
Defines functions enrichLabelNets

Documented in enrichLabelNets

#' Score networks based on their edge bias towards (+,+) interactions
#' @details Determines which networks are statistically enriched for 
#' interactions between the class of interest. The resulting \code{ENR} 
#' score and corresponding p-value serve as a filter to exclude random-like
#' interaction networks before using feature selection. This filter is
#' known to be important when patient networks are sparse and binary; e.g.
#' networks based on shared overlap of CNV locations.  If the filter is 
#' not applied, GeneMANIA WILL promote networks with slight bias towards 
#' (+,+) edges , even if these are small and random-like.
#' The measure of (+,+)-enrichment is defined as: 
#' ENR(network N) = ((num (+,+) edges) - (num other edges))/(num edges).
#' A p-value for per-network ENR is obtained non-parametrically by
#' measuring a null distribution for ENR following multiple permutations
#' of case-control labels.
#' @param netDir (char) path to dir containing all networks
#' @param pheno_DF (data.frame) for details see \code{getEnr()}
#' @param outDir (char) path to dir where output/log files are written 
#' @param numReps (integer) Max num reps for shuffling class status. 
#' Adaptive permutation is
#' used so in practice, few networks would be evaluated to this extent
#' @param minEnr (numeric from -1 to 1) Only include networks with ENR
#'	value greater than this threshold. 
#' @param outPref (char) prefix for log file (not counting the dir name)
#' @param verbose (logical) print messages
#' @param setSeed (integer) if not NULL, integer is set as seed
#' 	to ensure reproducibility in random number generation
#' @param enrType (char) see getEnr()
#' @param numCores (integer) num cores for parallel ENR computation of
#' all networks
#' @param predClass (char) see \code{getEnr()}
#' @param tmpDir (char) path to dir where temporary work can be stored
#' @param netGrep (char) pattern to grep for network files in netDir
#' @param getShufResults (logical) if TRUE, returns the ENR for each
#' permutation, for all networks. Warning: this is likely to be huge. Use
#' this flag for debugging purposes only.
#' @param ... parameters for \code{countIntType_batch()}. 
#' @return (data.frame) networks stats from clique-filtering, one record 
#' per network
#' @examples
#' data(npheno)
#' netDir <- system.file("extdata","example_nets",package="netDx")
#' x <- enrichLabelNets(netDir,npheno,".",predClass="case",netGrep="txt$",
#' 	numReps=5)
#' print(x)
#' @import doParallel 
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @export
enrichLabelNets <- function(netDir,pheno_DF,outDir,numReps=50L,
	netGrep="_cont.txt$",getShufResults=FALSE,...) {
today	<- format(Sys.Date(),"%y%m%d")
runtime	<- format(Sys.time(),"%H%M")

cl	<- makeCluster(numCores)

# get enrichment for real networks
orig_enr <- getEnr(netDir,pheno_DF,predClass=predClass,tmpDir=tmpDir,
plusID		<- orig_enr[["plusID"]]
minusID		<- orig_enr[["minusID"]]
orig		<- orig_enr[["orig"]]
orig_rat	<- orig_enr[["orig_rat"]]
fList		<- orig_enr[["fList"]]


idx		<- which(orig_rat >= minEnr)
message(sprintf("\n\t%i of %i networks have ENR >= %1.1f -> filter", 
	length(idx), length(fList), minEnr))
fList		<- fList[idx]
orig_rat	<- orig_rat[idx]
orig		<- orig[idx,]

# now shuffle
message("* Computing shuffled")
both	<- c(plusID,minusID)
n1		<- length(plusID); n <- length(both)

# index of networks that are clearly going to be not significant
# and for which it is useless to permute further 
drop_out	<- integer()
N			<- length(fList)
to_run		<- seq_len(N)
currRep		<- 1

# rows are networks, columns are (pp-mp)/(pp+mp) for each shuffled rep
shuf_rat	<- matrix(NA,nrow=length(fList),ncol=numReps)

x0 <- system.time( 
while ((length(to_run)>0) &  (currRep <=numReps)) {
	shuf	<- sample(both,replace=FALSE) # shuffle case-control label

	# recompute pp and pm for each network
	# this step is run in parallel
	tmp		<- countIntType_batch(fList[to_run],
				shuf[seq_len(n1)], shuf[(n1+1):n],tmpDir=tmpDir,
	if (length(to_run)<2) tmp <- matrix(tmp,ncol=2)
	if (enrType=="binary"){
		shuf_rat[to_run,currRep]<- (tmp[,1]-tmp[,2])/(tmp[,1]+tmp[,2])
	} else if (enrType=="corr") {
		# divide by two to rescale to [-1,1]
		shuf_rat[to_run,currRep]<- (tmp[,1]-tmp[,2])/2
	} else {
		shuf_rat[to_run,currRep]<- NA

	# every 10th run, identify networks where the shuffle does
	# as well as the real data >=50% of the time;
	# add these to drop-out and don't evaluate them in the future
	if (currRep %%10 == 0) {
		orig_pct <- numeric(length(to_run))
		ctr <- 1
		cols <- seq_len(currRep)	
		for (k in to_run) {
			num <- sum(shuf_rat[k,cols]>= orig_rat[k])
			orig_pct[ctr] <- num/currRep
			ctr <- ctr+1

		y	<- exp(-(currRep-1)/100) # decay term
		y2	<- 3/currRep
		if (y - y2 > 0) chk_thresh <- y else chk_thresh <- y2
		idx	<- which(orig_pct >= chk_thresh)
		if (length(idx)>0)	
			drop_out	<- c(drop_out, to_run[idx])
		to_run		<- setdiff(seq_len(N),drop_out)

		if (verbose) {
			message(sprintf("%i (%1.5f) %i drop out; %i left", 
			currRep, chk_thresh, length(idx), length(to_run)))
		} else {
	if (currRep%%100==0 & !verbose) message("\t")
	currRep		<- currRep + 1


# consolidate results
mu			<- rowMeans(shuf_rat,na.rm=TRUE)
sigma		<- apply(shuf_rat,1,sd,na.rm=TRUE)
orig_z		<- (orig_rat - mu)/sigma

orig_pct <- numeric(length(orig_rat))
for (i in seq_len(length(orig_rat))) { 
	tmp	<- na.omit(shuf_rat[i,])
	orig_pct[i] <- sum(tmp>= orig_rat[i])/length(tmp)

maxShufs <- numeric(nrow(shuf_rat)) 
for (i in seq_len(nrow(shuf_rat))) {
	maxShufs[i] <- max(which(!is.na(shuf_rat[i,])))

qval	<- p.adjust(orig_pct, method="BH")

out <- data.frame(NETWORK=basename(fList), 
	orig_pp=orig[,1], orig_rest=orig[,2],
	ENR=orig_rat, TOTAL_INT=log10(orig[,1]+orig[,2]),
	shuf_mu=mu, shuf_sigma=sigma,


if (getShufResults) {
	out <- list(shufres=shuf_rat, res=out)
} else {
message("about to leave enrich nets")


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netDx documentation built on Dec. 11, 2020, 2:01 a.m.