Man pages for fgsea
Fast Gene Set Enrichment Analysis

calcGseaStatCalculates GSEA statistics for a given query gene set
calcGseaStatBatchCppCalculates GSEA statistic valus for all gene sets in...
collapsePathwaysCollapse list of enriched pathways to independent ones.
collapsePathwaysORACollapse list of enriched pathways to independent ones....
examplePathwaysExample list of mouse Reactome pathways.
exampleRanksExample vector of gene-level statistics obtained for Th1...
fgseaWrapper to run methods for preranked gene set enrichment...
fgseaLabelRuns label-permuring gene set enrichment analysis.
fgseaMultilevelRuns preranked gene set enrichment analysis.
fgseaSimpleRuns preranked gene set enrichment analysis.
fgseaSimpleImplRuns preranked gene set enrichment analysis for preprocessed...
foraSimple overrepresentation analysis based on hypergeometric...
gmtPathwaysReturns a list of pathways from a GMT file.
mapIdsListEffeciently converts collection of pathways using...
multilevelErrorCalculates the expected error for the standard deviation of...
multilevelImplCalculates P-values for preprocessed data.
plotEnrichmentPlots GSEA enrichment plot.
plotGseaTablePlots table of enrichment graphs using ggplot and gridExtra.
reactomePathwaysReturns a list of Reactome pathways for given Entrez gene IDs
writeGmtPathwaysWrite collection of pathways (list of vectors) to a gmt file
fgsea documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:22 p.m.