
context('Test peak assignment functions')

# Test no assigned peaks

test_that('No peaks assigned', {

	ldef_file = system.file('extdata', 'test_ldef_symbol.txt', package = 'chipenrich')
	peak_file = system.file('extdata', 'test.broadPeak', package = 'chipenrich')

	peaks = suppressWarnings(read_bed(peak_file))
	ldef_list = setup_locusdef(ldef_file, genome = 'hg19')

	expect_error(assign_peaks(peaks, ldef_list$ldef, ldef_list$tss), 'Intersection between peak midpoints and locus definition is empty')
	expect_error(assign_peak_segments(peaks, ldef_list$ldef), 'Intersection between peaks and locus definition is empty')

# Test human locus definitions

# Load the required data for the test
hg19_ldefs = grep('locusdef.hg19', data(package = 'chipenrich.data')$results[,3], value=T)
data(list = hg19_ldefs, package = 'chipenrich.data')
tss = get(data('tss.hg19', package = 'chipenrich.data'))

file = system.file('extdata', 'test_assign.bed', package = 'chipenrich')
peaks = suppressMessages(read_bed(file))

# Expected values for peak assignments
expected_genes = list(
	'locusdef.hg19.10kb' = c(100287102),
	'locusdef.hg19.10kb_outside' = c(641702),
	'locusdef.hg19.10kb_outside_upstream' = c(641702),
	'locusdef.hg19.1kb' = c(100287102),
	'locusdef.hg19.1kb_outside' = c(100287102, 641702),
	'locusdef.hg19.1kb_outside_upstream' = c(100287102, 641702),
	'locusdef.hg19.5kb' = c(100287102),
	'locusdef.hg19.5kb_outside' = c(641702),
	'locusdef.hg19.5kb_outside_upstream' = c(641702),
	'locusdef.hg19.exon' = c(100287102),
	'locusdef.hg19.intron' = c(100287102),
	'locusdef.hg19.nearest_gene' = c(100287102, 641702),
	'locusdef.hg19.nearest_tss' = c(100287102, 641702)

# Do the tests in a loop for each locus definition of hg19
for(ldef in hg19_ldefs) {
	test_assign = assign_peaks(peaks = peaks, locusdef = get(ldef), tss = tss)

	expect_true(base::setequal(test_assign$gene_id, expected_genes[[ldef]]),
		info = sprintf('Test assign_peaks(): %s', ldef))

expected_overlaps = list(
	'locusdef.hg19.10kb' = c(500,100,100,80),
	'locusdef.hg19.10kb_outside' = c(921),
	'locusdef.hg19.10kb_outside_upstream' = c(921),
	'locusdef.hg19.1kb' = c(127,100,100),
	'locusdef.hg19.1kb_outside' = c(374,1000),
	'locusdef.hg19.1kb_outside_upstream' = c(374,1000),
	'locusdef.hg19.5kb' = c(500,100,100),
	'locusdef.hg19.5kb_outside' = c(1000,1000),
	'locusdef.hg19.5kb_outside_upstream' = c(1000,1000),
	'locusdef.hg19.exon' = c(100),
	'locusdef.hg19.intron' = c(100),
	'locusdef.hg19.nearest_gene' = c(500,100,100,1000),
	'locusdef.hg19.nearest_tss' = c(500,100,100,1000)

# Do the tests in a loop for each locus definition of hg19
for(ldef in hg19_ldefs) {
	test_assign = assign_peak_segments(peaks = peaks, locusdef = get(ldef))

	expect_true(all(test_assign$peak_overlap == expected_overlaps[[ldef]]),
		info = sprintf('Test assign_peak_segments(): %s', ldef))

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chipenrich documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:11 p.m.