
Defines functions omicplotr.colvec omicplotr.filter omicplotr.report omicplotr.permanova omicplotr.metadataFilter omicplotr.getRemovedSamples omicplotr.getRemovedFeatures omicplotr.colouredPCA omicplotr.clr omicplotr.anosim

Documented in omicplotr.anosim omicplotr.clr omicplotr.colouredPCA omicplotr.colvec omicplotr.filter omicplotr.getRemovedFeatures omicplotr.getRemovedSamples omicplotr.metadataFilter omicplotr.permanova omicplotr.report

#' Internal omicplotR functions.
#' Internal functions for the app are not intended to be called by the
#'  user. Please refer to \link{omicplotr.run}.
#' @author Daniel Giguere, Greg Gloor.
#' @aliases omicplotr.anosim omicplotr.clr omicplotr.colvec omicplotr.filter
#'  omicplotr.colouredPCA omicplotr.getRemovedSamples
#'  omicplotr.getRemovedFeatures omicplotr.metadataFilter omicplotr.permanova
#'  omicplotr.report
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # These functions are not meant to be called by the user. However, some
#' # functions can be useful.
#' data(otu_table)
#' # Filter out your OTU table to remove rows that sum to less than 10.
#' d <- omicplotr.filter(otu_table, min.reads = 10)
#' @import ALDEx2

omicplotr.anosim <- function(x, conds) {
    #get rid of tax column
    x$taxonomy <- NULL

    #replace zeros
    d <- zCompositions::cmultRepl(t(x), label = 0, method = "CZM")

    #calculate clr
    d.clr <- t(log(d) - rowMeans(log(d)))

    #dissimilarity matrix
    d.dist <- dist(d.clr)

    #calculate anosim, requires
    anosim(d.dist, conds, permutations = 999)

    #p-value of between conditions

omicplotr.clr <- function(data, var.filt = 0, zero.method="CZM") {

    # replace zeros catch error if no 0 present
    if (any(data == 0)) {

        if (zero.method == "CZM") {
        data.0 <- zCompositions::cmultRepl(t(data), label = 0, method = "CZM")
        if (zero.method == "pseudo") {
            data.0 <- t(data + 0.5)
    } else {
        data.0 <- t(data)

    # calculate CLR
    #x.clr <- t(apply(data.0, 1, function(x) {log(x) - mean(log(x))}))

    # calculate CLR
    x.clr <- as.matrix(log(data.0) - rowMeans(log(data.0)))

    # filter by variance
    if (var.filt == 0) {
        x.clr.var <- x.clr
    } else {
        # calculate variance
        var.clr <- matrixStats::colVars(x.clr)

        #replace names since colVars gets rid of them
        names(var.clr) <- colnames(x.clr)

        names.hvar <- names(var.clr)[which(var.clr > var.filt)]
        x.clr.var <- x.clr[, names.hvar]

    # generate prcomp object
    x.pcx <- prcomp(x.clr.var)

omicplotr.colouredPCA <- function(data, colourvector, scale = 0, arrows = TRUE,
    taxonomy = NULL, show.taxonomy = FALSE, tax.level = 6, removenames = FALSE,
    names.cex = 1, points.cex = 0.8,
    main = "Principal Component Analysis Biplot") {
    x.var <- sum(data$sdev^2)
    PC1 <- paste("PC 1 Variance: %", round(sum(data$sdev[1]^2)/x.var *
        100, 1))
    PC2 <- paste("PC 2 Variance: %", round(sum(data$sdev[2]^2)/x.var *
        100, 1))

    points <- c(rep(".", length(dimnames(data$rotation)[[1]])))
    if ((isTRUE(show.taxonomy)) & (!is.null(taxonomy))) {
        genus <- vapply(strsplit(as.character(taxonomy), ";"), "[", tax.level, FUN.VALUE=character(1))

    col = c("black", rgb(0, 0, 0, 0.4))

    # remove sample names
    if (isTRUE(removenames)) {
        xlabs <- c(rep(".", length(dimnames(data$x)[[1]])))
        names.cex = 5 * names.cex
        points.cex = points.cex
    } else {
        xlabs = unlist(dimnames(data$x)[1])
        names.cex = names.cex
        points.cex = points.cex

    # if taxonomy is present, plot using taxonomies
    if (!isTRUE(show.taxonomy)) {
        points <- points
    } else {
        if (isTRUE(show.taxonomy)) {
            points <- genus
        } else {
            points <- points

    compositions::coloredBiplot(data, col = col, main = main, cex.main = 1.5,
        cex = c(names.cex, points.cex), xlabs.col = colourvector,
        var.axes = arrows, scale = scale, xlab = PC1, ylab = PC2,
        xlabs = xlabs, ylabs = points)

omicplotr.getRemovedFeatures <- function(x, x.clr) {

    # get rid of taxonomy column if it exists.
    x$taxonomy <- NULL

    # get original samples and retained samples
    otu.names <- rownames(x)
    otus <- dimnames(x.clr$rotation)[[1]]

    otu.missing <- c()

    # get missing samples
    otu.missing <- otu.names[!otu.names %in% otus]

    # samples that aren't na.
    otu.missing <- otu.missing[!is.na(otu.missing)]

    output <- x[otu.missing, ]

    # include OTUs as column because renderDataTable doesn't include
    # rownames
    output <- cbind(OTUs = rownames(output), output)



omicplotr.getRemovedSamples <- function(x, x.clr) {

    # get rid of taxonomy column if it exists
    x$taxonomy <- NULL

    # get original samples and retained samples
    names <- colnames(x)
    samples <- dimnames(x.clr$x)[[1]]

    missing <- c()

    # samples
    missing <- names[!names %in% samples]

    missing <- missing[!is.na(missing)]

    if (is.null(missing)) {
        output <- missing
    } else {
        output <- x[, missing]

        # work around for including rownames in dataTableOutput
        output <- cbind(OTUs = rownames(output), output)



omicplotr.metadataFilter <- function(data, meta, column, values) {

    # order the metadata
    meta <- meta[order(rownames(meta)), ]

    # get rid of blank values
    s <- values[values != ""]

    # make list of samples
    meta.filt <- rownames(meta[which(meta[[column]] %in% s), ])

    # filter the data based on which samples remain in metadata
    x <- data[which(colnames(data) %in% meta.filt)]

    if (is.null(data$taxonomy)) {
        x <- x
    } else {
        x$taxonomy <- data$taxonomy


omicplotr.permanova <- function(x, conds) {

    d.clr <- t(log(x) - rowMeans(log(x)))

    dist.clr <- dist(d.clr)

    conds <- data.frame(conds)

    colnames(conds) <- "grp"

    test <- adonis(dist.clr ~ grp, data = conds, method = "euclidean",
        permutations = 10000)



omicplotr.report <- function(x.all, feature = NULL) {

    features <- rownames(x.all)[which(abs(x.all$effect) > 1 & x.all$we.eBH <

    # effect sizes
    effect <- x.all$effect[which(abs(x.all$effect) > 1 & x.all$we.eBH <

    # diff btw and diff win
    diff.btw <- x.all$diff.btw[which(abs(x.all$effect) > 1 & x.all$we.eBH <
    diff.win <- x.all$diff.win[which(abs(x.all$effect) > 1 & x.all$we.eBH <

    # table of of significantly different OTUs with BH fdr < 0.1.
    sig.output <- cbind(features, effect, diff.btw, diff.win)


omicplotr.filter <- function(data, min.reads = 0, min.count = 0, min.sum = 0,
    min.prop = 0, max.prop = 1) {

    if (is.null(data$taxonomy)) {
        taxCheck <- TRUE
    } else {
        taxCheck <- FALSE

    if (isTRUE(taxCheck)) {
        # order for colouring
        # make a matrix for vectorization
        x <- as.matrix(data[order(colnames(data))])

        # filter by min reads per sample
        data.0 <- x[, which(colSums(x) > min.reads)]

        # filter by min count per feature
        data.1 <- data.0[which(matrixStats::rowMaxs(data.0) >= min.count), ]

        # filter by sum of count per feature
        data.2 <- data.1[which(rowSums(data.1) >= min.sum), ]

        # calculate proportions
        d.frac <- t(t(data.2)/colSums(data.2))

        # filter by proportions, back to dataframe
        x.filt <- as.data.frame(data.2[which((matrixStats::rowMaxs(d.frac) > min.prop) & (matrixStats::rowMaxs(d.frac) < max.prop)),])

    } else {
        # order for colouring
        tax <- data$taxonomy
        x <- data[order(colnames(data[seq_len(length(data) - 1)]))]

        # filter by min reads per sample
        data.0 <- as.matrix(x[, which(colSums(x[, seq_along(x)]) >= min.reads)])

        # since tax and data.0 are in the same order, separate, convert to matrix, and remove rows in both tax and data.0 that have max counts less than expected.

        # filter by min count per feature, do the same for the tax
        data.1 <- data.0[which(matrixStats::rowMaxs(data.0) >= min.count), ]
        tax.1 <- tax[which(matrixStats::rowMaxs(data.0) >= min.count)]

        # filter by sum of count per feature
        data.2 <- data.1[which(rowSums(data.1) >= min.sum),]
        tax.2 <- tax.1[which(rowSums(data.1) >= min.sum)]

        # calculate proportions
        d.frac <- t(t(data.2)/colSums(data.2))

        # filter by proportions
        x.filt <- as.data.frame(data.2[which((matrixStats::rowMaxs(d.frac) > min.prop) & (matrixStats::rowMaxs(d.frac) < max.prop)),])
        tax.filt <- as.data.frame(tax.2[which((matrixStats::rowMaxs(d.frac) > min.prop) & (matrixStats::rowMaxs(d.frac) < max.prop))])

        colnames(tax.filt) <- "taxonomy"

        x.filt <- cbind(x.filt, tax.filt)


omicplotr.colvec <- function(data, meta, opacity = 1, column, type = 3) {

    df <- as.data.frame(unlist(dimnames(data$x)[1]))

    colnames(df) <- "samples"
    # add empty column (which is gonna be the ample list for colouring)
    df$correct <- NA
    # introduces NA where metadata is not present for sample the important
    # thing is that this keeps the order of the data
    for (i in seq_along(df$samples)) {
        if (df$samples[i] %in% rownames(meta)) {
            df$correct[i] <- as.character(df$samples[i])
        } else {
            df$correct[i] <- NA

    # colour column
    df$colour <- NA

    # if correct != present, colour black. this means metadata was missing
    # for data point
    df$colour[is.na(df$correct)] <- "black"

    # get unique features of columns in metadata
    u <- unique(meta[[column]])
    # get rid of NAs
    u <- u[!is.na(u)]

    # default colour palette
    colours <- c("indianred1", "steelblue3", "skyblue1", "mediumorchid",
        "royalblue4", "olivedrab3", "pink", "#FFED6F", "mediumorchid3",

    # colour the colour column for up to ten colours
    idx = match(meta[column][df$correct,], as.character(u))
    df$colour = colours[idx]
    df$colour[is.na(df$colour)] = "black"

    # different colouringtype
    if (type == 1) {

        # TODO get rid of this if using command line
        validate(need(is.integer(meta[[column]]), "Nonnumeric
                         data detected. Please click 'Nonnumeric metadata'"))

        # get rid of old column made
        df$colour <- NULL

        # make age column
        df$age <- NA

        # get the age of each sample
        for (i in seq_along(df$correct)) {
            if (is.na(meta[column][df$correct[i], ])) {
                df$age[i] <- NA
            } else {
                df$age[i] <- meta[column][df$correct[i], ]

        # order data frame in order
        df.sort <- df[order(df$age), ]

        df.sort$col <- NA

        # colour each unique number seperately
        df.u <- unique(df.sort$age)

        len <- length(df.u)

        # generate colour function
        c.hex <- colorRampPalette(c("red", "blue"))(len)

        #convert colour value to rgb, get alpha input from opacity, convert
        #back to hex

        new.cols <- c()

        for (i in seq_along(c.hex)) {
            #get colour
            col <- c.hex[i]

            #convert to rgb
            new.col <- col2rgb(col, alpha=TRUE)

            #replace alpha with sliderInput
                #convert colour with new opacity to hex
                col.fin <- rgb(new.col["red",1], new.col["green",1], new.col["blue",1], (opacity*255), maxColorValue=255)

            new.cols <- c(new.cols, col.fin)

        # colour each unique age
        for (i in seq_along(df.sort$age)) {
            df.sort$col[df.sort$age == df.u[i]] <- new.cols[i]

        # colour the NAs black. these are missing data points.
        for (i in seq_along(df.sort$age)) {
            if (is.na(df.sort$col[i])) {
                df.sort$col[i] <- rgb(0,0,0,opacity)

        # reorder the df by sample now so it matches the data
        df.sort <- df.sort[order(df.sort$samples), ]

        # voila, c'est le colour!
        sorted <- c()
        sorted$col <- df.sort$col

    } else if (type == 2) {

        validate(need(is.integer(meta[[column]]), "Nonnumeric
                         data detected. Please click 'Nonnumeric metadata'"))

        # quartile
        df$colour <- NULL

        # make age column
        df$age <- NA

        # get the age of each sample
        for (i in seq_along(df$correct)) {
            if (is.na(meta[column][df$correct[i], ])) {
                df$age[i] <- NA
            } else {
                df$age[i] <- meta[column][df$correct[i], ]

        df$col <- NA

        c <- colorRampPalette(c("red", "blue"))(4)

        #convert into rgb

        c.rgb <- col2rgb(c, alpha = TRUE)

        #convert back to hex with new alpha
        new.cols <- c()

        for (i in seq(dim(c.rgb)[2])) {
            #get colour as rgb
            c.rgb.1 <- c.rgb[,i]

            #replace alpha with sliderInput
                #convert colour with new opacity to hex
            col.fin <- rgb(c.rgb.1["red"], c.rgb.1["green"], c.rgb.1["blue"], (opacity*255), maxColorValue=255)

            new.cols <- c(new.cols, col.fin)

        # make quartile rank column
        sorted <- within(df, col <- as.integer(cut(df$age, quantile(df$age,
            na.rm = TRUE), include.lowest = TRUE)))

        sorted$col  <- new.cols[sorted$col]

        # replace any NAs with black
        sorted$col[is.na(sorted$col)] <- rgb(0,0,0,opacity)

    } else if (type == 3) {
        sorted <- c()

        c.rgb <- col2rgb(df$colour, alpha = TRUE)

        #convert back to hex with new alpha
        new.cols <- c()

        for (i in seq(dim(c.rgb)[2])) {
            #get colour as rgb
            c.rgb.1 <- c.rgb[,i]

            #replace alpha with sliderInput
                #convert colour with new opacity to hex
            col.fin <- rgb(c.rgb.1["red"], c.rgb.1["green"], c.rgb.1["blue"], (opacity*255), maxColorValue=255)

            new.cols <- c(new.cols, col.fin)

        sorted$col <- new.cols
    } else {

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omicplotR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 11:12 p.m.