
Defines functions getCoordGeneSets plotTopElements

Documented in getCoordGeneSets plotTopElements

#' create \code{geom_text} object with top genes/sample/pathways
#' @param top numeric, number of top elements
#' @param type type of elements to plot, either 'gene', 'sample', or 'geneSets'
#' @param var variable used to annotate the elements, only used for 'gene' and 'sample'
#' @param cex cex of text in the plot
#' @param just justification of elements in the plot, only use if \code{packageTextLabel} is 'ggplot2'
#' @param color color for the elements in the plot
#' @param dataPlotGenes data.frame with two columns 'X' and 'Y' with coordinates for the genes
#' @param dataPlotSamples data.frame with two columns 'X' and 'Y' with coordinates for the samples
#' @param esetUsed expressionSet (or SummarizedExperiment) object with data
#' @param geneSets list of gene sets, e.g. gene pathways, output from the 'getGeneSets' function in MLP
#' the genes IDs must correspond to the sampleNames in the eset.
#' If several gene sets have the same name, they will be combine to extract the top gene sets.
#' @param geneSetsVar variable of the featureData used to match the genes contained in geneSets,
#' most probably ENTREZID, if not specified the featureNames of the eSet are used
#' @param geneSetsMaxNChar maximum number of characters for pathway names, by default keep entire names
#' @param returnTopElements logical if TRUE (FALSE by default) return the outlying elements
#' @param packageTextLabel package used to label the outlying genes/samples/gene sets,
#' either 'ggrepel' (by default, only used if package \code{ggrepel} is available),
#' or 'ggplot2'
#' @return 
#' \itemize{
#'  \item{if the \code{elements} are present in the data: if \code{returnTopElements} is: }
#'	 \itemize{
#'    \item{TRUE: }{return a list with two arguments:} 
#'      \itemize{
#'       \item{topElements: }{string with top elements labelled in the plot}
#'       \item{geomText: }{output of \code{geom_text}}
#'      }
#'     \item{FALSE: }{only return the output of \code{geom_text}} 
#' 	 }
#'  \item{if not, return \code{NULL}}
#' }
#' @author Laure Cougnaud
#' @import Biobase
plotTopElements <- function(top, 
	type = c("gene", "sample", "geneSets"),
	var = character(), cex = 1, just = c(0.5, 0.5), color = "black",
	dataPlotGenes = data.frame(), dataPlotSamples = data.frame(), esetUsed, 
	geneSets = list(), geneSetsVar = character(), geneSetsMaxNChar = numeric(),
	returnTopElements = FALSE,
	packageTextLabel = c("ggrepel", "ggplot2")){

	type <- match.arg(type)
	packageTextLabel <- match.arg(packageTextLabel)
	# get methods depending on the class of the object
	esetMethods <- getMethodsInputObjectEsetVis(esetUsed)
		'geneSets' = if(length(geneSets) == 0|nrow(dataPlotGenes) == 0)
			stop("`geneSets' and some 'dataPlotGenes' should be specified."),
		'gene' = if(nrow(dataPlotGenes) == 0)
			stop("'dataPlotGenes' should be specified."),
		'sample' = if(nrow(dataPlotSamples) == 0)
			stop("'dataPlotSamples' should be specified.")

	coor <- switch(type, 
		#if gene sets, take the mean coordinates for each gene set
		#TODO: improve speed
		'geneSets' = getCoordGeneSets(
			dataPlotGenes = dataPlotGenes, geneSets = geneSets, 
			esetUsed = esetUsed, geneSetsVar = geneSetsVar
		#if gene or samples, take directly the coordinates
		switch(type, 'sample' = dataPlotSamples, 'gene' = dataPlotGenes)[, c("X", "Y")]

	# for gene sets, if no mapped gene is found
	resGgplot <- if(nrow(coor) > 0){
		nElements <- nrow(coor)
		distToOrigin <- sqrt(rowSums(coor ^ 2))
		idxElementsSorted <- order(distToOrigin, decreasing = TRUE)
		#if top less than 1, percentage, otherwise absolute number
		idxTop <- 1:(if(top < 1)	(top * nElements)	else	min(top, nElements))
		idxElementsKept <- idxElementsSorted[idxTop]
		coorElementsKept <- coor[idxElementsKept, ]
		labels <- if(type != "geneSets"){
			varInAnnot <- ifelse(length(var) == 0, "", var) %in% 
				switch(type, 'gene' = esetMethods$fvarLabels, 'sample' = esetMethods$varLabels)(esetUsed)
			if(!varInAnnot)	rownames(coorElementsKept)	else
				switch(type, 'gene' = esetMethods$fData, 'sample' = esetMethods$pData)(esetUsed)[
					rownames(coorElementsKept), var]	 
		}else	if(length(geneSetsMaxNChar) > 0){
					res <- rownames(coorElementsKept)
					names(res) <- substr(rownames(coorElementsKept), 1, geneSetsMaxNChar)
				}else	rownames(coorElementsKept)
		dataPlotText <- data.frame(coor[idxElementsKept, ], labels, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
		# issue if all labels are NA
		geomText <- if(all(is.na(dataPlotText$labels)))	NULL	else{
			argsGeomTextFct <- list(
				mapping = ggplot2::aes_string(x = 'X', y = 'Y', label = 'labels'),
				data = dataPlotText, color = color, size = cex
			if(packageTextLabel	== "ggrepel" & requireNamespace("ggrepel", quietly = TRUE)){
				geomTextFct <- ggrepel::geom_text_repel
				geomTextFct <- ggplot2::geom_text
				argsGeomTextFct <- c(argsGeomTextFct, list(hjust = just[1], vjust = just[2]))
			do.call(geomTextFct, argsGeomTextFct)

				topElements <- dataPlotText$labels
				names(topElements) <- rownames(dataPlotText)
				list(topElements = topElements, geomText = geomText)
			}else	geomText


		warning(paste("No labels for the", type, "are found."))

#' extract coordinates gene sets
#' @param dataPlotGenes data.frame with two columns 'X' and 'Y' with coordinates for the genes
#' @param geneSets geneSets list of gene sets, e.g. gene pathways, output from the 'getGeneSets' function in MLP
#' the genes IDs must correspond to the sampleNames in the eset
#' @param geneSetsVar variable of the featureData used to match the genes contained in geneSets,
#' most probably ENTREZID, if NULL the featureNames of the eSet are used
#' @param esetUsed expressionSet (or SummarizedExperiment) object with data
#' @return data.frame with two columns 'X' and 'Y' with coordinates for the gene sets
#' @author Laure Cougnaud
#' @import Biobase
#' @author Laure Cougnaud
getCoordGeneSets <- function(dataPlotGenes, geneSets, esetUsed, geneSetsVar = list()){
	# get methods depending on the class of the object
	esetMethods <- getMethodsInputObjectEsetVis(esetUsed)
	#previously only, but very slow
#system.time(test <- as.data.frame(t(sapply(geneSets, function(x) 
#		colMeans(dataPlotGenes[matchGeneID(x), c("X", "Y")], na.rm = TRUE)))))
		warning("Some gene sets have the same name, they will be combined ",
				"for the extraction of the top gene sets.")
	# convert to vector
	system.time(geneSetsVect <- unlist(geneSets, recursive = FALSE, use.names = TRUE)) # 1s
	names(geneSetsVect) <- rep(names(geneSets), times = sapply(geneSets, length))
	# match with gene ID
	useVarIDToMatch <- if(length(geneSetsVar) > 0)	
		geneSetsVar %in% esetMethods$fvarLabels(esetUsed)	else	FALSE
	system.time(geneSetsVectInEset <- esetMethods$featureNames(esetUsed)[
			if(useVarIDToMatch)	esetMethods$fData(esetUsed)[, geneSetsVar]	else
	names(geneSetsVectInEset) <- names(geneSetsVect)
	# filtered the ones not in eset
	geneSetsVectInEsetFiltered <- geneSetsVectInEset[!is.na(geneSetsVectInEset)]
	# extract coordinates
	system.time(dataPlotGenesGS <- dataPlotGenes[geneSetsVectInEsetFiltered, c("X", "Y")]) # 150s
	# means by coordinates
	getCoordGeneSets <- function(colName)
		tapply(dataPlotGenesGS[, colName], names(geneSetsVectInEsetFiltered), mean)
	system.time(coordGeneSets <- cbind(X = getCoordGeneSets("X"), Y = getCoordGeneSets("Y")))

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esetVis documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 4:51 p.m.