
Defines functions fitkernelparams compare.gammas pair.distances maxDistances kernelize kernelmatrix getsteps compute.sliding plotSliding basePairDistance kNN rbf squaredDist

Documented in basePairDistance compare.gammas compute.sliding fitkernelparams getsteps kernelize kernelmatrix kNN maxDistances pair.distances plotSliding rbf squaredDist

squaredDist <- function(x,y){
  # x,y: (column) vectors
  z <- as.vector(x-y)
  return(as.vector(t(z) %*% z))
} #squaredDist

rbf <- function(geneLocations, position, params=list(gamma=1/10^13)) {
  # radial basis function kernel for x, y
  # params is a named list: gamma is the width of the kernel
  # default value of gamma (variance) is chosen such that the standard
  # deviation is one MB (->1 cmorgan)
  # argumentation with mean distance between genes could also explain.
  gamma = params$gamma
  kernel<-function(x,y,gamma){return(exp(-gamma * squaredDist(x,y)))}
  return(apply(geneLocations, 1, kernel, position, gamma))
} #rbf

kNN <- function(geneLocations, position, params) {
  # kernel function for k nearest neighbours
  # returns 1 if y is one of the k nearest neighbours of x, 0 otherwise
  # params is a named list: data gives a matrix of all data in rows
  # k gives the number of neirest neighbours
  k = params$k
  #data = params$data
  #data = as.matrix(data)
  dists <- abs(geneLocations-position)
  knn <- sort(dists,method="quick",index.return=TRUE)$ix[1:k]
  weights <- numeric(length(geneLocations))  
  weights[knn] = 1
} #kNN

basePairDistance <- function(geneLocations, position, params = list(distance = 1000000)) {
  # gene is a gene coordinate in basepairs
  # x: position around which you want to find all neighbours within distance
  # returns 1 if gene is within distance from x
  distance = params$distance
  kernel <- function(geneLocation, position, distance){
    if (abs(geneLocation - position) < distance) {
  return(apply(geneLocations, 1, kernel, position, distance))

plotSliding <- function(data, chromosome, sample, kernel, kernelparams=NULL, step.width=1000000, ...) {
  if (is.null(kernelparams))
  # find expressions of the used genes on the chromosome for the sample
  genesOnChromIndex <- which(data$chromosome == chromosome)
  genesOnChrom <- data$geneName[genesOnChromIndex]
  # take the abs because we dont care on which strand the genes lie
  genes <- abs(data$geneLocation[genesOnChromIndex])
  expr <- data$expr[genesOnChrom,sample]
  points = compute.sliding(data, chromosome, sample, kernel, kernelparams, step.width)
  steps = points[,1]
  sliding.value = points[,2]
  print(plot(genes, expr, "p", ylab="Expression", xlab="Coordinate", ylim=c(min(c(expr, sliding.value,0)), max(expr, sliding.value)),...))
  lines(steps, sliding.value, col="red",lwd=2)
} # plotSliding

compute.sliding <- function(data, chromosome, sample, kernel, kernelparams=NULL, step.width=1000000) {
  if (is.null(kernelparams))
  # find expressions of the used genes on the chromosome for the sample
  genesOnChromIndex <- which(data$chromosome == chromosome)
  genesOnChrom <- data$geneName[genesOnChromIndex]
  # take the abs because we dont care on which strand the genes lie
  genes <- abs(data$geneLocation[genesOnChromIndex])
  ngenes <- length(genes)
  expr <- data$expr[genesOnChrom,sample]
  #kernelparams = c(kernelparams, list(data=genes))
  # the coordinates of the used genes are given in used genes
  # slide from the min to the max
  steps <- getsteps(genes,step.width)
  #steps = seq(min(as.numeric(genes)), max(as.numeric(genes)), step.width)
  # compute the slidingAverageAt the positions in step using the usedGenes
  # coordinates and the expression values at these coordinates
  # with the knn kernel and the paramterlist
  kernelweights <- kernelmatrix(steps,genes,kernel,kernelparams)
  sliding.value = t(expr) %*% kernelweights
  return(cbind(steps, t(sliding.value)))
getsteps <- function(geneLocations,step.width=1000000){
  steps <- seq(min(as.numeric(geneLocations)),max(as.numeric(geneLocations)),step.width)
} #getsteps

kernelmatrix <- function(steps,geneLocations,kernel,kernelparams){
  kernelweights <- apply(as.matrix(steps),1,
                         function(x){k = kernel(as.matrix(geneLocations),x,kernelparams);
                                     if (sum(k)==0)
} #kernelmatrix
kernelize <- function(values,kernelweights){
  sliding.value <- t(values) %*% kernelweights
} #kernelize

maxDistances <- function(m, chromosomes) {
  distances = numeric()
  for (chrom in chromosomes) {
    #locations = abs(m[m$chromosome == chrom,]$geneLocation) #alter data frame
    genesOnChromIndex <- which(m$chromosome == chrom)
    locations = abs(m$geneLocation[genesOnChromIndex])
    locations.u = unique(locations) 
    locations.u = sort(locations)
    for (i in seq(length(locations.u) - 1)) {
      distances = c(distances, locations.u[i+1] - locations.u[i])
  #hist(distances, breaks=100)

pair.distances <- function(m, chromosomes) {
  distances = numeric()
  for (chrom in chromosomes) {
    locations = abs(m[m$chromosome == chrom,]$geneLocation) #alter data frame
    locations.u = unique(locations)
    locations.u = sort(locations)
    for (i in seq(length(locations.u))) {
      for (j in seq(i, length(locations.u))) {
        distances = c(distances, abs(locations.u[i] - locations.u[j]))

# this function visualizes the effect of different choices of gamma for rbf
# the 
compare.gammas <- function(m, chromosome, sample) {
  max = maxDistances(m, chromosome)
  if (interactive() && capabilities()["X11"])
    x11(width=16, height=8)  
  plotSliding(m, 6, 3, rbf, list(gamma=log(2)/((max/2)^2)))
  maxHalf = compute.sliding(m, 6, 3, rbf, list(gamma=1/((max/2)^2)))
  lines(maxHalf, col="blue", lwd=2)
  default =  compute.sliding(m, 6, 3, rbf, list(gamma=1/(10000000000000)))
  lines(default, col="green", lwd=2)
  legend(0,5.7, c("red log(2)/((max/2)^2)","blue 1/((max^2)/2)", "green 10^13"))

# ----------------------------------
fitkernelparams <- function(data,chromosome,kernel){
    maxDist <- maxDistances(data,chromosome)
    gamma <- log(2)/(maxDist/2)^2
    # see macat_docu.pdf for detailed explanation
    kernelparams <- list(gamma=gamma)
  } # if(identical(kernel,rbf))
    nGenesOnChrom <- sum(data$chromosome==chromosome)
    kernelparams <- list(k=ceiling(nGenesOnChrom/10))
    maxDist <- maxDistances(data,chromosome)
    kernelparams <- list(distance=maxDist)
} # fitkernelparams

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macat documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:44 p.m.