
Defines functions separate finalResults profiles mvGSTObject tableColumns convertPvalues combinePvalues profileCombine changeTO10 oneSideBYAdjust cut mvSort print.mvGST summary.mvGST print.summary.mvGST geneNameConvertRows hartung method3 method2 method4 generateGeneSets interactiveGraph go2GeneSet fillInList distributeWeight getCurrentChildren makeCoherent getAncestorsAndOffspring turnListAround

Documented in changeTO10 combinePvalues convertPvalues cut distributeWeight fillInList finalResults geneNameConvertRows generateGeneSets getAncestorsAndOffspring getCurrentChildren go2GeneSet hartung interactiveGraph makeCoherent method2 method3 method4 mvGSTObject mvSort oneSideBYAdjust print.mvGST print.summary.mvGST profileCombine profiles separate summary.mvGST tableColumns turnListAround

separate <- function(pmat, list.groups){
  # Uses Stouffer's method to combine p-values for gene sets
  # Args:
  #   pmat: An MVGST object with a matrix of p-values with corresponding 
  #         gene names as the row names
  #   list.groups: A list of character vectors containing the gene sets
  # Returns:
  #   An MVGST object with a matrix of p-values with corresponding gene 
  #   set names st the row names
  mvgst <- pmat$raw.pvals
  new.ps <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(list.groups), ncol = ncol(mvgst))
  for (i in seq_along(list.groups)){
    t <- is.element(rownames(mvgst), list.groups[[i]])
    if (any(t)){
      new.ps[i, ]<- apply(matrix(mvgst[t, ], nrow = sum(t)), MARGIN = 2, FUN = combinePvalues)

  new.ps <- matrix(new.ps, dimnames = list(rep(1:nrow(new.ps)),
                   nrow = nrow(new.ps))
  pmat$grouped.raw <- new.ps


finalResults <- function(pmat){
  # Takes a matrix of significance results (-1, 0, 1) and creates a table
  # with the total number of gene sets that fall into each possible 
  # profile
  # Args:
  #   pmat: An MVGST object containing the matrix of ones, zeroes, and
  #         negative ones indicating whether each gene set is
  #         significantly less differentially expressed, not 
  #         significantly differentially expressed, or significantly
  #         greater differentially expressed for each contrast
  # Returns:
  #   An MVGST object containing a matrix with row names that are each
  #   possible significance profile for the first variable, column names 
  #   that are each combination of the remaining variables, and cell 
  #   values that indicate the number of gene sets that have the 
  #   corresponding significance profile. 
  mat <- pmat$ones.zeroes
  # setting up the final results matrix
  profile <- profiles(mat)
  columns <- tableColumns(mat)
  observed <- profileCombine(mat)
  profs <- as.list(rep(NA, nrow(profile)))
  # counting the number of gene sets that fit in each cell of matrix
  nrowprof <- nrow(profile)
  for (i in seq_len(nrowprof)){
    profs[[i]] <- profile[i,]
  final <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(profile), ncol = length(columns),
                  dimnames = list(profs, columns))
   nrfinal <- nrow(final)
   ncfinal <- ncol(final)   
  for (i in seq_len(nrfinal)){
    for (j in seq_len(ncfinal)){
      final[i,j] <- sum(apply(observed[[j]], MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) all(x == profile[i,])), na.rm = TRUE)
  pmat$results.table <- final
  pmat$ord.lev <- dimnames(profile)[[2]]
  pmat$contrasts <- dimnames(final)[[2]]


  # Takes a matrix of significance results (-1, 0, 1) and creates a matrix
  # with each row being a possible significance profile and the number of
  # rows being equal to the number or possible significance profiles.
  # Args:
  #   mat: A matrix with column names that are the in the format 
  #        Var1.Var2.Var3...Var(n-1).Var(n) that represent the contrasts
  #        being tested.
  # Returns:
  #   A matrix with each row being a possible significance profile and the 
  #   number of rows being equal to the number or possible significance 
  #   profiles. 
  names <- dimnames(mat)[[2]]
  prof <- rep(NA, length(names))
  for (i in seq_along(names)){
    prof[i] <- unlist(strsplit(names[i], "[.]"))[1]
  t <- duplicated(prof)
  unique <- prof[!t]
  nprofiles <- 3 ^ length(unique)
  profiles <- matrix(rep(NA), ncol = length(unique),
                     nrow = nprofiles, 
                     dimnames = list(rep(1:nprofiles), unique))
  for (i in seq_along(unique)){
    profiles[, i] <- rep(c(rep(-1, nprofiles / 3 ^ i),
                           rep(0, nprofiles / 3 ^ i),
                           rep(1, nprofiles / 3 ^ i)), 3 ^ (i - 1))


mvGSTObject <- function(gene.names, contrasts, pvals, groups){
  # Creates an object of class mvGST
  # Args:
  #   gene.names: A character vector containing the gene names that correspond
  #               to the rows of the matrix of p-values
  #   contrasts: A character vector containing the contrasts that correspond to
  #              each column in the matirx of p-values. Must be in format:
  #              Var1.Var2.Var3...Var(n-1).Var(n)
  #   pvals: A matrix containing the p-values corresponding to the various genes
  #          and contrasts
  #   groups: An optional list containing user-defined gene sets 
  # Returns:
  #   A mvGST object with most things still empty
  object <- matrix(pvals, dimnames = list(gene.names, contrasts),
                   nrow = length(gene.names))
  obj <- list(raw.pvals = object,
              results.table = matrix(rep(NA,4),nrow=2),
              ord.lev = NA,
              contrasts = NA,
              grouped.raw = NA,
              adjusted.group.pvals = NA,
              ones.zeroes = NA,
              group.names = names(groups))
  class(obj) <- "mvGST"


tableColumns <- function(mat){
  # Takes a matrix of significance results (-1, 0, 1) and returns the 
  # contrasts that need to be the column names for the final results
  # matrix
  # Args:
  #   mat: A matrix with column names that are the in the format 
  #        Var1.Var2 or Var1that represent the contrasts
  #        being tested.
  # Returns:
  #   A character vector in the format Var2 or "ontology"
  names <- dimnames(mat)[[2]]
  col <- rep(NA, length(names))
  columns <- rep(NA, length(names))
  for (i in seq_along(names)){
    col[i] <- unlist(strsplit(names[i], "[.]"))[1]
    columns[i] <- substr(names[i], nchar(col[i]) + 2, nchar(names[i]))
  t <- duplicated(columns)
  unique <- columns[!t]


convertPvalues <- function(pvals, relativity, two.sided = TRUE){
  # Converts a matrix of p-values from two-sided to one-sided or vice versa.
  # Args:
  #   pvals: A matrix of p-values.
  #   relativity: Only used when two.sided == TRUE. Numeric value that is 
  #               greater than 0 if the one-sided p-value should be less 
  #               than .5.
  #   two.sided: TRUE if pvals contains two-sided pvalues, FALSE if pvals
  #              contains one-sided pvalues.

    newP <- ifelse(relativity < 0, 1 - pvals / 2, pvals / 2)
  } else { 
    newP <- ifelse(pvals < .5, pvals * 2, (1 - pvals) * 2)


combinePvalues <- function(pvals){
  # Uses Stouffer's method to combine p-values
  # Args:
  #   pvals: A vector of p-values.
  # Returns:
  #   A single combined p-value
  comb.p <- pnorm(sum(qnorm(pvals)) / sqrt(length(pvals)))


profileCombine <- function(mat){
  # Takes a matrix of significance results (-1, 0, 1) and list of matrices 
  # with each matrix containing the significance profiles for a given
  # Var2.Var3...Var(n-1).Var(n)
  # Args:
  #   mat: A matrix with column names that are the in the format 
  #        Var1.Var2.Var3...Var(n-1).Var(n) that represent the contrasts
  #        being tested.
  # Returns:
  #   list of matrices with each matrix containing the significance 
  #   profiles for a given Var2.Var3...Var(n-1).Var(n)
  names <- dimnames(mat)[[2]]
  col <- rep(NA, length(names))
  duplicates <- rep(NA, length(names))
  columns <- tableColumns(mat)
  each <- profiles(mat)
  mats <- rep(list(matrix(rep(NA), nrow = nrow(mat),
                          ncol = ncol(each))), length(columns))
  for(i in seq_along(columns)){
    for (j in seq_along(names)){
      col[j] <- unlist(strsplit(names[j], "[.]"))[1]
      duplicates[j] <- substr(names[j], nchar(col[j]) + 2, nchar(names[j]))
    t <- duplicates == columns[i]
    mats[[i]] <- matrix(mat[, t], nrow = nrow(mat))


changeTO10 <- function(pvals.mat, sig.level){
  # Converts a matrix of one-sided p-values to matrix of ones, zeroes and
  # negative ones where 1 represents significantly greater, 0 represents
  # no significance, and -1 represents significantly less than
  # Args:
  #   pvals.mat: A mvGST object containing a matrix of one-sided p-values.
  #   sig.level: Significance level to be used. P-values less than 
  #              sig.level / 2 are converted to 1. P-values greater
  #              than 1 - sig.level / 2 are converted to -1.
  # Returns:
  #   A matrix of ones, zeroes, and negative ones.
  pvals <- pvals.mat$adjusted.group.pvals
  ind.profile <- matrix(rep(0), nrow = nrow(pvals), ncol = ncol(pvals),
                        dimnames = dimnames(pvals))
  ind.profile <- ifelse(pvals <= sig.level / 2, 1, 
                        ifelse(pvals >= 1 - sig.level / 2, -1, 0))
  pvals.mat$ones.zeroes <- ind.profile


  # Converts one-sided p-values to two-sided. Performs a Benjamini-Yekutieli
  # adjustment on the two-sided p-values. Converts the adjusted two-sided 
  # p-values back to one-sided p-values.
  # Args:
  #   pval.mat: A mvGST object that contains a matrix of Stouffer combined 
  #             p-values
  # Returns:
  #   A mvGST object that also contains a matrix of BY adjusted, Stouffer 
  #   combined p-values.
  pvals <- pval.mat$grouped.raw

  two.sided <- convertPvalues(pvals, two.sided = FALSE)
  two.adjusted <- apply(two.sided, MARGIN = 2, FUN = p.adjust, method = "BY")
  relative <- ifelse(pvals < .5, 1, -1)
  one.combined <- convertPvalues(two.adjusted, relative)
  pval.mat$adjusted.group.pvals <- matrix(one.combined, nrow = nrow(pvals),
                                          dimnames = dimnames(pvals))


cut <- function(y){
  # Removes the rows with all zeroes from the final results table in a mvGST object.
  # Args:
  #   y: A mvGST object that contains a final results matrix
  # Returns:
  #   A mvGST object that contains a final results matrix with no all zero rows
  x <- y$results.table
  temp.mat <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(x))
  temp.names <- NA
  nrx <- nrow(x)
  for (i in seq_len(nrx)){
    if (sum(x[i,]) != 0){
      temp.mat <- rbind(temp.mat, x[i, ])
      temp.names <- c(temp.names, dimnames(x)[[1]][i])
  temp.mat <- temp.mat[-1, ]
  temp.names <- temp.names[-1]
  final.mat <- matrix(temp.mat, ncol = ncol(x), 
                      dimnames = c(list(temp.names), list(dimnames(x)[[2]])))
  y$results.table <- final.mat


mvSort <- function(y){
  # Sorts the rows in the final results table in a mvGST object from the greatest
  # row total to the least.
  # Args:
  #   y: A mvGST object that contains a final results matrix
  # Returns:
  #   A mvGST object that contains a final results matrix with rows sorted by
  #   row total.
  x <- y$results.table
  temp <- x
  row.sum <- apply(temp, MARGIN = 1, FUN = sum)
  ranked <- rank(1 / row.sum, ties.method = "first")
  nrt <- nrow(temp)
  for (i in seq_len(nrt)){
    x[ranked[i], ] <- temp[i, ]
    dimnames(x)[[1]][ranked[i]] <- dimnames(temp)[[1]][i]
  y$results.table <- x


print.mvGST <- function(x, ...){
  # Prints an object of class mvGST
  # Args:
  #   x: A mvGST object 
  #!# Allow for all-NA profile (like if a GO id passed to go2Profile was not among those actually tested)
      NAprof <- matrix(NA, nrow=1, ncol=length(x$ord.lev))
	  colnames(NAprof) <- x$ord.lev
	  fillcols <- matrix(1,nrow=1, ncol=dim(x$results.table)[2])
      colnames(fillcols) <- colnames(x$results.table)
	  outNAprof <- cbind(NAprof, fillcols)
      warning('Gene set name(s) requested not among those tested')	  

  } else if (substr(rownames(x$results.table)[1], 1, 1) != "c"){
   } else {
    y <- x$results.table
    col.names1 <- dimnames(y)[[2]]
    col.names <- ifelse(nchar(col.names1) < 4, paste(col.names1, "  "), col.names1)
    row.spaces <- nchar(col.names)
    row.names <- dimnames(y)[[1]]
    col.spaces <- max(nchar(row.names))
    for (i in seq_along(row.names)){
      temp.name <- substr(row.names[i], 3, nchar(row.names[i])-1)
      row.names[i] <- " "	
      counter <- 1
	  nct <- nchar(temp.name)
      for (j in seq_len(nct)){
       char <- substr(temp.name, j, j)
       if (char == "-"){
         row.names[i] <- paste(row.names[i], char, sep = "")
       } else {
         if (char == "0"){
           row.names[i] <- paste(row.names[i], char)
		   ncxo <- nchar(x$ord.lev[counter])
           for (k in seq_len(ncxo)){
             row.names[i] <- paste(row.names[i], "")
           counter <- counter + 1
         } else {
           if (char == "1"){
             if (substr(temp.name, j - 1, j - 1) == "-"){
               row.names[i] <- paste(row.names[i], char, sep = "")
             } else {
               row.names[i] <- paste(row.names[i], char)
			 ncxol <- nchar(x$ord.lev[counter])
             for (k in seq_len(ncxol)){
               row.names[i] <- paste(row.names[i], "")
             counter <- counter + 1
    row.names <- gsub(",", " ", row.names)
    col.spaces <- max(nchar(row.names))
    cat(" ")
    for (i in seq_along(x$ord.lev)){
      cat(x$ord.lev[i], " ")

    cat(col.names, "\n")
    for (i in seq_along(row.names)){
      cat(row.names[i], "")
	  ncy <- ncol(y)
      for (j in seq_len(ncy)){
        spaces <- 1 + row.spaces[j] - nchar(y[i, j]) 
        cat(y[i, j], rep("", max(spaces, 1)))


summary.mvGST <-
  function(object, ...){
    # Creates a summary of the mvGST object, giving number of gene sets tested,
    # levels of the ordered factor, number of other factors, number of possible
    # profiles, number of profiles that have gene sets, and number of contrasts
    # tested.
    # Args:
    #   object: A mvGST object
    y <- object$results.table
    gene.sets <- sum(y[, 1])
    ordered.vars <- length(object$ord.lev)
    summ <- c(gene.sets, 3 ^ ordered.vars, nrow(y), ncol(y))
    class(summ) <- "summary.mvGST"

print.summary.mvGST <- function(x, ...){
  # Prints an object of class summary.mvGST 
  # Args:
  #   x: A summary.mvGST object
  cat("", x[1], "gene sets \n",  x[4], "possible profiles \n", 
      x[5], "profiles used \n", x[6], "strata \n")


geneNameConvertRows <- function(pvals, gene.names, new.names, method = 1){
  # Handles translation from one set of gene names to another. 
  # Args:
  #   pvals: A matrix of p-values.
  #   gene.names: A character vecter containing the original gene names.
  #   new.names: A matrix with the first column containing the original gene
  #              names, and the second column containing the corresponding new
  #              names. 
  #   method: A number from 1 to 4 that indicates what method should be used to 
  #           handle duplicates in the name translation.
  #           Method 1 does nothing. As a result, some rows of p-values will be 
  #             duplicated when one name translates to many. Some rows will also
  #             have the same gene name when many names translate to just one.
  #           Method 2 uses Hartung's modified inverse normal method to combine
  #             p-values when many names translate to just one.
  #           Method 3 accounts for when one name translates to many. Instead of 
  #             duplicating rows of p-values, only the first of the new names is
  #             used.
  #           Method 4 combines methods 2 and 3. First method 2 is performed, then
  #             method 3.
  # Returns:
  #   A list containing the new p-value matrix, the new gene names, and the old
  #   gene names if method != 1.
  if (method == 1){
    new.pvals <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(new.names), ncol = ncol(pvals))
	nrnn <- nrow(new.names)
    for (i in seq_len(nrnn)){
      new.pvals[i, ] <- pvals[new.names[i, 1] == gene.names]
    return(list(p.mat = new.pvals, genes = new.names[, 2]))
  if (method == 3){
    return(method3(pvals, gene.names, new.names))  
  if (method == 2){
    return(method2(pvals, gene.names, new.names))
  if (method == 4){    
    method.two <- method2(pvals, gene.names, new.names)
    new.new.names <- data.frame(method.two$old.names, method.two$genes)
    return(method4(method.two$p.mat, method.two$old.names, new.new.names))


hartung <- function(pvals){
  # Uses Hartung's modified inverse normal method to combine a set of 
  # p-values
  # Args:
  #   pvals: A vector of p-values
  # Returns:
  #   A single p-value.
  n <- length(pvals)
  t <- qnorm(pvals)
  rho.hat <- 1 - sum((t - sum(t) / n) ^ 2) / (n - 1)
  rho.hat.star <- max(-1 / (n - 1), rho.hat)
  kappa <- .1 * (1 + 1 / (n-1) - rho.hat.star)
  combined.test.statistic <- sum(t) / 
    sqrt(n + (n ^ 2 - n) * 
           (rho.hat.star + kappa * sqrt(2 / (n+1)) * (1 - rho.hat.star)))


method3 <- function(pvals, gene.names, new.names){
  # Accounts for the one-to-many gene name translation issue
  # by only using the first of the many new names that are 
  # possible.
  # Args:
  #   pvals: A matrix of p-values.
  #   gene.names: A character vector with the old gene names
  #   new.names: A data frame with old gene names in the first
  #              column and corresponding new gene names in the
  #              second column.
  # Returns:
  #   A list with the new matrix of p-values and the corresponding
  #   gene names.
  new.names <- new.names[order(new.names[, 1]), ]
  index <- rep(TRUE, nrow(new.names))
  for (i in seq_along(new.names[, 1])[-1]){
    if (any(new.names[i, 1] == new.names[1:(i - 1), 1])){
      index[i] <- FALSE
  trunc.new.names <- new.names[index, ]
  new.pvals <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(index), ncol = ncol(pvals))
  for (i in seq_along(index)){
    if (index[i]){
      new.pvals[i, ] <- pvals[new.names[i, 1] == gene.names]
  new.pvals <- new.pvals[!is.na(new.pvals[, 1]),]
  return(list(p.mat = new.pvals, genes = trunc.new.names[, 2]))


method2 <- function(pvals, gene.names, new.names){
  # Accounts for the many-to-one gene name translation issue
  # by using Hartung's modified inverse normal method to combine
  # the p-values
  # Args:
  #   pvals: A matrix of p-values.
  #   gene.names: A character vector with the old gene names
  #   new.names: A data fram with old gene names in the first
  #              column and corresponding new gene names in the
  #              second column.
  # Returns:
  #   A list with the new matrix of p-values and the corresponding
  #   gene names.
  new.names <- new.names[order(new.names[, 2]), ]
  trunc.new.names <- unique(new.names[, 2])
  matches <- rep(0, nrow(new.names))
  temp.names <- c("NOT A GENE", as.character(new.names[, 2]), "NOT A GENE")
  for(i in seq_along(new.names[, 2])[-1]){
    if (temp.names[i] == temp.names[i + 1] & temp.names[i] != temp.names[i - 1]){
      j <- 1
      k <- i
      while (temp.names[k] == temp.names[k + 1]){
        j <- j + 1
        k <- k + 1
      matches[i - 1] <- j
  old.names <- character(length(trunc.new.names))
  new.p.mat <- matrix(NA, ncol=ncol(pvals), nrow=length(trunc.new.names))
  j <- 1
  k <- 0
  for (i in seq_along(matches)){
    if (j > i) {k <- k + 1; next}
    if (matches[i] == 0){
      new.p.mat[i-k,] <- pvals[gene.names == new.names[j, 1]]
      old.names[i-k] <- new.names[j, 1]
      j <- j + 1
    } else {
      originals <- new.names[new.names[j,2] == new.names[,2], 1]
      temp <- rep(FALSE, length(gene.names))
      for (l in seq_along(originals)){
        if (any(originals[l] == gene.names)){
          temp[originals[l] == gene.names] <- TRUE
      if (!is.matrix(pvals[temp, ])){
        new.p.mat[i-k,] <- combinePvalues(pvals[temp,])
      } else {
       new.p.mat[i-k,] <- apply(pvals[temp, ], MARGIN = 2, 
                               FUN = combinePvalues)
      old.names[i] <- paste("other", as.character(i))
      j <- j + matches[i]
  old.names <- old.names[!is.na(old.names) & old.names != ""]
  return(list(p.mat = new.p.mat, genes = trunc.new.names, old.names = old.names))


method4 <- function(pvals, gene.names, new.names){
  # Does what method3 does, but for a p-value matrix that has already
  # gone through method2. 
  # Args:
  #   pvals: A matrix of p-values.
  #   gene.names: A character vector with the old gene names
  #   new.names: A data fram with old gene names in the first
  #              column and corresponding new gene names in the
  #              second column.
  # Returns:
  #   A list with the new matrix of p-values and the corresponding
  #   gene names.
  temp <- new.names
  new.names <- new.names[order(temp[,1]),]
  gene.names <- gene.names[order(temp[, 1])]
  pvals <- pvals[order(temp[, 1]), ]
  if (!is.matrix(pvals)){
    pvals <- matrix(pvals)
  old.names <- c("NOT A GENE", gene.names, "NOT A GENE")
  keepers <- logical()
  for(i in seq_along(old.names[-1])[-1]){
    if (old.names[i] != old.names[i - 1] & old.names[i] != old.names[i + 1]){
      keepers[i - 1] <- TRUE
    } else {
      keepers[i - 1] <- FALSE
  keepers[length(keepers) + 1] <- TRUE
  k <- 0
  j <- 1
  for (i in seq_along(keepers[-1])){
    if (keepers[i] == TRUE){
    } else {
      if (k >= i){
      } else {
        j <- 1
        while (!keepers[i + j]){
          j <- j + 1
        keepers[i] <- TRUE
        k <- i + j - 1
  keepers <- keepers[-length(keepers)]     
  return(list(p.mat = pvals[keepers, ], genes = new.names[keepers, 2]))    


generateGeneSets <- function(ontology, species, ID, affy.chip){
  # Generates a list of gene sets based on gene ontology.
  # Args:
  #   ontology: The specific ontology within to be used. Either
  #             "BP", "MF", or "CC".
  #   species: The organism being studied. It is made up of the
  #            first letter of the scientific name and the last
  #            word of the scientific name. For example, human is
  #            "hsapien"
  #   ID: The naming system being used on the genes
  #   affy.chip: If ID = "affy", this is the specific chip that was
  #              used
  # Returns:
  #   A list of character vectors. Each vector contains the names
  #   of the genes in a set. The names of the elements of the list
  #   are the Gene Ontology ID's for each gene set.
  if (ID == "affy"){
    gene.set.list <- annFUN.db(ontology, affyLib = affy.chip)
  } else {
    ### define species info with species.db <-    ###
	species.db <- switch(species,
       agambiae      = "org.Ag.eg.db",
       athaliana     = "org.At.tair.db",
       btaurus       = "org.Bt.eg.db",
       celegans      = "org.Ce.eg.db",
       cfamiliaris   = "org.Cf.eg.db",
       dmelanogaster = "org.Dm.eg.db",
       drerio        = "org.Dr.eg.db",
       ecoliK12      = "org.EcK12.eg.db",
       ecoliSakai    = "org.EcSakai.eg.db",
       ggallus       = "org.Gg.eg.db",
       hsapiens      = "org.Hs.eg.db",
       mmusculus     = "org.Mm.eg.db",
       mmulatta      = "org.Mmu.eg.db",
       pfalciparum   = "org.Pf.plasmo.db",
       ptroglodytes  = "org.Pt.eg.db",
       rnorvegicus   = "org.Rn.eg.db",
       scerevisiae   = "org.Sc.sgd.db",
       scoelicolor   = "org.Sco.eg.db",
       sscrofa       = "org.Ss.eg.db",
       tgondii       = "org.Tgondii.eg.db",
       xlaevis       = "org.Xl.eg.db",
	   stop("species must be one of the following: 
        agambiae, athaliana, btaurus, celegans, cfamiliaris,
        dmelanogaster, drerio, ecoliK12, ecoliSakai, ggallus,
        hsapiens, mmusculus, mmulatta, pfalciparum, ptrogldytes,
        rnorvegicus, scerevisiae, scoelicolor, sscrofa,
        tgondii, or xlaevis")
    if (any(ID == c("entrez", "genbank", "alias", "ensembl", "symbol", "genename", "unigene"))){
      gene.set.list <- annFUN.org(ontology, mapping = species.db, ID = ID)


interactiveGraph <- function(GO.Graph, color.nodes, interact = FALSE,
                              legend.pos = "bottomleft", print.legend = FALSE,
							  use.col="red", bg.col = "grey80"){
  # Creates a graph showing all given gene sets and all parent gene sets
  # Args: 
  #   GO.Graph: A graphNEL object created by the function GOGraph. It contains
  #             all of the gene sets that will be in the graph.
  #   color.nodes: A character vector containing the gene sets that are of
  #                interest.
  #   interact: Indicates whether or not the graph should be
  #             interactive.
  #   legend.pos: Indicates what position the legend should be in.
  #   print.legend: Indicates whether or not a legend should be printed.
  #   use.col: Color to apply to nodes representing gene sets of interest
  #   bg.col: Color to use for border of all nodes, 
  #           names of all nodes NOT representing gene sets of interest, 
  #           and all edges
  nodes <- buildNodeList(GO.Graph)
  focusnode <- names(nodes) %in% color.nodes
  names(focusnode) <- names(nodes)
  nodefill <- ifelse(focusnode, use.col, "white")
  nAttrs <- list() 
  nAttrs$fillcolor <- nodefill
  nAttrs$label <- 1:length(names(nodes)) 
  names(nAttrs$label) <- names(nodes)
  #!# section added 07.11.14
  nAttrs$color <- rep(bg.col, length(nodes))
  names(nAttrs$color) <- names(nodes)
  fc <- ifelse(focusnode, 'black', bg.col)
  nAttrs$fontcolor <- fc
  names(nAttrs$fontcolor) <- names(nodes)
  edges <- buildEdgeList(GO.Graph)
  eNames <- names(edges)  
  eAttrs <- list()
  eAttrs$color <- rep(bg.col, length(eNames))
  names(eAttrs$color) <- eNames
  #!# section added 10.02.14
  eAttrs$arrowhead <- rep('none', length(eNames))
  names(eAttrs$arrowhead) <- eNames
  pg <- plot(GO.Graph, nodeAttrs = nAttrs, edgeAttrs=eAttrs)
  x <- getNodeXY(pg)$x 
  y <- getNodeXY(pg)$y
  ordering <- sort.list(order(-y, x)) 
  nAttrs$label <- ordering
  names(nAttrs$label) <- names(nodes) 
  plot(GO.Graph, nodeAttrs = nAttrs, edgeAttrs=eAttrs)
  Terms <- sapply(lookUp(names(nodes)[sort.list(ordering)], "GO", "TERM"), Term) 
  names(Terms) <- NULL 
  legend <- data.frame(Terms)
    repeat {
      p <- locator(n = 1) 
      if (is.null(p)) break()
      pg <- plot(GO.Graph, nodeAttrs = nAttrs, edgeAttrs=eAttrs)
      x <- getNodeXY(pg)$x 
      y <- getNodeXY(pg)$y
      distance <- abs(p$x - x) + abs(p$y - y) 
      idx <- which.min(distance)
      legend(legend.pos, legend=c(nAttrs$label[idx], names(focusnode)[idx],
                                              "GO", "TERM")[[1]])), bg = "white")


go2GeneSet <- function(name, object){
  # Creates a table showing the profile for a single gene set in each of the 
  # tested contrasts.
  # Args:
  #   name: The name, or ID, of the desired gene set.
  #   object: A mvGST object containing a final results table.
  # Returns:
  #   A matrix with possible profiles as the row names and contrasts as the
  #   column names. Ones in the appropriate cells showing which profile the
  #   gene set fit for each contrast and zeroes elsewhere.
  table <- object$results.table
  single.table <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(table), ncol = ncol(table), dimnames = dimnames(table))
  observed <- profileCombine(object$ones.zeroes)
  profs <- lapply(observed, function(x) x[object$group.names == name, ])
  all.profs <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(table), ncol = ncol(observed[[1]]))
  nrt <- nrow(table)
  for (i in seq_len(nrt)){
    raw.profile <- dimnames(table)[[1]][i]
    temp <- substr(raw.profile, 3, nchar(raw.profile) - 1)
    temp2 <- as.integer(strsplit(temp, ",")[[1]])
    the.profile <- matrix(temp2, nrow = 1)
    all.profs[i, ] <- the.profile
  ncs <- ncol(single.table)
  for (i in seq_len(ncs)){  
    if(is.null(dim(profs[[i]]))){   #!# Added this check in case a requested GO term wasn't included in gene sets tested
    row <- apply(t(profs[[i]] == t(all.profs)), MARGIN = 1, all)
    single.table[row, i] <- 1
  result <- list(results.table = single.table, ord.lev = object$ord.lev)
  class(result) <- "mvGST"


fillInList <- function(group, term, offspring, list.groups){
  # Takes a gene sets in which genes are not associated
  # with offspring terms from the GO ontology and includes all genes
  # from offspring terms.
  # Args:
  #   group: A character vector with the genes already associated
  #          with the set.
  #   term: The name of the gene set.
  #   offspring: A list showing the offspring sets of each gene set
  #   list.groups: A list showing all genes already associated with
  #                each gene set.
  if (is.na(offspring[[term]][1])){
  } else {
    new.group <- unique(unlist(c(group, list.groups[offspring[[term]]])))


distributeWeight <- function(currentSets, children, weights, parentWeight = 1) 
  currentChildren <- children[currentSets]
  ready <- FALSE
  ii = 1
  while (!ready) {
    m <- length(currentSets)
    check <- weights
    weights[currentSets] <- weights[currentSets]+1/m*parentWeight
    if (length(weights)!=length(check) || class(weights)!='numeric') {
      warning("Weights changed length or class!!")
      return(list(weights=weights, check=check, 
                  currentSets=currentSets, parentWeight=parentWeight, ii=ii))
    if (ii > length(currentChildren)) {
      ii = 1
      currentSets <- unique(unlist(currentChildren))
      index <- currentSets %in% names(weights)
      if (sum(index) > 0) {
        currentChildren <- children[currentSets[index]]
        currentSets <- intersect(currentChildren[[ii]], names(weights))
        parentWeight <- weights[names(currentChildren[ii])]
        names(parentWeight) <- NULL
        ii = 2
      else {
        ready <- TRUE
    else {
      currentSets <- intersect(currentChildren[[ii]], names(weights))
      parentWeight <- weights[names(currentChildren[ii])]  
      names(parentWeight) <- NULL
      ii = ii+1
  weights <- weights[!is.na(weights)]

getCurrentChildren <- function(parents,sets) 
  tmp <- lapply(parents, function(pars) {
    if (sum(pars %in% sets)>0) TRUE
    else FALSE
  tmp <- unlist(tmp)

makeCoherent <- function(currentSets,parents,weights,adjustedP)
  currentChildren <- getCurrentChildren(parents,currentSets)
  if (length(currentChildren)>0) {
    ii <- 1
    ready <- FALSE
    while (!ready) {
      currentChild <- currentChildren[ii]
      parentP <- min(adjustedP[parents[[currentChild]]])
      adjustedP[currentChild] <- max(parentP,adjustedP[currentChild])
      if (ii < length(currentChildren)) {
        ii = ii+1
      else {
        currentChildren <- getCurrentChildren(parents,currentChildren)
        if (length(currentChildren) < 1) 
          ready <- TRUE
          ii <- 1

getAncestorsAndOffspring <- function(GOid,ontology = c('MF','CC','BP')) {
  ancestors <- lapply(as.list(ontology), function(ont) {
    ext <- paste(ont, "ANCESTOR", sep = "")
    GOOBJ <- eval(as.name(paste("GO", ont, "ANCESTOR", 
                                sep = "")))
    ontid <- intersect(keys(GOOBJ), GOid)
    if (length(ontid) > 0) {
      tmp <- lookUp(ontid, "GO", ext)
      choose <- which(names(tmp)%in%GOid)
      tmp <- lapply(tmp,function(t) {
    } else list()
  ancestors <- do.call(c, ancestors)
  offspring <- lapply(as.list(ontology), function(ont) {
    ext <- paste(ont, "OFFSPRING", sep = "")
    GOOBJ <- eval(as.name(paste("GO", ont, "OFFSPRING", 
                                sep = "")))
    ontid <- intersect(keys(GOOBJ), GOid)
    if (length(ontid) > 0) {
      tmp <- lookUp(ontid, "GO", ext) 
      choose <- which(names(tmp)%in%GOid)
      tmp <- lapply(tmp,function(t) intersect(t,GOid))
    } else list()
  offspring <- do.call(c, offspring)
  offspring <- sapply(offspring, function(os) 
    if (all(is.na(os))) character(0)  else os)
  return(list( GOid = GOid, ancestors = ancestors, 
               offspring = offspring ))

turnListAround <- function (aList) #from globaltest package
  newlist <- new.env(hash = TRUE)
  objs <- names(aList)
  if (is.null(objs)) 
    objs <- seq_along(alist)
  for (i in objs) {
    for (j in aList[[i]]) {
      newlist[[j]] <- c(newlist[[j]], i)

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mvGST documentation built on March 18, 2018, 2:35 p.m.