFactor"), function(x) {

setAs("BigMatrixFactor", "matrix", function(from) {
    return(from[, ])

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bigmemoryExtras documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:17 p.m.