
##' This S4 method dispatches a gCMAP analysis and selects a suitable gene-set-enrichment analysis method
##' based on the class of its arguments.
##' The cmapRun methods choose one of three approaches for gene-set-enrichment analyses, depending on
##' the nature of the user-provided query and the data available in the reference databases.
##' 1. for non-directional gene set queries (e.g. a list of gene identifiers) a Fisher exact test is performed (with a call to the fisher_score method from the gCMAP package) to evaluate the overlap with significantly up- or down-regulated gene sets from the reference database. If the reference object is an NChannelSet, it is thresholded on the fly to obtain a set of up- or down-regulated genes. If the reference database is a CMAPCollection, the gene sets are used directly. Please note that the Fisher exact test does not take into account information about the directionality of gene regulation (potentially) available in the reference database.
##' 2. for directional gene set queries (e.g. two separate lists of up- and down-regulated genes of interest) the gene expression scores available in the reference database are summarized as the JG score by running the gsealm_jg_score method from the gCMAP package.
##' 3. for queries with complete differential gene expression profiles, directional gene sets are induced from the reference database. As above, the JG score is used to summarize the expression changes for each gene set, but this time the sets are derived from the database, while the scores are provided by the user.
##' This method is called by the cmapAnalysis function of the gCMAPWeb package.
##' Please note: Most of the parameters of the cmapRun methods can be set as global options.
##' @title cmapRun
##' @param user.input An object of class GeneSet, SignedGeneSet, eSet or CMAPCollection with the user-provided query.
##' @param cmap The reference database, a CMAPCollection or eSet object.
##' @param lower Numeric, when reference databases are thresholded, genes with scores less than 'lower' are considered down-regulated. Default: getOption( "lower.threshold", default="-3")
##' @param higher Numeric, when reference databases are thresholded, genes with scores larger than 'higher' are considered up-regulated. Default: getOption( "higher.threshold", default="3")
##' @param element Character,specifying which channel / assayDataElement of the reference database to query. Default: getOption( "element", default="z")
##' @param min.set.size  integer, gene sets with less than min.set.size members will be dropped from CMAPCollections. Default: getOption( "min.set.size", default=5)
##' @param ... Arguments specific to individual methods
##' @return A CMAPResults object
##' @seealso \code{\link{gsealm_jg_score}} and \code{\link{fisher_score}}
##' @docType methods
##' @rdname cmapRun-methods
##' @import methods
##' @importMethodsFrom gCMAP fisher_score minSetSize trend
  def = function( user.input, cmap, ...) standardGeneric( "cmapRun" )

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gCMAPWeb documentation built on April 28, 2020, 8:23 p.m.