
Defines functions split_regions split_matrices split_matrix split_by_metadata merge_reduce merge_chip_ratio merge_chip group_coverages_s bin_coverages_s bin_region_coverages bin_discontiguous_regions bin_rle_list discontiguous_coverage bin_contiguous_regions get_view_means

BIN_COUNT_TOO_LARGE_ERROR = paste0("The specified bin_count (%d) ",
             "is larger than the smallest effective region (%d nt).\n",
             "Please make sure bin_count is <= %d, so that ",
             "every bin has at least 1 nt.\n")

# Binning of contiguous regions (GRanges objects)                             #

# Split the ranges within gr into bcount bins and returns 
# the mean coverage for each bin in a matrix where each row
# is a binned region, and each column is a bin.
#' @importFrom IRanges Views
#' @importFrom IRanges viewMeans
get_view_means = function(gr, bcount, cov) {
    chr <- unique(as.character(GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(gr)))
    gr <- unlist(tile(gr, n=bcount))
    stopifnot(length(chr) == 1)
    views <- Views(cov[[chr]], start(gr), end(gr))

# Split coverage (an RleList) into bin_count bins over the specified 
# regions (A GRanges object). Coverages for regions on the '-' strands
# are then reversed.
bin_contiguous_regions <- function(coverage, regions, bin_count) {
  # Split regions by chromosomes, since coverages are split this way.
  grl <- split(regions, GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(regions))
  # Discard chromosomes where no regions are found.
  i <- lengths(grl) > 0
  # Get region means on a per-chromosome basis.
  vector_means = do.call("c", lapply(grl[i], get_view_means,
                                     bcount = bin_count, cov = coverage))
  m <-  matrix(vector_means, ncol=bin_count, byrow=TRUE)

  # Reorder matrix to preserve region order.
  m <- m[match(as.character(regions), as.character(unlist(grl))),, drop=FALSE]
  # Reverse rows on "-" strand
  mr <- m[,bin_count:1, drop=FALSE]
  i <-as.logical(strand(regions)=="-")
  m[i,] <- mr[i,]

# Binning of discontiguous regions (GRangesList objects)                      #

# Function copied from IRanges:::regroupBySupergroup
# to avoid using ':::' operator.
#' @importFrom IRanges relist
#' @importFrom methods is
internal_regroupBySupergroup <- function (x, supergroups) 
    supergroups <- IRanges::PartitioningByEnd(supergroups)
    x_breakpoints <- end(IRanges::PartitioningByEnd(x))
    ans_breakpoints <- x_breakpoints[end(supergroups)]
    nleading0s <- length(supergroups) - length(ans_breakpoints)
    if (nleading0s != 0L) 
        ans_breakpoints <- c(rep.int(0L, nleading0s), ans_breakpoints)
    ans_partitioning <- IRanges::PartitioningByEnd(ans_breakpoints, names = names(supergroups))
    if (is(x, "PartitioningByEnd")) 
    relist(unlist(x, use.names = FALSE), ans_partitioning)

### Function copied and modified from GenomicFeatures::coverageByTranscript
### The original function accepted input on which coverage() could be called,
### whereas this one presumes the coverage to be already computed.
### Most comments and notes are left as-is.
### Computing coverage by transcript (or CDS) of a set of ranges is an
### operation that feels a lot like extracting transcript sequences from a
### genome. Defined as an ordinary function for now.
#' @importFrom IRanges revElements
discontiguous_coverage <- function(cvg, transcripts)
  ## STEP 2 - Compute unique exons ('uex').

    ex <- unlist(transcripts, use.names=FALSE)
    ## We could simply do 'uex <- unique(ex)' here but we're going to need
    ## 'sm' and 'is_unique' later to compute the "reverse index" so we compute
    ## them now and use them to extract the unique exons. That way we hash
    ## 'ex' only once (the expensive operation).
    sm <- selfmatch(ex)  # uses a hash table internally
    is_unique <- sm == seq_along(sm)
    uex2ex <- which(is_unique)  # index of unique exons
    uex <- ex[uex2ex]  # unique exons

  ## STEP 3 - Compute coverage for each unique exon ('uex_cvg').

    uex_cvg <- cvg[uex]  # parallel to 'uex'

  ## STEP 4 - Flip coverage for exons on minus strand.

    ## It feels like this is not as fast as it could be (the bottleneck being
    ## subsetting an Rle object which needs to be revisited at some point).
    uex_cvg <- revElements(uex_cvg, strand(uex) == "-")

  ## STEP 5 - Compute coverage by original exon ('ex_cvg').

    ex2uex <- (seq_along(sm) - cumsum(!is_unique))[sm]  # reverse index
    #stopifnot(identical(ex2uex[uex2ex], seq_along(uex2ex)))  # sanity
    #stopifnot(identical(ex2uex[sm], ex2uex))  # sanity
    #stopifnot(all(uex[ex2uex] == ex))  # sanity

    ex_cvg <- uex_cvg[ex2uex]  # parallel go 'ex'

  ## STEP 6 - Compute coverage of each transcript by concatenating coverage of
  ##          its exons.

    ans <- internal_regroupBySupergroup(ex_cvg, transcripts)


# Bin one element from an RleList (x) into bin_count bins.
bin_rle_list = function(x, bin_count) { 
    IRanges::viewMeans(IRanges::Views(x, IRanges::breakInChunks(length(x), nchunk=bin_count)))

# Split coverage (an RleList) into bin_count bins over the specified 
# regions (A GRangesList object).
bin_discontiguous_regions <- function(coverage, regions, bin_count) {
    rle_list = discontiguous_coverage(coverage, regions)
    bin_list = lapply(rle_list, bin_rle_list, bin_count=bin_count)
    matrix(unlist(bin_list), ncol=bin_count, byrow=TRUE)

# Top-level binning functions to manage strand-specific coverage and          #
# branching on the type of region (contiguous GRanges, or discontiguous       #
# GRangesList                                                                 #

# Call the right binning algorithm depending on the type of regions:
# contiguous (GRanges) vs discontiguous (GRangesList).
bin_region_coverages = function(coverages, regions, bin_count) {
    results = list()
    for(cov_name in names(coverages)) {
        if(length(regions)>0) {
            if(methods::is(regions, "GRangesList")) {
                results[[cov_name]] = bin_discontiguous_regions(coverages[[cov_name]], regions, bin_count)
            } else {
                results[[cov_name]] = bin_contiguous_regions(coverages[[cov_name]], regions, bin_count)
        } else {
            results[cov_name] = list(NULL)

# Given a list of stranded coverages (+, -, *), bin them into bin_count bins over
# each element of regions.
bin_coverages_s = function(coverages, regions, bin_count) {
    # Validate that the bin_count is smaller than the smallest region.
    # It would be prettier if this was with the other
    # validations, but it would require pre-calculating
    # too much ahead of time (Which region will end up being used,
    # prepared regions vs raw regions, etc.)
    if(methods::is(regions, "GRangesList")) {
        smallest_region = min(unlist(lapply(regions, function(x) { sum(width(x))})))
    } else {
        smallest_region = min(width(regions))

    if(smallest_region < bin_count) {
        stop(sprintf(BIN_COUNT_TOO_LARGE_ERROR, bin_count, 
                     smallest_region, smallest_region))
    # In single_strand mode, we'll only have coverage info for the undefined strand.
    if(is.null(coverages[["+"]]) && is.null(coverages[["-"]])) {
        return(bin_region_coverages(coverages[["*"]], regions, bin_count))
    } else {
        # GRanges and GRangesList do not return the same types of values for
        # strand, so we'll have to preprocess the regions differently.
        if(is(regions, "GRanges")) {
            strand_info = strand(regions)
            strand_split=split(regions, strand(regions))
        } else {
            strand_info = unlist(lapply(strand(regions), function(x) { as.vector(x[1]) }))
            strand_split = list("+"=regions[strand_info=="+"],
        # Calculate coverages for all strands independantly.
        coverage_list = list("+"=bin_region_coverages(coverages[["+"]], strand_split[["+"]], bin_count),
                             "-"=bin_region_coverages(coverages[["-"]], strand_split[["-"]], bin_count),
                             "*"=bin_region_coverages(coverages[["*"]], strand_split[["*"]], bin_count))
        # Recombine all coverages
        results = list()
        for(i in names(coverage_list[["+"]])) {
            results[[i]] = matrix(0, nrow=length(strand(regions)), ncol=bin_count)
            results[[i]][as.logical(strand_info=="+"),] = coverage_list[["+"]][[i]]
            results[[i]][as.logical(strand_info=="-"),] = coverage_list[["-"]][[i]]
            results[[i]][as.logical(strand_info=="*"),] = coverage_list[["*"]][[i]]

# Grouping of multiple coverages (bam files) into single coverages.           #

# Group coverages according to design.
group_coverages_s = function(coverage_s, design, merge_operation='+', bam_handler=NULL) {
    if(is.null(coverage_s)) {
        results = NULL
    } else {
        if (merge_operation=="log2_ratio") {
            results <- merge_chip_ratio(coverage_s, design)
        } else {
            results <- merge_chip(coverage_s, design, merge_operation)

# Merge multiple coverages within a coverage list according to the columns
# of design.
merge_chip = function(coverages, design, merge_operation) {
    result <- list()
    for (design_name in colnames(design)[-1]) {
        result[[design_name]] <- merge_reduce(coverages, design, design_name, 1, merge_operation)$Coverage

# Calculate the log2-ratio between treatment and control coverages within the 
# design. This function presumes that all design columns have at least one 
# control. Coverages are also expected to eb in RPMs (hence why we default
# to the mean merge operation.
# We add 1 to both numerator and control coverages to avoid divide-by-zero
# errors. 1 is chosen arbitrarily: since we aren't dealing with integers,
# it could be anything else.
merge_chip_ratio = function(coverages, design, merge_operation) {
    result <- list()
    for (design_name in colnames(design)[-1]) {
        numerator <- merge_reduce(coverages, design, design_name, 1, "mean")$Coverage
        denominator <- merge_reduce(coverages, design, design_name, 2, "mean")$Coverage
        result[[design_name]] = log2((numerator + 1) / (denominator + 1))

# Perform the "Reduce" operation on the elements of coverage which have
# the value design_value in column design_name of the design data-frame.
merge_reduce = function(coverages, design, design_name, design_value, merge_operation) {
    indices = design[[design_name]] == design_value
    bam_names <- as.character(design[indices, 1])
    reduced_coverages = Reduce("+", coverages[bam_names])
    if(merge_operation=="mean" && sum(indices) > 1) {
        reduced_coverages = reduced_coverages / sum(indices)


# Splitting of coverages/regions based on region metadata                     #

# Given a metadata data-frame and a vector of column names (split_by),
# builds a partition of rows based on all possible combinations
# of the columns identified by split_by.
split_by_metadata = function(metadata, split_by) {
    if(!all(split_by %in% colnames(metadata))) {

    # Determine all possible values for the split_by columns.
    split_by_list = as.list(split_by)
    names(split_by_list) = split_by
    possible_values = lapply(split_by_list, function(x) {unique(metadata[[x]])})
    # Determine all possible combinations of the split_by column values.
    combinations = expand.grid(possible_values)

    # Split rows by iterating over value combinations.
    new_metadata_list = list()
    partition = rep(NA, nrow(metadata))
    for(i in seq_len(nrow(combinations))) {
        # Select the columns where all values match the current combination.
        selected_subset = TRUE
        for(j in seq_len(ncol(combinations))) {
            col_name = colnames(combinations)[j]
            col_value = combinations[i,j]
            if(!is.na(col_value)) {
                selected_subset = selected_subset & (metadata[[col_name]] == col_value) & !is.na(metadata[[col_name]])
            } else {
                selected_subset = selected_subset & is.na(metadata[[col_name]])
        # If at least one row is selected, generate a name and assign it.
        if(sum(selected_subset, na.rm=TRUE) > 0) {
            region_name = paste(combinations[i,], collapse=";")
            out_subsets[[region_name]] = selected_subset
            partition[selected_subset] = i
            # We'll store the combination values for later use.
            new_metadata_list[[region_name]] = combinations[i,, drop=FALSE]
    # Concatenate the new metadata.
    new_metadata=data.table::rbindlist(new_metadata_list, use.names=TRUE)
    new_metadata$split_regions = names(new_metadata_list)

    # Return the results.
    return(list(Indices=out_subsets, Metadata=new_metadata, Partition=partition))        

# Given a single matrix, split it according to the split_by columns of the metadata.
split_matrix = function(input_matrix, split_indices) {
    lapply(split_indices, function(indices) { input_matrix[indices,, drop=FALSE] })

# Given a list of matrices, split each one according to the split_by columns 
# of the metadata.
split_matrices = function(matrices, metadata, split_by) {
    split_indices = split_by_metadata(metadata, split_by)
    res_matrices = lapply(matrices, split_matrix, split_indices=split_indices$Indices)
    return(list(Matrices=res_matrices, Metadata=split_indices$Metadata))

# Given a GRange or GRangesList object, split it according to the split_by columns 
# of the metadata. GRanges are converted to GRangesList, while GRangesList
# are converted to a list of GRangesList objects.
split_regions = function(regions, metadata, split_by) {
    split_indices = split_by_metadata(metadata, split_by)

    for(split_name in names(split_indices$Indices)) {
        out_regions[[split_name]] = regions[split_indices$Indices[[split_name]]]

    # If we were splitting a GRanges, we can make this a GRangesList.
    if(methods::is(regions, "GRanges")) {
        out_regions = GRangesList(out_regions)
    attr(out_regions, "split_metadata") = split_indices$Metadata

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metagene2 documentation built on March 19, 2021, 6 p.m.