
## ==========================================================================
## Draw gate regions as polygons on an existing plot. All graphical
## parameters will be passed on to graphics::polygon in the end, so
## these are basically extended polygon methods for gates and filters.
## Filters are only evaluated if that is needed for plotting of the
## regions.
## FIXME: Need to figure out how to make polygon a generic without masking
##        the default function

## ==========================================================================
## allow for dispatch to default polygon function in graphics
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
#setMethod("polygon", signature(x="ANY"),
#          definition=function(x, ...) graphics::polygon(x, ...))

## ==========================================================================
## for all filters
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
## We only know how to add the gate boundaries if the definiton of that gate
## contains exactly two dimensions, and even then we need to guess that
## they match the plotted data, hence we warn. Supplying the names of the
## plotted channels via the "channels" argument always gets precendence.
## All downstream methods will eventually run across this method, so we only
## need to check once.
#' Drawing filter regions
#' These methods extend the basic graphics \code{\link{polygon}} methods for
#' drawing of \code{\link[flowCore:filter-class]{filter}} regions. They allow
#' for multiple dispatch, since not all
#' \code{\link[flowCore:filter-class]{filter}} types need to be evaluated for
#' plotting, but this decision should be made internally.
#' When plotting \code{\link[flowCore:flowFrame-class]{flowFrame}}s using the
#' \code{plot} method provided by \code{flowViz}, the plotted parameters are
#' recorded, which makes it possible to correctly overlay the outlines of
#' \code{\link[flowCore:filter-class]{filter}}s assuming that they are defined
#' for the respective parameters. Warnings and error will be cast for the cases
#' where the parameters are non-distinct or ambigious.
#' The flow parameters plotted can be passed on to any of the methods through
#' the optional \code{channels} argument, which always gets precedence over
#' automatically detected parameters.
#' The methods support all plotting parameters that are available for the
#' \code{base} \code{polygon} functions.
#' @name gpolygon-methods
#' @aliases gpolygon gpolygon-methods gpolygon,curv1Filter,ANY-method
#' gpolygon,curv1Filter,flowFrame-method gpolygon,curv1Filter,missing-method
#' gpolygon,curv1Filter,multipleFilterResult-method
#' gpolygon,curv2Filter,ANY-method gpolygon,curv2Filter,flowFrame-method
#' gpolygon,curv2Filter,multipleFilterResult-method
#' gpolygon,filter,missing-method gpolygon,filterResult,flowFrame-method
#' gpolygon,filterResult,ANY-method gpolygon,kmeansFilter,ANY-method
#' gpolygon,norm2Filter,ANY-method gpolygon,norm2Filter,flowFrame-method
#' gpolygon,norm2Filter,logicalFilterResult-method
#' gpolygon,polygonGate,character-method
#' gpolygon,polygonGate,filterResult-method
#' gpolygon,polygonGate,flowFrame-method gpolygon,quadGate,character-method
#' gpolygon,quadGate,filterResult-method gpolygon,quadGate,flowFrame-method
#' gpolygon,rectangleGate,character-method
#' gpolygon,rectangleGate,filterResult-method
#' gpolygon,rectangleGate,flowFrame-method
#' gpolygon,ellipsoidGate,character-method
#' gpolygon,ellipsoidGate,filterResult-method
#' gpolygon,ellipsoidGate,flowFrame-method
#' @docType methods
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#' \item{x = "filter", data = "missing"}{ General method for all objects
#' inheriting from \code{\link[flowCore:filter-class]{filter}}. This is used as
#' the default when no more explicit method is found. It tries to find the
#' plotted parameters from the internal \code{flowViz.state} environment. This
#' only works if the flow data has been plotted using the \code{plot} methods
#' provided by this \code{flowViz} package. }
#' \item{x = "filterResult", data = "ANY"}{ General method for all
#' \code{\link[flowCore:filterResult-class]{filterResult}} object. This
#' basically extracts the \code{\link[flowCore:filter-class]{filter}} from the
#' \code{\link[flowCore:filterResult-class]{filterResult}} and dispatches on
#' that. }
#' \item{x = "filterResult", data = "flowFrame"}{ For some
#' \code{\link[flowCore:filter-class]{filter}} types we need the raw data to
#' re-evaluate the filter. }
#' \item{x = "curv1Filter", data = "ANY"}{ We either need a
#' \code{\link[flowCore:filterResult-class]{filterResult}} or the raw data as a
#' \code{\link[flowCore:flowFrame-class]{flowFrame}} for
#' \code{\link[flowStats:curv1Filter-class]{curv1Filter}}s. }
#' \item{x = "curv1Filter", data = "flowFrame"}{ see above }
#' \item{x = "curv1Filter", data = "missing"}{ see above }
#' \item{x = "curv1Filter", data = "multipleFilterResult"}{ see above }
#' \item{x = "curv2Filter", data = "ANY"}{ We either need a
#' \code{\link[flowCore:filterResult-class]{filterResult}} or the raw data as a
#' \code{\link[flowCore:flowFrame-class]{flowFrame}} for
#' \code{\link[flowStats:curv2Filter-class]{curv2Filter}}.}
#' \item{x = "curv2Filter", data = "flowFrame"}{ see above }
#' \item{x = "curv2Filter", data = "multipleFilterResult"}{ see above }
#' \item{x = "kmeansFilter", data = "ANY"}{ We don't know how to plot regions
#' of a \code{\link[flowCore]{kmeansFilter}}, hence we warn. }
#' \item{x = "norm2Filter", data = "ANY"}{ We either need a
#' \code{\link[flowCore:filterResult-class]{filterResult}} or the raw data as a
#' \code{\link[flowCore:flowFrame-class]{flowFrame}} for
#' \code{\link[flowStats:norm2Filter-class]{norm2Filter}}.}
#' \item{x = "norm2Filter", data = "flowFrame"}{ see above }
#' \item{x = "norm2Filter", data = "logicalFilterResult"}{ see above }
#' \item{x = "polygonGate", data = "character"}{ We can plot a
#' \code{\link[flowCore]{polygonGate}} directly from the gate definition. }
#' \item{x = "polygonGate", data = "filterResult"}{ see above }
#' \item{x = "polygonGate", data = "flowFrame"}{ see above }
#' \item{x = "quadGate", data = "character"}{ We can plot a
#' \code{\link[flowCore]{quadGate}} directly from the gate definition. }
#' \item{x = "quadGate", data = "filterResult"}{ see above }
#' \item{x = "quadGate", data = "flowFrame"}{ see above }
#' \item{x = "rectangleGate", data = "character"}{ We can plot a
#' \code{\link[flowCore]{rectangleGate}} directly from the gate definition. }
#' \item{x = "rectangleGate", data = "filterResult"}{ see above }
#' \item{x = "rectangleGate", data = "flowFrame"}{ see above }
#' \item{x = "ellipsoidGate", data = "character"}{ We can plot a
#' \code{\link[flowCore]{ellipsoidGate}} directly from the gate definition. }
#' \item{x = "ellipsoidGate", data = "filterResult"}{ see above }
#' \item{x = "ellipsoidGate", data = "flowFrame"}{ see above }
#' }
#' @author F. Hahne
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link[flowCore:filter-class]{filter}},
#' \code{\link[flowCore:flowFrame-class]{flowFrame}}, \code{\link{glines}},
#' \code{\link{gpoints}}
#' @keywords methods
#' @param x filter or filterResult or any derived filter class
#' @param data flowFrame or filterResult or character or missing or ANY
#' @param verbose logical
#' @param ... other arguments
#' @export 
          signature(x="filter", data="missing"), 
          function(x, data, verbose=TRUE, ...)
          parms <- checkParameterMatch(parameters(x), verbose=verbose, ...)
          gpolygon(x, parms, ...)

## Extract the filter definiton from a filterResult and pass that on
## along with it
          signature(x="filterResult", data="ANY"), 
          function(x, data, verbose=TRUE, ...)
          fd <- filterDetails(x)
          filt <- fd[[length(fd)]]$filter
          if(!missing(data) && is.character(data) &&
             ! ("channels" %in% names(list(...))))
              gpolygon(filt, x, verbose=FALSE, channels=data, ...)
             gpolygon(filt, x, verbose=FALSE, ...) 

## We don't need the flowFrame if the filter is already evaluated, but we
## can check that the IDs are matching
          signature(x="filterResult", data="flowFrame"), 
          function(x, data, verbose=TRUE, ...){
              checkIdMatch(x=x, f=data)
              gpolygon(x, verbose=verbose, ...)
              dropWarn("flowFrame", "filterResults", verbose=verbose)

## ==========================================================================
## for rectangleGates
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
## Plotting parameters are specified as a character vector
          signature(x="rectangleGate", data="character"), 
          function(x, data, channels, verbose=TRUE, ...)
              data <- channels
          parms <- parameters(x)
          usr <- par("usr")
          if(length(parms)==1){## 1D rectangular gate (region gate)
              mt <- match(parms, data)
                  rect(fixInf(x@min, usr[1]), usr[3], fixInf(x@max, usr[2]),
                       usr[4], ...)
              else if(mt==2)
                  rect(usr[1], fixInf(x@min, usr[3]), usr[2],
                       fixInf(x@max, usr[4]), ...)
                  stop("How did you end up here????")
          }else{## 2D rectangular gate    
              bl <- x@min[data]
              tr <- x@max[data]
              rect(fixInf(bl[1], usr[1:2]), fixInf(bl[2], usr[3:4]),
                   fixInf(tr[1], usr[1:2]),  fixInf(tr[2], usr[3:4]), ...)

## We can ignore the filterResult, don't need it to plot the gate
          signature(x="rectangleGate", data="filterResult"), 
          function(x, data, verbose=TRUE, ...)
          dropWarn("filterResult", "rectangleGates", verbose=verbose)
          gpolygon(x, verbose=verbose, ...)

## we can drop the dataFrame, don't need it for rectangleGates
          signature(x="rectangleGate", data="flowFrame"), 
          function(x, data, verbose=TRUE, ...)
          dropWarn("flowFrame", "rectangleGates", verbose=verbose)
          gpolygon(x, verbose=verbose, ...)

## ==========================================================================
## for ellipsoidGates
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
## Plotting parameters are specified as a character vector
          signature(x="ellipsoidGate", data="character"), 
          function(x, data, channels, verbose=TRUE, ...)
              data <- channels
          parms <- parameters(x)
	  ## We coerce to a polygon gate and plot that
          gpolygon(as(fd, "polygonGate"), verbose=verbose, ...)      

## We can ignore the filterResult, don't need it to plot the gate
          signature(x="ellipsoidGate", data="filterResult"), 
          function(x, data, verbose=TRUE, ...)
                   "ellipsoidGates", verbose=verbose)
          gpolygon(x, verbose=verbose, ...)

## we can drop the dataFrame, don't need it for ellipsoidGates
          signature(x="ellipsoidGate", data="flowFrame"), 
          function(x, data, verbose=TRUE, ...)
          dropWarn("flowFrame", "ellipsoidGates", verbose=verbose)
          gpolygon(x, verbose=verbose, ...)

## ==========================================================================
## for quadGates
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
## We plot this as four individual rectangle gates
          signature(x="quadGate", data="character"), 
          function(x, data, channels, verbose=TRUE, col, ...)
              data <- channels
          parms <- parameters(x)
               col <-  col2rgb(colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "Set1"))(4),
              col <- rgb(col[1,], col[2,], col[3,], 75, maxColorValue=255)
              col <- rep(col,4)
          v <- x@boundary[data[1]]
          h <- x@boundary[data[2]]
          mat <- matrix(c(-Inf, v, h, Inf, v, Inf, h, Inf, -Inf, v, -Inf,
                          h, v, Inf, -Inf, h), byrow=TRUE, ncol=4)              
          for(i in 1:4){
              rg <- rectangleGate(.gate=matrix(mat[i,], ncol=2,
                                  dimnames=list(c("min", "max"), data)))
              gpolygon(rg, verbose=FALSE, col=col[i], ...)

## We can ignore the filterResult, don't need it to plot the gate
          signature(x="quadGate", data="filterResult"), 
          function(x, data, verbose=TRUE, ...)
          dropWarn("filterResult", "quadGates", verbose=verbose)
          gpolygon(x, verbose=verbose, ...)

## we can drop the dataFrame, don't need it for rectangleGates
          signature(x="quadGate", data="flowFrame"), 
          function(x, data, verbose=TRUE, ...)
          dropWarn("flowFrame", "quadGates", verbose=verbose)
          gpolygon(x, verbose=verbose, ...)

## ==========================================================================
## for polygonGates
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
## Plotting parameters are specified as a character vector
          signature(x="polygonGate", data="character"), 
          function(x, data, channels, verbose=TRUE, ...)
              data <- channels
          parms <- parameters(x)
          xp <- x@boundaries[,data[1]]
          yp <- x@boundaries[,data[2]]
          polygon(xp, yp, ...)

## We can ignore the filterResult, don't need it to plot the gate
          signature(x="polygonGate", data="filterResult"), 
          function(x, data, verbose=TRUE, ...)
          dropWarn("filterResult", "polygonGates", verbose=verbose)
          gpolygon(x, verbose=verbose, ...)

## we can drop the flowFrame, don't need it for polygonGates
          signature(x="polygonGate", data="flowFrame"), 
          function(x, data, verbose=TRUE, ...)
          dropWarn("flowFrame", "polygonGates", verbose=verbose)
          gpolygon(x, verbose=verbose, ...)

# ==========================================================================
## for norm2Filters
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
## An error if we can't evaluate the filter
          signature(x="norm2Filter", data="ANY"), 
          function(x, data, verbose=TRUE, ...) evalError("norm2Filters"))

## Filter has been evaluated and the filterResult is provided
          signature(x="norm2Filter", data="logicalFilterResult"), 
          function(x, data, verbose=TRUE, ...)
          checkFres(filter=x, fres=data, verbose=verbose)
          fd <- filterDetails(data, identifier(x))
          ## create a polygonGate and plot that
          gpolygon(norm2Polygon(fd, parameters(x)), verbose=verbose, ...)

## Evaluate the filter and plot the filterResult
          signature(x="norm2Filter", data="flowFrame"), 
          function(x, data, verbose=TRUE, ...)
          fres <- filter(data, x)
          gpolygon(x, fres, verbose=verbose, ...)

## ==========================================================================
## for kmeansFilters
## - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
## We don't know how to plot these, hence we warn
          signature(x="kmeansFilter", data="ANY"), 
          function(x, data, verbose=TRUE, ...){
              nnWarn("kmeansFilter", verbose=verbose)

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