
Defines functions .prepFreePairs .process_output preparePairs

Documented in preparePairs

preparePairs <- function(bam, param, file, dedup=TRUE, minq=NA, ichim=TRUE, chim.dist=NA, output.dir=NULL, storage=5000)
# This function prepares Hi-C data by stripping out all valid pairs from the BAM file and
# returning a table describing the interacting fragments of that pair. Diagnnostic data is
# also returned describing various bits and pieces of hiC quality.
# written by Aaron Lun
	# Enforcing input types.
	minq <- as.integer(minq)
	ichim <- as.logical(ichim)
	chim.dist <- as.integer(chim.dist)
	dedup <- as.logical(dedup)
    storage <- as.integer(storage)
    if (storage <= 1L) { 
        stop("'storage' must be a positive integer")

    # Setting up the output directory (in the same directory as 
    # the output file, to avoid cross-device links).
    if (is.null(output.dir)) { 
        output.dir <- tempfile(tmpdir=dirname(file))
    } else {
        output.dir <- path.expand(output.dir)
    if (!dir.create(output.dir)) {
        stop("failed to create output directory")
    on.exit({ unlink(output.dir, recursive=TRUE) })
    prefix <- file.path(output.dir, "")

    # Switching to processing DNase-C data, if fragments are empty. 
   	fragments <- param$fragments
    if (.isDNaseC(fragments=fragments)) { 
        if (is.na(chim.dist)) { chim.dist <- 1000L } 
        out <- .prepFreePairs(bam=bam, fragments=fragments, file=file, prefix=prefix, 
                              dedup=dedup, minq=minq, ichim=ichim, chim.dist=chim.dist, storage=storage)

	# Preparing cuts; start positions, end positions, index in 'fragments', segmented by chromosome.
	# Anchor order is defined by the order of chromosomes in 'fragments'; earlier chromosomes
	# are designated as the second anchor when compared to later chromosomes.
	frag.data <- .splitByChr(fragments)
	chrs <- frag.data$chrs
    nchrs <- length(chrs)
	scuts <- ecuts <- boost.idx <- vector("list", nchrs)

	curends <- end(fragments)
	curstarts <- start(fragments)
	for (x in seq_len(nchrs)) { 
		curdex <- frag.data$first[x]:frag.data$last[x]
		scuts[[x]] <- curstarts[curdex]
		ecuts[[x]] <- curends[curdex]
		if (x==1L) {
			boost.idx[[chrs[x]]] <- 0L
		} else {
			boost.idx[[chrs[x]]] <- frag.data$last[x-1L]

	# Checking consistency between SAM chromosome lengths and the ones in the cuts.
    bam.chrs <- names(chromosomes)
    m <- match(bam.chrs, chrs)
	if (any(is.na(m))) { stop("missing chromosomes in cut site list") }
    for (x in seq_along(bam.chrs)) {
		if (chromosomes[x]!=tail(ecuts[[m[x]]], 1)) {
			stop("length of ", bam.chrs[x], " is not consistent between BAM file and fragment ranges")

    # Calling the C++ code that does everything.
	out <- .Call(cxx_report_hic_pairs, scuts, ecuts, m-1L, path.expand(bam), prefix, storage, !ichim, chim.dist, minq, dedup)
    .process_output(out, file, chrs, boost.idx)


.process_output <- function(c_out, file, chrs, chr.start) 
# Converts the output of the C++ code in preparePairs or prepPseudoPairs
# into HDF5 files. Also formats and returns the diagnostics.
    for (a1.dex in seq_along(c_out[[1]])) { 
        curnames <- c_out[[1]][[a1.dex]]
        not.empty <- curnames!=""
        if (!any(not.empty)) { next }
        anchor1 <- chrs[a1.dex]
        .addGroup(file, anchor1)

        for (a2.dex in which(not.empty)) { 
            anchor2 <- chrs[a2.dex]
            current.file <- curnames[a2.dex]
            out <- read.table(current.file, header=FALSE, colClasses="integer")
            colnames(out) <- c("anchor1.id", "anchor2.id", "anchor1.pos", "anchor2.pos", "anchor1.len", "anchor2.len")

            out$anchor1.id <- out$anchor1.id+chr.start[[anchor1]]
            out$anchor2.id <- out$anchor2.id+chr.start[[anchor2]]
            out <- out[order(out$anchor1.id, out$anchor2.id),,drop=FALSE]
            .writePairs(out, file, anchor1, anchor2)

    c_out <- c_out[-1]
    names(c_out) <- c("pairs", "same.id", "singles", "chimeras")
    names(c_out$pairs) <-c("total", "marked", "filtered", "mapped")
    names(c_out$same.id) <- c("dangling", "self.circle")
    names(c_out$chimeras) <- c("total", "mapped", "multi", "invalid")


.prepFreePairs <- function(bam, fragments, file, prefix, dedup=TRUE, minq=NA, ichim=TRUE, chim.dist=1000, storage=5000L)
# This function acts the same as preparePairs, but it assumes that you're
# putting things into contiguous bins across the genome. The idea is to
# allow DNase-digested Hi-C experiments to fit in the pipeline, where reads
# are assigned to pseudo-restriction fragments.
# written by Aaron Lun
# created 27 March 2015
# last modified 20 March 2017
    if (length(fragments)) { 
        stop("fragments should be empty for DNase-C experiments")
    chrlens <- seqlengths(fragments)
    if (length(chrlens)==0L) { 
        stop("seqlengths were not specified in fragments")
    chrs <- names(chrlens)
    before.first <- as.list(integer(length(chrs))-1L) # to undo 1-indexing.
    names(before.first) <- chrs

    # Checking consistency between SAM chromosome lengths and the ones in the cuts.
    bam.chrs <- names(chromosomes)
    m <- match(bam.chrs, chrs)
    if (any(is.na(m))) { stop("missing chromosomes in cut site list") }
    for (x in seq_along(bam.chrs)) {
        if (chromosomes[x]!=chrlens[m[x]]) { 
            stop("length of ", bam.chrs[x], " is not consistent between BAM file and fragments")

    # Running through the C++ code and returning output.
    out <- .Call(cxx_report_hic_binned_pairs, chrlens, m-1L, path.expand(bam), prefix, storage, !ichim, chim.dist, minq, dedup)
    final <- .process_output(out, file, chrs, before.first)
    final$same.id <- NULL

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diffHic documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:02 p.m.