
Defines functions setFlagMatrix setPurityFlagMatrix setPuritySpectraGrp resetGrpedMS2 scanPeaksFromfiledf getScanPeaks

# msPurity R package for processing MS/MS data - Copyright (C)
# This file is part of msPurity.
# msPurity is a free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# msPurity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with msPurity.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#' @title Filter fragmentations spectra associated with an XCMS feature
#' @aliases filterFragSpectra
#' @description
#' **General**
#' Flag and filter features based on signal-to-noise ratio, relative abundance, intensity threshold and precursor ion purity of precursor.
#' **Example LC-MS/MS processing workflow**
#' The purityA object can be used for further processing including linking the fragmentation spectra to XCMS features, averaging fragmentation, database creation and spectral matching (from the created database). See below for an example workflow
#'  * Purity assessments
#'    +  (mzML files) -> purityA -> (pa)
#'  * XCMS processing
#'    +  (mzML files) -> xcms.xcmsSet -> xcms.merge -> xcms.group -> xcms.retcor -> xcms.group -> (xset)
#'  * Fragmentation processing
#'    + (xset, pa) -> frag4feature -> **filterFragSpectra** -> averageAllFragSpectra -> createDatabase -> spectralMatching -> (sqlite spectral database)
#' @param pa object; purityA object
#' @param ilim numeric; min intensity of a peak
#' @param plim numeric; min precursor ion purity of the associated precursor for fragmentation spectra scan
#' @param ra numeric; minimum relative abundance of a peak
#' @param snr numeric; minimum signal-to-noise of a peak  peak within each file
#' @param rmp boolean; TRUE if peaks are to be removed that do not meet the threshold criteria. Otherwise they will just be flagged.
#' @param snmeth character; Method to calculate signal to noise ration (either median or mean)
#' @param allfrag boolean; Whether to filter on all fragmentation spectra or or just the fragmentation spectra grouped to XCMS feature
#' @examples
#' #msmsPths <- list.files(system.file("extdata", "lcms",
#' #                        "mzML", package="msPurityData"), full.names = TRUE,
#' #                         pattern = "MSMS")
#' #xset <- xcms::xcmsSet(msmsPths)
#' #xset <- xcms::group(xset)
#' #xset <- xcms::retcor(xset)
#' #xset <- xcms::group(xset)
#' #pa  <- purityA(msmsPths)
#' #pa <- frag4feature(pa, xset)
#' pa <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "tests", "purityA",
#'                           "2_frag4feature_pa.rds", package="msPurity"))
#' pa <- filterFragSpectra(pa)
#' @return Returns a purityA object with the pa@@grped_msms spectra matrices are updated with the following columns
#' * snr: Signal to noise ratio (calculated at scan level)
#' * ra: Relative abundance (calculated at scan level)
#' * purity_pass_flag: Precursor ion purity flag (1 pass, 0 fail)
#' * intensity_pass_flag: Intensity flag (1 pass, 0 fail)
#' * snr_pass_flag: Signal-to-noise pass flag (1 pass, 0 fail)
#' * ra_pass_flag: Relative abundance pass flag (1 pass, 0 fail)
#' * pass_flag: Overall pass flag, all flags must pass for this to pass (1 pass, 0 fail)
#' @md
#' @export
setMethod(f="filterFragSpectra", signature="purityA",
          definition = function(pa, ilim=0, plim=0.8, ra=0, snr=3, rmp=FALSE, snmeth='median', allfrag=FALSE){

            if ((!length(pa@filter_frag_params)==0) && (pa@filter_frag_params$rmp)){
              message('Fragmentation peaks have been previously filtered and removed - function can\'t be performed')

            filter_frag_params = list()
            filter_frag_params$ilim = ilim
            filter_frag_params$plim = plim
            filter_frag_params$ra = ra
            filter_frag_params$snr = snr
            filter_frag_params$snmeth = snmeth
            filter_frag_params$rmp = rmp
            filter_frag_params$allfrag = allfrag

            pa@filter_frag_params <- filter_frag_params

            # reset (incase filterFrag has already been run)
            pa@grped_ms2 <- lapply(pa@grped_ms2, lapply, resetGrpedMS2)

            # Calculate and add flags to matrix
            # Add the purity flag
            pa@grped_df$purity_pass_flag <-  pa@grped_df$inPurity > plim
            pa@grped_ms2 <- plyr::dlply(pa@grped_df, ~grpid, setPuritySpectraGrp, pa)

            # calculate snr, ra and combine all flags
            pa@grped_ms2 <- lapply(pa@grped_ms2, lapply, setFlagMatrix, filter_frag_params=filter_frag_params)

            # if allfrag is TRUE calculate the ms2 for all fragmentation spectra (note this is duplicating the
            # processing at the momement - for sake of clarity of the code.
            # So Ideally should be updated but waiting on the backend refactor to update though)
            if (allfrag){
              # add to purityA object
              scanpeaksFrag <- getScanPeaks(pa)

              # get purity flag
              pa@puritydf$purity_pass_flag <- pa@puritydf$inPurity > plim
              scanpeaksFrag <- merge(pa@puritydf[,c('pid', 'inPurity', 'purity_pass_flag')], scanpeaksFrag, by='pid')
              scanpeaksFrag <- scanpeaksFrag[,c("pid","sid","fileid", "scan", "mz", "i", "type",  "purity_pass_flag"), drop=FALSE]

              pa@all_frag_scans <- plyr::ddply(scanpeaksFrag, ~pid, setFlagMatrix, filter_frag_params=filter_frag_params)




getScanPeaks <- function(pa){
  scaninfo <- pa@puritydf
  fileList <- pa@fileList
  filedf <- data.frame(filepth=fileList,
                       fileid=seq(1, length(fileList)))
  scanpeaksFrag <- plyr::ddply(filedf, ~ fileid, scanPeaksFromfiledf)
  comb <- paste(scanpeaksFrag[,1], scanpeaksFrag[,2], sep=' ')
  scanpeaksFrag <- cbind(1:nrow(scanpeaksFrag), cumsum(!duplicated(comb)), scanpeaksFrag)
  colnames(scanpeaksFrag) <- c('sid','pid', 'fileid', 'scan', 'mz', 'i')
  scanpeaksFrag$type <- 'scan'

scanPeaksFromfiledf <- function(x){
  mr <- mzR::openMSfile(as.character(x$filepth))
  scanpeaks <- mzR::peaks(mr)
  scans <- mzR::header(mr)
  names(scanpeaks) <- seq(1, length(scanpeaks))
  scanpeaks_df <- plyr::ldply(scanpeaks[scans$seqNum[scans$msLevel>1]], .id=TRUE)

resetGrpedMS2 <- function(m){
  m[,1:2, drop=FALSE]

setPuritySpectraGrp <- function(x, pa){
  grpid <- as.character(unique(x$grpid))

  msms_l <- pa@grped_ms2[as.character(grpid)][[1]]

  purity_pass_flag <- x$purity_pass_flag

  x$subsetid <- 1:nrow(x)
  result <- plyr::dlply(x, ~subsetid, setPurityFlagMatrix, msms_l=msms_l)
  result <- unname(result)
  attr(result, "split_type") <- NULL
  attr(result, "split_labels") <- NULL

setPurityFlagMatrix <- function(grpinfo, msms_l){
  m <- cbind(msms_l[[grpinfo$subsetid]], grpinfo$purity_pass_flag)

setFlagMatrix <- function(x, filter_frag_params){

  snmeth <- filter_frag_params$snmeth
  i_thre <- filter_frag_params$ilim
  ra_thre <- filter_frag_params$ra
  snr_thre <- filter_frag_params$snr
  rmp <- filter_frag_params$rmp

  # check if columns defined for intensity
  if('i' %in% colnames(x)){
    intensityIdx <- which(colnames(x)=='i')
    intensityIdx <- 2

  if (snmeth=="median"){
    snr <- x[,intensityIdx]/median(x[,intensityIdx])
  }else if(snmeth=="mean"){
    snr <- x[,intensityIdx]/mean(x[,intensityIdx])

  ra <- x[,intensityIdx]/max(x[,intensityIdx])*100

  intensity_pass_flag <- x[,intensityIdx]>i_thre
  ra_pass_flag <- ra>ra_thre
  snr_pass_flag <- snr>snr_thre

  x <- cbind(x, snr, ra, intensity_pass_flag, ra_pass_flag, snr_pass_flag)

  # check if columns available for sid and pid
  if('pid' %in% colnames(x)){
    col_order <-   c('sid', 'pid', 'fileid', 'scan', 'mz', 'i', 'snr', 'ra','type', 'purity_pass_flag', 'intensity_pass_flag','ra_pass_flag', 'snr_pass_flag', 'pass_flag')

    colnames(x) <- c('mz', 'i','purity_pass_flag', 'snr', 'ra', 'intensity_pass_flag', 'ra_pass_flag', 'snr_pass_flag')
    col_order <-   c('mz', 'i', 'snr', 'ra', 'purity_pass_flag', 'intensity_pass_flag','ra_pass_flag', 'snr_pass_flag', 'pass_flag')

  if (nrow(x)==1){
    pass_flag <- sum(unlist(x[,c('purity_pass_flag', 'intensity_pass_flag', 'ra_pass_flag', 'snr_pass_flag')]))==4
    pass_flag <- rowSums(x[,c('purity_pass_flag', 'intensity_pass_flag', 'ra_pass_flag', 'snr_pass_flag')])==4

  x <- cbind(x, pass_flag)
  # reoder so it is easier to read

  if (rmp){
    x <- x[x[,'pass_flag']==1,,drop=FALSE]
    if (nrow(x)==0){

  return(x[,col_order, drop=FALSE])

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msPurity documentation built on Jan. 14, 2021, 2:44 a.m.