
### R code from vignette source 'flowQBVignettes.Rnw'
### Encoding: UTF-8

### code chunk number 1: LoadPackage

### code chunk number 2: FitLED
## Example is based on LED data from the flowQBData package
fcs_directory <- system.file("extdata", "SSFF_LSRII", "LED_Series", 
fcs_file_path_list <- list.files(fcs_directory, "*.fcs", full.names= TRUE)
## We are working with these FCS files:

## Various house keeping information
## - Which channels should be ignored, typically the non-fluorescence
##    channels, such as the time and the scatter channels
ignore_channels <- c("Time", 
    "FSC-A", "FSC-W", "FSC-H", 
    "SSC-A", "SSC-W", "SSC-H")
## - Which dyes would you typically use with the detectors
dyes <- c("APC", "APC-Cy7", "APC-H7", "FITC", "PE", "PE-Cy7", "PerCP", 
    "PerCP-Cy55", "V450", "V500-C")
## - What are the corresponding detectors, provide a vector of short channel 
## names, i.e., values of the $PnN FCS keywords.
detectors <- c("APC-A", "APC-Cy7-A", "APC-Cy7-A", "FITC-A", "PE-A", "PE-Cy7-A",
    "PerCP-Cy5-5-A", "PerCP-Cy5-5-A", "Pacific Blue-A", "Aqua Amine-A")
## - The signal type that you are looking at (Area or Height)
signal_type <- "Area"
## - The instrument make/model
instrument_name <- 'LSRII'
## - Set the minimum and maximum values, peaks with mean outsize of this range
## will be ignored
bounds <- list(minimum = -100, maximum = 100000)
## - The minimum number of usable peaks (represented by different FCS files
## in case of an LED pulser) required in order for a fluorescence channel 
## to be included in the fitting. Peaks with mean expression outside of the 
## bounds specified above are omitted and therefore not considered useful.
## Fitting the three quadratic parameters requires three valid points to obtain
## a fit at all, and 4 or more points are needed to obtain error estimates. 
minimum_fcs_files <- 3
## - What is the maximum number of iterations for iterative fitting with
## weight adjustments
max_iterations <- 10 # The default 10 seems to be enough in typical cases

## Now, let's calculate the fitting
led_results <- fit_led(fcs_file_path_list, ignore_channels, dyes,
    detectors, signal_type, instrument_name, bounds = bounds,
    minimum_useful_peaks = minimum_fcs_files, max_iterations = max_iterations)

### code chunk number 3: ExploreLEDPeakStats
## We have stats for these channels

## Explore the peak stats for a randomly chosen channel (PE-Cy7-A)
## Showing only the head in order to limit the output for the vignette

### code chunk number 4: ExploreBGStats
## Explore bg_stats

## Explore dye_bg_stats

### code chunk number 5: ExploreFits
## Explore dye_fits
## fits are the same rows but columns corresponding to all channels

## Explore iterated_dye_fits
## iterated_fits are the same rows but columns corresponding to all channels

### code chunk number 6: ExploreIterationNumbers
## Explore iteration numbers
## Showing only the head in order to limit the output for the vignette

### code chunk number 7: FitSpherotechExample
## Example of fitting bead data based on Sph8 particle sets from Spherotech
fcs_file_path <- system.file("extdata", "SSFF_LSRII", "Other_Tests", 
    "933745.fcs", package="flowQBData")
scatter_channels <- c("FSC-A", "SSC-A")
## Depending on your hardware and input, this may take a few minutes, mainly
## due to the required clustering stage of the algorithm.
spherotech_results <- fit_spherotech(fcs_file_path, scatter_channels, 
    ignore_channels, dyes, detectors, bounds, 
    signal_type, instrument_name, minimum_useful_peaks = 3,
    max_iterations = max_iterations, logicle_width = 1.0)
## This is the same as if we were running
## fit_beads(fcs_file_path, scatter_channels, 
##     ignore_channels, 8, dyes, detectors, bounds, 
##     signal_type, instrument_name, minimum_useful_peaks = 3, 
##     max_iterations = max_iterations, logicle_width = 1.0)

### code chunk number 8: VisualizeKmeans
    exprs(spherotech_results$transformed_data[,"Pacific Blue-A"]),
    col=spherotech_results$peak_clusters$cluster, pch='.')

### code chunk number 9: ExploreBeadPeakStats
## We have stats for these channels

## Explore the peak stats for a randomly chosen channel (PE-Cy7-A)

### code chunk number 10: ExploreFits2
## Explore fits
## Selecting just a few columns to limit the output for the vignette

## Explore iterated_fits

### code chunk number 11: ExploreIterationNumbers2
## Explore iteration numbers
## Showing only the head in order to limit the output for the vignette

### code chunk number 12: QBFromFits
## 1 QB from both quadratic and linear fits of LED data
## 2 QB from quadratic fitting of bead data

### code chunk number 13: XSLTExample
## Example of fitting based on house-keeping information in a spreadsheet

## LED Fitting first
inst_xlsx_path <- system.file("extdata", 
    "140126_InstEval_Stanford_LSRIIA2.xlsx", package="flowQBData")
xlsx <- read.xlsx(inst_xlsx_path, 1, headers=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

ignore_channels_row <- 9
ignore_channels <- vector()
i <- 1
while(![[i+4]][[ignore_channels_row]])) {
    ignore_channels[[i]] <- xlsx[[i+4]][[ignore_channels_row]]
    i <- i + 1
instrument_folder_row <- 9
instrument_folder_col <- 2
instrument_folder <- xlsx[[instrument_folder_col]][[instrument_folder_row]]
folder_column <- 18
folder_row <- 14
folder <- xlsx[[folder_column]][[folder_row]]

fcs_directory <- system.file("extdata", instrument_folder, 
    folder, package="flowQBData")
fcs_file_path_list <- list.files(fcs_directory, "*.fcs", full.names= TRUE)

bounds_min_col <- 6
bounds_min_row <- 7
bounds_max_col <- 7
bounds_max_row <- 7
bounds <- list()

if ([[bounds_min_col]][[bounds_min_row]])) {
    bounds$minimum <- -100
} else {
    bounds$minimum <- as.numeric(xlsx[[bounds_min_col]][[bounds_min_row]])
if ([[bounds_max_col]][[bounds_max_row]])) {
    bounds$maximum <- 100000
} else {
    bounds$maximum <- as.numeric(xlsx[[bounds_max_col]][[bounds_max_row]])

signal_type_col <- 3
signal_type_row <- 19
signal_type <- xlsx[[signal_type_col]][[signal_type_row]]
instrument_name_col <- 2
instrument_name_row <- 5
instrument_name <- xlsx[[instrument_name_col]][[instrument_name_row]]

channel_cols <- 3:12
dye_row <- 11
detector_row <- 13
dyes <- as.character(xlsx[dye_row,channel_cols])
detectors <- as.character(xlsx[detector_row,channel_cols])

## Now we do the LED fitting
led_results <- fit_led(fcs_file_path_list, ignore_channels, dyes,
    detectors, signal_type, instrument_name, bounds = bounds,
    minimum_useful_peaks = 3, max_iterations = 10)


## Next we do the bead fitting; this example is with Thermo-fisher beads
folder_column <- 17
folder <- xlsx[[folder_column]][[folder_row]]
filename <- xlsx[[folder_column]][[folder_row+1]]

fcs_file_path <- system.file("extdata", instrument_folder, folder, 
    filename, package="flowQBData")

thermo_fisher_results <- fit_thermo_fisher(fcs_file_path, scatter_channels,
    ignore_channels, dyes, detectors, bounds, 
    signal_type, instrument_name, minimum_useful_peaks = 3, 
    max_iterations = 10, logicle_width = 1.0)
## The above is the same as this:
## N_peaks <- 6
## thermo_fisher_results <- fit_beads(fcs_file_path, scatter_channels,
##     ignore_channels, N_peaks, dyes, detectors, bounds, 
##     signal_type, instrument_name, minimum_useful_peaks = 3, 
##     max_iterations = 10, logicle_width = 1.0)


### code chunk number 14: FlowRepositoryRExample (eval = FALSE)
## library("FlowRepositoryR")
## ## 1) Specify your credentials to work with FlowRepository, this will not
## ##    be required once the data is publicly available; see the 
## ##    FlowRepositoryR vignette for further details.
## setFlowRepositoryCredentials(email="", password="password")
## ##
## ## 2) Get the dataset from FlowRepository
## ##    Note that this does not download the data. You could download all
## ##    data by running 
## ##    qbDataset <- download(flowRep.get("FR-FCM-ZZTF"))
## ##    but note that this will download about 3 GB of data
## qbDataset <- flowRep.get("FR-FCM-ZZTF")
## ##
## summary(qbDataset)
## ## A flowRepData object (FlowRepository dataset) Asilomar Instrument 
## ## Standardization
## ## 911 FCS files, 36 attachments, NOT downloaded
## ##
## ## 3) See which of the files are MS Excell spredsheets
## spreadsheet_indexes <- which(unlist(lapply(qbDataset@attachments, 
##     function(a) { endsWith(a@name, ".xlsx") })))
## ##
## ## 4) Download a random spreadsheet, say the 5th spreadsheet
## ## This is a bit ugly at this point since the data is not public
## ## plus we don't want to download everythink, just one of the files
## library(RCurl)
## h <- getCurlHandle(cookiefile="")
## FlowRepositoryR:::flowRep.login(h)
## ## Once the data is public, only this line and without the curlHandle
## ## argument will be needed:
## qbDataset@attachments[[spreadsheet_indexes[5]]] <- xslx5 <- download(
##     qbDataset@attachments[[spreadsheet_indexes[5]]], curlHandle=h)
## ## File 140126_InstEval_NIH_Aria_B2.xlsx downloaded.
## ##
## ## 5) Read the spreadsheet
## library(xlsx)
## xlsx <- read.xlsx(xslx5@localpath, 1, headers=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
## ##
## ## 6) Which FCS file contains the Spherotech data?
## ##    This is based on how we create the Excel spreadsheets and 
## ##    the FCS file names.
## instrument_row <- 9
## instrument_col <- 2
## instrument_name <- xlsx[[instrument_folder_col]][[instrument_folder_row]]
## fol_col <- 16
## fol_row <- 14
## fol_name <- xlsx[[fol_col]][[fol_row]]
## fcsFilename <- paste(instrument_name, fol_name, 
##     xlsx[[fol_col]][[fol_row+1]], sep="_")
## fcsFilename
## ## [1] "NIH Aria_B 140127_Other Tests_BEADS_Spherotech Rainbow1X_012.fcs"
## ##
## ## 7) Let's locate the file in our dataset and let's download it
## ##    Again, the curlHandle is only needed since the file is not public yet
## fcsFileIndex = which(unlist(lapply(qbDataset@fcs.files, function(f) { 
##     f@name == fcsFilename })))
## qbDataset@fcs.files[[fcsFileIndex]] <- fcsFile <- download(
##     qbDataset@fcs.files[[fcsFileIndex]], curlHandle=h)
## # File NIH Aria_B 140127_Other Tests_BEADS_Spherotech Rainbow1X_012.fcs 
## # downloaded.
## ##
## ## 8) Read in some more metadata from the spreadsheet
## scatter_channels <- c(
##     xlsx[[fol_col]][[fol_row+2]], 
##     xlsx[[fol_col]][[fol_row+3]])
## ignore_channels_row <- 9
## ignore_channels <- vector()
## i <- 1
## while(![[i+4]][[ignore_channels_row]])) {
##     ignore_channels[[i]] <- xlsx[[i+4]][[ignore_channels_row]]
##     i <- i + 1
## }
## bounds_min_col <- 6
## bounds_min_row <- 7
## bounds_max_col <- 7
## bounds_max_row <- 7
## bounds <- list()
## if ([[bounds_min_col]][[bounds_min_row]])) {
##     bounds$minimum <- -100
## } else {
##     bounds$minimum <- as.numeric(xlsx[[bounds_min_col]][[bounds_min_row]])
## }
## if ([[bounds_max_col]][[bounds_max_row]])) {
##     bounds$maximum <- 100000
## } else {
##     bounds$maximum <- as.numeric(xlsx[[bounds_max_col]][[bounds_max_row]])
## }
## signal_type_col <- 3
## signal_type_row <- 19
## signal_type <- xlsx[[signal_type_col]][[signal_type_row]]
## channel_cols <- 3:12
## dye_row <- 11
## detector_row <- 13
## dyes <- as.character(xlsx[dye_row,channel_cols])
## detectors <- as.character(xlsx[detector_row,channel_cols])
## ##
## ## 9) Let's calculate the fits
## multipeak_results <- fit_spherotech(fcsFile@localpath, scatter_channels, 
##     ignore_channels, dyes, detectors, bounds, 
##     signal_type, instrument_name)
## ##
## ## 10) And same as before, we can extract Q, B and CV0 from the fits
## qb_from_fits(multipeak_results$iterated_dye_fits)
## #         APC          APC-Cy7      APC-H7       FITC        PE         
## # q_QI    0.2406655    0.1291517    0.1291517    0.2034718   0.9014326  
## # q_BSpe  34.33642     21.47796     21.47796     21.57055    812.5968   
## # q_CV0sq 0.0006431427 0.0004931863 0.0004931863 0.001599552 0.001065658
## #         PE-Cy7      PerCP       PerCP-Cy55  V450        V500-C     
## # q_QI    0.2754679   0.08987149  0.08987149  0.07051216  0.192678   
## # q_BSpe  11.15762    8.167175    8.167175    24.81647    63.4188    
## # q_CV0sq 0.001286111 0.001622208 0.001622208 0.005127177 0.004315592

### code chunk number 15: LEDFCSFileIndexesExample (eval = FALSE)
## LEDfcsFileIndexes <- which(unlist(lapply(qbDataset@fcs.files, function(f) 
## { 
##     f@name %in% paste(instrument_name, xlsx[14, 3:12], xlsx[15, 3:12], sep="_")
## })))
## # [1] 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182

### code chunk number 16: LEDExampleRepositoryContinued (eval = FALSE)
## dir <- tempdir()
## cwd <- getwd()
## setwd(dir)
## lapply(LEDfcsFileIndexes, function(i) {
##     qbDataset@fcs.files[[i]] <- download(qbDataset@fcs.files[[i]], 
##         curlHandle=h)
## })
## setwd(cwd)
## fcs_file_path_list <- list.files(dir, "*.fcs", full.names= TRUE)
## led_results <- fit_led(fcs_file_path_list, ignore_channels, dyes,
##     detectors, signal_type, instrument_name, bounds = bounds)

### code chunk number 17: SessionInfo
## This vignette has been created with the following configuration

Try the flowQB package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

flowQB documentation built on May 6, 2019, 3:05 a.m.