
Defines functions feature_removal .multiple_feature_removal_iteration .feature_removal_iteration

Documented in feature_removal

#' @import GenomicRanges

#' @import SummarizedExperiment

#' @import magrittr

#' @title Stepwise feature removal method internal
#' @description This function screens features iteratively in consideration of
#'  limiting overfitting and overall performance.
#' @inheritParams .feature_removal_iteration
#' @param g1.signal a dataframe with the row of feature, and the column of
#' observation. Cells are numeric or bool.
#' @param g0.signal a dataframe with the same row names as \code{g1.signal}.
#' Normally, the observations
#' in \code{g0.signal} are in the distinct group of \code{g1.signal}.
#' @family iteration
#' @details See details in \code{feature_removal}
#' @return a list with names "offset", "removed.feature_names",
#' "removed.scores", and "max.scores".
.feature_removal_iteration <- function(g1.signal, g0.signal,
    scoreCombine.method="linear_combine", ...) {
    # multiple offset
    if (length(offset) > 1){
        .multiple_feature_removal_iteration(g1.signal, g0.signal,
            scoreCombine.method, ...)
    } else {

        # data check
        if (!identical(row.names(g1.signal), row.names(g0.signal)))
            stop("Row names of g1 and g2 not identical")

        removed.scores        <- c()
        removed.feature_names <- c()
        max.scores            <- c()

        while (length(nrow(g1.signal)) > 0 && nrow(g1.signal) > 0) {

            # weight
            g1.weight <- funcOrExp(weight.method, g1.signal) %>% as.numeric()
            g0.weight <- funcOrExp(weight.method, g0.signal) %>% as.numeric()

            g1.score <- apply(g1.signal, 1, function(x) x * g1.weight) %>% t
            g0.score <- apply(g0.signal, 1, function(x) x * g0.weight) %>% t

            # scoreStandardization

            g1.score.feature <- funcOrExp(scoreStandardization.method,
                rowSums(g1.score, na.rm=TRUE))
            g0.score.feature <- funcOrExp(scoreStandardization.method,
                rowSums(g0.score, na.rm=TRUE))

            # scoreCombine
            score.feature <- funcOrExp(scoreCombine.method, g1.score.feature,
                g0.score.feature, offset)

            score.min <- min(score.feature)
            score.max <- max(score.feature)

            score.min.feature <- which(score.min == score.feature)
            # score.max.feature = which(score.max == score.feature)

            n.removed <- length(score.min.feature)
            removed.scores <- c(removed.scores, rep(score.min, n.removed))
            removed.feature_names <- c(removed.feature_names,
            max.scores <- c(max.scores, rep(score.max, n.removed))

            g1.signal <- g1.signal[-1 * score.min.feature, ]
            g0.signal <- g0.signal[-1 * score.min.feature, ]

                    removed.feature_names   = removed.feature_names  ,
                    removed.scores = removed.scores,
                    max.scores     = max.scores   ))

# vector of offsets
#' @title Stepwise feature removal method internal wrapper
#' @description This function screens features iteratively in consideration of
#' limiting overfitting and overall performance.
#' @inheritParams .feature_removal_iteration
#' @family iteration
#' @details See details in \code{feature_removal}
#' @return a list with names "offset", "removed.feature_names",
#' "removed.scores", and "max.scores".
.multiple_feature_removal_iteration <- function(g1.signal, g0.signal,
    scoreCombine.method="linear_combine", ...) {

    # data check
    if (!identical(row.names(g1.signal), row.names(g0.signal)))
        stop("Row names of g1 and g2 not identical")

    df.removed.feature_names =
        df.removed.scores    =
        df.max.scores        <- data.frame(Index = seq_len(nrow(g1.signal)))

    for (the.offset in offset) {
        writeLines(sprintf("Current offset: %s", the.offset))
        removing.stat <- .feature_removal_iteration(g1.signal, g0.signal,
                                                    scoreCombine.method, ...)

        n.removed <- length(removing.stat$removed.feature_names)
        the.removed.feature_names <- c(rep(NA, nrow(g1.signal) - n.removed),
        the.removed.scores <- c(rep(NA, nrow(g1.signal) - n.removed),
        the.max.scores     <- c(rep(NA, nrow(g1.signal) - n.removed),
                               removing.stat$max.scores    )

        df.removed.feature_names$NEW <- the.removed.feature_names
        df.removed.scores$NEW        <- the.removed.scores
        df.max.scores$NEW            <- the.max.scores

        names(df.removed.feature_names  )[ncol(df.removed.feature_names)] <-
            sprintf("Offset%s", the.offset)
        names(df.removed.scores)[ncol(df.removed.scores)] <-
            sprintf("Offset%s", the.offset)
        names(df.max.scores    )[ncol(df.max.scores    )] <-
            sprintf("Offset%s", the.offset)

    return(list(offset                = offset                    ,
                removed.feature_names = df.removed.feature_names  ,
                removed.scores        = df.removed.scores         ,
                max.scores            = df.max.scores             ))


#' @title Stepwise feature removal method
#' @description This function screens features iteratively in consideration of
#' limiting overfitting and overall performance.
#' @section Other usages:
#' feature_removal(g1, g0, cutoff1, cutoff0, lt = ">", offset = 1,
#' weight.method = reciprocal_colSums, scoreStandardization.method = min_max,
#' scoreCombine.method = linear_combine, ...)
#' feature_removal(SE, g0.filter, cutoff1, cutoff0, lt = ">", offset = 1,
#' weight.method = reciprocal_colSums, scoreStandardization.method = min_max,
#' scoreCombine.method = linear_combine, ...)
#' @details The method removes one feature/row in each iteration, and requires
#' (A) two dataframes, \code{g1} and \code{g0}, with identical row names; OR
#' (B) A SummarizedExperiment object \code{SE}, and a logical vector
#' \code{g0.filter} to define \code{SE}'s columns that belong to \code{g0}.
#' Normally, \code{g0} is the control set. \code{SE} will be devided to
#' \code{g1} and \code{g0} automatically.
#' @details
#' In each iteration, first, \code{g1} and \code{g0} are converted to
#' dataframes of 1 or 0 by \code{cutoff1}, \code{cutoff0}, and \code{lt}. The
#' converted dataframes are called \code{gx.singal}, and \code{x} stands for 1
#' and 0. If you do not want the conversion, let \code{lt="skip"}, and cutoffs
#' will be ignored.
#' @details
#' Second, \code{gx.weight}, weight of gx, is computed using
#' \code{weight.method}.
#' The weight is for the observations/columns, not the features/rows. The
#' default weight method is \code{reciprocal_colSums}, ie.
#' \code{1 / (1 + colSums(gx.signal, na.rm=T))}. You can specify your own
#' function, and the first parameter of the function should be the exact word
#' of \code{gx.signal}.
#' @details
#' Third, \code{gx.score}, the score dataframe for observations and features,
#' is computed. It is the result of dot product of \code{gx.signal} and
#' \code{gx.weight}.
#' @details
#' Then, Summing up \code{gx.score} by row, and the result is standardized with
#' function \code{scoreStandardization.method}. Default standardization method
#' is Min-Max, ie. normalizing the vector to 0-1 range. You can specify your
#' own function, and the first parameter of the function is the sum-up
#' dataframe.
#' @details
#' After that, \code{gx.score.feature}, the feature scores of gx are calculated.
#' Now using \code{scoreCombine.method} to combine the feature score vectors of
#' g1 and g0. This method must have three parameters in order,
#' \code{g1.score.feature},
#' \code{g0.score.feature}, and \code{offset}. Default method is
#' \code{linear_combine}.
#' \code{offset} in the default method adjusts the proportion of
#' \code{g1.score.feature}.
#' Specifically, \code{g1.score.feature * offset + g0.score.feature}. Besides,
#' \code{offset} can be a number or a vector. If it is a vector, the overall
#' iteration
#' is done for each offset respectively.
#' @param g1 a dataframe with the row of feature, and the column of observation.
#' Cells are numeric or bool. If NULL, input data should be param SE and
#' g0.filter.
#' @param g0 a dataframe with the same row names as \code{g1}. Normally, the
#' observations
#' in \code{g0} are in the distinct group of \code{g1}. If NULL, input data
#' should be param SE and g0.filter.
#' @param SE a SummarizedExperiment object. If NULL, input data should be g1
#' and g0.
#' @param g0.filter a logical vector \code{g0.filter} to
#' define \code{SE}'s columns that belong to \code{g0}. If NULL, input data
#' should be param g1 and g0.
#' @param cutoff1 \code{g1} is converted to a dataframe filled with 1 or 0 by
#' \code{cutoff1}
#' and \code{lt}. The result is called \code{g1.signal}. For example, if
#' \code{lt=">"},
#' the result of the step is \code{g1.signal <- g1 > cutoff1}. If you do not
#' want
#' the conversion, let \code{lt="skip"}.
#' @param cutoff0 \code{g0} is converted to dataframes of 1 or 0 by
#' \code{cutoff0} and \code{lt}.
#' It has the same usage as \code{cutoff1}. Different \code{cutoff1} and
#' \code{cutoff0}
#' influence overfitting.
#' @param lt An operator to compare \code{gx} and \code{cutoffx}. Default is
#' ">".
#' Other options include ">=", "<=", "<", etc. Additionally, \code{lt="skip"}
#' skips the
#' comparation and \code{cutoffx} will be ignored.
#' @param offset a parameter in \code{scoreCombine.method}. It adjusts the
#' score proportion
#' of g1 and g2. Besides, \code{offset} can be a number or a numeric vector.
#' If it is a vector, the overall iteration is done for each offset
#' respectively.
#' See more in parameter \code{scoreCombine.method}.
#' @param weight.method \code{gx.weight}, weight of gx, is computed using
#' \code{weight.method}. The weight is for the observations/columns, not the
#' features/rows. The default weight method is \code{reciprocal_colSums}, ie.
#' \code{1 / (1 + colSums(gx.signal, na.rm=T))}. You can specify your own
#' function,
#' and the first parameter of the function should be the exact word of
#' \code{gx.signal}.
#' @param scoreStandardization.method Default standardization method is Min-Max,
#' ie. normalizing the vector to 0-1 range. You can specify your own function,
#' and the first parameter of the function is the sum-up dataframe. See more in
#' Details section.
#' @param scoreCombine.method to combine the feature score vectors of g1 and g0.
#' This method must have three parameters in order, \code{g1.score.feature},
#' \code{g0.score.feature}, and \code{offset}. Default method is
#' \code{linear_combine}.
#' \code{offset} in the default method adjusts the proportion of
#' \code{g1.score.feature}.
#' Specifically, \code{g1.score.feature * offset + g0.score.feature}. Besides,
#' \code{offset} can be a number or a vector. If it is a vector, the overall
#' iteration is done for each offset respectively.
#' @param ... Other parameter passed to method of expression class.
#' @return a list with names "offset", "removed.feature_names",
#' "removed.scores",
#' and "max.scores".
#' @export
#' @author Jiacheng CHUAN
#' @examples
#' g1 <- SWRG1; g0 <- SWRG0
#' result.simple.A <- feature_removal(g1, g0, cutoff1=0.95, cutoff0=0.95)
#' result.simple.B <- feature_removal(SummarizedData, SummarizedData$Group==0,
#'     cutoff1=0.95, cutoff0=0.95)
#' result.complex <- feature_removal(g1, g0,
#'     cutoff1=0.95, cutoff0=0.925, lt=">",
#'     offset=c(0.5, 2),
#'     weight.method="reciprocal_colSums",
#'     scoreStandardization.method="min_max",
#'     scoreCombine.method="linear_combine")
feature_removal <- function(g1=NULL, g0=NULL, cutoff1, cutoff0, lt=">",
                            SE=NULL, g0.filter=NULL, ...) {

    # check conflict between (SE, g0.filter) and (g1, g0)
    if (is.null(g1) && is.null(g0)) {
        if (is.null(SE) && is.null(g0.filter)) {
            stop("Please enter your dataset.")
        else {
            # passing parameters
            g1 <- SE
            g0 <- g0.filter
    } else if (!(is.null(SE) && is.null(g0.filter))) {
        stop("Data conflct. You can only input either: (1) g1,g0 (2) SE,g0.filter")

    # check if `g1` belongs to SummarizedExperiment
    if (grepl("SummarizedExperiment", class(g1))) {

        # sanity check:
        if (class(g0) != "logical" || length(g0) != ncol(g1)){
            stop("Detected `g1` belonging to class SummarizedExperiment, but the second parameter is not a vector of TRUE/FALSE with the same length as `ncol(g1)`. TRUE means column belongs to g0, while FALSE means column belongs to g1.")

        subset0 <- assays(g1[,  g0])[[1]]
        subset1 <- assays(g1[, !g0])[[1]]
        g0 <- as.data.frame(subset0)
        g1 <- as.data.frame(subset1)

    # convert to TRUE/FALSE table
    if (lt != "skip") {
        g1.signal <- eval(parse(text = sprintf("'%s'(g1, cutoff1)", lt)))
        g0.signal <- eval(parse(text = sprintf("'%s'(g0, cutoff1)", lt)))
    } else {
        g1.signal <- g1
        g0.signal <- g0

    .multiple_feature_removal_iteration(g1.signal, g0.signal,
                                        scoreCombine.method, ...)


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iteremoval documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 11:12 p.m.