
Defines functions .create_dynamic_selection_source_observer .create_dynamic_multi_selection_source_observer .create_multi_selection_history_observers .create_multi_selection_type_observers .createMultiSelectionEffectObserver .create_multi_selection_choice_observer

Documented in .createMultiSelectionEffectObserver

.updateSavedChoices <- "INTERNAL_saved_choices"

#' Selection parameter observers
#' A function to set up observers for the choice and visual effect of transmitting panels for multiple selections.
#' Seperate functions are used for the choice and effect observers as the latter is only relevant to plots.
#' @param panel_name String containing the name of the panel.
#' @param by_field String specifying the name of the slot containing the identity of the panel transmitting to the current panel.
#' @param type_field String specifying the name of the slot containing the type of multiple selection to use from the transmitter.
#' @param saved_field String specifying the name of the slot containing the index of the saved selection to use from the transmitter.
#' @param input The Shiny input object from the server function.
#' @param session The Shiny session object from the server function.
#' @param pObjects An environment containing global parameters generated in the \code{\link{iSEE}} app.
#' @param rObjects A reactive list of values generated in the \code{\link{iSEE}} app.
#' @return Observers are created in the server function in which these functions are called.
#' A \code{NULL} value is invisibly returned.
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{.renderOutput,Panel-method}}, where \code{.create_multi_selection_choice_observer} is called.
#' \code{\link{.renderOutput,DotPlot-method}}, where \code{\link{.createMultiSelectionEffectObserver}} is called.
#' @rdname INTERNAL_selection_parameter_observers
#' @importFrom shiny observeEvent showNotification updateSelectInput
#' @importFrom igraph is_dag simplify
.create_multi_selection_choice_observer <- function(panel_name,
    by_field, type_field, saved_field, input, session, pObjects, rObjects)
    saved_select_name <- paste0(panel_name, "_", .updateSavedChoices)
    .safe_reactive_init(rObjects, saved_select_name)

    select_panel_field <- paste0(panel_name, "_", by_field)

    # nocov start
    observeEvent(input[[select_panel_field]], {
        old_transmitter <- pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][[by_field]]
        new_transmitter <- input[[select_panel_field]]
        if (old_transmitter==new_transmitter) {

        tmp <- .choose_new_parent(pObjects$selection_links, panel_name,
            new_parent_name=new_transmitter, old_parent_name=old_transmitter,

        # Trying to update the graph, but breaking if it's not a DAG.
        if (!is_dag(simplify(tmp, remove.loops=TRUE))) {
            showNotification("point selection relationships cannot be cyclic", type="error")
            updateSelectInput(session, select_panel_field, selected=old_transmitter)

        pObjects$selection_links <- tmp
        pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][[by_field]] <- new_transmitter

        # Update the elements reporting the links between panels.
        for (relinked in setdiff(c(old_transmitter, new_transmitter, panel_name), .noSelection)) {
            relink_name <- paste0(relinked, "_", .flagRelinkedSelect)
            .safe_reactive_bump(rObjects, relink_name)

        # Update the saved selection choice selectize.
        .safe_reactive_bump(rObjects, saved_select_name)

        saved_val <- pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][[saved_field]]
        if (saved_val!=0L && new_transmitter!=.noSelection) {
            if (saved_val > .any_saved_selection(pObjects$memory[[new_transmitter]], count=TRUE)) {
                pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][[saved_field]] <- 0L

        # Checking if there were active/saved selections in either the new or
        # old transmitters. This requires some protection when this observer
        # is triggered because the old transmitter was deleted.
        if (old_transmitter %in% c(.noSelection, names(pObjects$memory))) {
            select_type <- pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][[type_field]]
            select_saved <- pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][[saved_field]]

            no_old_selection <- !.transmitted_selection(panel_name, old_transmitter, pObjects$memory,
                select_type=select_type, select_saved=select_saved)
            no_new_selection <- !.transmitted_selection(panel_name, new_transmitter, pObjects$memory,
                select_type=select_type, select_saved=select_saved)

            if (no_old_selection && no_new_selection) {

        # Updating children, if the current panel is set to restrict
        # (and thus the point population changes with a new transmitted selection).
        if (.multiSelectionRestricted(pObjects$memory[[panel_name]])) {
            .mark_panel_as_modified(panel_name, .panelRepopulated, rObjects)
        } else {
            .requestUpdate(panel_name, rObjects)
    }, ignoreInit=TRUE)
    # nocov end


#' Create an observer for multiple selection effect
#' Create an observer to trigger rerendering upon changes to the (typically visual) effect for multiple selections.
#' @param plot_name String containing the encoded name of the current panel.
#' @param by_field String with the name of the slot containing the name of the transmitting panel. 
#' @param type_field String with the name of the slot containing the type of selection to receive
#' (i.e., \code{"Saved"}, \code{"Active"} or \code{"Union"}).
#' @param saved_field String with the name of the slot containing the saved history of selections.
#' @param input The Shiny input object from the server function.
#' @param session The Shiny session object from the server function.
#' @param pObjects An environment containing global parameters generated in the \code{\link{iSEE}} app.
#' @param rObjects A reactive list of values generated in the \code{\link{iSEE}} app.
#' @details
#' The selection effect is expected to be stored in the \code{SelectionEffect} slot of the current panel.
#' Changes to the specified effect will trigger rerendering of the current panel if there was a multiple selection transmitted from an upstream panel.
#' If the specified effect changes to or from \dQuote{Restrict}, all children of the current panel will also be rerendered.
#' This function is typically called within a \code{\link{.createObservers}} method 
#' It is exported for use in subclasses as the selection effect is not a property of the \linkS4class{Panel} class (given that not all panels are visual) 
#' and thus needs to be called separately for each subclass rather than in the parent's method.
#' @return 
#' An observer for the input corresponding to \code{"SelectEffect"} is created in the current Shiny session.
#' A \code{NULL} is invisibly returned.
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{.createObservers}}, where this function is usually called -
#' see, for example, the methods for \linkS4class{ColumnDotPlot}, \linkS4class{RowDotPlot} and \linkS4class{ComplexHeatmapPlot}.
#' @export  
#' @rdname createMultiSelectionEffectObserver
#' @importFrom shiny showNotification observeEvent
.createMultiSelectionEffectObserver <- function(plot_name,
    by_field, type_field, saved_field,
    input, session, pObjects, rObjects)
    select_effect_field <- paste0(plot_name, "_", .selectEffect)

    # nocov start
    observeEvent(input[[select_effect_field]], {
        cur_effect <- input[[select_effect_field]]
        pObjects$memory[[plot_name]][[.selectEffect]] <- cur_effect

        # Avoiding replotting if there was no transmitting selection.
        if (!.transmitted_selection(plot_name,

        # Updating children if the selection in the current plot changes due to gain/loss of Restrict.
        old_effect <- pObjects$memory[[plot_name]][[.selectEffect]]
        if (cur_effect==.selectRestrictTitle || old_effect==.selectRestrictTitle) {
            .mark_panel_as_modified(plot_name, .panelRepopulated, rObjects)
        } else {
            .requestUpdate(plot_name, rObjects)
    }, ignoreInit=TRUE)
    # nocov end


#' @importFrom shiny observeEvent observe updateSelectInput req
#' @rdname INTERNAL_selection_parameter_observers
.create_multi_selection_type_observers <- function(panel_name,
    by_field, type_field, saved_field,
    input, session, pObjects, rObjects)
    ## Type field observers. ---
    select_type_field <- paste0(panel_name, "_", type_field)

    # nocov start
    observeEvent(input[[select_type_field]], {
        old_type <- pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][[type_field]]
        new_type <- as(input[[select_type_field]], typeof(old_type))
        if (identical(new_type, old_type)) {
        pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][[type_field]] <- new_type

        # Skipping if neither the old or new types were relevant.
        transmitter <- pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][[by_field]]
        select_saved <- pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][[saved_field]]

        no_old_selection <- !.transmitted_selection(panel_name, transmitter, pObjects$memory,
            select_type=old_type, select_saved=select_saved)
        no_new_selection <- !.transmitted_selection(panel_name, transmitter, pObjects$memory,
            select_type=new_type, select_saved=select_saved)

        if (no_old_selection && no_new_selection) {

        if (.multiSelectionRestricted(pObjects$memory[[panel_name]])) {
            .mark_panel_as_modified(panel_name, .panelRepopulated, rObjects)
        } else {
            .requestUpdate(panel_name, rObjects)
    }, ignoreInit=TRUE)
    # nocov end

    ## Saved field observers. ---
    saved_select_field <- paste0(panel_name, "_", saved_field)

    # nocov start
    observeEvent(input[[saved_select_field]], {
        # Required to defend against empty strings before updateSelectizeInput runs.

        matched_input <- as(input[[saved_select_field]],
        if (identical(matched_input, pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][[saved_field]])) {
        pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][[saved_field]] <- matched_input

        transmitter <- pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][[by_field]]
        if (transmitter==.noSelection) {

        # Switch of 'Saved' will ALWAYS change the current plot, as it's not
        # possible to do so without being on the "Saved" choice in the first
        # place; so there's no need for other checks.

        if (.multiSelectionRestricted(pObjects$memory[[panel_name]])) {
            .mark_panel_as_modified(panel_name, .panelRepopulated, rObjects)
        } else {
            .requestUpdate(panel_name, rObjects)
    }, ignoreInit=TRUE)
    # nocov end

    ## Selectize observer. ---
    # Do NOT be tempted to centralize code by setting 'saved_field' in the above observer.
    # This needs to be done in a separate observer that actually executes to set the
    # the field to something upon initialization of the panel.
    saved_choice_name <- paste0(panel_name, "_", .updateSavedChoices)
    .safe_reactive_init(rObjects, saved_choice_name)

    # nocov start

        # Protect against re-rendering after deleting a panel.
        if (!panel_name %in% names(pObjects$memory)) {

        transmitter <- pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][[by_field]]
        if (transmitter==.noSelection) {
            available_choices <- integer(0)
        } else {
            N <- length(pObjects$memory[[transmitter]][[.multiSelectHistory]])
            available_choices <- seq_len(N)
            names(available_choices) <- available_choices

        no_choice <- 0L
        names(no_choice) <- .noSelection
        available_choices <- c(no_choice, available_choices)
        updateSelectizeInput(session, saved_select_field, choices=available_choices, server=TRUE,
    # nocov end


#' Multiple selection observers
#' Observers to change the multiple selections by saving the active selection or deleting existing saved selections.
#' This differs from \code{\link{.create_multi_selection_type_observers}}, which just involves using existing saved selections.
#' @param panel_name String containing the name of the plot.
#' @param input The Shiny input object from the server function.
#' @param session The Shiny session object from the server function.
#' @param pObjects An environment containing global parameters generated in the \code{\link{iSEE}} app.
#' @param rObjects A reactive list of values generated in the \code{\link{iSEE}} app.
#' @return Observers are created in the server function in which this is called.
#' A \code{NULL} value is invisibly returned.
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @importFrom shiny observeEvent
#' @rdname INTERNAL_multiple_select_observers
.create_multi_selection_history_observers <- function(panel_name, input, session, pObjects, rObjects) {
    save_field <- paste0(panel_name, "_", .multiSelectSave)
    del_field <- paste0(panel_name, "_", .multiSelectDelete)
    multi_name <- paste0(panel_name, "_", .flagMultiSelect)

    ## Save selection observer. ---

    # nocov start
    observeEvent(input[[save_field]], {
        instance <- pObjects$memory[[panel_name]]
        current <- instance[[.multiSelectHistory]]
        to_store <- .multiSelectionActive(instance)
        if (is.null(to_store)) {

        pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][[.multiSelectHistory]] <- c(current, list(to_store))

        .safe_reactive_bump(rObjects, multi_name)

        # Updating self (replot to get number), and updating children's selectize's.
        .mark_panel_as_modified(panel_name, .panelResaved, rObjects)

            .buttonEmptyHistoryLabel, .buttonDeleteLabel, session
    }, ignoreInit=TRUE)
    # nocov end

    ## Deleted selection observer. ---

    # nocov start
    observeEvent(input[[del_field]], {
        instance <- pObjects$memory[[panel_name]]
        current <- instance[[.multiSelectHistory]]
        current <- head(current, -1)
        pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][[.multiSelectHistory]] <- current

        .safe_reactive_bump(rObjects, multi_name)

        # Updating self and children's selectize's.
        .mark_panel_as_modified(panel_name, .panelResaved, rObjects)

            .buttonEmptyHistoryLabel, .buttonDeleteLabel, session
    }, ignoreInit=TRUE)
    # nocov end


#' Dynamic multiple selection source observer
#' Create an observer for (un)checking of the dynamic multiple selection source option.
#' @param panel_name String containing the name of the plot.
#' @param dyn_field String containing the name of the slot determining whether a dynamic source is to be used.
#' @param by_field String containing the name of the slot controlling the multiple selection source.
#' @param source_type String specifying whether the observer is to monitor multiple \code{"row"} or \code{"column"} selections.
#' @param input The Shiny input object from the server function.
#' @param session The Shiny session object from the server function.
#' @param pObjects An environment containing global parameters generated in the \code{\link{iSEE}} app.
#' @param rObjects A reactive list of values generated in the \code{\link{iSEE}} app.
#' @return An observer is created in the server function in which this is called.
#' A \code{NULL} value is invisibly returned.
#' @author Aaron Lun
#' @rdname INTERNAL_create_dynamic_multi_selection_source_observer
.create_dynamic_multi_selection_source_observer <- function(panel_name, 
    dyn_field, by_field, source_type, input, session, pObjects, rObjects) 
        dyn_field=dyn_field, by_field=by_field, source_type=source_type,
        input=input, session=session, pObjects=pObjects, rObjects=rObjects)

#' @importFrom shiny observeEvent
.create_dynamic_selection_source_observer <- function(panel_name, 
    dyn_field, by_field, source_type, object_name,
    input, session, pObjects, rObjects) 
    select_dyn_field <- paste0(panel_name, "_", dyn_field)

    # nocov start
    observeEvent(input[[select_dyn_field]], {
        matched_input <- as(input[[select_dyn_field]], typeof(pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][[dyn_field]]))
        if (identical(matched_input, pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][[dyn_field]])) {
        pObjects$memory[[panel_name]][[dyn_field]] <- matched_input

        if (matched_input) {
            FUN <- .add_panel_to_dynamic_sources 
        } else {
            FUN <- .delete_panel_from_dynamic_sources

        pObjects[[object_name]] <- FUN(pObjects[[object_name]], 
            panel_name=panel_name, source_type=source_type, field=by_field)
    }, ignoreInit=TRUE)
    # nocov end

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iSEE documentation built on Feb. 3, 2021, 2:01 a.m.