Man pages for microbiomeExplorer
Microbiome Exploration App

abundanceHeatmapAbundance Heatmap module - server
abundanceHeatmapUIAbundance Heatmap module - UI
addFeatDataAdd feature data to MRobj.
addPhenoDataAdd phenotype data to object.
add_plotly_configAdds a config call based on plotly::config
add_plotly_layoutAdds a layout call based on plotly::layout
aggFeaturesAggregates counts by level
aggregationTabAggregation module server function
aggregationTabUIAggregation module ui function
alphaDiversityAlpha Diversity module - server
alphaDiversityUIAlpha Diversity module - UI
avgAbundanceRelative abundance plot module - server
avgAbundanceUIRelative abundance plot module - UI
betaDiversityBeta Diversity module - server
betaDiversityUIBeta Diversity module - UI
betaInputServer side for the analysis input module handling analysis...
betaInputUIMain beta analysis input module. Set up to handle all...
buildEmptyPlotlyPlotCreates an empty plotly plot using the given labels on the x...
buildPlottingDFSets up a dataframe used by several plotting functions by...
calculatePCAsFunction to compute the PCAs for a given distance matrix
computeCI_IntervalHelper function to calculate the confidence interval for a...
computeDistMatFunction to compute the distance matrix using vegdist from...
corrAnalysiscorr Analysis Module - server
corrAnalysisUIcorr Analysis Module - UI
corrFeatureScatterplot of two features
corrInputServer side for the analysis input module handling analysis...
corrInputUIMain correlation analysis input module. Handles correlation...
corrPhenotypeScatterplot of a feature and a phenotype
createHeaderMakes header for R script
dataInputMain Data input server where the user selects files to upload...
dataInputUIMain Data input UI where the user selects files to upload to...
designPairsProduce design matrix of pairwise comparisons
diffAnalysisdiff Analysis Module - server
diffAnalysisUIDiff Analysis Module - UI
diffInputServer side for the analysis input module handling analysis...
diffInputUIMain diffanalysis input module. Set up to handle diff...
diffTableDifferential analysis module server code
diffTableUIDifferential Analysis module UI
extendPhenoDataExtends existing phenodata for an object
featAbundanceFeature plot module - server
featAbundanceUIFeature plot module - UI
featureAnalysisfeature Analysis Module - server
featureAnalysisUIfeature Analysis Module - UI
featureCorrFeature correlation analysis server module
featureCorrUIFeature correlation analysis module UI
featureInputServer side for the feature analysis input module
featureInputUIMain feature analysis input module. Set up to handle all...
featureTableFeature table module server code
featureTableUIFeature table UI module
fileUploadModule handling file upload for the application: server
fileUploadUIModule handling file upload for the application: UI In a...
filterByPhenoFunction to filter the MRexperiment by certain phenotype...
filterMEDataFunction to filter the MRexperiment data by numerical...
generateReportGenerates report
getFeatModCodeHelper function returning the fData modifications as strings...
getFileTypeHelper function assigning different file extensions to...
getFilterChoicesHelper function to filter phenodata for interesting...
getLegendLevelFunction to find a non-empty facet in the last row. This will...
getPhenoChangesHelper function returning the code used to modify the data...
getPhenoModCodeHelper function returning the code used to modify the...
getWidthsHelper function to account for issues plotly has with very...
heatmapInputServer side for the analysis input module handling analysis...
heatmapInputUIHeatmap analysis input module. Set up to handle all analysis...
interAnalysisinter Analysis Module - server
interAnalysisUIinter Analysis Module - UI
intraAnalysisIntra Analysis Module - server
intraAnalysisUIIntra Analysis Module - UI
intraInputServer side for the intra analysis input module
intraInputUIMain intra analysis input module. Set up to handle all...
longAnalysislong Analysis Module - server
longAnalysisUILong Analysis Module - UI
longInputServer side for the analysis input module handling analysis...
longInputUIMain diffanalysis input module. Set up to handle diff...
longResultsLongitudinal analysis module server code
longResultsUILongitudinal Analysis module UI
makeQCPlotPlots sequencing statistics scatterplot
normalizeDataCalls appropriate normalization functions depending on input...
parseInteractionNameHelper function used to build a correct interactionName based...
phenotypeCorrPhenotype correlation analysis server module
phenotypeCorrUIPhenotype correlation analysis module
phenotypeTablePhenotype table server module
phenotypeTableUIPhenotype table UI module
plotAbundancePlot relative abundance
plotAlphaPlot alpha diversity
plotAvgAbundancePlot average relative abundance
plotBetaPlot beta diversity
plotHeatmapPlot heatmap
plotLongFeaturePlot longitudinal features
plotlyHistogramFunction plotting a plotly histogram on the given histvalue
plotlySampleBarplotFunction plotting a barplot showing number of OTUs per...
plotSingleFeaturePlot features
readDataReads in data
relAbundanceRelative abundance plot module - server
relAbundanceUIRelative abundance plot module - UI
replaceWithUnknownHelper function to replace any un-annotated features with the...
reportListReport tab module server
reportListUIreport tab ui
reportRowReport Row
reportRowUIReport row module consisting of a checkbox, image and...
rollDownFeaturesHelper function which rolls down annotated from closest...
runDiffTestPerforms differential abundance testing
runMicrobiomeExplorerMain function to start the Microbiome Explorer Shiny app via...
microbiomeExplorer documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:16 p.m.