describeStore.old = function(st, genetag="probeid", snptag="snp", ...) {
dd = storeApply(st,function(x)
ugn = unique(mcols(x)[[genetag]]),
usn = unique(mcols(x)[[snptag]]),
gps = sapply(split(mcols(x)[[genetag]], mcols(x
)[[snptag]]), length),
spg = sapply(split(mcols(x)[[snptag]], mcols(x)
[[genetag]]), length)), flatten1=TRUE, ...)
# some of the following are slow. isn't clear that parallelization
# with typical tools is helpful
ntests = sum(unlist(sapply(dd, function(x) x$jlen)))
ngene = length(unique(unlist(sapply(dd, function(x) x$ugn))))
nsnp = length(unique(unlist(sapply(dd, function(x) x$usn))))
gpshist = hist(unlist(lapply(dd, function(x)x$gps)), plot=FALSE)
spghist = hist(unlist(lapply(dd, function(x)x$spg)), plot=FALSE)
list(ntests=ntests, ngene=ngene, nsnp=nsnp, gpshist=gpshist, spghist=spghist)
#describeStore2 = function(st # use BatchMapResults directly?
describeStoreToTmpReg = function(st, genetag="probeid", snptag="snp", ids=NULL,
resfilter=force, ...) {
dir.create(tfolder <- tempfile())
tmpreg = makeRegistry(basename(tempfile()), tfolder, packages="gQTLstats")
# counting and listing in parallel
descJob = function(genetag, snptag) function(job, res, ...) {
if ( return(NULL)
res = resfilter(res)
list(len = length(res), ugn=unique(mcols(res)[[genetag]]),
if (!is.null(ids)) batchMapResults(st@reg, tmpreg, descJob(genetag, snptag), ids=ids)
else batchMapResults(st@reg, tmpreg, descJob(genetag, snptag))
describeStore.slow = function(st, genetag="probeid", snptag="snp", ids=NULL, resfilter=force, ...) {
tmpreg = describeStoreToTmpReg( st=st, genetag=genetag, snptag=snptag, ids=ids, resfilter=resfilter, ...)
summs = loadResults(tmpreg) # lengths and modest length vectors of strings
ntests = sum(sapply(summs, function(x) x$len)) # fast
n.gene.uniq = length(unique(unlist(lapply(summs, function(x) x$ugn)))) # fast?
n.snp.uniq = length(unique(unlist(lapply(summs, function(x) x$usn)))) # fast?
# redr = function(aggr, job, res, ...) {
# aggr$len = aggr$len + res$len
# aggr$ugn = unique(c(aggr$ugn, res$ugn))
# aggr$usn = unique(c(aggr$usn, res$usn))
# aggr
# }
# rr = reduceResults(tmpreg, fun=redr) # sequential, too slow
# list(ntests=rr$len, ngene.uniq = length(rr$ugn), nsnp.uniq=length(rr$usn))
list(ntests=ntests, n.gene.uniq=n.gene.uniq, n.snp.uniq=n.snp.uniq)
} = function(llike, binfun) {
n = length(llike)
indl = BBmisc::chunk(1:n, chunk.size=2)
tname = tempfile()
tfold = dir.create(tname)
tmpr = makeRegistry(basename(tname), file.dir=tfold)
batchMap(tmpr, binfun, indl)
submitJobs(tmpr, binfun)
dendroReduce.fe = function(llike, binfun) {
# binfun must be endomorphic
n = length(llike)
if (n==1) return(llike)
indl = BBmisc::chunk(1:n, chunk.size=2)
red = foreach(i = 1:length(indl)) %dopar%{ binfun(llike[[indl[[i]][1]]],
Recall(red, binfun)
describeByFilts = function( st, filtlist, ... ) {
ds = lapply(filtlist, function(f) describeStore(st, resfilter=f, ...)), ds)
jobsByChrom = function(st) {
rmap = st@rangeMap
sn = unique(seqnames(rmap))
lapply(sn, function(x) as.numeric(rmap[seqnames(rmap)==x]$jobid))
n.uniq.snp = function(st, snptag="snp", resfilter=force, ids=NULL) {
jbc = jobsByChrom(st)
if (!is.null(ids)) {
jbc = lapply(jbc, function(x) intersect(ids, x))
jl = sapply(jbc,length)
if (all(jl==0)) stop("none of the ids selected are available")
jbc = jbc[which(jl>0)]
alls = lapply(1:length(jbc), function(i)
unique(unlist(storeApply(st, function(x)unique(mcols(resfilter(x))[[snptag]]), ids=jbc[[i]])))
.describeStore = function(st, genetag = "probeid", snptag = "snp", ids = NULL, resfilter = force, doChecks=TRUE, ...) {
# this is getting complicated because a store can have some NULL job results
# we want to be able to count in the presence of such results, recognizing
# that they may be spurious and may need a rerun, given our experience
# with inconsistent returns from S3 vcf scans ... still needs diagnosis
# oct 28 2015
chkfun = function(x) {
bad = c(reqsize=NA, reqsat=0, litenloc=NA, len=0)
if (!is(x, "GRanges")) return(bad) # presumably NULL
m = metadata(x)
c(reqsize=m$requestSize, reqsat=m$nRequestsSatisfied, litenloc=
m$dimliteGT[1], len=length(x))
chkstr = NULL
bad = NULL
if (doChecks) {
chkstr = storeApply( st, chkfun, flatten1=TRUE )
chk1 = sapply(chkstr, "[", 1)
bad = which(
if (is.null(ids)) ids = getJobIds(st)
if (length(bad)>0) ids = setdiff(ids, bad)
ntests = sum(unlist(storeApply(st, function(x) length(resfilter(x)), flatten1=TRUE, ids=ids)))
n.gene.uniq <- length(unique(unlist(storeApply(st, f=function(x) unique(mcols(resfilter(x))[[genetag]]), flatten1=TRUE, ids=ids))))
n.snp.uniq = n.uniq.snp(st, snptag=snptag, resfilter=resfilter, ids=ids)
ji = getJobInfo(st@reg, ids=ids)
totalTime = sum(ji$time.running,na.rm=TRUE)
memSumm = summary(ji$memory)
timeSumm = summary(ji$time.running)
list(basic=c(ntests=ntests, n.gene.uniq=n.gene.uniq, n.snp.uniq=n.snp.uniq,
totalTime=totalTime, timeSumm=timeSumm, memSumm=memSumm),
checks=chkstr, jobinfo=ji)
setClass("storeDescription", representation(
basic="ANY", reqstat="numeric", lenstat="numeric", full="list",
reqfail="ANY", locfail="ANY", nareq="numeric", naloc="numeric"))
setMethod("show", "storeDescription", function(object){
cat("storeDescription (", length(object@full$jobinfo$id), " jobs):\n", sep="")
cat(object@basic["ntests"], " tests (", object@basic["n.gene.uniq"],
" genes, ",
object@basic["n.snp.uniq"], " snps).\n", sep="")
rstats = object@full$jobinfo$time.running
memstats = object@full$jobinfo$memory
cat("Time running [median (range)] (sec): [", median(rstats, na.rm=TRUE), " (",
min(rstats, na.rm=TRUE), ", ", max(rstats, na.rm=TRUE), ")]\n", sep="")
cat("RAM used [median (range)] (Mb): [", median(memstats, na.rm=TRUE), " (",
min(memstats, na.rm=TRUE), ", ", max(memstats, na.rm=TRUE), ")]\n", sep="")
if (length(object@nareq)>0) {
cat("% requests satisfied: ", round(100*object@reqstat,3), "\n")
if (object@nareq>0) cat("there were ", object@nareq, "requests with size NA.\n")
if (length(object@naloc)>0) {
cat("% lengths verified: ", round(100*object@lenstat,3), "\n")
if (object@naloc>0) cat("there were ", object@naloc, "locus sets with size NA.\n")
describeStore = function(st, genetag = "probeid", snptag = "snp", ids = NULL, resfilter = force, doChecks=TRUE, ...) {
d1 = .describeStore(st=st, genetag=genetag, snptag=snptag, ids=ids,
resfilter=resfilter, doChecks=doChecks, ...)
if (!is.null(d1$checks)) {
#chks = sapply(unlist(d1$checks, recursive=FALSE), force)
chks = sapply(d1$checks, force) # with flattening done in .describeStore
nareq = sum([1,]))
naloc = sum([3,]))
reqstat = mean(breq <- (chks[1,]==chks[2,]), na.rm=TRUE)
lenstat = mean(lreq <- (chks[3,]==chks[4,]), na.rm=TRUE)
return(new("storeDescription", basic=d1$basic, reqstat=reqstat,
lenstat=lenstat, full=d1, reqfail=which(!breq), locfail=which(!lreq),
nareq=nareq, naloc=naloc))
return(new("storeDescription", basic=d1$basic, full=d1))
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