
Defines functions .checkFigure .checkColorMaps .checkDimensions .checkExcludeEigenfeatures .checkPrefix .checkContrast .checkColorID .checkEigenfeatureAxes .transformMatrix .transformObject colorIdFeatures excludeEigenfeatures apply entropy fractions featurecorrelations assaycorrelations eigenfeatures eigenexpressions eigenassays featureMatrix assayMatrix signMatrix matrix

Documented in apply assaycorrelations assayMatrix colorIdFeatures eigenassays eigenexpressions eigenfeatures entropy excludeEigenfeatures featurecorrelations featureMatrix fractions matrix signMatrix

### =========================================================================
### Eigensystem class methods 
### =========================================================================

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Getters

##' @export
matrix <- function(x) slot(x, "matrix") 
##' @export
signMatrix <- function(x) slot(x, "signMatrix") 
##' @export
assayMatrix <- function(x) slot(x, "assayMatrix") 
##' @export
featureMatrix <- function(x) slot(x, "featureMatrix") 
##' @export
eigenassays <- function(x) slot(x, "eigenassays") 
##' @export
eigenexpressions <- function(x) slot(x, "eigenexpressions") 
##' @export
eigenfeatures <- function(x) slot(x, "eigenfeatures") 
##' @export
assaycorrelations <- function(x) slot(x, "assaycorrelations") 
##' @export
featurecorrelations <- function(x) slot(x, "featurecorrelations") 
##' @export
fractions <- function(x) slot(x, "fractions") 
##' @export
entropy <- function(x) slot(x, "entropy") 
##' @export
apply <- function(x) slot(x, "apply") 
##' @export
excludeEigenfeatures <- function(x) slot(x, "excludeEigenfeatures") 
##' @export
colorIdFeatures <- function(x) slot(x, "colorIdFeatures") 

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Setters

"matrix<-" <- function(x, value) 
  slot(x, "matrix") <- value
"signMatrix<-" <- function(x, value) 
  slot(x, "signMatrix") <- value
"assayMatrix<-" <- function(x, value) 
  slot(x, "assayMatrix") <- value
"featureMatrix<-" <- function(x, value) 
  slot(x, "featureMatrix") <- value
"eigenassays<-" <- function(x, value) 
  slot(x, "eigenassays") <- value
"eigenexpressions<-" <- function(x, value) 
  slot(x, "eigenexpressions") <- value
"eigenfeatures<-" <- function(x, value) 
  slot(x, "eigenfeatures") <- value
"assaycorrelations<-" <- function(x, value) 
  slot(x, "assaycorrelations") <- value
"featurecorrelations<-" <- function(x, value) 
  slot(x, "featurecorrelations") <- value
"fractions<-" <- function(x, value) 
  slot(x, "fractions") <- value
"entropy<-" <- function(x, value) 
  slot(x, "entropy") <- value
"apply<-" <- function(x, value) 
  slot(x, "apply") <- value
"excludeEigenfeatures<-" <- function(x, value) 
  slot(x, "excludeEigenfeatures") <- value
"colorIdFeatures<-" <- function(x, value) 
  slot(x, "colorIdFeatures") <- value

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Show

setMethod(show, "Eigensystem",
            cat("class:", class(object), "\n")
            slots <- c("matrix", "signMatrix", "assayMatrix", "featureMatrix",
                       "eigenassays", "eigenexpressions", "eigenfeatures",
                       "assaycorrelations", "featurecorrelations", "fractions", "entropy",
                       "apply", "excludeEigenfeatures", "colorIdFeatures")
            for (i in slots) {
              elt <- slot(object, i)
              if (class(elt) %in% "matrix")
              	cat(i,": dimensions = ",dim(elt),"\n")
              else if (class(elt) %in% c("numeric","character","factor"))
              	cat(i,": ",elt,"\n")

### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### Helper functions

##' Transforms object input
##' Transforms object input
##' @title Transforms object input
##' @param object 
##' @return List with assay.matrix, feature.matrix, and matrix
##' @author Anneleen Daemen \email{daemen.anneleen@@gene.com}, Matthew Brauer \email{brauer.matthew@@gene.com}
.transformObject <- function(object) {

  assay.matrix <- feature.matrix <- matrix <- NULL
  if ("Eigensystem" %in% class(object)) {
    assay.matrix <- assayMatrix(object)
    feature.matrix <- featureMatrix(object)
    matrix <- matrix(object)
  } else if ("ExpressionSet" %in% class(object)) {
    assay.matrix <- as.matrix(pData(object))
    feature.matrix <- as.matrix(fData(object))
    matrix <- exprs(object)
  } else if (is.matrix(object)) {
    matrix <- object
  } else if (is.data.frame(object)) {
    matrix <- as.matrix(object)
  } else {
    stop("Input data needs to be of class matrix, data frame, ExpressionSet or eigensystem")
  if (any(is.na(matrix))) {
    stop("Data matrix contains missing values")
  return(list(assay.matrix, feature.matrix, matrix))

##' Transforms matrix
##' Transforms matrix to its variance in case apply equals variance
##' @title Transforms matrix
##' @param matrix
##' @param apply
##' @return matrix
##' @author Anneleen Daemen \email{daemen.anneleen@@gene.com}, Matthew Brauer \email{brauer.matthew@@gene.com}
.transformMatrix <- function(matrix, apply) {
  if (apply=="variance") {
    matrix[which(matrix==0)] <- 1e-10
    matrix <- log(matrix^2)

##' range check for eigenfeature axes
##' Checks that a vector of integers is between 1 and max number of eigenfeatures (inclusive) 
##' @title Checks validity of the eigenfeature xaxis and yaxis
##' @param eigensystem
##' @param axes
##' @author Anneleen Daemen \email{daemen.anneleen@@gene.com}, Matthew Brauer \email{brauer.matthew@@gene.com}
.checkEigenfeatureAxes <- function(eigensystem, axes) {
  neigenfeatures <- dim(eigenfeatures(eigensystem))[1]

  axesI <- as.integer(axes)
  if(any(axesI < 1) | any(axesI > neigenfeatures) | any(axes != axesI) | any(is.na(axesI))) 
    stop("Axes must be integers ranging between 1 and the total number of eigenfeatures inclusive")

##' Checks validity of color ID for assays or features
##' Checks validity of color ID for assays or features
##' @title Checks validity of color ID for assays or features
##' @param color.id
##' @param eigensystem
##' @param ids
##' @return color.id
##' @author Anneleen Daemen \email{daemen.anneleen@@gene.com}, Matthew Brauer \email{brauer.matthew@@gene.com}
.checkColorID <- function(color.id, eigensystem, ids=c("assays","features")) {
  ids <- match.arg(ids)
  if (ids=="assays") {
    direction <- "columns"
    eset <- "pheno"
    nbElements <- ncol(matrix(eigensystem))
    matrix <- assayMatrix(eigensystem)
  } else if (ids=="features") {
    direction <- "rows"
    eset <- "feature"
    nbElements <- nrow(matrix(eigensystem))
    matrix <- featureMatrix(eigensystem)
  if (is.character(color.id) && length(color.id)==1) {
    if (!any(colnames(matrix)==color.id)) {
      stop(paste0("Color ID for the ",ids," does not match one of the variables in the ",eset," data of the original ExpressionSet data"))
    color.id <- factor(matrix[,color.id])
  } else if (is.character(color.id)) {
    stop("Only one variable should be given for the color IDs")
  } else if (class(color.id) %in% c("numeric","factor") && length(color.id) != nbElements) {
    stop(paste0("Color IDs for the ",ids," do not match the number of ",direction," in the input data"))
  } else if (!class(color.id) %in% c("numeric","factor")) {
    stop(paste0("Color IDs for the ",ids," should be a vector of integers or a factor variable from the ",eset," data of the original ExpressionSet data"))


##' Checks validity of contrast
##' Checks validity of contrast
##' @title Checks validity of contrast
##' @param contrast
##' @author Anneleen Daemen \email{daemen.anneleen@@gene.com}, Matthew Brauer \email{brauer.matthew@@gene.com}
.checkContrast <- function(contrast) {
  if (!is.numeric(contrast)) {
    stop("The contrast for heatmap visualization should be a positive integer")
  } else if (length(contrast)>1) {
    stop("Only one positive integer should be provided for the contrast for heatmap visualization")
  } else if (length(contrast)==1 && contrast < 0) {
    stop("The contrast for heatmap visualization should be a positive integer")
  } else {

##' Checks validity of prefix
##' Checks validity of prefix
##' @title Checks validity of prefix
##' @param prefix
##' @author Anneleen Daemen \email{daemen.anneleen@@gene.com}, Matthew Brauer \email{brauer.matthew@@gene.com}
.checkPrefix <- function(prefix) {
  if (!is.character(prefix)) {
    stop("The prefix for the plot and html file names should be a character")
  } else if (length(prefix)>1) {
    stop("Only one string should be provided for the prefix for the plot and html file names")
  } else {

##' Checks validity of eigenfeatures for exclusion
##' Checks validity of eigenfeatures for exclusion
##' @title Checks validity of eigenfeatures for exclusion
##' @param exclude.eigenfeatures
##' @param eigensystem object of class eigensystem
##' @author Anneleen Daemen \email{daemen.anneleen@@gene.com}, Matthew Brauer \email{brauer.matthew@@gene.com}
.checkExcludeEigenfeatures <- function(excludeEigenfeatures, eigensystem) {

  if (is.numeric(excludeEigenfeatures) && min(excludeEigenfeatures)<0) {
    stop("ExcludeEigenfeatures should be a vector of positive integers")
  } else if (is.numeric(excludeEigenfeatures) && min(excludeEigenfeatures)==0 && length(excludeEigenfeatures)>1) {
    stop("ExcludeEigenfeatures should be 0 when no eigenfeatures need to be excluded or a vector of positive integers ranging from 1 to the number of eigenfeatures in the eigensystem")
  } else if (is.numeric(excludeEigenfeatures) && max(excludeEigenfeatures)>ncol(matrix(eigensystem))) {
    stop("ExcludeEigenfeatures should be a vector of integers ranging from 1 to the number of eigenfeatures in the eigensystem")
  } else if (is.numeric(excludeEigenfeatures) && length(excludeEigenfeatures)>ncol(matrix(eigensystem))) {
    stop("ExcludeEigenfeatures should be a vector of maximum length equal to the number of eigenfeatures in the eigensystem")

##' Checks dimensions of provided eigensystem and eigensystemPlotParam objects
##' Checks dimensions of provided eigensystem and eigensystemPlotParam objects
##' @title Checks dimensions of provided eigensystem and eigensystemPlotParam objects
##' @param eigensystem object of class Eigensystem
##' @param eigensystemPlotParams object of class EigensystemPlotParam
##' @author Anneleen Daemen \email{daemen.anneleen@@gene.com}, Matthew Brauer \email{brauer.matthew@@gene.com}
.checkDimensions <- function(eigensystem, eigensystemPlotParams) {
  nassays <- ncol(matrix(eigensystem))
  nfeatures <- nrow(matrix(eigensystem))
  whichAssays <- whichAssays(eigensystemPlotParams)
  whichFeatures <- whichFeatures(eigensystemPlotParams)
  whichEigenassays <- whichEigenassays(eigensystemPlotParams)
  whichEigenfeatures <- whichEigenfeatures(eigensystemPlotParams)
  if(length(whichFeatures) == 0) {
    whichFeatures <- seq(1, nfeatures) 
  if(length(whichEigenfeatures) == 0) {
    whichEigenFeatures <- seq(1, nfeatures)
  if(length(whichAssays) == 0) {
    whichAssays <- seq(1, nassays)
  if(length(whichEigenassays) == 0) {
    whichEigenAssays <- seq(1, nassays)
  if(length(whichFeatures) > nfeatures | length(whichEigenfeatures) > nfeatures |
     length(whichAssays) > nassays | length(whichEigenassays) > nassays) {
    stop("[EigensystemPlotParam: validation] too many features or assays being requested for plot.")
  } else {
    list(nassays=nassays, nfeatures=nfeatures,
         whichFeatures=whichFeatures, whichEigenfeatures=whichEigenfeatures,
         whichAssays=whichAssays, whichEigenassays=whichEigenassays,

##' Checks validity of provided color map
##' Checks validity of provided color map
##' @title Checks validity of provided color map for assays and features
##' @param eigensystem object of class Eigensystem
##' @param eigensystemPlotParams object of class EigensystemPlotParam
##' @author Anneleen Daemen \email{daemen.anneleen@@gene.com}, Matthew Brauer \email{brauer.matthew@@gene.com}
.checkColorMaps <- function(eigensystem, eigensystemPlotParams) {
  # check or generate assayColorMap
  assayColorMap <- assayColorMap(eigensystemPlotParams)
  variables <- as.list(names(assayColorMap))
  assay.color.map <- lapply(variables,
                            function(variable) {
                              if(!variable %in% colnames(assayMatrix(eigensystem))) {
                                stop(paste("Color map defined for assay annotation that does not exist:",variable))
                              if(all(is.na(assayColorMap[[variable]]))) {
                                # create color map
                                assay.levels <- levels(as.factor(assayMatrix(eigensystem)[,variable]))
                                assay.colors <- rainbow(length(assay.levels))
                                names(assay.colors) <- assay.levels
                              } else { 
                                if(!any(names(assayColorMap[[variable]])  %in% assayMatrix(eigensystem)[,variable])) {
                                  stop(paste("Color map defined for assay annotations that do not exist:",
                                             names(assayColorMap[[variable]][!names(assayColorMap[[variable]])  %in% assayMatrix(eigensystem)[,variable]])))
                                } else {
  names(assay.color.map) <- variables

  # check or generate featureColorMap
  featureColorMap <- featureColorMap(eigensystemPlotParams)
  variables <- as.list(names(featureColorMap))
  feature.color.map <- lapply(variables,
                              function(variable) {
                                if(!variable %in% colnames(featureMatrix(eigensystem))) {
                                  stop(paste("Color map defined for feature annotation that does not exist:",variable))
                                if(all(is.na(featureColorMap[[variable]]))) {
                                  feature.levels <- levels(as.factor(featureMatrix(eigensystem)[,variable]))
                                  feature.colors <- rainbow(length(feature.levels))
                                  names(feature.colors) <- feature.levels
                                } else { 
                                  if(!any(names(featureColorMap[[variable]])  %in% featureMatrix(eigensystem)[,variable])) {
                                    stop(paste("Color map defined for feature annotations that do not exist:",
                                               names(featureColorMap[[variable]][!names(featureColorMap[[variable]])  %in% featureMatrix(eigensystem)[,variable]])))
                                  } else {
  names(feature.color.map) <- variables
  list(assayColorMap=assay.color.map, featureColorMap=feature.color.map)

##' Checks validity of figure
##' Checks validity of figure
##' @title Checks validity of figure
##' @param figure
##' @author Anneleen Daemen \email{daemen.anneleen@@gene.com}, Matthew Brauer \email{brauer.matthew@@gene.com}
.checkFigure <- function(figure) { 
  if (!is.logical(figure)) {
    stop("Variable figure should be a boolean (TRUE or FALSE) indicating whether figures should be shown or saved as pdf")
  } else {

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