
Defines functions .valid.bcg .valid.colour .valid.outline_by .valid.colour_by .valid.matchObjects.plotPixels .valid.matchObjects.plotCells .valid.image .valid.mask .valid.sce .valid.Channel.setting .valid.Image.setting .valid.loadImage.input

#' @importFrom tools file_ext
.valid.loadImage.input <- function(x, pattern){

    # Check if input is character
        stop("Please provide a string input indicating a single file\n",
            ", a path or a vector of files.")

    # Further checks depending on length of object
    if(length(x) == 1){

            stop("The provided file or path does not exist.\n",
            "Make sure the file or path is accessible\n",
            "from the current location.")


        if(dir.exists(x) && is.null(pattern)){

            # Check if path only contains images
            exten <- file_ext(list.files(x))

            if(sum(!(unique(exten) %in% c("jpeg", "png", "tiff",
                                            "tif", "jpg"))) > 0){
                stop("The provided path contains file-types other than\n",
                    "'jpeg', 'tiff', or 'png'.\n",
                    "Please provide a correct regular expression\n",
                    "in the 'pattern' argument to select correct images.")

            message("All files in the provided location will be read in.")
            out <- list.files(x, full.names = TRUE)

        } else if (dir.exists(x) && !is.null(pattern)) {
            # Check pattern
            if (!is.character(pattern) && !is.factor(pattern)) {
                stop("Please provide a single character,\n",
                        "character vector or factor as pattern input.")

            out <- list.files(x, full.names = TRUE)

            # Since more than regular expressions can be given to pattern,
            # we need to perform selection manually
            if(length(pattern) == 1){
                out <- out[grepl(pattern, out)]
            } else {
                # Build pattern for grep function
                pattern <- unique(pattern)

                out <- out[grepl(paste(pattern, collapse = "|"), out)]

            # Check if any of the files contain the pattern
            if(length(out) == 0){
                stop("The pattern does not match any\n",
                    "of the files in the provided directory.")

            # Check if all of the files are of the supported format
            exten <- file_ext(out)

            if(sum(!(unique(exten) %in% c("jpeg", "png", "tiff",
                                        "tif", "jpg"))) > 0){
                stop("The provided path contains file-types other than\n",
                    "'jpeg', 'tiff', or 'png'.\n",
                    "Please provide a correct regular expression\n",
                    "in the 'pattern' argument to select correct images.")

        } else {
            cur_ext <- file_ext(x)
            if(!(cur_ext %in% c("jpeg", "png", "tiff", "tif", "jpg"))){
                stop("The provided file is not of type\n",
                    "'jpeg', 'tiff' or 'png'.\n",
                    "Other image types are not supported.")
            out <- x
    } else {
        # Check if files exists
        cur_check <- file.exists(x)
        if(sum(!cur_check) > 0){
            stop("One or multiple files do not exist.\n",
                "Please correct the input.")

        # Check if files are os supported format
        exten <- file_ext(x)
        cur_test <- unique(exten) %in% c("jpeg", "png", "tiff", "tif", "jpg")
        if(sum(!cur_test) > 0){
            stop("The files are of type other than 'jpeg', 'tiff' or 'png'.\n",
                "Please only provide files of the supported file-type.")

        out <- x


# Function to check if CytoImageList elements can be correctly replaced
#' @importFrom methods is
.valid.Image.setting <- function(x, i, value){
    # Check if value is Image or CytoImageList
    if(!is.null(value) && !(is(value, "Image") ||
        is(value, "CytoImageList"))){
        stop("Invalid replacement operation: \n",
            "Only 'Image' or 'CytoImageList' objects allowed.")

    # If i is not character, both x and value need to be named,
    # or both x and value need to be unnamed
    error <- c()
                if(is(value, "CytoImageList") && !is.null(names(value))){
                    error <- paste("Cannot merge named and",
                                    "unnamed CytoImageList object.")
            } else {
                if(is(value, "Image")){
                    error <- "Cannot set Image object to named CytoImageList."
                } else if(is.null(names(value))){
                    error <- paste("Cannot merge named and",
                                    "unnamed CytoImageList object.")
        } else if (is.character(i)) {
                error <- paste("'i' is of type character. \n",
                "This setting is only allowed for named CytoImageList objects.")

    if(length(error > 0L)){
        stop("Invalid replacement operation: \n",

# Check if channels can be replaced
#' @importFrom methods is
.valid.Channel.setting <- function(x, i, value){
    # Only CytoImageList objects are supported
    if(!is.null(value) && !is(value, "CytoImageList")){
        stop("Invalid replacement operation: \n",
            "Only 'CytoImageList' objects allowed.\n",
            "To alter Image objects, see ?Image.")

    # Check if replacement has the same length
    if(!is.null(value) && length(x) != length(value)){
        stop("Invalid replacement operation: \n",
            "Replacement needs to have same length as 'x'.")

    # Check if names of x and value match
    if(!is.null(value) && !is.null(names(x)) && !is.null(names(value))){
        if(!identical(names(x), names(value))){
            stop("Invalid replacement operation: \n",
            "Names of 'x' and 'value' do not match.")

    # Check if number of channels is same as length(i)
    if(!is.null(value) && length(i) != numberOfFrames(value[[1]])){
        stop("Invalid replacement operation: \n",
            "Number of replacement channels is not the same as \n",
            "number of channels to replace.")

    # Check if channelNames are set if is.character(i)
    if(is.character(i) && is.null(channelNames(x))){
        stop("Invalid replacement operation: \n",
            "Trying to set a named channel in an unnamed CytoImageList.")

# Check sce validity
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment assayNames
.valid.sce <- function(object, img_id, cell_id, exprs_values){
    if(!is(object, "SingleCellExperiment")){
        stop("'object' is not of type 'SingleCellExperiment'.")

    if(is.null(img_id) || is.null(cell_id)){
        stop("Please provide an 'img_id' and 'cell_id' argument")

    if(!is.character(img_id) || length(img_id) > 1 ||
        !is.character(cell_id) || length(cell_id) > 1){
        stop("Invalid argument for 'img_id' and/or 'cell_id'.")

        stop("Please store the image- and cell-level metadata\n",
                "in the 'colData' slot of 'object'.")

    if(!(img_id %in% colnames(colData(object))) ||
        !(cell_id %in% colnames(colData(object)))){
        stop("'img_id' and/or 'cell_id' not in 'colData(object)'.")

    if(!all(colData(object)[,cell_id] == floor(colData(object)[,cell_id]))){
        stop("Cell ids should only contain integer values.")

    if(!is.null(exprs_values) && !(exprs_values %in% assayNames(object))){
        stop("'exprs_values' not an assay entry in 'object'.")

# Check mask valididty
#' @importFrom EBImage numberOfFrames
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols
.valid.mask <- function(mask, img_id){
    if(!is(mask, "CytoImageList")){
        stop("Please provide the segmentation mask(s)\n",
                "in form of a 'CytoImageList' object")

    # Check number of channels in mask
    if(!all(unlist(lapply(mask, numberOfFrames)) == 1L)){
        stop("Segmentation masks must only contain one channel.")

    # Check if masks only contain integers
    cur_out <- lapply(mask, function(x){all(x == floor(x))})
        stop("Segmentation masks must only contain integer values.")

    # Check if img_id exists in elementMetadata
    if(!is.null(img_id) && !(img_id %in% colnames(mcols(mask)))){
        stop("'img_id' not in 'mcols(mask)'.")

    # Check if img_id contain unique entries
    l_unique <- length(unique(mcols(mask)[,img_id]))
    l_all <- length(mcols(mask)[,img_id])
    if(l_unique < l_all){
        stop("Entries to in the 'mcols(mask)[,img_id]' slot are not unique.")

# Check image valididty
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols
.valid.image <- function(image, img_id){
    if(!is(image, "CytoImageList")){
        stop("Please provide the image(s) in form of a 'CytoImageList' object")

    # Check if Image_id exists in elementMetadata
    if(!is.null(img_id) && !(img_id %in% colnames(mcols(image)))){
        stop("'img_id' not in 'mcols(image)'.")

    # Check if img_id contain unique entries
    l_unique <- length(unique(mcols(image)[,img_id]))
    l_all <- length(mcols(image)[,img_id])
    if(l_unique < l_all){
        stop("Entries to in the 'mcols(image)[,img_id]' slot are not unique.")

# Check if entries in objects are matching
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols
.valid.matchObjects.plotCells <- function(object, mask, img_id){
    # Check if image ids match
    sce_images <- unique(colData(object)[,img_id])
    mask_images <- mcols(mask)[,img_id]
    if(all(!(mask_images %in% sce_images))){
        stop("None of the images appear in 'object'.\n",
            "Please make sure to set the image ids correctly.")

#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols
.valid.matchObjects.plotPixels <- function(object, mask, image, img_id){
            stop("'img_id' is missing.")
        image_images <- mcols(image)[,img_id]
        mask_images <- mcols(mask)[,img_id]
        if(!identical(mask_images, image_images)){
            stop("Mask and image ids must be identical.")

        image_dims <- unlist(lapply(image, function(x){dim(x)[c(1,2)]}))
        mask_dims <- unlist(lapply(mask, function(x){dim(x)[c(1,2)]}))
        if(!identical(as.numeric(image_dims), as.numeric(mask_dims))){
            stop("Mask and image entries must have the same dimensions.")

            stop("'img_id' is missing.")
        image_images <- mcols(image)[,img_id]
        sce_images <- unique(colData(object)[,img_id])
        if(all(!(sce_images %in% image_images))){
            stop("Image ids in 'mcols(image)' and",
                    " 'colData(object)' do not match")

#' @importFrom S4Vectors isEmpty
.valid.colour_by <- function(colour_by, object, image,
        call.arg = c("plotCells", "plotPixels")){
    call.arg <- match.arg(call.arg)

    if (call.arg == "plotCells"){
        # colour_by takes either the rownames or colData entries
        # check if colour_by is either in the rownames
        # or in the colData slot
        # Check if all colour_by entries are in either
        # the rownames or colData slot
            stop("Please provide a SingleCellExperiment 'object'.")

        if(is.null(colData(object)) || isEmpty(colData(object))){
            if(!all(colour_by %in% rownames(object))){
                stop(paste("'colour_by' not in 'rownames(object)'",
                            "or the 'colData(object)' slot."))
        } else {
            if(sum(colour_by %in% rownames(object)) > 0L &&
                sum(colour_by %in% colnames(colData(object))) > 0L){
                stop("'colour_by' entries found in 'rownames(object)'\n",
                    "and 'colData(object)' slot.\n",
                    "Please select either rownames or colData entries.")
            if(!all(colour_by %in% rownames(object)) &&
                !all(colour_by %in% colnames(colData(object)))){
                stop(paste("'colour_by' not in 'rownames(object)'",
                            "or the 'colData(object)' slot."))
            if(all(colour_by %in% colnames(colData(object))) &&
                length(colour_by) > 1L){
                stop(paste("Only one 'colour_by' entry allowed",
                            "when selecting a 'colData(object)' slot."))
            if(all(colour_by %in% rownames(object)) && length(colour_by) > 6L){
                stop(paste("Only six 'colour_by' entries",
                            "allowed when selecting marker expression."))

    if (call.arg == "plotPixels"){
        # Here, colour_by takes only the channelNames entries
        # check if colour_by is the channelNames slot
            stop("'channelNames(image)' not set.")
        if(!all(colour_by %in% channelNames(image))){
            stop("'colour_by' not in 'channelNames(image)' slot.")
        if(length(colour_by) > 6L){
            stop("Only six 'colour_by' entries allowed.")

#' @importFrom S4Vectors isEmpty
.valid.outline_by <- function(outline_by, object, mask, image){
    # outline_by only takes entries from the colData slot
    # Check if all outline_by entries are in the colData slot
    if(!is.null(image) && (is.null(object) || is.null(mask))){
        stop("Outlining cells: provide a SingleCellExperiment 'object' \n",
            "and segmentation 'mask' object.")

        stop("Please provide a SingleCellExperiment 'object'.")

    if(length(outline_by) > 1L){
        stop("Only one 'outline_by' entry allowed.")

    if(is.null(colData(object)) || isEmpty(colData(object))){
        stop("'outline_by' not in the 'colData(object)' slot.")
    } else {
        if(!all(outline_by %in% colnames(colData(object)))){
            stop("'outline_by' not in 'colData(object)' slot.")

.valid.colour <- function(colour, colour_by, outline_by, object, image){
        stop("'colour' is a list of entries in which each name specifies\n",
            "an entry of 'colour_by' and/or 'outline_by'")
        stop("'colour': please specify the entries that should be coloured.")
    if(!is.null(colour_by) || !is.null(outline_by)){
        valid_names <- c(colour_by, outline_by)
        if(!all(names(colour) %in% valid_names)){
            stop(paste("'names(colour)' do not match",
                        "with 'colour_by' and/or 'outline_by'"))
    cur_entries <- unlist(lapply(colour, is.null))
    if(sum(cur_entries) > 0L){
        stop("Empty entries not allowed in 'colour'")

    # Error if only few markers should be coloured
        cur_logical <- !is.null(colour_by)
    } else{
        cur_logical <- !is.null(colour_by) &&
                all(colour_by %in% rownames(object))
        if(sum(colour_by %in% names(colour)) > 0L &&
            sum(colour_by %in% names(colour)) < length(colour_by)){
            stop("Please specify colour gradients for all features.")
        if(all(colour_by %in% names(colour)) &&
            sum(unlist(lapply(colour[colour_by], length)) <= 1L)){
            stop(paste("Please specify at least two",
                        "colours when colouring features."))
    if(!is.null(object) && !is.null(colour_by) &&
        all(colour_by %in% colnames(colData(object))) &&
        cur_entries <- unique(colData(object)[,colour_by])
        if(length(cur_entries) > 23L && is.numeric(cur_entries) &&
            if(length(colour[[colour_by]]) <= 1){
                stop(paste("Please specify at least two",
                            "colours when colouring continous entries."))
        } else if(!all(cur_entries %in% names(colour[[colour_by]]))){
            stop("Please specify colours for all 'colour_by' levels.")
    if(!is.null(outline_by) &&
        all(outline_by %in% colnames(colData(object))) &&
        cur_entries <- unique(colData(object)[,outline_by])
        if(length(cur_entries) > 23L && is.numeric(cur_entries) &&
            if(length(colour[[outline_by]]) <= 1){
                stop(paste("Please specify at least two",
                            "colours when colouring continous entries."))
        } else if(!all(cur_entries %in% names(colour[[outline_by]]))){
            stop("Please specify colours for all 'outline_by' levels.")

.valid.bcg <- function(bcg, colour_by){
        stop("'bcg': please specify a list object")

        stop("'bcg': please indicate which channels to modify")

        stop("'colour_by': please indicate which channels to modify")

    if(sum(names(bcg) %in% colour_by) == 0L){
        stop("'bcg': names do not match 'colour_by' argument")

    cur_length <- unlist(lapply(bcg, length))
    if(!all(cur_length == 3L)){
        stop("'bcg': specify in form of c(0,1,1)")

    cur_logical <- unlist(lapply(bcg, is.numeric))
        stop("'bcg': specify in form of numeric entries")

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cytomapper documentation built on Jan. 30, 2021, 2:01 a.m.