
utils::globalVariables(c("yeastGate", "dipsingletGate", "dipdoubletGate",
                         "hapsingletGate", "hapdoubletGate"))

#' A gate for the set of all yeast cells
#' Typically set in FSC.A by SSC.A space to exclued any debris
#' @format formal class polygonGate
#' @usage data(yeastGate)


#' A gate for the set of all diploid singlet yeast cells
#' Typically set in FSC.A by FSC.H space
#' Diploids are typically 5um x 6um ellipsoids while haploids are typically
#' 4um x 4um spheroids. As a result, diploids are longer and you get a
#' larger 'area/volume'.
#' @format formal class polygonGate
#' @usage data(dipsingletGate)


#' A gate for the set of all diploid doublets
#' @format formal class polygonGate
#' @usage data(dipdoubletGate)


#' A gate for the set of all haploid singlets
#' @format formal class polygonGate
#' @usage data(hapsingletGate)


#' A gate for the set of all haploid doublets
#' @format formal class polygonGate
#' @usage data(hapdoubletGate)


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flowTime documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:13 p.m.