
Defines functions predrecur gammaden s.check2 s.check1 s.check0 lodprobes oddsplot shrinkplot s.marg pmarg em.ggb rankgene nploglik nloglik loglik lod.ggb nlminb fitgg chen.poly normal.richmond do.oddsplot

Documented in chen.poly do.oddsplot em.ggb fitgg gammaden lod.ggb lodprobes loglik nlminb nloglik normal.richmond nploglik oddsplot pmarg predrecur rankgene s.check0 s.check1 s.check2 shrinkplot s.marg

## $Id$
##     Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Michael A. Newton.
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
## Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
## later version.
## These functions are distributed in the hope that they will be useful,
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
## GNU General Public License for more details.
## The text of the GNU General Public License, version 2, is available
## as http://www.gnu.org/copyleft or by writing to the Free Software
## Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
##Code in ftp.biostat.wisc.edu/pub/newton/Arrays/code/
## was used to implement the calculations reported
##in Newton et al. 1999. On differential variability of expression ratios:
##Improving statistical inference about gene expression changes from 
##microarray data.  Submitted to J. Comp. Biol., 11/1999.
##See www.stat.wisc.edu/~newton/ for further information.
##The files all use data read in by code in the `read' directory.
##At the moment, the raw data files are unavailable. To implement
##calculations, simply make sure that intensity measurements get read
##into two vectors, ``xx'' and ``yy'' of length equal to the number of
##spots on the microarray.
##Briefly, the files in this directory do the following:
##oddsplot        plots the odds of change, Fig. 4
##                  (uses fits from em.ggb)
##em.ggb              fits the Gamma-Gamma=Bernoulli model via EM
##pmarg           computes the profile loglikelihood for p
##fitgg           fits the Gamma-Gamma model to one array
##rankgene            compares the ranking of genes by the naive procedure
##                  and the empirical bayes procedure; uses fits stored
##                  in ../results/fits.gg (and makes Fig. 2)
##datplot         creates scatterplots of intensity measurements
##shrinkplot      plots Fig. 1, showing shrinkage
##s.check0          compares marginal histograms to fitted margins (Fig. 5)
##s.check1          diagnostic check (Fig. 6)
##s.check2          looks at some of the changed genes
do.oddsplot <- function(data,
                        main = substitute( data ),
                        theta = c(2,2,2,.4),
                        col = NULL,
                        xlab = conditions[1], ylab = conditions[2],
                        redo = missing( theta ),
                        conditions = c("Cy3","Cy5"),
                        identifier = "identifier", ... ) {
  if( redo )
    theta <- em.ggb(data[[conditions[1]]], data[[conditions[2]]],
                    theta, theta[1:3], print = TRUE )
  lod <- oddsplot( data[[conditions[1]]], data[[conditions[2]]], theta,
                  xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
                  main = main, col = col, ... )
  if( ncol( data ) > 2 )
    probes <- data[[identifier]]
    probes <- seq( nrow( data ))
  probes <- lodprobes( data[[conditions[1]]], data[[conditions[2]]], theta,
                      lod, probes, col = col )
  print( probes )
  invisible( list( theta = theta, lod = lod, probes = probes ))
normal.richmond <- function( foo = read.table( "../data/mn2.csv", header = TRUE,
                               sep = "," ),
                            channel = "BP109CH" )
  ## Normalize to average intensity first using Richmond et al.

  nspot <- nrow(foo)

  ## Background adjustment using channel (very simple)
  x <- foo[[ paste( channel, "1I", sep = "" ) ]] -
    foo[[ paste( channel, "1B", sep = "" ) ]]
  y <- foo[[ paste( channel, "2I", sep = "" ) ]] -
    foo[[ paste( channel, "2B", sep = "" ) ]]

  ## Normalization
  ## Rescale to help with underflow problem 10^5 (does not affect shape params)
  x <- 100000 * x / sum( x[x>0] )
  y <- 100000 * y / sum( y[y>0] )

  ok <- x>0 & y>0
  list(xx = x[ok], yy = y[ok] )
chen.poly <- function(cv,err=.01)
  ## part of table 2 from Chen et al
  bar <- rbind( c(.979, -2.706, 2.911, -2.805 ),
               c(.989, 3.082, -2.83, 28.64),
               c(.9968, -3.496,4.462, -5.002),
               c( .9648,4.810,-15.161,78.349) )
  if( err==.05 ) {
    coef <- bar[1,]
    tmp1 <- cv^3*coef[4] + cv^2*coef[3]+cv*coef[2] + coef[1]
    coef <- bar[2,]
    tmp2 <- cv^3*coef[4] + cv^2*coef[3]+cv*coef[2] + coef[1]
  if( err==.01 ) {
    coef <- bar[3,]
    tmp1 <- cv^3*coef[4] + cv^2*coef[3]+cv*coef[2] + coef[1]
    coef <- bar[4,]
    tmp2 <- cv^3*coef[4] + cv^2*coef[3]+cv*coef[2] + coef[1]
fitgg <- function( xx, yy, start = c(10,1,1) )
## green in xx, red in yy
  ## Fits the Gamma-Gamma model 

  bar <- nlminb( start=start, objective=nloglik, lower=c(1,0,0),
		xx = xx, yy = yy )
  fits <- c( bar$par, length(xx) )
  names( fits ) <- c("aa","a0","nu","n")
# following uses R's nlm() as surrogate for Splus's nlminb()
# comment out or delete when used in Splus
# See notes on nloglik and nploglik below when used in R
nlminb <- function( start=c(10,1,1), objective, lower=c(1,0,0), xx, yy, zz,
                   use.optim = FALSE )
  ## kludge to make xx, yy and zz global to nloglik or nploglik
  if( !missing( xx ))
    assign( ".fit.xx", xx, pos = 1 )
  if( !missing( yy ))
    assign( ".fit.yy", yy, pos = 1 )
  if( !missing( zz ))
    assign( ".fit.zz", zz, pos = 1 )

  ## also has optim which does
  if( use.optim )
    theta <- optim( start, objective, lower = lower,
                   method = "L-BFGS-B" )$par
  else {    
    ## R has routine nlm, which does not take care of bounds
    ## so we just redefine parameters
    if( !missing( lower )) {
      for( i in seq( length( start ))) {
        if( lower[i] == 0 )
          start[i] <- log( start[i] )
        if( lower[i] == 1 )
          start[i] <- log( log( start[i] ))
    theta <- nlm( objective, start )$estimate

    ## and now we backtransform the parameters
    if( !missing( lower )) {
      for( i in seq( length( start ))) {
        if( lower[i] == 0 )
          theta[i] <- exp( theta[i] )
        if( lower[i] == 1 )
          theta[i] <- exp( exp( theta[i] ))
lod.ggb <- function(x,y,theta)
  ## Log_(10) posterior odds
  ## x = channel 1 intensity
  ## y = channel 2 intensity

  ## theta = (aa,a0,nu,pp)
  aa <- theta[1]; a0 <- theta[2]
  z0 <- y0 <- x0 <- theta[3]
  pp <- theta[4]
  tmp <- log( pp ) - log(1-pp) +
    a0*( log(x0) + log(y0) - log(z0) ) +
      (2*aa+a0)*log(x+y+z0) -
        (aa+a0)*( log(x+x0) + log(y+y0) ) +
          2*lgamma(aa+a0) - lgamma(a0) - lgamma(2*aa+a0)
  tmp / 2.3
loglik <- function(theta,xx,yy)
  ## Returns loglikelihood for observed data
  ## xx,yy are intensities in the two channels

  ## theta=(aa,a0,nu,p)
  aa <- theta[1]; a0<-theta[2]; nu<-theta[3]

  n <- length(xx)

  ## p_0(r,g) (with common factor (rg)^(a-1) removed

  lp0 <- lgamma(2*aa+a0) + a0*log(nu) - 2*lgamma(aa) - lgamma(a0) -
    (2*aa+a0)*log( xx+yy+nu )

  ## p_a(r,g)
  lpa <-  2*(lgamma(aa+a0)-lgamma(aa)-lgamma(a0)) +
    + 2*a0*log(nu) - (aa+a0)*log( (xx+nu)*(yy+nu) ) 

  ll <- (aa-1)*log(xx*yy) + log( theta[4]*exp(lpa) +
                                (1-theta[4])*exp(lp0) )
nloglik <- function( theta, xx = .fit.xx, yy = .fit.yy )
  ## theta=(log(log(aa)),log(a0),log(nu))
  ## uncomment the following two lines if used in R
  theta <- exp( theta )
  theta[1] <- exp( theta[1] )
  aa <- theta[1]; a0<-theta[2]; x0<-theta[3]; y0<- theta[3]

  n <- length(xx)

  ll <- 2*n * ( lgamma(aa+a0) - lgamma(aa) - lgamma(a0) )
  ll <- ll + n*a0 * ( log(x0)+log(y0) ) + (aa-1) * sum( log(xx)+log(yy) )
  (aa+a0) * sum( log(x0+xx) + log(y0+yy) ) - ll
nploglik <- function( theta, xx= .fit.xx, yy = .fit.yy, zz = .fit.zz )
  ## xx,yy are intensities in the two channels; zz=P(b!=c|xx,yy)
  ## (I'll separately optimize pp=P(zz=1); hence npl.. for partial loglik

  ## theta=(log(log(aa)),log(a0),log(nu))
  ## uncomment the following two lines if used in R
  theta <- exp( theta )
  theta[1] <- exp( theta[1] )

  aa <- theta[1]; a0<-theta[2]; x0<-theta[3]; y0<- theta[3];
  z0 <- theta[3]
  n <- length(xx)

  ## Complete data loglikelihood
  sumzz <- sum( zz )
  lgaa <- lgamma( aa )
  lga0 <- lgamma( a0 )
  ll <- (aa-1) * sum( log(xx) + log(yy) ) +
    sumzz * 2 * ( lgamma(aa+a0) - lgaa - lga0 ) +
      sumzz*a0*(log(x0)+log(y0)) +
        (n-sumzz) * ( lgamma(2*aa+a0) - 2 * lgaa - lga0 ) +
          (n-sumzz) * a0 * log(z0) -
            (aa+a0) * sum( zz * ( log(x0+xx) + log(y0+yy) ) ) -
              (2*aa+a0) * sum( (1-zz) * ( log(z0+xx+yy) ) )
rankgene <- function( xx, yy, fits = fitgg( xx, yy ))
  ## Look at effect on rank of the shrinkage
  ## Shrinkage factors from fits.gg
  xhat <- xx + fits[3]
  yhat <- yy + fits[3]
  eps <- runif( length(xx) ) * .00001   # randomize a bit to break ties
  r1a  <- rank( abs( log(xx/yy) + eps ) )  # raw ranking (most change, either way)
  r2a  <- rank( abs( log(xhat/yhat) + eps ) ) # Bayes ranking

  ## Look at top 100 genes most changed by raw ranking
  counta <- rep(NA,100)
  na <- length(r1a)
  for( i in 1:100 ) {
    ind <- (1:na)[ r1a <= i ]   # highly ranked by raw method
    counta[i] <- sum( r2a[ind] <= i )  # how many similarly ranked
  list( count = counta, r1 = r1a, r2 = r2a )
em.ggb <- function( x, y, theta = c(2,2,2,.4), start = c(2,1.2,2.7),
                 pprior = 2, printit = FALSE, tol = 1e-9, offset = 0 )
### Fit Gamma/Gamma/Bernoulli model (equal marginal distributions)
### Model:
### spot intensities x ~ Gamma(a,b); y ~ Gamma(a,c)
### w.p. p,	b=c,		common value ~ Gamma(a0,nu)
###     w.p. 1-p,	b != c, 	values ~ Gamma(a0,nu)
###     all independent

  tmp <- x > -offset & y > -offset
  x <- x[tmp] + offset
  y <- y[tmp] + offset
  if( any( !tmp ))
    warning( paste( sum( !tmp ), "probes dropped with values below", offset ))
  rm( tmp )
  n <- length(x)
  if( pprior ) {
    ## kludge to make x and y global to nploglik
    assign( ".fit.xx", x, pos = 1 )
    assign( ".fit.yy", y, pos = 1 )

  ## EM algorithm

  ## starting value
  notdone <- TRUE
  iter <- 1
  while( notdone ) {
    aa <- theta[1]; a0<-theta[2]; x0<-theta[3]; y0<- theta[3];
    z0 <- theta[3]; pp <- theta[4]

    ## E-step 
    tmp <- log( pp ) - log(1-pp) +
      a0*( log(x0) + log(y0) - log(z0) ) +
        (2*aa+a0)*log(x+y+z0) -
          (aa+a0)*( log(x+x0) + log(y+y0) ) +
            2*lgamma(aa+a0) - lgamma(a0) - lgamma(2*aa+a0)
    zz <- 1/( 1 + exp(-tmp) )

    ## M-step
    fit <- nlminb( start=start, objective=nploglik,
                  lower=c(1,0,0), zz=zz )

    ## check tolerance
    chk <- sum(( theta[1:3] - fit$parameter )^2 )
    ## Add a prior on pp
    theta[1:3] <- fit$parameter

    ## Beta hyperparameter for p
    if( pprior )
      theta[4] <- ( pprior + sum( zz ) ) / ( 2 * pprior + n )
    if( printit )
      print(round(theta,4) )
    iter <- iter + 1
    notdone <- (chk > tol) & (iter<100)
pmarg <- function( xx, yy, theta = c(2.75,1.37,4.12), nsupp = 20 )
# This file gets a profile loglikelihood for the mixing rate p

  ## kludge to make xx and yy global to nploglik
  assign( ".fit.xx", xx, pos = 1 )
  assign( ".fit.yy", yy, pos = 1 )

  ## support for heat-shock example
  psupp <- seq( .0001, .2, length = nsupp )
  lprof <- array( NA, 5, nsupp )
  dimnames( lprof ) <- list( c( names( theta[1:3] ), "pp", "lprof" ), 1:nsupp )
  for( ii in 1:nsupp ) {
    theta[4] <- psupp[ii]

    ## evaluate profile loglikelihood
    thetas[1:4,ii] <- theta <- em.ggb( xx, yy, theta, theta[1:3], 0,
                                      printit = TRUE )
    lprof[5,ii] <- loglik( theta, xx, yy )
s.marg <- function( xx, yy,
                   aa = 22.8, a0 = 1.08, nuA = .01, nu0 = .159, p = .064 )
  ## Compare empirical distribution of each color, say xx, or yy, against
  ## its fitted distribution

  ##     cy3/cy5     a    a0      nu.g   nu.r   nu     p
  ##MN1   1.27     32.9  1.33    0.011  0.016  0.233  0.033
  ##MN2a  1.27     22.8  1.08    0.010  0.014  0.159  0.064
  ##MN2b  1.30     15.1  0.84    0.009  0.008  0.174  0.050
  ##MN3a  1.64      3.9  1.90    9.15   4.12   1.29   0.212
  ##MN3b  1.60      2.5  1.93   18.2    6.38   2.36   0.343

  supp <- seq( min(x), max(x), length=500 )
  logmargA <- lgamma(aa+a0) - lgamma(aa) - lgamma(a0) +
    a0*log(nuA) + (aa-1)*log(supp) - (aa+a0)*log(supp+nuA)
  logmarg0 <- lgamma(aa+a0) - lgamma(aa) - lgamma(a0) +
    a0*log(nu0) + (aa-1)*log(supp) - (aa+a0)*log(supp+nu0)
  p * exp(logmargA) + (1-p) * exp(logmarg0)
shrinkplot <- function( xx, yy, fits = s.fits( xx, yy ), chip="Control")
## Fits the Gamma-Gamma model (like s.five from earlier)

  xhat <- xx + fits[1]
  yhat <- yy + fits[1]
  plot( xx, yy, log="xy", pch=".", xlab="Cy3", ylab="Cy5",
       xlim=lims, ylim=lims )
  text( .01, 100, chip, cex=.8, adj=0 )
  mm <- length(xx)
  for( i in 1:mm )
    lines( c( xx[i], xhat[i] ), c(yy[i],yhat[i]), lwd=.2)
oddsplot <- function( x, y, theta, by.level = 10,
                     rotate = FALSE, offset = 0,
                     main = "", xlab = xlabs, ylab = ylabs,
                     col = NULL, cex = c(.25,.75),
                     shrink = FALSE,
                     lims = range( c( x, y )))
  ## Plot odds curve for Gamma Gamma Bernoulli model

  ## truncate negative values for evaluation
  tmp <- x > -offset
  x <- x + offset
  x[!tmp] <- min( x[tmp] ) / 2
  tmpy <- y > -offset
  y <- y + offset
  y[!tmpy] <- min( y[tmpy] ) / 2
  tmp <- !( tmp & tmpy )
  if( any( tmp ))
    warning( paste( sum( tmp ), "probes truncated to", offset )) 
  rm( tmp )

  logbf <- lod.ggb(x,y,theta=theta)

  if( shrink ) {
    x <- x + theta[3]
    y <- y + theta[3]
  ylabs <- "Cy5"
  xlabs <- "Cy3"  
  if( rotate ) {
    tmp <- sqrt( x * y )
    y <- y / x
    x <- tmp
    rm( tmp )
    ylabs <- paste( ylabs, xlabs, sep = " / " )
    xlabs <- "Average Intensity"
    if( missing( lims )) {
      xlim <- range( x )
      ylim <- range( y )
  else {
    xlim <- ylim <- lims
  par( pty = "s" )

  plot( x[1], y[1], log="xy", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xlim=xlim,
       ylim=ylim, type="n" )
  title( main )
  ##  usr <- par( "usr" )
  ##  text( 10^( usr[1]+ strwidth("abc") ), 10^((usr[3]+3*usr[4])/4), main,
  ##     cex=.8, adj=0 )
  ## report points with LOD > 0
  tmp <- logbf >= 0
    if( missing( col ) | is.null( col )) {
    col <- rep( "black", length( x ))
    col[tmp] <- "blue"
  if( length( col ) != length( x ) & length( col ) != 1 )
    col <- col[1]
  for( i in unique( col )) {
    coli <- ( i == col ) & tmp
    if( any( coli ))
      points( x[coli], y[coli], cex=cex[2], col=i )
    coli <- ( i == col ) & !tmp
    if( any( coli ))
      points( x[coli], y[coli], cex=cex[1], col=i )

  ## contour lines
  if( rotate ) {
    abline( h = 1, lty = 2, col = "red" )
    assign( "rlod.ggb", function( z, w, theta ) {
      w <- sqrt( w )
      lod.ggb( z / w, z * w, theta ) } )
    fun <- "rlod.ggb"
  else {
    abline( 0, 1, lty = 2, col = "red" )
    fun <- "lod.ggb"
  vec <- seq( log10( lims[1] ), log10( lims[2] ), length = 100 )

  bf <- if( shrink )
    outer( 10^vec - theta[3], 10^vec - theta[3], fun, theta = theta )
    outer( 10^vec, 10^vec, fun, theta = theta)
  ## filled.contour(10^vec,10^vec,bf,levels=c(0,5),col=c("lightgray","white"),
  ##   save=TRUE, plotit=TRUE, add=TRUE, labex=0, lwd=2 )
  ## contours at 0,1,2 LOD
          save=TRUE, plotit=TRUE, add=TRUE, labex=0, lwd=1, col = "red", lty = 3 )
  if( max( logbf ) >= 1 & by.level > 0 )
            save=TRUE, plotit=TRUE, add=TRUE, labex=0, lwd=1, lty = 3 )
  ## box()
  ## tt <- x/y
  ## chat <- sqrt( mean( (tt-1)^2/(1+tt^2) ) )
  ## tmp01 <- chen.poly(chat,err=.01)
  ## abline( -log(tmp01[1]), 1, lty=2, lwd=1.5, err=(-1) )
  ## abline( -log(tmp01[2]), 1, lty=2, lwd=1.5, err=(-1) )
  invisible( logbf )
lodprobes <- function( xx, yy, theta, lod, probes, col = 1, lowlod = 0,
                      offset = 0 )
  tmp <- xx > -offset & yy > -offset
  xx <- xx[tmp] + offset
  yy <- yy[tmp] + offset
  if( any( !tmp ))
    warning( paste( sum( !tmp ), "probes dropped with values below", offset ))
  rm( tmp )

  tmpc <- lod >= lowlod
  lod.order <- order( -lod[tmpc] )
  ## everything is ordered by LOD score

  ## probe names
  add.probes <- as.character( probes[tmpc] )
  add.probes <- add.probes[lod.order]
  ## LOD score
  lod.probes <- data.frame( probe = add.probes,
                           LOD = -sort(-lod)[seq(length(add.probes))] )

  ## ratio of xx to yy
  lod.probes$ratio <- c(( xx[tmpc] + theta[3] ) /
                        ( yy[tmpc] + theta[3] ))[lod.order]

  ## signed LOD score
  lod.probes$LOD[lod.probes$ratio<1] <- -lod.probes$LOD[lod.probes$ratio<1]

  ## inverse ratio
  lod.probes$inverse <- 1 / lod.probes$ratio

  ## round off numbers to 3 decimal places
  lod.probes[,-1] <- round(lod.probes[,-1],3)

  ## colors from plot
  if( length( col ) == length( xx ))
    lod.probes$col <- c(col[tmpc])[lod.order]

s.check0 <- function( xx, yy, theta1, theta2, chip = "Control" )
  lims <- c(.0065,1208)

  ## work it on the natural log scale
  supp <- seq( log(lims[1]), log(lims[2]), length=100 )

  lden <- function(x,aa,a0,nu) {
    ## returns log density of natural log of intensity
    lgamma(aa+a0) - lgamma(aa) - lgamma(a0) +
      a0*log(nu) + (aa-1)*log( exp(x) ) - 
        (aa+a0)*log( exp(x) +nu) + x 

  hist( log( c(xx,yy) ), 50, prob=TRUE, ylim=c(0,.46), xlab="",ylab="",
       xlim=c(-5,8), cex=.9 )

  aa <- theta1[1]; a0 <- theta1[2]; nu <- theta1[3]
  logmarg <-  lden( supp, aa, a0, nu )
  lines( supp, exp(logmarg), lty=1 , lwd=2)

  aa <- theta2[1]; a0 <- theta2[2]; nu <- theta2[3]
  logmarg <-  lden( supp, aa, a0, nu )
  lines( supp, exp(logmarg), lty=2 , lwd=2)

  text( -5, .35, adj=0, chip, cex=.8 )
s.check1 <- function( xx, yy, theta, chip = "Control" )
  ## Check the fit of the Gamma-Gamma-Bernoulli model by
  ## looking at (R-G)/(R+G) for spots deemed to not change.

  supp <- seq(.001,.999,length=150)

  logbf <- lod(xx,yy,theta=theta)
  ind <- (logbf < 0 )
  xx <- xx[ind]
  yy <- yy[ind]
  stat <- .5*( (xx-yy)/(xx+yy) + 1 )
  hist(stat,50,prob=TRUE,ylim=c(0,6.7), cex=.9 )

  den <- dbeta(supp,theta[1],theta[1])

s.check2 <- function( foo, xa, ya, thetaa, xb, yb, thetab,
                     spots = dimnames( foo)[[1]] )
  ## Look at the genes with high LOD compared to predicted changes
  ##from Craig's paper 

  fix.spots <- function( x, y, theta, spots ) {
    ## fix the edges
    x[x<0] <- 0
    y[y<0] <- 0
    bfa <- lod.ggb(x,y,theta=theta)

    ## skim the top
    inda <- (1:4290)[bfa>0]
    tmpa <- bfa[inda]
    orda <- order( -tmpa )
    ( spots[inda] )[orda]
  spa <- fix.spots( xa, ya, thetaa, spots )
  spb <- fix.spots( xb, yb, thetab, spots )
  blah <- outer( spa, spb, "==" )
  bar <- apply(blah,1,any)  # the longer dimension

## ftp://ftp.biostat.wisc.edu/pub/newton/npvolume/s.tack
## Beckett Diaconis Tack Data
## nsuccess <- c( rep(1,3), rep(2,13), rep(3,18), rep(4,48), 
##    rep(5,47), rep(6,67), rep(7,54), rep(8,51), rep(9,19) )
## ntrials <- 9; N <- length( nsuccess )
##   ## Binomial likelihood
## 	db2 <- function(y,prob,n){return(dbinom(y,n,prob))}
## 	lik <-  outer(nsuccess,grid,FUN="db2",n=ntrials) 
## gg = dbeta(grid,shape1=.5,shape2=.5),
gammaden <- function( x, a, b )
  b^a * x^(a-1) * exp( -x*b ) / gamma( a )
## recurbayes <- function( x, theta, domain = c(.01,.99), ngrid = 100
##   grid = seq(domain[1],domain[2],length=ngrid),
##   lik, gg = gammaden( exp(grid), theta[1], theta[3] ),
##   xlab="tack success probability", 
##   ylab="posterior predictive density" )
## {
## ## grid = support of mixing distribution 
## ## gg = prior guess
## ## lik = likelihood for data
##   N <- length( x )
##   alpha <- 1/3 
## ## A weight sequence
##   weight <- 1/sqrt((alpha+1)*(alpha+1:N))
## ## Process tacks in random order
##   ord <- sample( 1:N )
##   delta <- grid[2]-grid[1]
## ## Recursion yields approximate Bayes estimate gg
##   for( i in 1:N ) {
##     post <- lik[ord[i],]*gg
##     post <- ( post/sum(post) )/delta
##     gg <- gg*( 1-weight[i] ) + weight[i]*post 
##   }
## ## Good idea to repeat loop to see variation over orderings.
## ## Estimated predictive density
##   plot( grid, gg, type="l", xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab )
##   invisible( gg )
## }
## This code uses a nonparametric Bayesian predictive recursion to
## estimate the mixing distribution of scale parameters for Gamma
## distributed array data.  See Newton and Zhang (1999) Biometrika, 86,
## 15-26 for more about this recursive algorithm, or go to
## www.stat.wisc.edu/~newton/
## The purpose of this calculation is to diagnose inadequacies of
## the Gamma mixing assumption in the Gamma-Gamma gene expression model.
predrecur <- function( xx, theta = c(32.9,1.33,0.01), gridlim = c(.0001,1) )
## This file takes in one set of array measurements in the vector xx
  N <- length( xx )

## theta: Observation component of the model is treated as known
## Gamma(aa,theta)
## Take as a prior guess of the mixing distribution for theta a Gamma(a0,nu)
## as estimated from the G-G model

## upp: Support of mixing distribution for random effects theta
## plug in here an upper support limit for the mixing distribution
  grid <- seq( gridlim[1], gridlim[2], length = 150 )
  delta <- grid[2] - grid[1]

## Gamma prior guess
  gg <- dgamma( grid, shape = theta[2], scale = ( 1 / theta[3] ))
  alpha <- 1
  g0 <- gg

## Gamma likelihood
  dg2 <- function( y, theta, shape )
    dgamma( y, shape = shape, scale = ( 1 / theta ))
  lik <-  outer( xx, grid, FUN = "dg2", shape = theta[1] )

## Recursion yields approximate Bayes estimate gg
  weight <- 1/sqrt( ( alpha + 1 ) * ( alpha + 1:N )) # A weight sequence
  ord <- sample( 1:N )    # Process genes in random order
  for( i in 1:N ) {
    post <- lik[ord[i],] * gg
    post <- ( post / sum(post) ) / delta
    gg <- gg * ( 1 - weight[i] ) + weight[i] * post 
  plot( grid, gg, type="l", xlab="scale", 
       ylab="posterior predictive density" )
  lines( grid, g0, lty=2 )   # prior guess
  invisible( gg )
## (Repeat loop to see variation over orderings.)
## (We recommend averaging over a half dozen or so orderings---)

## Plot the estimated predictive density for the scale parameter theta
## of a future spot.


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