Man pages for immunoClust
immunoClust - Automated Pipeline for Population Detection in Flow Cytometry

bhattacharyyaBhattacharyya Distance, Coefficient and Probability
cell.ClustDataModel Based Clustering of Data for a pre-defined Number of...
cell.EMimmunoClust EMt-iteration on Cell-events given initial Model...
cell.FitModelimmunoClust EMt-iteration on Cell-events given initial Model...
cell.hclustHierarchical Model Based Clustering of Cell-events in the...
cell.MEimmunoClust EM-iteration on Cell-events given initial Cluster...
cell.processClustering of Cell-events in the immunoClust-pipeline
cell.removedBrief Information of removed Cell-events by immunoClust...
cell.SubClusteringimmunoClust Model Refinement Step in iterative Cell-events...
dat.expimmunoClust Meta-clustering Sample
dat.fcsimmunoClust Cell-clustering Sample
dat.metaimmunoClust Meta-clustering Results Sample
genericsGeneric function definitions in immunoClust
immunoClust.methodsAcessors and Methods for immunoClust Objects
immunoClust-packageimmunoClust - Automated Pipeline for Population Detection in...
immunoMeta.methodsAcessors and Methods for immunoMeta Objects
immunoMeta.object'immunoMeta': a class for storing meta-clustering results
meta.clusteringClustering of Cell-clusters in the immunoClust-pipeline
meta.exportimmunoClust Meta-clustering Results Export
meta.exprsCollecting Data of an immunoClust vector
meta.hclustHierarchical Meta-clustering of Cell-clusters in the...
meta.MEimmunoClust EM(t)-iteration on Cell-clusters
meta.normalizeimmunoClust normalization step with the meta.clustering...
meta.processMeta-clustering of Cell-clusters in the immunoClust-pipeline
meta.regnormimmunoClust normalization procedure
meta.SubClusteringimmunoClust Model Refinement Step in iterative...
plot.immunoClustScatterplot of immunoClust Clustering Results
plot.immunoMetaScatterplot of immunoMeta Structured Clustering Results
splom.immunoClustScatterplot Matrix of immunoClust Clustering Results
trans.ApplyToDataimmunoClust asinh-Transformation
trans.FitToDataimmunoClust asinh-Transformation Optimization
immunoClust documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:19 p.m.