
Defines functions updateNNfit forwsimDiffExpr.gagafit forwsimDiffExpr.nnfit forwsimDiffExpr

Documented in forwsimDiffExpr forwsimDiffExpr.gagafit forwsimDiffExpr.nnfit

forwsimDiffExpr <- function(fit,x,groups,ngenes,maxBatch,batchSize,fdrmax=.05,genelimit,v0thre=1,B=100,Bsummary=100,trace=TRUE,randomSeed,mc.cores=1) { UseMethod("forwsimDiffExpr") }

forwsimDiffExpr.nnfit <- function(fit,x,groups,ngenes,maxBatch,batchSize,fdrmax=.05,genelimit,v0thre=1,B=100,Bsummary=100,trace=TRUE,randomSeed, mc.cores=1) {

if (missing(batchSize)) stop('batchSize must be specified')
batchSize <- as.integer(batchSize)
if (missing(maxBatch)) stop('maxBatch must be specified')
if (round(maxBatch)!=maxBatch | maxBatch<1) stop('maxBatch must be an integer >=1')
if (round(B)!=B | B<1) stop('B must be an integer >=1')
if (missing(x)) {
  if (nrow(fit$patterns)>2) stop('More than two expression patterns not currently implemented when simulating from prior predictive')
  if (missing(ngenes)) stop('ngenes must be specified when x is missing')
  groups <- character(0)
} else {
  if (is(x, "exprSet") | is(x,"ExpressionSet")) {
    if (is.character(groups) && length(groups)==1) { groups <- as.character(pData(x)[, groups]) }
    x <- exprs(x)
  } else if (!is(x,"data.frame") & !is(x,"matrix")) { stop("x must be an exprSet, data.frame or matrix") } 
  #Reduce nb of genes to use in forward sim
  if (!missing(genelimit)) { if (genelimit < nrow(x)) v0thre <- quantile(fit$pp[,1],probs=genelimit/nrow(x)) }
  sel <- fit$pp[,1] < v0thre; x <- x[sel,]; fit$pp <- fit$pp[sel,]

if (trace) { cat(' Initializing...') }
nans <- B*(maxBatch+1)
ans <- data.frame(simid=rep(1:B,each=maxBatch+1),time=rep(0:maxBatch,B),u=double(nans),fdr=double(nans),fnr=double(nans),power=double(nans),summary=rep(NA,nans))
sel <- ans$time==0
est <- getpar(fit); probpat <- est[grep('probpat',names(est))]
fit$nn.fit@probEst[1,] <- probpat #ensure that hyper-parameters are consistent
if (missing(x)) {
  ans$u[sel] <- ans$power[sel] <- 0; ans$fdr[sel] <- ans$fnr[sel] <- 0
  ans$summary[sel] <- powsimprior(fit,m=rep(batchSize,ncol(fit$patterns)),ngenes=ngenes,fdrmax=fdrmax,B=Bsummary,mc.cores=mc.cores)$m
} else {
  d <- findgenes(fit,fdrmax=fdrmax)
  ans$u[sel] <- d$truePos; ans$power[sel] <- d$power; ans$fdr[sel] <- d$fdrpar; ans$fnr[sel] <- d$fnr
  ans$summary[sel] <- powfindgenes(fit,x=x,groups=groups,batchSize=batchSize,fdrmax=fdrmax,B=Bsummary,mc.cores=mc.cores)$m - d$truePos

#Forward simulation
ngroups <- ncol(fit$patterns)
groupinit <- seq(1,batchSize*maxBatch*ngroups,by=batchSize*maxBatch)
if (trace) { B10 <- max(round(B/10),1); cat('\n Forward simulation') }
for (i in 1:B) {
  #Simulate data up to time horizon
  if (missing(x)) {
    m <- rep(batchSize*maxBatch,ncol(fit$patterns))
    xnew <- simNN(n=ngenes, m=m, p.de=est['probpat2'],mu0=est['mu0'],tau0=sqrt(est['tau02']),v0=est['v0'],sigma0=sqrt(est['sigma02']))
    groupsnew <- xnew$group <- rep(colnames(fit$patterns),m)
    dtrue <- fData(xnew)[,'mu1']!=fData(xnew)[,'mu2']
  } else {
    groupsnew <- rep(colnames(fit$patterns),each=batchSize*maxBatch)
    xnew <- simnewsamples(fit, groupsnew=groupsnew, x=x, groups=groups)
    dtrue <- fData(xnew)$d==2
  #Update post prob & post expected terminal utility
  for (t in 1:maxBatch) {
    colcum <- do.call(c,lapply(groupinit, function(z) z + 0:(t*batchSize-1)))
    if (missing(x)) { xcum <- exprs(xnew)[,colcum] } else { xcum <- cbind(x,exprs(xnew)[,colcum]) }
    groupscum <- c(groups,groupsnew[colcum])
    fitnew <- updateNNfit(fit,x=xcum,groups=groupscum)
    d <- findgenes(fitnew,fdrmax=fdrmax,parametric=TRUE)
    rowsel <- (i-1)*(maxBatch+1)+ t+1
    dcall <- d$d==1
    if (any(dcall)) { ans$u[rowsel] <- sum(dtrue & dcall) } else { ans$u[rowsel] <- 0 }
    #ans$u[rowsel] <- d$truePos
    ans$power[rowsel] <- d$power; ans$fdr[rowsel] <- d$fdrpar; ans$fnr[rowsel] <- d$fnr
    #Summary statistic
    if (t<maxBatch) {
      ans$summary[rowsel] <- powfindgenes(fitnew, x=xcum,groups=groupscum,batchSize=batchSize,fdrmax=fdrmax,B=Bsummary,mc.cores=mc.cores)$m - ans$u[rowsel]
  if (trace & (i %% B10)==0) cat('.')
if (trace) cat('\n')

forwsimDiffExpr.gagafit <- function(fit,x,groups,ngenes,maxBatch,batchSize,fdrmax=.05,genelimit,v0thre=1,B=100,Bsummary=100,trace=TRUE,randomSeed,mc.cores=1) {

if (missing(batchSize)) stop('batchSize must be specified')
batchSize <- as.integer(batchSize)
if (missing(maxBatch)) stop('maxBatch must be specified')
if (round(maxBatch)!=maxBatch | maxBatch<1) stop('maxBatch must be an integer >=1')
if (round(B)!=B | B<1) stop('B must be an integer >=1')

gapprox <- TRUE
patterns <- fit$patterns
if (missing(x)) {
  simprior <- as.integer(1)
  x <- double(0); groupsr <- integer(0)
  K <- as.integer(nrow(patterns))
  nrowx <- as.integer(ngenes)
  ncolx <- as.integer(0)
  if (missing(genelimit)) { genelimit <- ngenes }
} else {
  simprior <- as.integer(0)
  if (is(x, "exprSet") | is(x,"ExpressionSet")) {
    if (is.character(groups) && length(groups)==1) { groups <- as.factor(pData(x)[, groups]) }
    x <- exprs(x)
  } else if (!is(x,"data.frame") & !is(x,"matrix")) { stop("x must be an exprSet, data.frame or matrix") }
  if (ncol(x)!=length(groups)) stop('Argument groups must be of length equal to the number of columns in x')
  if (missing(genelimit)) { genelimit <- nrow(x); }
  groupsr <- groups2int(groups,patterns)
  K <- as.integer(max(groupsr)+1)
  if (ncol(patterns)!=K) stop('patterns must have number of columns equal to the number of distinct elements in groups')
  nrowx <- as.integer(nrow(x))
  ncolx <- as.integer(ncol(x))

#Set up some C routine variables that are not currently needed
stepsum <- 1 #summary statistic is computed up to 'stepsum' steps ahead in time
cf <- double(2); cf.sam <- as.double(0) #utility coeff. These values will make the C routine to ignore them.
Jini <- 0 #initial sample size

B <- as.integer(B); Bsummary <- as.integer(Bsummary); maxBatch <- as.integer(maxBatch); Jini <- as.integer(Jini)
util <- as.integer(1)
for (i in 1:nrow(patterns)) { patterns[i,] <- as.integer(as.integer(as.factor(patterns[i,]))-1) }
ngrouppat <- as.integer(apply(patterns,1,'max')+1)
par <- getpar(fit)
a0 <- as.double(par$a0); nu <- as.double(par$nu)
balpha <- as.double(par$balpha); nualpha <- as.double(par$nualpha)
probclus <- as.double(par$probclus); probpat <- as.double(par$probpat)
fdrmax <- as.double(fdrmax)
simid <- j <- integer(B*(maxBatch-Jini)); u <- fdr <- fnr <- power <- double(B*(maxBatch-Jini))
summary <- double(stepsum*B*(maxBatch-Jini))

#Set random number generator seed
if (missing(randomSeed)) { randomSeed <- as.numeric(Sys.time()) }
if (randomSeed<=0) stop('randomSeed must be >0')
randomSeed <- randomSeed + 2 #must be >2 to avoid problems with C random number seed
randomSeed <- as.integer(c(randomSeed,as.integer(randomSeed/2)) %% 10^6)

cat("Starting forward simulation...\n")
z <- .C("forwsim_geneC",simid=simid,j=j,u=u,fdr=fdr,fnr=fnr,power=power,summary=summary,B,Bsummary,as.integer(stepsum),maxBatch,Jini,batchSize,util,cf,cf.sam,as.integer(genelimit),as.double(v0thre),simprior,nrowx,ncolx,as.double(t(x)),groupsr,K,a0,nu,balpha,nualpha,as.integer(fit$equalcv),as.integer(length(probclus)),probclus,probpat,as.integer(nrow(patterns)),as.integer(t(patterns)),ngrouppat,fdrmax,as.integer(trace),as.integer(gapprox),randomSeed)

if (stepsum) { summary <- matrix(z$summary,ncol=stepsum,byrow=TRUE) } else { summary <- rep(NA,length(z$simid)) }
ans <- data.frame(simid=z$simid,time=z$j,u=round(z$u,5),fdr=round(z$fdr,5),fnr=round(z$fnr,5),power=round(z$power,5),summary=round(summary,5))

if (simprior) {
  u0 <- list(truePos=0,fdr=1,fnr=1,power=0)
} else {
  u0 <- findgenes(fit,x=x,groups=groups,fdrmax=fdrmax,parametric=TRUE)
s0 <- mean(ans$u[ans$time==min(ans$time)])-u0$truePos
ans0 <- data.frame(simid=unique(ans$simid),time=min(ans$time)-1,u=u0$truePos,fdr=u0$fdr,fnr=u0$fnr,power=u0$power,summary=s0)
ans <- rbind(ans0,ans); ans <- ans[order(ans$simid,ans$time),]
ans$summary[ans$summary==-9999] <- NA


#Create nnfit object with hyper-parameters fixed to values given in fit
updateNNfit <- function(fit,x,groups) {
  nn.fitnew <- fit$nn.fit 
  nn.fitnew@hypotheses <- makeEBarraysHyp(patterns=fit$patterns, groups=groups)
  ppnew <- postprob(fit=nn.fitnew, data=exp(x), groupid=groups)$pattern
  fitnew <- list(parest=fit$parest, patterns=fit$patterns, pp=ppnew, nn.fit=nn.fitnew)
  class(fitnew) <- 'nnfit'

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