#' @import data.table
#' @importClassesFrom Biobase AnnotatedDataFrame
#' @importFrom Biobase AnnotatedDataFrame
#' @importFrom Biobase pData
.enrichment <- function(contable, pvalueCutoff, pAdjustMethod, padjCutoff) {
rows <- names(contable)
top_rows <- rows[grep("top|gt", rows)]
all <- contable$all
all.sum <- sum(all) <- lapply(top_rows, function(row) {
top <- unname(unlist(contable[,..row]))
top.sum <- sum(top)
sc <- top.sum / all.sum
scaled_top <- top + 1
scaled_all <- all * sc + 1
ct <- contable[, c("category", "all", row), with = FALSE]
pvals <-
apply(ct[,c("all", row), with = FALSE], 1, function(x) {
if (top.sum != 0)
binom.test(x[2], top.sum, x[1]/all.sum)$p.value
else 1
padj <- p.adjust(pvals, method = pAdjustMethod)
ct[, ':='(enrich = (scaled_top - scaled_all) / scaled_all * 100,
M = log2(scaled_top) - log2(scaled_all),
A = (log2(scaled_all) + log2(scaled_top)) / 2,
pvals = pvals,
padj = padj)]
if(length(pvalueCutoff) != 0) ct <- ct[pvals <= pvalueCutoff,]
if(length(padjCutoff) != 0) ct <- ct[padj <= padjCutoff,]
df <- data.frame(labelDescription = names(ct))
AnnotatedDataFrame(data = ct, varMetadata = df)
names( <- top_rows
#' Enrichment analysis for codon usage (CU) data.
#' Performs enrichment analysis, given a contongency table of codon counts.
#' p values are calculated by binomial test, adjustment for multiple testing
#' can be performed by any of the \code{p.adjust.methods}.
#' @param x A \code{crossTab} object
#' @param pvalueCutoff Numeric, discard categories with p value below this
#' threshold. By default, no threshold is set (\code{numeric()}).
#' @param pAdjustMethod Character, one of the \code{p.adjust.methods}.
#' @param padjCutoff Numeric, discard categories with adjusted p value below
#' this threshold. By default, no threshold is set (\code{numeric()}).
#' @return An \code{AnnotatedDataFrame} object, or a list of those; data in
#' each object has category values in rows, and the following columns:
#' \itemize{
#' \item category, a character vector of annotation categories
#' \item all, a numeric vector of integers, coresponding to sequence
#' counts for each annotation category, in the background gene set
#' (universe).
#' \item a numeric vector(s) of integers, coresponding to sequence counts
#' for each annotation category, in the set of genes for which
#' enrichment is calculated, i.e. the predefined subset of (usually
#' highly expressed) genes in the universe (named for the
#' corresponding `crossTab` column).
#' \item enrichment, calculated as the ratio: (scaled sample counts -
#' scaled backg. counts) / scaled backg. counts * 100,
#' where scaling means that sample counts are simply increased by 1,
#' and background counts are multiplied by ratio of summed sample
#' counts and summed backgroun counts, and also increased by 1
#' \item M, log ratios of scaled counts
#' \item A, mean average of scaled counts
#' \item pvals, p values for exact binomial test
#' \item padj, p values corrected by BH method.
#' }
#' @examples
#' require(Biobase)
#' # create contingency table
#' s <- getKO(HD59)
#' v <- as.numeric(MELP(HD59, ribosomal = TRUE))
#' ct <- crossTab(s, v)
#' # enrichment analysis
#' enr <- enrichment(ct)
#' enr # for help, see `?Biobase::AnnotatedDataFrame`
#' head(pData(enr))
#' enr <- enrichment(ct, pAdjustMethod = "holm")
#' head(pData(enr))
#' enr <- enrichment(ct, pvalueCutoff = 0.05)
#' head(pData(enr))
#' enr <- enrichment(ct, padjCutoff = 0.05)
#' head(pData(enr))
#' @rdname enrichment
#' @export
name = "enrichment",
def = function(x,
pvalueCutoff = numeric(),
pAdjustMethod = "BH",
padjCutoff = numeric())
#' @rdname enrichment
f = "enrichment",
signature = "crossTab",
definition = function(x, pvalueCutoff, pAdjustMethod, padjCutoff){
enl <- .enrichment(x@table, pvalueCutoff, pAdjustMethod, padjCutoff)
if (length(enl) == 1) enl[[1]]
else enl
.makemat <- function(x, variable, {
out <- lapply(seq_along(x), function(y){
DT <-[[y]][, c("category", variable)]))
setnames(DT, variable, names(x)[y])
dt <- Reduce(function(...) merge(..., all = TRUE), out)
if ( {
if (is.logical( = 0
for (j in seq_len(ncol(dt)))
set(dt, which([[j]])), j,
dm <- data.matrix(dt[,-1])
rownames(dm) <- unname(unlist(dt[,1]))
#' Extract chosen enrichment values to a matrix.
#' Extract enrichment values from multiple samples, i.e.
#' \code{AnnotatedDataFrame} objects. Note that the samples should contain
#' annotations of the same type (i.e. the same ontology). The data in matrix
#' format can be easily used in different types of downstream analyses,
#' such as GAGE, and visualised, e.g. using a heatmap.
#' @param x A named list of \code{AnnotatedDataFrame} objects.
#' @param variable Character, indicating the statistic values to extract from
#' \code{AnnotatedDataFrame} objects in x, must be one of
#' \code{c("enrich","M","A")}.
#' @param logical, whether to replace NA values in the output.
#' If `TRUE` (default), NAs will be replaced by 0. Alternatively,
#' if numueric, NAs will be replaced by that given value.
#' @return \code{matrix} with sequences' annotations as rows, and variable
#' values for different samples as columns.
#' @examples
#' require(Biobase)
#' # create contingency table
#' s <- getKO(LD94)
#' v <- as.numeric(MELP(LD94, ribosomal = TRUE))
#' ct <- crossTab(s, v, percentiles = 0.2)
#' # enrichment analysis
#' enr <- enrichment(ct)
#' enr # for help, see `?Biobase::AnnotatedDataFrame`
#' head(pData(enr$top_0.2), 10)
#' head(pData(enr$gt_1), 10)
#' enrm <- enrichMatrix(enr, "M")
#' head(enrm)
#' @rdname enrichMatrix
#' @export
name = "enrichMatrix",
def = function(x, variable, = TRUE){
#' @rdname enrichMatrix
f = "enrichMatrix",
signature = c(x = "list"),
definition = function(x, variable,{
# if nested list, unlist elements which are lists
nl <- lapply(x, class) == "list"
if (any(nl)) {
x <- unlist(x[nl], recursive = FALSE)
x <- c(x, x[!nl])
# AnnotatedDataFrame class
if (!(all(vapply(x, class,
character(length = 1)) == "AnnotatedDataFrame")))
stop("x should be a (nested) list of AnnotatedDataFrame objects!")
.makemat(x, variable,
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