
Defines functions .add_point_UI_elements .add_facet_UI_elements .create_visual_box_for_complexheatmap .define_color_options_for_row_plots .define_visual_options .define_color_options_for_column_plots .create_visual_box

#' Add a visual parameter box for dot plots
#' Create a visual parameter box for row- or column-based dot plots, i.e., where each feature or sample is a point.
#' @param x A DataFrame with one row, containing the parameter choices for the current plot.
#' @param select_info A list of character vectors named \code{row} and \code{column} which specifies the names of panels available for transmitting single selections on the rows/columns.
#' @param se A \linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment} object after running \code{\link{.cacheCommonInfo}}.
#' @return
#' A HTML tag object containing a \code{\link{collapseBox}} with visual parameters for row- or column-based plots.
#' @details
#' Column-based plots can be coloured by nothing, by column metadata, by the expression of a single feature or by the identity of a single sample.
#' This function creates a collapsible box that contains all of these options, initialized with the choices in \code{memory}.
#' The box will also contain options for font size, point size and opacity, and legend placement.
#' Each option, once selected, yields a further subset of nested options.
#' For example, choosing to colour by column metadata will open up a \code{selectInput} to specify the metadata field to use.
#' Choosing to colour by feature name will open up a \code{selectizeInput}.
#' However, the values are filled on the server-side, rather than being sent to the client; this avoids long start times during re-rendering.
#' Note that some options will be disabled depending on the nature of the input, namely:
#' \itemize{
#' \item If there are no column metadata fields, users will not be allowed to colour by column metadata, obviously.
#' \item If there are no features, users cannot colour by features.
#' \item If there are no categorical column metadata fields, users will not be allowed to view the faceting options.
#' }
#' The same logic applies for row-based plots where we swap features with samples (i.e., coloring by feature will highlight a single feature, while coloring by sample will color by the expression of all features in that sample).
#' Similarly, the row metadata is used in place of the column metadata.
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{.defineInterface}}, where this function is typically called.
#' @importFrom shiny radioButtons tagList selectInput selectizeInput checkboxGroupInput
#' @importFrom colourpicker colourInput
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @rdname INTERNAL_create_visual_box
.create_visual_box <- function(x, se, select_info) {

    plot_name <- .getEncodedName(x)
    pchoice_field <- paste0(plot_name, "_", .visualParamChoice)

    ui <- setNames(list(
        .defineVisualColorInterface(x, se, select_info),
        .defineVisualShapeInterface(x, se),
        .defineVisualSizeInterface(x, se),
        .defineVisualPointInterface(x, se),
        .defineVisualFacetInterface(x, se),
        .defineVisualTextInterface(x, se),
    ), c(

        id=paste0(plot_name, "_", .visualParamBoxOpen),
        title="Visual parameters",
            inputId=pchoice_field, label=NULL, inline=TRUE,
        # Some repeated code pattern below. lapply?
            pchoice_field, .visualParamChoiceColorTitle,
            pchoice_field, .visualParamChoiceShapeTitle,
            pchoice_field, .visualParamChoiceSizeTitle,
            pchoice_field, .visualParamChoicePointTitle,
            pchoice_field, .visualParamChoiceFacetTitle,
            pchoice_field, .visualParamChoiceTextTitle,
            pchoice_field, .visualParamChoiceOtherTitle,

#' Define colouring options
#' Define the available colouring options for row- or column-based plots,
#' where availability is defined on the presence of the appropriate data in a SingleCellExperiment object.
#' @param se A \linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment} object.
#' @param covariates Character vector of available covariates to use for coloring.
#' @param assay_names Character vector of available assay names to use for coloring.
#' @details
#' Colouring by column data is not available if no column data exists in \code{se} - same for the row data.
#' Colouring by feature names is not available if there are no features in \code{se}.
#' There must also be assays in \code{se} to colour by features (in column-based plots) or samples (in row-based plots).
#' @return A character vector of available colouring modes, i.e., nothing, by column/row data or by feature name.
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @rdname INTERNAL_define_color_options
.define_color_options_for_column_plots <- function(se, covariates, assay_names) {
    color_choices <- .colorByNothingTitle
    if (length(covariates)) {
        color_choices <- c(color_choices, .colorByColDataTitle)
    if (nrow(se) && length(assay_names)) {
        color_choices <- c(color_choices, .colorByFeatNameTitle)
    if (ncol(se)) {
        color_choices <- c(color_choices, .colorBySampNameTitle)

#' Define visual parameter check options
#' Define the available visual parameter check boxes that can be ticked.
#' @param X A named list of UI elements.
#' @details
#' Currently, the only special case is when there are no categorical covariates, in which case the shaping and faceting UI elements are \code{NULL} and the check boxes will not be available.
#' @return A character vector of check boxes that can be clicked in the UI.
#' @author Aaron Lun, Kevin Rue-Albrecht
#' @rdname INTERNAL_define_visual_options
.define_visual_options <- function(X) {

    if (is.null(names(X)) || any(names(X) == "")) {
        stop("Visual parameters UI elements must be named")

    keep <- !vapply(X, is.null, logical(1))

#' @rdname INTERNAL_define_color_options
.define_color_options_for_row_plots <- function(se, covariates, assay_names) {
    color_choices <- .colorByNothingTitle
    if (length(covariates)) {
        color_choices <- c(color_choices, .colorByRowDataTitle)
    if (nrow(se)) {
        color_choices <- c(color_choices, .colorByFeatNameTitle)
    if (ncol(se) && length(assay_names)) {
        color_choices <- c(color_choices, .colorBySampNameTitle)

#' Add a visual parameter box for heatmap plots
#' Create a visual parameter box for heatmap plots, i.e., where features are rows and samples are columns.
#' @param x A DataFrame with one row, containing the parameter choices for the current plot.
#' @param se A \linkS4class{SummarizedExperiment} object after running \code{\link{.cacheCommonInfo}}.
#' @return
#' A HTML tag object containing a \code{\link{collapseBox}} with visual parameters for heatmap plots.
#' @details
#' Heatmap plots can be annotated by row and column metadata.
#' Rows or the heatmap matrix can be transformed using centering and scaling.
#' This function creates a collapsible box that contains all of these options, initialized with the choices in \code{memory}.
#' The box will also contain options for color scales and limits, visibility of row and column names, and legend placement and direction.
#' Each option, once selected, yields a further subset of nested options.
#' For example, choosing to center the heatmap rows will open a \code{selectInput} to specify the divergent colorscale to use.
#' @author Kevin Rue-Albrecht
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{.defineInterface}}, where this function is typically called.
#' @importFrom shiny checkboxGroupInput selectizeInput checkboxInput numericInput radioButtons
#' @importFrom shinyjs disabled
#' @rdname INTERNAL_create_visual_box_for_complexheatmap
.create_visual_box_for_complexheatmap <- function(x, se) {
    plot_name <- .getEncodedName(x)

    all_coldata <- .getCachedCommonInfo(se, "ComplexHeatmapPlot")$valid.colData.names
    all_rowdata <- .getCachedCommonInfo(se, "ComplexHeatmapPlot")$valid.rowData.names

    assay_name <- x[[.heatMapAssay]]
    assay_discrete <- assay_name %in% .getCachedCommonInfo(se, "ComplexHeatmapPlot")$discrete.assay.names

    .input_FUN <- function(field) paste0(plot_name, "_", field)

    pchoice_field <- .input_FUN(.visualParamChoice)

    ABLEFUN <- if (assay_discrete) {
    } else {

        id=paste0(plot_name, "_", .visualParamBoxOpen),
        title="Visual parameters",
            inputId=pchoice_field, label=NULL, inline=TRUE,
            choices=c(.visualParamChoiceMetadataTitle, .visualParamChoiceTransformTitle, .visualParamChoiceColorTitle,
                .visualParamChoiceLabelsTitle, .visualParamChoiceLegendTitle)),
            pchoice_field, .visualParamChoiceMetadataTitle,
            selectizeInput(.input_FUN(.heatMapColData), label="Column annotations:",
                selected=x[[.heatMapColData]], choices=all_coldata, multiple=TRUE,
                options=list(plugins=list('remove_button', 'drag_drop'))),
            selectizeInput(.input_FUN(.heatMapRowData), label="Row annotations:",
                selected=x[[.heatMapRowData]], choices=all_rowdata, multiple=TRUE,
                options=list(plugins=list('remove_button', 'drag_drop')))
            pchoice_field, .visualParamChoiceTransformTitle,
            strong("Row transformations:"),
            ABLEFUN(checkboxInput(.input_FUN(.assayCenterRows), "Center", value=x[[.assayCenterRows]])),
            .conditionalOnCheckSolo(.input_FUN(.assayCenterRows), on_select = TRUE,
                ABLEFUN(checkboxInput(.input_FUN(.assayScaleRows), "Scale", value=x[[.assayScaleRows]])),
                ABLEFUN(selectizeInput(.input_FUN(.heatMapCenteredColormap), label="Centered assay colormap:",
                    choices=c(.colormapPurpleBlackYellow, .colormapBlueWhiteOrange, .colormapBlueWhiteRed, .colormapGreenWhiteRed))))
            pchoice_field, .visualParamChoiceColorTitle,
            ABLEFUN(checkboxInput(.input_FUN(.heatMapCustomAssayBounds), "Use custom colorscale bounds",
                value = x[[.heatMapCustomAssayBounds]])),
            .conditionalOnCheckSolo(.input_FUN(.heatMapCustomAssayBounds), on_select = TRUE,
                ABLEFUN(numericInput(.input_FUN(.assayLowerBound), "Lower bound",
                    value=x[[.assayLowerBound]], min = -Inf, max = Inf)),
                ABLEFUN(numericInput(.input_FUN(.assayUpperBound), "Upper bound",
                    value=x[[.assayUpperBound]], min = -Inf, max = Inf)))
            pchoice_field, .visualParamChoiceLabelsTitle,
                inputId=.input_FUN(.showDimnames), label="Show names:", inline=TRUE,
                choices=c(.showNamesRowTitle, .showNamesColumnTitle))
            pchoice_field, .visualParamChoiceLegendTitle,
            radioButtons(.input_FUN(.plotLegendPosition), label="Legend position:", inline=TRUE,
                choices=c(.plotLegendBottomTitle, .plotLegendRightTitle),
            radioButtons(.input_FUN(.plotLegendDirection), label="Legend direction:", inline=TRUE,
                choices=c(.plotLegendHorizontalTitle, .plotLegendVerticalTitle),

#' Faceting visual parameters
#' Create UI elements for selection of faceting visual parameters.
#' @param x An instance of the \linkS4class{Panel} class.
#' @param covariates Character vector listing categorical metadata columns that can be used for faceting.
#' @return
#' A HTML tag object containing faceting parameter inputs.
#' @details
#' This creates UI elements to choose the row and column faceting covariates.
#' @author Kevin Rue-Albrecht
#' @rdname INTERNAL_add_facet_UI_elements
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{.create_visual_box}}
#' @importFrom shiny tagList selectInput
.add_facet_UI_elements <- function(x, covariates) {
    plot_name <- .getEncodedName(x)
    rowId <- paste0(plot_name, "_", .facetByRow)
    columnId <- paste0(plot_name, "_", .facetByColumn)
    choices <- c(.noSelection, covariates)

        selectInput(paste0(plot_name, "_", .facetByRow), label="Facet by row:",
            choices=choices, selected=x[[.facetByRow]]),
        selectInput(paste0(plot_name, "_", .facetByColumn), label="Facet by column:",
            choices=choices, selected=x[[.facetByColumn]])

#' General visual parameters
#' Create UI elements for selection of general visual parameters.
#' @param x An instance of a \linkS4class{Panel} class.
#' @return
#' A HTML tag object containing visual parameter inputs.
#' @details
#' This creates UI elements to choose the font size, point size and opacity, and legend placement.
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @rdname INTERNAL_add_visual_UI_elements
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{.create_visual_box}}
#' @importFrom shiny tagList numericInput sliderInput hr checkboxInput
.add_point_UI_elements <- function(x) {
    plot_name <- .getEncodedName(x)
    ds_id <- paste0(plot_name, "_", .plotPointDownsample)
            paste0(plot_name, "_", .plotPointAlpha), label="Point opacity",
            min=0.1, max=1, value=x[[.plotPointAlpha]]),
        .checkboxInputHidden(x, field=.plotPointDownsample,
            label="Downsample points for speed",
            ds_id, on_select=TRUE,
                paste0(plot_name, "_", .plotPointSampleRes), label="Sampling resolution:",
                min=1, value=x[[.plotPointSampleRes]])

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iSEE documentation built on Feb. 3, 2021, 2:01 a.m.