
# Functions for analysis of bead level data. 
# Author: Vojtech Kulvait
# Licence: GPL-3

readToVector <-function
###Internal function supporting doTTests function.
##title<<Support doTTests function.
(what,##<<Item to read.
from,##<<From index.
length,##<<Length of vector.
    if(from>length | from < 1)
        probe = what[from, "ProbeID"]
        x = what[from, quality]
        i = from + 1;
        while(i <= length && what[i, "ProbeID"]==probe)
            x = c(x, what[i, quality])
            i = i + 1;

doTTests <- structure(function
###This function does t-tests on the data provided by the object beadLevelData from package beadarray.
##title<<T-test for bead (detector) level data.
(b,##<<List of beadLevelData objects (or single object).
c1,##<<List of logical vectors of data to assign to the first group (or single vector).
c2,##<<List of logical vectors of data to assign to the second group (or single vector).
quality="qua",##<<Quality to analyze, default is "qua".
channelInclude="bgf",##<<This field allows user to set channel with weights which have to be  {0,1}. 
##All zero weighted items are excluded from t-test. 
##You can turn this off by setting this NULL. This option may be used together with bacgroundCorrect method or/and with beadarray QC (defaults to "bgf").
correction="BY",##<<Multiple testing adjustment method as defined by p.adjust function, default is "BY".
transformation=NULL##<<Function of input data trasformation, default is NULL. Any function which for input value returns transformed value may be supplied. T-test then will be evaluated on transformed data, consider use log2TransformPositive.
    waslist = checkIntegrity(b, "error")
        b = list(b)
    checkIntegrityLogical(c1, b, "error");
    checkIntegrityLogical(c2, b, "error");
    channelExistsIntegrityWithLogicalVectorList(b, c1, quality, "error")
    channelExistsIntegrityWithLogicalVectorList(b, c2, quality, "error")
        channelExistsIntegrityWithLogicalVectorList(b, c1, channelInclude, "error")
        channelExistsIntegrityWithLogicalVectorList(b, c2, channelInclude, "error")
    a1 = matrix(0,0,2)
    a2 = matrix(0,0,2)
    for(i in 1:length(b))
        for(j in 1:nrow(b[[i]]))
                    a1 = rbind(a1, b[[i]][[j]][,c("ProbeID", quality)])
                    a2 = rbind(a2, b[[i]][[j]][,c("ProbeID", quality)])
                    a1 = rbind(a1, b[[i]][[j]][b[[i]][[j]][,channelInclude]==1,c("ProbeID", quality)])
                    a2 = rbind(a2, b[[i]][[j]][b[[i]][[j]][,channelInclude]==1,c("ProbeID", quality)])
    s1=sort(a1[,"ProbeID"], index.return=TRUE)$ix
    s2=sort(a2[,"ProbeID"], index.return=TRUE)$ix
    a1 = a1[s1,]
    a2 = a2[s2,]
        a1[,quality] = sapply(a1[,quality], transformation)
        a2[,quality] = sapply(a2[,quality], transformation)
    probeIDs = unique(c(a1[,"ProbeID"],a2[,"ProbeID"]))
    results = matrix(0,length(probeIDs), 5)
    colnames(results) <- c("ProbeID", "p", "adjustedp", "mean1", "mean2")
    resultIndex = 1
    po1 = 1
    po2 = 1
    while(po1 <= length1 && po2 <= length2)
        probe1 = a1[po1, "ProbeID"]
        probe2 = a2[po2, "ProbeID"]
        if(probe1 == probe2)
            v1 = readToVector(a1, po1, length1, quality)
            v2 = readToVector(a2, po2, length2, quality)
            results[resultIndex, 1] = probe1;
            if(length(v1)==1 | length(v2)==1)
                results[resultIndex, 2] = 1;
                results[resultIndex, 2] = t.test(v1, v2, alternative="two.sided")$p.value
            results[resultIndex, 4] = mean(v1)
            results[resultIndex, 5] = mean(v2)
            po1 = po1 + length(v1)
            po2 = po2 + length(v2)
        }else if(probe1 < probe2)
            results[resultIndex, 1] = probe1;
            results[resultIndex, 2] = 100;
            po1 = getNextVector(a1, po1, length1);
        }else if(probe1 > probe2)
            results[resultIndex, 1] = probe2;
            results[resultIndex, 2] = 100;
            po2 = getNextVector(a2, po2, length2);
        resultIndex = resultIndex + 1;
    while(po1 <= length1)
        probe1 = a1[po1,"ProbeID"]
        results[resultIndex, 1] = probe1;
        results[resultIndex, 2] = 100;
        po1 = getNextVector(a1, po1, length1);
        resultIndex = resultIndex + 1;
    while(po2 <= length2)
        probe2 = a2[po2,"ProbeID"]
        results[resultIndex, 1] = probe2;
        results[resultIndex, 2] = 100;
        po2 = getNextVector(a2, po2, length2);
        resultIndex = resultIndex + 1;
    results[,3] = p.adjust(results[, 2], method=correction)
}, ex=function()
    if(require("blimaTestingData") && require("illuminaHumanv4.db") && interactive())
        #To perform background correction, variance stabilization and  quantile normalization then test on probe level, bead level and print top 10 results.
        #Prepare logical vectors corresponding to conditions A(groups1Mod), E(groups2Mod) and both(processingMod).
        groups1 = "A";
        groups2 = "E";
        sampleNames = list()
        groups1Mod = list()
        groups2Mod = list()
        processingMod = list()
        for(i in 1:length(blimatesting))
            p = pData(blimatesting[[i]]@experimentData$phenoData)
            groups1Mod[[i]] = p$Group %in% groups1;
            groups2Mod[[i]] = p$Group %in% groups2;
            processingMod[[i]] = p$Group %in% c(groups1, groups2);
            sampleNames[[i]] = p$Name
        #Background correction and quantile normalization followed by testing including log2TransformPositive transformation.
        blimatesting = bacgroundCorrect(blimatesting, normalizationMod =processingMod, channelBackgroundFilter="bgf")
        blimatesting = nonPositiveCorrect(blimatesting, normalizationMod=processingMod, channelCorrect="GrnF",  channelBackgroundFilter="bgf", channelAndVector="bgf")
        blimatesting = varianceBeadStabilise(blimatesting, normalizationMod = processingMod, 
                quality="GrnF", channelInclude="bgf", channelOutput="vst")
        blimatesting = quantileNormalize(blimatesting, normalizationMod = processingMod, 
                channelNormalize="vst", channelOutput="qua", channelInclude="bgf")
        beadTest = doTTests(blimatesting, groups1Mod, groups2Mod, "qua", "bgf")
        probeTest = doProbeTTests(blimatesting, groups1Mod, groups2Mod, "qua", "bgf")
        adrToSymbol <- merge(toTable(illuminaHumanv4ARRAYADDRESS), toTable(illuminaHumanv4SYMBOLREANNOTATED))
        adrToSymbol <- adrToSymbol[,c("ArrayAddress", "SymbolReannotated") ]
        colnames(adrToSymbol) <- c("Array_Address_Id", "Symbol")
        probeTestID = probeTest[,"ProbeID"]
        beadTestID = beadTest[,"ProbeID"]
        probeTestFC = abs(probeTest[,"mean1"]-probeTest[,"mean2"])
        beadTestFC = abs(beadTest[,"mean1"]-beadTest[,"mean2"])
        probeTestP = probeTest[,"adjustedp"]
        beadTestP = beadTest[,"adjustedp"]
        probeTestMeasure = (1-probeTestP)*probeTestFC
        beadTestMeasure = (1-beadTestP)*beadTestFC
        probeTest = cbind(probeTestID, probeTestMeasure)
        beadTest = cbind(beadTestID, beadTestMeasure)
        colnames(probeTest) <- c("ArrayAddressID", "difexPL")
        colnames(beadTest) <- c("ArrayAddressID", "difexBL")
        tocmp <- merge(probeTest, beadTest)
        tocmp = merge(tocmp, adrToSymbol, by.x="ArrayAddressID", by.y="Array_Address_Id")
        tocmp = tocmp[, c("ArrayAddressID", "Symbol", "difexPL", "difexBL")]
        sortPL = sort(-tocmp[,"difexPL"], index.return=TRUE)$ix
        sortBL = sort(-tocmp[,"difexBL"], index.return=TRUE)$ix
        beadTop10 = tocmp[sortBL[1:10],]
        probeTop10 = tocmp[sortPL[1:10],]
        print("To run this example, please install blimaTestingData package from bioconductor by running BiocManager::install('blimaTestingData') and illuminaHumanv4.db by running BiocManager::install('illuminaHumanv4.db').");

getNextVector <- function
###Internal function supporting probe and beadl level testing.
##title<<Support probe and beadl level testing.
(what,##<<Two column sorted matrix with probe values. 
from, ##<<Index to start on
    if(from>length | from < 1)
        probe = what[from, "ProbeID"]
        i = from + 1;
        while(i <= length && what[i, "ProbeID"]==probe)
            i = i + 1;

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blima documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:15 p.m.