
Defines functions getRegexPattern

Documented in getRegexPattern

#' @title Convert IUPAC sequence to an regular expression
#' @description The function getRegexPattern() converts a nucleotide sequence
#' with IUPAC codes to an regular expression.
#' @param iupacSeq A character string with IUPAC codes.
#' @param isDNA A logical specifying whether the iupacSeq is DNA or RNA.
#' Deafult value is FALSE.
#' @return A character string.
#' @examples
#' regextPattern <- getRegexPattern("CGUKMBVNN", isDNA = FALSE)
#' @importFrom utils data
#' @export
getRegexPattern <- function(iupacSeq, isDNA = FALSE) {
    # Convert the sequence to UPPER CASE
    iupacSeq <- toupper(iupacSeq)

    if (isDNA) {
        col <- paste0("regex", "DNA")
    } else{
        col <- paste0("regex", "RNA")

    # get IUPAC code and the corresponding regular expressions
    iupac <- NULL
    data("iupac", package= "circRNAprofiler", envir = environment())
    mt <-
        match(base::strsplit(iupacSeq, "")[[1]], iupac$code)
    regexPattern <- paste(iupac[mt, col], collapse = "")


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circRNAprofiler documentation built on March 6, 2021, 2 a.m.