

#' @name ClassifierParameters
#' @title An S4 class to store classifier parameters.
#' @description  This class stores classifier related information
#' This is information on probe-sets used and their weightings,
#' means, standard deviations and covariance structure as observed in
#' the classifiers training data, and the description of the procedure
#' on how to preprocess new data prior to application of the classifier.
#' @slot name A character string indicating the name of the classifier
#' @slot description A short description of the classifier
#' @slot citations A character vector of citations to literature
#' @slot normalizationMethod A character string indicating the normalization
#' method to apply
#' @slot eventChain A list of preprocessing steps

#' @slot probeNames A character vector
#' @slot intercept A numeric value
#' @slot weights A numeric vector
#' @slot decisionBoundaries A numeric vector with values that separate
#' the risk-groups

#' @slot doRun A function which is called for the actual classification

#' @slot means A numeric vector of probe-set means as observed in the
#' trainingsset (if available)
#' @slot sds A numeric vector of probe-set standard deviations as observed
#' in the trainingsset (if available)

#' @slot .geneClassifierVersion An object of class \code{\link{package_version}}
setClass("ClassifierParameters", representation = representation(citations = "vector", 
    name = "character", description = "character", normalizationMethod = "character", 
    probeNames = "character", weights = "numeric", intercept = "numeric", means = "numeric", 
    sds = "numeric", decisionBoundaries = "numeric", doRun = "function", eventChain = "list", 
    hasTrainingData = "logical", .geneClassifierVersion = "package_version"), prototype = list(.geneClassifierVersion = packageVersionInternal()))

setValidity("ClassifierParameters", function(object) {
    errTxt <- vector()
    if (length(getName(object)) != 1) {
        errTxt <- c(errTxt, "Classifier name must be given as a single character string")
    if (length(getNormalizationMethod(object)) != 1) {
        errTxt <- c(errTxt, "Normalization method must be given as a single character string")
    } else if (!getNormalizationMethod(object) %in% getNormalizationMethods()) {
        errTxt <- c(errTxt, "Unknown normalization method")
    if (length(getDescription(object)) != 1) {
        errTxt <- c(errTxt, "Classifier description must be given as a single character string")
    if (length(getProbeNames(object)) == 0) {
        errTxt <- c(errTxt, "Classifier probe names must be given.")
    if (length(getWeights(object)) != length(getProbeNames(object))) {
        errTxt <- c(errTxt, "Classifier weights and probe names are of different length.")
    if (length(hasTrainingData(object)) != 1) {
        errTxt <- c(errTxt, "Classifier hasTrainingData indication must be either TRUE of FALSE.")
    ## Do not check eventchain and dorun here. They were already part of the unit
    ## tests
    if (length(errTxt) > 0) {
        return(c(getName(object), errTxt))

#' @importMethodsFrom Biobase preproc experimentData
#' @importFrom utils packageVersion packageName data
setMethod("ClassifierParameters", definition = function(name, doRun, hasTrainingData, 
    normalizationMethod, weights, description = "", intercept = numeric(0), means = numeric(0), 
    sds = numeric(0), decisionBoundaries = numeric(0), eventChain = list(), citations = character(0)) {
    new("ClassifierParameters", name = name, normalizationMethod = normalizationMethod, 
        description = description, citations = citations, probeNames = names(weights), 
        intercept = intercept, weights = weights, means = means, sds = sds, decisionBoundaries = decisionBoundaries, 
        doRun = doRun, eventChain = eventChain, hasTrainingData = hasTrainingData)

setMethod("show", signature = signature(object = "ClassifierParameters"), definition = function(object) {
    cat("Classifier: ", getName(object), "\n")
    cat("Description: ", getDescription(object), "\n")
    cat("Based on n = ", length(getProbeNames(object)), " probe sets\n")
    boundaries <- getDecisionBoundaries
    if (length(boundaries) == 0) {
        cat("Number of risk groups: none (only continuous risk score)")
    } else if (length(boundaries) > 0) {
        cat("Number of risk groups: n = ", length(boundaries) + 1, "\n")
    cat("To be used on ", getNormalizationMethod(object), " normalized data\n")
    allCitations <- paste(unlist(getCitations(object)), collapse = "; ")
    regExPattern <- paste("(?<=.{", options("width"), "})", sep = "")
    cat(strsplit(allCitations, regExPattern, perl = TRUE)[[1]], sep = "\n")

setMethod("hasTrainingData", signature = signature(object = "ClassifierParameters"), 
    definition = function(object) {

#' @rdname getEventChain-methods
#' @aliases getEventChain,ClassifierParameters-method
#' @export
setMethod("getEventChain", signature = signature(object = "ClassifierParameters"), 
    definition = function(object) {

#' @rdname getDescription-methods
#' @aliases getDescription,ClassifierParameters-method
#' @export
setMethod("getDescription", signature = signature(object = "ClassifierParameters"), 
    definition = function(object) {

#' @rdname getNormalizationMethod-methods
#' @aliases getNormalizationMethod,ClassifierParameters-method
#' @export
setMethod("getNormalizationMethod", signature = signature(object = "ClassifierParameters"), 
    definition = function(object) {

#' @rdname getDecisionBoundaries-methods
#' @aliases getDecisionBoundaries,ClassifierParameters-method
#' @export
setMethod("getDecisionBoundaries", signature = signature(object = "ClassifierParameters"), 
    definition = function(object) {

#' @rdname getIntercept-methods
#' @aliases getIntercept,ClassifierParameters-method
#' @export
setMethod("getIntercept", signature = signature(object = "ClassifierParameters"), 
    definition = function(object) {

#' @rdname getTrainingData-methods
#' @aliases getTrainingData,ClassifierParameters-method
#' @export
setMethod("getTrainingData", signature = signature(object = "ClassifierParameters"), 
    definition = function(object) {
        if (!hasTrainingData(object)) 
        orgClassifierName <- gsub("_reweighted", "", getName(object))
        expectedDataName <- paste(orgClassifierName, "_training", sep = "")
        trainingsData <- local({
            try(eval(parse(text = expectedDataName)), silent = TRUE)
        if (!inherits(trainingsData, "ExpressionSet")) {
            stop("Could not obtain training data (", expectedDataName, ") for classifier", 
        return(trainingsData[getProbeNames(object), ])

#' @rdname getProbeNames-methods
#' @aliases getProbeNames,ClassifierParameters-method
#' @export
setMethod("getProbeNames", signature = signature(object = "ClassifierParameters"), 
    definition = function(object) {

#' @rdname getWeights-methods
#' @aliases getWeights,ClassifierParameters-method
#' @export
setMethod("getWeights", signature = signature(object = "ClassifierParameters"), definition = function(object) {
    pn <- getProbeNames(object)
    w <- object@weights
    if (length(pn) == length(w)) 
        names(w) <- pn

#' @importFrom Biobase copyEnv
setMethod("reWeightClassifier", signature = signature(object = "ClassifierParameters", 
    fixedExpressionData = "FixedExpressionData"), definition = function(object, fixedExpressionData) {
    ## Function reWeightClassifier is assumed to be called by the runClassifier
    ## function which performs the required checks
    .reweight <- function(expressionSetTrain, betas, probesPresent, probesAbsent) {
        expressionSetTrain <- t(exprs(expressionSetTrain))
        mat <- cbind(1, expressionSetTrain[, c(probesPresent, probesAbsent), drop = FALSE])  #complete data
        mat0 <- cbind(1, expressionSetTrain[, probesPresent, drop = FALSE])  #known data
        mat1 <- expressionSetTrain[, probesAbsent, drop = FALSE]  #unknown data
        Omega <- solve(t(mat0) %*% mat0) %*% t(mat0) %*% mat1
        fi <- c(betas[1], betas[probesPresent]) + Omega %*% betas[probesAbsent]
        ## Assume normality to adjust new variance and bias toward the old values ensure
        ## compatability with classification thresholds
        sdNew <- sd(mat0 %*% fi)
        sdOld <- sd(mat %*% c(betas[1], betas[c(probesPresent, probesAbsent)]))
        fi[-1] <- fi[-1] * sdOld/sdNew
        orgMu <- sum(colMeans(mat) * c(betas[1], betas[c(probesPresent, probesAbsent)])) - 
        newMu <- sum(colMeans(mat0) * fi) - fi[1]
        fi[1] <- betas[1] + orgMu - newMu  ##reset intercept to original value
        names(fi) <- c("Intercept", probesPresent)
        betas <- fi
    probesPresent <- getProbeNames(object)[which(getProbeNames(object) %in% rownames(fixedExpressionData))]
    probesAbsent <- getProbeNames(object)[which(!getProbeNames(object) %in% rownames(fixedExpressionData))]
    trainingData <- getTrainingData(object)
    idx <- match(probesPresent, getProbeNames(object))
    betas <- .reweight(expressionSetTrain = trainingData, betas = c(getIntercept(object), 
        getWeights(object)), probesPresent, probesAbsent)
    newIntercept <- betas[1]
    newWeights <- betas[-1, drop = FALSE]
    newObject <- ClassifierParameters(name = paste(getName(object), "_reweighted", 
        sep = ""), description = getDescription(object), normalizationMethod = getNormalizationMethod(object), 
        weights = newWeights, intercept = newIntercept, means = getMeans(object)[idx], 
        sds = getSds(object)[idx], decisionBoundaries = getDecisionBoundaries(object), 
        doRun = getDoRun(object), citations = getCitations(object), eventChain = getEventChain(object), 
        hasTrainingData = hasTrainingData(object))

#' @rdname getCitations-methods
#' @aliases getCitations,ClassifierParameters-method
#' @export
setMethod("getCitations", signature = signature(object = "ClassifierParameters"), 
    definition = function(object) {

#' @rdname getName-methods
#' @aliases getName,ClassifierParameters-method
#' @export
setMethod("getName", signature = signature(object = "ClassifierParameters"), definition = function(object) {

#' @rdname getMeans-methods
#' @aliases getMeans,ClassifierParameters-method
#' @export
setMethod("getMeans", signature = signature(object = "ClassifierParameters"), definition = function(object) {
    pn <- getProbeNames(object)
    m <- object@means
    if (length(pn) == length(m)) 
        names(m) <- pn

#' @rdname getSds-methods
#' @aliases getSds,ClassifierParameters-method
#' @export
setMethod("getSds", signature = signature(object = "ClassifierParameters"), definition = function(object) {
    pn <- getProbeNames(object)
    s <- object@sds
    if (length(pn) == length(s)) 
        names(s) <- pn

setMethod("getDoRun", signature = signature(object = "ClassifierParameters"), definition = function(object) {
#' @rdname runClassifier-methods
#' @aliases runClassifier,character,FixedExpressionData-method
#' @export
setMethod("runClassifier", signature = signature(classifierParameters = "character", 
    fixedExpressionData = "FixedExpressionData"), definition = function(classifierParameters, 
    fixedExpressionData, ...) {
    dotList <- list(...)
    classifierParameters <- getClassifier(classifierParameters)
    runClassifier(classifierParameters, fixedExpressionData, ...)

#' @rdname runClassifier-methods
#' @aliases runClassifier,ClassifierResults,FixedExpressionData-method
#' @export
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @importMethodsFrom Biobase exprs
setMethod("runClassifier", signature = signature(classifierParameters = "ClassifierParameters", 
    fixedExpressionData = "FixedExpressionData"), definition = function(classifierParameters, 
    fixedExpressionData, ...) {
    dotList <- list(...)
    nTP <- length(getTransformationProcesses(fixedExpressionData))
    if (nTP > 0) {
        warning("The provided data already contains transformationProcesses. Consider removing them by using the function 'removeTransformationProcesses'.")
    normalizationMethodClassifier <- getNormalizationMethod(classifierParameters)
    normalizationMethodData <- getNormalizationMethod(fixedExpressionData)
    if (normalizationMethodClassifier != normalizationMethodData) {
        stop("Classifier: ", getName(classifierParameters), " can only be applied to ", 
            normalizationMethodClassifier, " normalized data. The given data is ", 
            normalizationMethodData, " nomalized.")
    eventChain = getEventChain(classifierParameters)
    allow.reweighted = FALSE
    do.batchcorrection = TRUE
    if (!is.null(dotList[["allow.reweighted"]])) {
        allow.reweighted <- dotList[["allow.reweighted"]]
    if (!is.null(dotList[["do.batchcorrection"]])) {
        do.batchcorrection <- dotList[["do.batchcorrection"]]
    if (do.batchcorrection & ncol(fixedExpressionData) < 3) {
        stop("Only a small number of samples available (n=", ncol(fixedExpressionData), 
            "). Please consider setting 'do.batchcorrection = FALSE' but be aware this could severely induce biases!")
    if (do.batchcorrection & ncol(fixedExpressionData) < 20) {
        warning("Small number of available samples (n=", ncol(fixedExpressionData), 
            "). Include more samples or consider setting 'do.batchcorrection = FALSE' but be aware this could severely induces biases!")
    weightingType = "complete"
    batchCorrection = "yes"
    probesAbsent <- getProbeNames(classifierParameters)[which(!getProbeNames(classifierParameters) %in% 
    if (length(probesAbsent) > 0) {
        allowed.by.classifier = FALSE
        if (!is.null(eventChain[["allow.reweighted"]])) {
            if (eventChain[["allow.reweighted"]]) {
                ## allowed by classifier?
                allowed.by.classifier = TRUE
                if (allow.reweighted) {
                  ## Explicitly allowed by user?
                  classifierParameters <- reWeightClassifier(classifierParameters, 
                  weightingType = "reweighted"
                } else {
                  stop("Found ", length(probesAbsent), " of ", length(getProbeNames(classifierParameters)), 
                    " covariates to be missing for classifier ", getName(classifierParameters), 
                    ". Consider using 'allow.reweighted = TRUE'")
        if (!allowed.by.classifier) {
            stop("Probe sets missing (n = ", length(probesAbsent), " of ", length(getProbeNames(classifierParameters)), 
                ") which are needed to apply classifier ", getName(classifierParameters), 
                ".  Reweighting is not allowed for this classifier.")
    fixedExpressionData <- fixedExpressionData[getProbeNames(classifierParameters), 
        ]  ###Filter probes
    for (eventIdx in seq_len(length(eventChain))) {
        keyword = names(eventChain[eventIdx])
        keyvalue = as.numeric(eventChain[eventIdx])
        if (keyword == "targetValue") {
            setTargetValue(fixedExpressionData) <- keyvalue
        } else if (keyword == "truncate") {
            fixedExpressionData <- addTransformationProcess(fixedExpressionData, 
                "LOWERTRUNCATE", keyvalue)
        } else if (keyword == "to.log") {
            fixedExpressionData <- addTransformationProcess(fixedExpressionData, 
                "LOG", keyvalue)
        } else if (keyword == "to.meancentering" & keyvalue > 0) {
            if (do.batchcorrection) {
                meanValues <- apply(exprs(fixedExpressionData), 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
            } else {
                meanValues <- getMeans(classifierParameters)
                if (length(meanValues) == 0) {
                  stop("Classifier", getName(classifierParameters), "has no reference means given and thus only batchwise approach (i.e. do.batchcorrection = TRUE) is possible.")
            fixedExpressionData <- addTransformationProcess(fixedExpressionData, 
                "SHIFTPERPROBE", values = -1 * meanValues)
        } else if (keyword == "to.unitvariance" & keyvalue > 0) {
            if (do.batchcorrection) {
                sdValues <- apply(exprs(fixedExpressionData), 1, sd)
            } else {
                sdValues <- getSds(classifierParameters)
                if (length(sdValues) == 0) {
                  stop("Classifier", getName(classifierParameters), "has no reference sd's given and thus only batchwise approach (i.e. do.batchcorrection = TRUE) is possible.")
            fixedExpressionData <- addTransformationProcess(fixedExpressionData, 
                "MULTIPLYPERPROBE", values = 1/sdValues)
        } else if (keyword == "to.referencemeanvar" & keyvalue > 0) {
            if (do.batchcorrection) {
                meanValues <- apply(exprs(fixedExpressionData), 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
                sdValues <- apply(exprs(fixedExpressionData), 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
                refMeanValues <- getMeans(classifierParameters)[rownames(fixedExpressionData)]
                refSdValues <- getSds(classifierParameters)[rownames(fixedExpressionData)]
                # Note that the required refmeans and refsds were already checked for in the unit
                # tests!
                fixedExpressionData <- addTransformationProcess(fixedExpressionData, 
                  "SHIFTPERPROBE", values = -meanValues)
                fixedExpressionData <- addTransformationProcess(fixedExpressionData, 
                  "MULTIPLYPERPROBE", values = refSdValues/sdValues)
                fixedExpressionData <- addTransformationProcess(fixedExpressionData, 
                  "SHIFTPERPROBE", values = refMeanValues)
            } else {
                # Do nothing
        } else if (keyword == "allow.reweighted") {
        } else {
            stop("Encountered unknown keyword (", keyword, ") in the eventChain of ", 
    score <- getDoRun(classifierParameters)(classifierParameters, fixedExpressionData)
    classifierResults <- ClassifierResults(classifierParameters = classifierParameters, 
        score = score, batchCorrection = do.batchcorrection, weightingType = weightingType)

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