
Defines functions getACExprs emptyACPlot cullACXPoints scaleACData getACClosestPos getACGeneSyms limitACXRange buildACMainLabel fixACPhysPoints highlightACDups getACDataEnv getACPlotLabs dispACXaxis getACStrandVals doACCumPlot doACLocalPlot doACMatPlot doACImagePlot alongChrom

Documented in alongChrom buildACMainLabel cullACXPoints dispACXaxis doACCumPlot doACImagePlot doACLocalPlot doACMatPlot emptyACPlot fixACPhysPoints getACClosestPos getACDataEnv getACExprs getACGeneSyms getACPlotLabs getACStrandVals highlightACDups limitACXRange scaleACData

alongChrom <- function(eSet, chrom, specChrom, xlim, whichGenes,
                       plotFormat=c("cumulative", "local","image"),
                       xloc=c("equispaced", "physical"),
                       geneSymbols=FALSE, byStrand=FALSE,
                       colors="red",  lty=1, type="S", ...) {

    ## Will plot a set of exprset samples by genes of a chromosome
    ## according to their expression levels.

    ##make sure we get the full name for all args
    xloc <- match.arg(xloc)
    plotFormat <- match.arg(plotFormat)
    scale <- match.arg(scale)

    ## Get plotting labels
    labEnv <- getACPlotLabs(plotFormat, chrom, xloc, scale)

    ## Get the genes to display
    usedGenes <- usedChromGenes(eSet, chrom, specChrom)
    ## Filter out any NA positioned genes
    usedGenes <- usedGenes[!is.na(usedGenes)]
    ## Limit genes to requested range
    if (!missing(xlim)) {
        usedGenes <- limitACXRange(xlim, usedGenes)
    geneNames <- names(usedGenes)
    if (geneSymbols == TRUE) {
        geneNames <- getACGeneSyms(geneNames, specChrom)
    ## Select out requested genes
    if (!missing(whichGenes)) {
        nameLocs <- geneNames %in% whichGenes
        if (!all(nameLocs)) {
            print("Warning: Not all requested genes are displayed.")
        usedGenes <- usedGenes[nameLocs]
        geneNames <- names(usedGenes)

    ## Handle cases where we have filter out all but 0 or 1 gene.
    nGenes <- length(usedGenes)
    if (nGenes == 0) {
    else if (nGenes == 1) {
        ## !!!! TODO: Plot the single value as is instead of this
        x <- paste("Only gene to be plotted: ",

    ## Get the expression data, cumulative or otherwise
    chromExprs <- getACExprs(eSet, usedGenes, plotFormat,scale)

    ## Figure out which strands each gene is on
    strands <- ifelse(usedGenes>0,"+","-")

    ## Check for duplicated positions
    dup <- which(duplicated(abs(as.numeric(usedGenes))))
    dup <- dup[!is.na(dup)]

    dataEnv <- getACDataEnv(chromExprs, geneNames, strands,
                            byStrand, dup)

    ## If image plot was requested, split off here
           "image" = return(doACImagePlot(dataEnv, labEnv, colors)),
           "local" = return(doACLocalPlot(dataEnv, labEnv, colors)),
           "cumulative" = return(doACCumPlot(dataEnv, labEnv,
                           usedGenes, xloc, colors, lty, type, ...))

doACImagePlot <- function(dataEnv, labEnv, nCols) {
    ## Passed in the expression matrix, the names of the
    ## used genes, the name of the chromosome, the scaling method & the number
    ## of colours to utilize in the plot, will generate
    ## an image plot
    chromExprs <- dataEnv$chromExprs
    byStrand <- dataEnv$byStrand

    ngenes <- nrow(chromExprs)
    nsamp <- ncol(chromExprs)

    ## Get the colour mapping
    if( is.numeric(nCols) )
        d <- dChip.colors(nCols)
        d <- nCols
    w <- sort(chromExprs)
    b <- quantile(w,probs=seq(0,1,(1/length(d))))

    ## retrieve the labels
    xlab <- labEnv$xlab
    ylab <- labEnv$ylab
    main <- labEnv$main

    ## Build the plot
    xPoints <- 1:ngenes

    if (byStrand==TRUE) {
        strands <- dataEnv$strands

        mfPar <- par(mfrow = c(2,1))
        midVal <- b[length(b)/2]
        pos <- xPoints[which(strands == "+")]
        neg <- xPoints[which(strands == "-")]
        posExprs <- chromExprs
        posExprs[neg,] <- midVal
        negExprs <- chromExprs
        negExprs[pos,] <- midVal

        image(x=xPoints,y=1:(nsamp+1),z=posExprs, col=d, breaks=b,
              xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main, axes=FALSE)
        axis(2, at=1:nsamp, labels=colnames(posExprs))
        dispACXaxis(xPoints, dataEnv, "image")
        image(x=xPoints,y=1:(nsamp+1),z=negExprs, col=d, breaks=b,
              xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, axes=FALSE)
        axis(2, at=1:nsamp, labels=colnames(chromExprs))
       dispACXaxis(xPoints, dataEnv, "image")
    else {
        image(x=xPoints,y=1:(nsamp+1),z=chromExprs, col=d, breaks=b,
              xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main, axes=FALSE)
        axis(2, at=1:nsamp, labels=colnames(chromExprs))
        dispACXaxis(xPoints, dataEnv, "image")

doACMatPlot <- function(xPoints, dataEnv, xlim, ylim, type, lty, col,
                       labEnv, xloc, ...) {
    xlab <- labEnv$xlab
    ylab <- labEnv$ylab
    main <- labEnv$main

    chromExprs <- dataEnv$chromExprs

    matplot(xPoints, chromExprs, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim,type=type,
            lty=lty, col=col, xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab, main=main,
            xaxt="n", cex.lab=0.9,...)

    dispACXaxis(xPoints, dataEnv, xloc, "cumulative")

doACLocalPlot <- function(dataEnv, labEnv, colors) {
    ## retrieve the labels
    xlab <- labEnv$xlab
    ylab <- labEnv$ylab
    main <- labEnv$main

    envTitles <- c("chromExprs", "geneNames", "strands", "dup")
    ## Retrieve data values
    envVals <- mget(c(envTitles,"byStrand"),envir=dataEnv, ifnotfound=NA)

    xPoints <- 1:nrow(envVals$chromExprs)

    if (envVals$byStrand == TRUE) {
        mfPar <- par(mfrow = c(2,1))
        strandVals <- getACStrandVals(envVals$chromExprs,
                                      envVals$strands, xPoints,
                                      envVals$dup, envVals$geneNames,
        z <- boxplot(data.frame(t(strandVals$posExprs)), plot=FALSE)
        z$stats[,strandVals$nts] <- NA
        bxp(z,col=colors, xaxt="n", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main,
        mtext("Plus", side=3,line=0.35,outer=FALSE,
        dispACXaxis(strandVals$posPoints, dataEnv)
        ## Now do negative
        z <- boxplot(data.frame(t(strandVals$negExprs)), plot=FALSE)
        z$stats[,strandVals$pts] <- NA
        bxp(z,col=colors, xaxt="n", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main,
        mtext("Minus", side=3,line=0.35,outer=FALSE,
        dispACXaxis(strandVals$negPoints, dataEnv)
    else {
        boxplot(data.frame(t(envVals$chromExprs)), col=colors, xlab=xlab,
                ylab=ylab, main=main, cex.lab=0.9, xaxt="n")
        dispACXaxis(xPoints, dataEnv)

doACCumPlot <- function(dataEnv, labEnv, usedGenes, xloc, colors, lty, type,
                         ...) {
    envTitles <- c("chromExprs", "dup", "geneNames", "strands",
    envVals <- mget(envTitles, envir=dataEnv, ifnotfound=NA)

    ## Create a fictitious start & end gene to help with plots
    start <- abs(as.numeric(usedGenes[1])) * 0.8
    end <- abs(as.numeric(usedGenes[length(usedGenes)])) * 1.2
    usedGenes <- c(start,usedGenes,end)

    geneNames <- envVals$geneNames <- c("",envVals$geneNames,"")
    strands <- envVals$strands <- c("",envVals$strands,"")
    ## Also need to give them data in the chromExprs matrix
    ## just copy data from the one next to them.
    chromExprs <- envVals$chromExprs
    chromExprs <- envVals$chromExprs <- rbind(chromExprs[1,],chromExprs,
    dup <- envVals$dup <- envVals$dup + 1

    multiassign(envTitles, envVals, envir=dataEnv)

    ## Define the points for the X axis
    if (xloc == "equispaced")
        xPoints <- 1:length(usedGenes)
    else if (xloc == "physical") {
        xPoints <- abs(as.numeric(usedGenes)) + 1
        xPoints <- fixACPhysPoints(xPoints, dup)

    ## Get x & y ranges
    xlim <- range(xPoints)
    ylim <- range(chromExprs)
    ylim[1] <- ylim[1]-0.1

    ## Plot the graph
    opar <- par(mar=c(6,5,4,1),mgp=c(4,1,0))

    if (envVals$byStrand == TRUE) {
        mfPar <- par(mfrow = c(2,1))

        strandVals <- getACStrandVals(chromExprs, strands, xPoints, dup,
                                    geneNames, "cumulative", xloc)

        strandTitles <- c("chromExprs", "geneNames","strands", "dup")
        doACMatPlot(strandVals$posPoints, dataEnv, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim,
                   type=type, lty=lty, col=colors,
                   labEnv=labEnv, xloc=xloc, ...)
        mtext("Plus", side=3,line=0.35,outer=FALSE,

        doACMatPlot(strandVals$negPoints, dataEnv, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim,
                   type=type, lty=lty, col=colors, labEnv=labEnv,
                   xloc=xloc, ...)
        mtext("Minus", side=3,line=0.35,outer=FALSE,
    else {
        doACMatPlot(xPoints, dataEnv, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim,
                   type=type, lty=lty, col=colors, labEnv=labEnv,
                  xloc=xloc,  ...)
    ## Create an environment that contains the necessary X & Y points
    ## for use with identify()
    identEnv <- new.env()


getACStrandVals <- function(chromExprs, strands, xPoints, dup,
                           geneNames, plotFormat, xloc="equispaced") {
    ## Determine which points are on the + and which on the -
    ## strand
    posPoints <- xPoints[strands %in% "+"]
    negPoints <- xPoints[strands %in% "-"]

    if (plotFormat == "cumulative") {
        posExprs <- chromExprs[which(strands=="+"),]
        negExprs <- chromExprs[which(strands=="-"),]
    else {
        posExprs <- negExprs <- chromExprs
        posExprs[negPoints,] <- 0
        negExprs[posPoints,] <- 0

    if (xloc == "physical") {
        pts <- which(xPoints %in% posPoints)
        nts <- which(xPoints %in% negPoints)
        posDup <- posPoints[pts %in% dup]
        posDup <- match(posDup,posPoints)
        negDup <- negPoints[nts %in% dup]
        negDup <- match(negDup,negPoints)
    else {
        pts <- posPoints
        nts <- negPoints
        posDup <- dup[dup %in% pts]
        negDup <- dup[dup %in% nts]

    posGen <- geneNames[pts]
    posStr <- strands[pts]
    negGen <- geneNames[nts]
    negStr <- strands[nts]

    strandList <- list(posExprs=posExprs, negExprs=negExprs,
                       posPoints=posPoints, negPoints=negPoints,
                       pts=pts, nts=nts, posDup=posDup, negDup=negDup,
                       posGen=posGen, posStr=posStr, negGen=negGen,

dispACXaxis <- function(xPoints, dataEnv, xloc="equispaced",
                        plotFormat="local") {
    ## Retrieve values from dataEnv
    chromExprs <- dataEnv$chromExprs
    geneNames <- dataEnv$geneNames
    strands <- dataEnv$strands
    byStrand <- dataEnv$byStrand
    dup <- dataEnv$dup

    ## Make sure that xPoints isn't exceeding our visual maximum.
    ## If so, reduce the number of poitns to actually be displayed.
    dispXPoints <- cullACXPoints(xPoints)
    dispPointLocs <- match(dispXPoints,xPoints)

    if (length(dup)>0)
        highlightACDups(dispXPoints, chromExprs, dup, xloc)

    if (plotFormat == "cumulative") {
        ## Need to filter out the first and last tick
        dispXPoints <- dispXPoints[2:(length(dispXPoints)-1)]
        dispPointLocs <- dispPointLocs[2:(length(dispPointLocs)-1)]

    axis(1, at=dispXPoints, labels = geneNames[dispPointLocs], las=2,
    if (byStrand == FALSE) {
        axis(3, at=dispXPoints, labels = strands[dispPointLocs],
             cex.axis=0.7, tick=FALSE, mgp=c(0,0,0))

getACPlotLabs <- function(plotFormat, chrom, xloc, scale) {
    labEnv <- new.env()

    ylab <- switch(plotFormat,
                   "cumulative"="Cumulative expression levels",
                   "local"="Expression levels",

    xlab <- "Representative Genes"
    main <- buildACMainLabel(ylab, chrom, xloc, plotFormat, scale)

getACDataEnv <- function(chromExprs, geneNames, strands, byStrand,
                         dup) {
    dataEnv <- new.env()
    titles <- c("chromExprs","geneNames","strands","byStrand","dup")
    vals <- list(chromExprs, geneNames, strands, byStrand, dup)
    multiassign(titles, vals, envir=dataEnv)

highlightACDups <- function(xPoints, chromExprs, dup, xloc) {
    y <- min(chromExprs)-0.2

    for (i in seq(along=dup)) {
        ## For each dup, see if both that point and the point
        ## before it are still in the displayed set of points
        cur <- dup[i]
        prev <- dup[i] - 1
        if (xloc == "equispaced") {
            curPt <- match(cur, xPoints)
            prevPt <- match(prev, xPoints)
        else {
            curPt <- cur
            prevPt <- prev
        if ((!is.na(curPt))&&(!is.na(prevPt))) {
            segments(xPoints[curPt],y,xPoints[prevPt],y, col="cyan",lwd=2)

fixACPhysPoints <- function(xPoints, dup) {
    ## !!!!!
    ## !!! Currently doing this in a very inefficient manner.
    ## !!! needs to be smarter
    ## !!!!!!

    if (length(dup)>0) {
        dupDiff <- c(1,diff(dup),2)
        tmpDup <- NULL
        for (i in 1:(length(dup)+1)) {
            if (dupDiff[i] != 1) {
                ## At end of dup run
                dist <- xPoints[tmpDup[length(tmpDup)]+1] - xPoints[tmpDup[1]]
                spacing <- dist/(length(tmpDup)+1)
                for (j in 1:length(tmpDup)) {
                    pt <- dup[match(tmpDup[j],dup)]
                    xPoints[pt] <- xPoints[pt] + (j*spacing)
                tmpDup <- NULL
            tmpDup <- c(tmpDup,dup[i])

buildACMainLabel <- function(ylab, chrom, xloc, plotFormat, scale) {
    if ((xloc == "physical")&&(plotFormat=="cumulative")) {
        main <- paste(ylab, "in chromosome", chrom,
                      "by relative position\n")
    else {
        main <- paste(ylab, "by genes in chromosome", chrom, "\n")

    main <- paste(main,"scaling method:",scale,"\n")


limitACXRange <- function(xlim, usedGenes) {

    if (!missing(xlim)) {
        if (length(xlim) == 2) {
            if (is.character(xlim)) {
                ## If a pair of gene names are provided, get hteir
                ## locations, and then use them as the xlim values.
                xlim[1] <- as.numeric(usedGenes[xlim[1]])
                xlim[2] <- as.numeric(usedGenes[xlim[2]])
                if ((is.na(xlim[1]))|(is.na(xlim[2]))) {
                    print("Error: Bad xlim parameters provided.")
                    xlim[1] = 0
                    xlim[2] = 0
                    usedGenes <- NULL
                ## Place them in proper numerical order
                xlim <- xlim[order(xlim)]
            ## At this point, we're dealing with a pair of numerical
            ## values to denote the location range (in base pairs).
            ## Ensure that the max is > than the min, then pick out
            ## the remaining genes
            if (xlim[2] > xlim[1]) {
                lowLim <- match(xlim[1],usedGenes)
                if (is.na(lowLim)) {
                    lowLim <- getACClosestPos(xlim[1],usedGenes)

                hiLim <- match(xlim[2], usedGenes)
                if (is.na(hiLim)) {
                    hiLim <- getACClosestPos(xlim[2],usedGenes)

                subs <- seq(lowLim,hiLim)
                usedGenes <- usedGenes[subs]
            else {
                print("Error: Bad xlim parameters provided.")
                usedGenes <- NULL
        else {
            print("Error: Bad xlim parameters provided.")
            usedGenes <- NULL


getACGeneSyms <- function(affys, chrObj) {
    syms <- mget(affys, envir=geneSymbols(chrObj), ifnotfound=NA)
    syms[is.na(syms)] <- affys[is.na(syms)]

getACClosestPos <- function(val, usedGenes) {
    ## Given a value, finds the closest value in usedGenes to the
    ## passed value and returns its location in the usedGenes vector

    dists <- abs(val-abs(as.numeric(usedGenes)))
    closest <- match(min(dists), dists)

scaleACData <- function(chromData,
    ## Will scale the data set to be plotted based on a variety of
    ## methods

    method <- match.arg(method)
    if (method != "none") {
        for (i in 1:nrow(chromData)) {
            x <- chromData[i,]
            if (method == "zscale") {
                chromData[i,] <- (x - mean(x))/sd(x)
            else if (method == "rangescale") {
                curRange <- range(x)
                chromData[i,] <- (x - curRange[1])/(curRange[2] - curRange[1])
            else if (method == "rankscale") {
                chromData[i,] <- rank(x)
            else if (method == "zrobustscale") {
                chromData[i,] <- (x - median(x))/mad(x)
            else {
                stmt <- paste("method:", method, ", is not implemented yet")


cullACXPoints <- function(xPoints) {
    ## Will reduce the xPoints vector to a visibly manageable size
    ## Currently if the size > 40, will leave every Nth point where
    ## xPoints/maxSize = N.  Maximum number of points is determined
    ## by determining the size of the label text and filling up 65%
    ## of the axis space with labels.

    ## First get the size of the plotting region
    preg <- par('pin')[1] * 0.65
    ## Now get the font size
    strsize <- strheight("test",units="inches")
    ## Calculate the maxSize
    maxSize <- preg %/% strsize

    if (length(xPoints) > maxSize) {
        ## Calculate N, and then get the maxSize elements from every
        ## Nth element.  Problem: Sometiems will generate a few extra
        ## due to integer division on N.
        N <- length(xPoints) %/% maxSize

        ## Start from 2 for now as a hack to keep from getting 0th
        ## entity, which throws off the labeling.
        keep <- seq(1,length(xPoints),N)

        xPoints <- xPoints[keep]


emptyACPlot <- function(chrom) {
    axis(1, at=c(0,0.2, 0.4, 0.6,0.8,1), labels=rep("NA",6))
    axis(2, at=c(0,0.2, 0.4, 0.6,0.8,1),labels=rep("NA",6))
    main <- paste("Plot empty, no genes from chromosome",chrom,
                  "in ExpressionSet provided.\n")

    title(main = main)

getACExprs <- function(eSet, usedGenes,
                      plotFormat=c("cumulative","local", "image"),
                      scale=c("none","zscale","rangescale","rankscale", "zrobustscale"))
    ## Will get the expression data for the given genes out of the
    ## expr set.  If plotFormat is set to cumulative, will generate the
    ## cumulative sum of this data across the genes.

    ## Split out only the genes on the desired chrom from the exprset
    plotFormat <- match.arg(plotFormat)
    scale <- match.arg(scale)

    chromExprs <- exprs(eSet)[names(usedGenes),]

    chromExprs <- scaleACData(chromExprs,scale)

    if (plotFormat == "cumulative") {
        chromExprs <- t(chromExprs)
        ## Fill the matrix with the cumulative sum of the expression
        chromExprs <- apply(chromExprs, 1, cumsum)


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geneplotter documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:13 p.m.