
Defines functions regexLocate clusterCounts kmerCounts regexCounts blockInfo sourceBlock blockScores extendKmers pruneIntervals estimateFalsePositiveRate mergedKmerSubPeaks kmerPeaks permutationThresholds permutationDistribution sarksFilters Sarks .onLoad

Documented in blockInfo blockScores clusterCounts estimateFalsePositiveRate extendKmers kmerCounts kmerPeaks mergedKmerSubPeaks permutationDistribution permutationThresholds pruneIntervals regexCounts regexLocate Sarks sarksFilters sourceBlock

.onLoad <- function(libname, pkgname) {
    rJava::.jpackage(pkgname, lib.loc=libname)

#' Suffix Array Kernel Smoothing
#' Sarks class implements suffix array kernel smoothing for de novo
#' correlative motif discovery.
#' @param fasta specification of fasta file containing sequences to be
#'     analyzed; may also be a *named* character vector or
#'     XStringSet whose elements are sequences to be analyzed.
#' @param scores specification of scores associated with sequences in
#'     fasta argument; can be provided as two column tab-delimited
#'     file (should have header, first column should provide sequence
#'     names identical to those in fasta argument, second column
#'     should have numeric scores) or may be a named numeric vector.
#' @param halfWindow half-width of smoothing window (integer).
#' @param spatialLength full length of spatial smoothing window
#'     (integer); use 0 to disable spatial smoothing.
#' @param nThreads number of threads to use for computing permutation
#'     distributions.
#' @return R representation of java Sarks object.
#' @references Wylie, D.C., Hofmann, H.A., and Zemelman, B.V. (2019)
#'     SArKS: de novo discovery of gene expression regulatory motif
#'     sites and domains by suffix array kernel smoothing,
#'     Bioinformatics, Vol. 35(20), 3944-3952
#'     \url{https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article-abstract/35/20/3944/5418797}
#' @examples
#' data(simulatedSeqs, simulatedScores)
#' sarks <- Sarks(simulatedSeqs, simulatedScores, 4, 0, 1)
#' @export
#' @importFrom Biostrings BStringSet
#' @importFrom Biostrings writeXStringSet
#' @importFrom rJava .jnew
#' @importFrom utils write.table
Sarks <- function(fasta, scores, halfWindow, spatialLength=0L, nThreads=1L) {
    if (length(fasta) > 1) {
        tmpfasta <- tempfile(pattern='seq')
        writeXStringSet(BStringSet(fasta), tmpfasta, format='fasta')
        fasta <- tmpfasta
    if (length(scores) > 1) {
        tmpscores <- tempfile(pattern='scores')
                block = names(scores),
                score = scores,
                stringsAsFactors = FALSE
            sep = '\t',
            quote = FALSE,
            row.names = FALSE
        scores <- tmpscores
    sarks <- .jnew(
        'dcw/sarks/Sarks', fasta, scores,
        as.integer(halfWindow), as.integer(spatialLength),
        as.integer(nThreads), TRUE
    if (exists('tmpfasta')) {suppressWarnings(file.remove(tmpfasta))}
    if (exists('tmpscores')) {suppressWarnings(file.remove(tmpscores))}

#' Smoothing window and Gini impurity filter settings
#' Sarks methodology involves testing a range of different filter
#' parameter values; sarksFilters builds set of filters with all
#' combinations of desired halfWindow, spatialLength, and minGini
#' values.
#' @param halfWindow integer vector of halfWindow values to test.
#' @param spatialLength integer vector of spatialLength values to
#'     test; use a single 0 value to disable spatial smoothing.
#' @param minGini numeric vector giving minimum Gini impurity value(s)
#'     for suffix position to be analyzed; use a value above 1 to
#'     calculate minimum Gini impurity based on median of observed
#'     Gini impurities so as to constrain variance under permutation
#'     testing to less than minGini multiples of median variance.
#' @return R representation of java object containing specified
#'     combinations of filter parameters for running permutation
#'     tests.
#' @references Wylie, D.C., Hofmann, H.A., and Zemelman, B.V. (2019)
#'     SArKS: de novo discovery of gene expression regulatory motif
#'     sites and domains by suffix array kernel smoothing,
#'     Bioinformatics, Vol. 35(20), 3944-3952
#'     \url{https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article-abstract/35/20/3944/5418797}
#' @examples
#' data(simulatedSeqs, simulatedScores)
#' sarks <- Sarks(simulatedSeqs, simulatedScores, 4, 0, 1)
#' filters <- sarksFilters(
#'         halfWindow=c(4, 8), spatialLength=c(0, 5), minGini=1.1)
#' @export
#' @importFrom rJava .jnew
sarksFilters <- function(halfWindow, spatialLength, minGini=1.1) {
    filters <- .jnew('java/util/ArrayList')
    for (hw in halfWindow) {for (sl in spatialLength) {for (mg in minGini) {
        pars <- .jnew('java/util/HashMap')
        pars$put('halfWindow', .jnew('java/lang/Integer', as.integer(hw)))
        pars$put('spatialLength', .jnew('java/lang/Integer', as.integer(sl)))
        pars$put('minGini', .jnew('java/lang/Double', mg))
        pars$put('minSpatialGini', .jnew('java/lang/Double', mg))

#' Estimating distribution of maximum smoothed sequence scores under
#' permutation
#' Run permutation test using the specified number of repetitions,
#' keeping track of maximum observed windowed and spatially-windowed
#' smoothed scores for each combination of filter parameters for each
#' permutation.
#' @param sarks Sarks object to test.
#' @param reps integer specifying how many repetitions to test.
#' @param filters output from sarksFilters function indicating what
#'     combinations of filter parameters halfWindow, spatialLength,
#'     and minGini to use.
#' @param seed optional seed for random number generator (use in case
#'     reproducibility of output is desired).
#' @return named list with three elements: `windowed' containing a
#'     data.frame with the maximum smoothed scores for each
#'     permutation at each combination of filter parameter values,
#'     `spatial' containing a data.frame with the maximum
#'     spatially-smoothed scores for each permutation and each filter
#'     parameter specification, and `.java' containing the R
#'     representation of the java object encoding this information.
#' @references Wylie, D.C., Hofmann, H.A., and Zemelman, B.V. (2019)
#'     SArKS: de novo discovery of gene expression regulatory motif
#'     sites and domains by suffix array kernel smoothing,
#'     Bioinformatics, Vol. 35(20), 3944-3952
#'     \url{https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article-abstract/35/20/3944/5418797}
#' @examples
#' data(simulatedSeqs, simulatedScores)
#' sarks <- Sarks(simulatedSeqs, simulatedScores, 4, 0, 1)
#' filters <- sarksFilters(halfWindow=4, spatialLength=0, minGini=1.1)
#' permDist <- permutationDistribution(sarks, 250, filters, seed=123)
#' @export
#' @importFrom rJava .jnew
#' @importFrom rJava J
#' @importFrom utils read.table
permutationDistribution <- function(sarks, reps, filters, seed=NULL) {
    jreps <- .jnew('java/lang/Integer', as.integer(reps))
    if (length(seed) == 0) {
        obj <- sarks$permutationDistribution(jreps, filters)
    } else {
        obj <- sarks$permutationDistribution(jreps, filters, as.integer(seed))
    jw <- J('dcw/sarks/Sarks')$printPermDist(filters, obj, NULL, FALSE)
    js <- J('dcw/sarks/Sarks')$printPermDist(filters, obj, NULL, TRUE)
    out <- list(
        windowed = read.table(
            sep='\t', header=TRUE, row.names=NULL, na.strings='null',
            stringsAsFactors=FALSE, check.names=FALSE
        spatial = read.table(
            sep='\t', header=TRUE, row.names=NULL, na.strings='null',
            stringsAsFactors=FALSE, check.names=FALSE
        .java = obj

#' Set smoothed score thresholds based on permutation distribution
#' Calculate thresholds for SArKS k-mer calling from permutation distribution.
#' @param filters output from sarksFilters function indicating what
#'     combinations of filter parameters halfWindow, spatialLength,
#'     and minGini to use.
#' @param permDist output from permutationDistribution function.
#' @param nSigma number of standard deviations above mean of
#'     permutation distribution at which to set threshold for either
#'     windowed or spatially-windowed score.
#' @return named list with two elements: `theta' containing a
#'     data.frame with the threshold information and `.java'
#'     containing an R representation of the java object with this
#'     information.
#' @references Wylie, D.C., Hofmann, H.A., and Zemelman, B.V. (2019)
#'     SArKS: de novo discovery of gene expression regulatory motif
#'     sites and domains by suffix array kernel smoothing,
#'     Bioinformatics, Vol. 35(20), 3944-3952
#'     \url{https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article-abstract/35/20/3944/5418797}
#' @examples
#' data(simulatedSeqs, simulatedScores)
#' sarks <- Sarks(simulatedSeqs, simulatedScores, 4, 0, 1)
#' filters <- sarksFilters(halfWindow=4, spatialLength=0, minGini=1.1)
#' permDist <- permutationDistribution(sarks, 250, filters, seed=123)
#' thresholds <- permutationThresholds(filters, permDist, nSigma=2.0)
#' @export
#' @importFrom rJava J
#' @importFrom utils read.table
permutationThresholds <- function(filters, permDist, nSigma=4.0) {
    obj <- J('dcw/sarks/SarksUtilities')$thresholdsFromPermutations(
            permDist$.java, nSigma)
    jThresh <- J('dcw/sarks/Sarks')$printThresholds(filters, obj, NULL)
        theta = read.table(
            sep='\t', header=TRUE, row.names=NULL, na.strings='null',
            stringsAsFactors=FALSE, check.names=FALSE
        .java = obj

#' Call k-mer peaks
#' SArKS identifies sets of short subsequences (k-mers) whose presence
#' as substrings of sequences from the input sequence set tends to be
#' associated with elevated sequence scores. Such k-mers are
#' identified as ``peaks'' where kernel-smoothed scores exceed
#' specified thresholds (generally set by permutation method).
#' @param sarks Sarks object to use for k-mer peak calling.
#' @param filters output from sarksFilters function indicating what
#'     combinations of filter parameters halfWindow, spatialLength,
#'     and minGini to use.
#' @param thresholds output from permutationThresholds specifying
#'     thresholds for k-mer peak calling.
#' @param peakify logical value specifying whether to restrict output
#'     to only spatial positions at which the smoothed score is at
#'     least as high as either neighboring position or not.
#' @param kMax integer value indicating the maximum k-mer length to be
#'     reported.
#' @return data.frame containing called k-mer peak information.
#' @references Wylie, D.C., Hofmann, H.A., and Zemelman, B.V. (2019)
#'     SArKS: de novo discovery of gene expression regulatory motif
#'     sites and domains by suffix array kernel smoothing,
#'     Bioinformatics, Vol. 35(20), 3944-3952
#'     \url{https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article-abstract/35/20/3944/5418797}
#' @examples
#' data(simulatedSeqs, simulatedScores)
#' sarks <- Sarks(simulatedSeqs, simulatedScores, 4, 0, 1)
#' filters <- sarksFilters(halfWindow=4, spatialLength=0, minGini=1.1)
#' permDist <- permutationDistribution(sarks, 250, filters, seed=123)
#' thresholds <- permutationThresholds(filters, permDist, nSigma=2.0)
#' peaks <- kmerPeaks(sarks, filters, thresholds)
#' @export
#' @importFrom rJava .jnew
#' @importFrom utils read.table
kmerPeaks <- function(sarks, filters, thresholds, peakify=TRUE, kMax=12L) {
    kMax <- as.integer(kMax)
    eyes <- sarks$filter(
        filters, thresholds$.java, .jnew('java/lang/Boolean', peakify)
    jOut <- sarks$printPeaks(filters, thresholds$.java, eyes, kMax)
    out <- read.table(
        sep='\t', header=TRUE, row.names=NULL, na.strings='null',
        stringsAsFactors=FALSE, check.names=FALSE
    out$block <- as.character(out$block)

#' Identify and merge k-mer sub-peaks within multi-motif domains
#' When spatials smoothing is employed, SArKS identifies spatial
#' windows containing elevated spatially-averaged sequence-smoothed
#' scores (multi-motif domains, or MMDs). This function finds k-mers
#' within these MMDs whose sequence-smoothed scores are above the
#' threshold used for MMD calling and merges such k-mers when their
#' spatial positions overlap.
#' @param sarks Sarks object to use for k-mer peak calling.
#' @param filters output from sarksFilters function indicating what
#'     combinations of filter parameters halfWindow, spatialLength,
#'     and minGini to use.
#' @param thresholds output from permutationThresholds specifying
#'     thresholds for k-mer peak calling.
#' @param peakify logical value specifying whether to restrict initial
#'     k-mer peak calling to only spatial positions at which the
#'     smoothed score is at least as high as either neighboring
#'     position (or not).
#' @param kMax integer value indicating the maximum k-mer length for
#'     initial k-mer peak calling.
#' @return data.frame containing called k-mer peak information.
#' @references Wylie, D.C., Hofmann, H.A., and Zemelman, B.V. (2019)
#'     SArKS: de novo discovery of gene expression regulatory motif
#'     sites and domains by suffix array kernel smoothing,
#'     Bioinformatics, Vol. 35(20), 3944-3952
#'     \url{https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article-abstract/35/20/3944/5418797}
#' @examples
#' data(simulatedSeqs, simulatedScores)
#' sarks <- Sarks(simulatedSeqs, simulatedScores, 4, 3, 1)
#' filters <- sarksFilters(halfWindow=4, spatialLength=3, minGini=1.1)
#' permDist <- permutationDistribution(sarks, 250, filters, seed=123)
#' thresholds <- permutationThresholds(filters, permDist, nSigma=4.0)
#' mergedSubPeaks <- mergedKmerSubPeaks(sarks, filters, thresholds)
#' @export
#' @importFrom rJava .jnew
#' @importFrom utils read.table
mergedKmerSubPeaks <- function(
            sarks, filters, thresholds, peakify=TRUE, kMax=12L) {
    kMax <- as.integer(kMax)
    eyes <- sarks$filter(
        filters, thresholds$.java, .jnew('java/lang/Boolean', peakify)
    mergedKmerIntervals <- sarks$multiMergeKmerIntervals(
        eyes, thresholds$.java, filters, kMax
    jOut <- sarks$printMergedSubPeaks(
        filters, thresholds$.java, mergedKmerIntervals, NULL, kMax
    out <- read.table(
        sep='\t', header=TRUE, row.names=NULL, na.strings='null',
        stringsAsFactors=FALSE, check.names=FALSE
    out$block <- as.character(out$block)

#' Estimating SArKS false positive rate
#' Run second permutation test using the specified number of
#' repetitions, keeping track of maximum observed windowed and
#' spatially-windowed smoothed scores for each combination of filter
#' parameters for each permutation, and comparing these values to
#' thresholds determined by first round of permutation testing.
#' @param sarks Sarks object to test.
#' @param reps integer specifying how many repetitions to test.
#' @param filters output from sarksFilters function indicating what
#'     combinations of filter parameters halfWindow, spatialLength,
#'     and minGini to use.
#' @param thresholds output from permutationThresholds specifying
#'     thresholds for k-mer peak calling.
#' @param seed optional seed for random number generator (use in case
#'     reproducibility of output is desired).
#'     NOTE: do not use the same seed passed to initial
#'     permutationDistribution call used to set thresholds.
#' @param conf.level level of confidence to be used in the false
#'     positive rate confidence interval.
#' @return named list with three elements: `permutation' containing
#'     the output from permutationDistribution run.
#' @references Wylie, D.C., Hofmann, H.A., and Zemelman, B.V. (2019)
#'     SArKS: de novo discovery of gene expression regulatory motif
#'     sites and domains by suffix array kernel smoothing,
#'     Bioinformatics, Vol. 35(20), 3944-3952
#'     \url{https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article-abstract/35/20/3944/5418797}
#' @examples
#' data(simulatedSeqs, simulatedScores)
#' sarks <- Sarks(simulatedSeqs, simulatedScores, 4, 0, 1)
#' filters <- sarksFilters(halfWindow=4, spatialLength=0, minGini=1.1)
#' permDist <- permutationDistribution(sarks, 250, filters, seed=123)
#' thresholds <- permutationThresholds(filters, permDist, nSigma=2.0)
#' fpr <- estimateFalsePositiveRate(
#'         sarks, 250, filters, thresholds, seed=123456)
#' @export
#' @importFrom binom binom.exact
#' @importFrom rJava J
estimateFalsePositiveRate <- function(
            sarks, reps, filters, thresholds, seed=NULL, conf.level=0.95) {
    if (length(seed) == 0) {
        permTest <- permutationDistribution(sarks, as.integer(reps), filters)
    } else {
        permTest <- permutationDistribution(
                sarks, as.integer(reps), filters, as.integer(seed))
    falsePositives <- J('dcw/sarks/SarksUtilities')$falsePositives(
        fp = falsePositives,
        ci = binom.exact(falsePositives, reps, conf.level),
        permutations = permTest

#' Prune nested k-mer intervals from called k-mer peak set.
#' Every k-mer identified by SArKS is derived as a substring defined
#' by the interval running position i to position i+k-1 of the
#' concatenation of all input sequences. In some cases a j-mer (with j
#' < k) may be separately identified as a peak by SArKS for which the
#' j-mer interval is entirely contained within [i, i+k-1]; this
#' function removes such nested intervals from the reported collection
#' of peaks.
#' @param intervals data.frame containing called k-mer peaks
#'     information (format as output from kmerPeaks function).
#' @param start name of column in intervals data.frame containing
#'     interval start coordinates
#' @param end name of column in interval data.frame containing
#'     interval end coordinates; if no such column present, default
#'     NULL value indicates that end coordinates should be obtained by
#'     adding nchar(intervals$kmer) to the start coordinates to obtain
#'     end coordinates.
#' @return modified data.frame containing called k-mer peaks
#'     information (format as output from kmerPeaks function).
#' @references Wylie, D.C., Hofmann, H.A., and Zemelman, B.V. (2019)
#'     SArKS: de novo discovery of gene expression regulatory motif
#'     sites and domains by suffix array kernel smoothing,
#'     Bioinformatics, Vol. 35(20), 3944-3952
#'     \url{https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article-abstract/35/20/3944/5418797}
#' @examples
#' data(simulatedSeqs, simulatedScores)
#' sarks <- Sarks(simulatedSeqs, simulatedScores, 4, 0, 1)
#' filters <- sarksFilters(halfWindow=4, spatialLength=0, minGini=1.1)
#' permDist <- permutationDistribution(sarks, 250, filters, seed=123)
#' thresholds <- permutationThresholds(filters, permDist, nSigma=2.0)
#' peaks <- kmerPeaks(sarks, filters, thresholds)
#' prunedPeaks <- pruneIntervals(peaks)
#' @export
#' @importFrom IRanges findOverlaps
#' @importFrom IRanges from
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @importFrom IRanges NCList
pruneIntervals <- function(intervals, start='s', end=NULL) {
    starts <- intervals[[start]]
    if (length(end) == 0) {
        ends <- starts + nchar(intervals$kmer)
    } else {
        ends <- intervals[[end]]
    ncl <- NCList(IRanges(starts, ends))
    nests <- findOverlaps(
            ncl, type='within', drop.self=TRUE, drop.redundant=TRUE)
    if (length(from(nests)) > 0) {
        intervals <- intervals[-from(nests), ]

#' Extend k-mers in length where possible
#' Extend k-mers when adding flanking characters from region in
#' input sequence from which they are derived would result in another
#' reported l-mer string (l > k).
#' @param sarks Sarks object used to obtain k-mer peak call set.
#' @param sarksTable data.frame containing called k-mer peaks
#'     information (format as output from kmerPeaks function).
#' @return modified data.frame containing called k-mer peaks
#'     information (format as output from kmerPeaks function).
#' @references Wylie, D.C., Hofmann, H.A., and Zemelman, B.V. (2019)
#'     SArKS: de novo discovery of gene expression regulatory motif
#'     sites and domains by suffix array kernel smoothing,
#'     Bioinformatics, Vol. 35(20), 3944-3952
#'     \url{https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article-abstract/35/20/3944/5418797}
#' @examples
#' data(simulatedSeqs, simulatedScores)
#' sarks <- Sarks(simulatedSeqs, simulatedScores, 4, 0, 1)
#' filters <- sarksFilters(halfWindow=4, spatialLength=0, minGini=1.1)
#' permDist <- permutationDistribution(sarks, 250, filters, seed=123)
#' thresholds <- permutationThresholds(filters, permDist, nSigma=2.0)
#' peaks <- kmerPeaks(sarks, filters, thresholds)
#' prunedPeaks <- pruneIntervals(peaks)
#' extendedPeaks <- extendKmers(sarks, prunedPeaks)
#' @export
extendKmers <- function(sarks, sarksTable) {
    maxLen <- max(nchar(sarksTable$kmer))
    oldS <- rep(-1, nrow(sarksTable))
    while (!all(oldS == sarksTable$s)) {
        oldS <- sarksTable$s
        kmerSet <- unique(sarksTable$kmer)
        kmerLens <- nchar(sarksTable$kmer)
        for (idx in which(kmerLens < maxLen)) {
            doBreak <- FALSE
            s <- sarksTable[idx, 's']
            kmerLen <- nchar(sarksTable[idx, 'kmer'])
            shiftInt <- c(s, s+kmerLen)
            for (ext in (maxLen-kmerLen):0) {
                for (shift in (-ext):0) {
                    shiftInt <- c(s+shift, s+kmerLen+ext+shift)
                    shiftKmer <- sarks$kmer(
                    if (shiftKmer %in% kmerSet) {
                        sarksTable[idx, 's'] <- sarksTable[idx, 's'] + shift
                        sarksTable[idx, 'i'] <- sarks$s2i(sarksTable[idx, 's'])
                        sarksTable[idx, 'wi'] <- sarksTable[idx, 'wi'] + shift
                        sarksTable[idx, 'kmer'] <- shiftKmer
                        sarksTable[idx, 'khat'] <- NA
                        sarksTable[idx, 'gini'] <- NA
                        sarksTable[idx, 'windowed'] <- NA
                        sarksTable[idx, 'spatial_windowed'] <- NA
                        doBreak <- TRUE
                if (doBreak) {break}

#' SArKS input scores
#' Extracts vector of input scores associated with input sequences
#' from sarks object.
#' @param sarks Sarks object from which information will be derived
#' @return named numeric vector; names are the sequence names, values
#'     are the associated scores. Note: Sarks internally sorts input
#'     lexicographically by sequence name.
#' @examples
#' data(simulatedSeqs, simulatedScores)
#' sarks <- Sarks(simulatedSeqs, simulatedScores, 4, 0, 1)
#' simulatedScores2 <- blockScores(sarks)
#' ## simulatedScores2 will be in different order than simulatedScores,
#' ## but contains same information.
#' @export
blockScores <- function(sarks) {
    return(structure(sarks$getScores(), names=sarks$getTranscripts()))

#' Identify associated input sequence for given position(s) in suffix
#' array
#' Any positiion in a suffix array for SArKS concatenated sequence can
#' be identified either via its position i in lexicographically sorted
#' list of suffixes or by its spatial position s in the concatenated
#' sequence. This function indicates which input sequence contributed
#' the block of the concatenated sequence within which the specified
#' position(s) can be found.
#' @param sarks Sarks object from which information will be derived
#' @param s the spatial position(s) to query; use NULL (default value)
#'     if you instead want to specify sorted suffix position i
#' @param i the position(s) in the sorted suffix list to query
#' @return character vector containing name(s) of corresponding input
#'     sequence(s)
#' @examples
#' data(simulatedSeqs, simulatedScores)
#' sarks <- Sarks(simulatedSeqs, simulatedScores, 4, 0, 1)
#' blocks <- sarks$sourceBlock(i=2253:2261)
#' @export
sourceBlock <- function(sarks, s=NULL, i=NULL) {
    seqs <- sarks$getTranscripts()
    if (length(s) == 0) {
        i <- as.integer(i)
        s <- vapply(i, sarks$i2s, 0)
    s <- as.integer(s)
    return(seqs[sarks$sourceBlock(s) + 1])

#' Get sarks smoothed scores for input sequence
#' Returns a data.frame containing the smoothed scores (including
#' spatially smoothed scores, if applicable) as well as other useful
#' sarks parameters for one or more specified input sequences
#' (blocks).
#' @param sarks Sarks object from which information will be derived.
#' @param block character vector of names of sequence(s) for which
#'     results are desired
#' @param filters output from sarksFilters function indicating what
#'     combinations of filter parameters halfWindow, spatialLength,
#'     and minGini were used.
#' @param thresholds output from permutationThresholds specifying
#'     thresholds used for k-mer peak calling.
#' @param kMax integer value indicating the maximum k-mer length to be
#'     reported.
#' @return data.frame in same format as result of kmerPeaks giving
#'     detailed information about every spatial position within
#'     specified sequences/blocks.
#' @references Wylie, D.C., Hofmann, H.A., and Zemelman, B.V. (2019)
#'     SArKS: de novo discovery of gene expression regulatory motif
#'     sites and domains by suffix array kernel smoothing,
#'     Bioinformatics, Vol. 35(20), 3944-3952
#'     \url{https://academic.oup.com/bioinformatics/article-abstract/35/20/3944/5418797}
#' @examples
#' data(simulatedSeqs, simulatedScores)
#' sarks <- Sarks(simulatedSeqs, simulatedScores, 4, 0, 1)
#' filters <- sarksFilters(halfWindow=4, spatialLength=0, minGini=1.1)
#' permDist <- permutationDistribution(sarks, 250, filters, seed=123)
#' thresholds <- permutationThresholds(filters, permDist, nSigma=2.0)
#' bi24 <- blockInfo(sarks, '24', filters, thresholds)
#' @export
#' @importFrom utils read.table
blockInfo <- function(sarks, block, filters, thresholds, kMax=12L) {
    if (length(block) > 1) {
                block, blockInfo, sarks=sarks,
                filters=filters, thresholds=thresholds, kMax=kMax
    kMax <- as.integer(kMax)
    javaOut <- sarks$printBlockInfo(
        filters, thresholds$.java, block, NULL, kMax
    out <- read.table(
        sep='\t', header=TRUE, row.names=NULL, na.strings='null',
        stringsAsFactors=FALSE, check.names=FALSE

#' Count occurrences of regular expression
#' Counts how often a regular expression (or vector of regular
#' expressions) occurs in each element of a character vector.
#' @param regex character vector of regular expressions to search for
#' @param seqs character vector or XStringSet of sequences in which to
#'     search for and count occurrences of regex
#' @param overlap logical value: should overlapping occurrences of
#'     regex be counted as multiple hits?
#' @return if length(regex) is one, returns integer vector of counts;
#'     if length(regex) is more than one, returns matrix of counts:
#'     one row per sequence in seqs, one column per expression in
#'     regex
#' @examples
#' data(simulatedSeqs)
#' reCounts1 <- regexCounts('AAAAA|TTTTT', simulatedSeqs)
#' reCounts2 <- regexCounts(c('AAAAA|TTTTT', 'CG'), simulatedSeqs)
#' @export
regexCounts <- function(regex, seqs, overlap=FALSE) {
    if (length(names(regex)) == 0) {names(regex) <- regex}
    if (length(regex) > 1) {
            regex, regexCounts,
            structure(rep(0, length(seqs)), names=names(seqs)),
            seqs=seqs, overlap=overlap
    if (overlap) {regex <- paste0('(?=', regex, ')')}
            gsub('[^_]+', '', gsub(regex, '_', toupper(seqs), perl=TRUE))))

#' Count occurrences of k-mer
#' Counts how often a k-mer (or vector of k-mers) occurs in each
#' element of a character vector.
#' @param kmer character vector or XStringSet of k-mers to search for.
#' @param seqs character vector or XStringSet of sequences in which to
#'     search for and count occurrences of kmer.
#' @param directional logical value: if FALSE, counts occurrences of
#'     either kmer or its reverse-complement. Makes sense only if
#'     applying to DNA sequences!
#' @param overlap logical value: should overlapping occurrences of
#'     kmer be counted as multiple hits?
#' @return if length(kmer) is one, returns integer vector of counts;
#'     if length(kmer) is more than one, returns matrix of counts:
#'     one row per sequence in seqs, one column per expression in
#'     regex
#' @examples
#' data(simulatedSeqs)
#' motifCounts <- kmerCounts('CATACTGAGA', simulatedSeqs)
#' otherCounts <- kmerCounts(
#'     c('AAAAA', 'CG'),
#'     simulatedSeqs,
#'     directional = FALSE
#' )
#' @export
#' @importFrom Biostrings DNAStringSet
#' @importFrom Biostrings reverseComplement
kmerCounts <- function(kmer, seqs, directional=TRUE, overlap=FALSE) {
    if (is.numeric(kmer)) {
        nucs <- c('A', 'C', 'G', 'T')
        nucs <- lapply(seq(length.out=kmer), function(...) {nucs})
        kmer <- apply(
            X = do.call(expand.grid, nucs),
            MARGIN = 1,
            FUN = function(x) paste(x, collapse='')
        names(kmer) <- kmer
    if (!directional) {
        revComps <- as.character(reverseComplement(DNAStringSet(kmer)))
        kmer <- structure(
            paste0(kmer, '|', revComps), names=as.character(kmer)
    } else if (length(names(kmer)) == 0) {
        kmer <- structure(as.character(kmer), names=as.character(kmer))
    return(regexCounts(kmer, seqs, overlap))    

#' Count occurrences of k-mer clusters
#' Counts how often any k-mer from a cluster of k-mers (or list of
#' clusters of k-mers) occurs in each element of a character vector.
#' @param kmers character vector or XStringSet of k-mers composing
#'     cluster to search for, or a named list of such character
#'     vectors or XStringSet objects to count multiple clusters.
#' @param seqs character vector or XStringSet of sequences in which to
#'     search for and count occurrences of kmers.
#' @param directional logical value: if FALSE, counts occurrences of
#'     either cluster(s) of k-mers or their reverse-complements. Makes
#'     sense only if applying to DNA sequences!
#' @param overlap logical value: should overlapping occurrences of
#'     k-mers be counted as multiple hits?
#' @return if cluster is a single character vector or XStringSet
#'     (of any length), returns integer vector of counts;
#'     if cluster is a list of character vectors, returns matrix of
#'     counts: one row per sequence in seqs, one column per
#'     character vector/XStringSet in cluster
#' @examples
#' seqs <- c(
#'     line1 = "My mind's got a mind of its own",
#'     line2 = "Takes me out to parties when I'd rather be alone",
#'     line3 = "Takes me out a-walkin' when I'd rather be at home"
#' )
#' clusters <- list(
#'     antisocial = c('alone', 'at home'),
#'     mind = 'mind'
#' )
#' clCounts <- clusterCounts(clusters, seqs)
#' @export
#' @importFrom Biostrings DNAStringSet
#' @importFrom Biostrings reverseComplement
clusterCounts <- function(kmers, seqs, directional=TRUE, overlap=FALSE) {
    if (is.list(kmers)) {
        clCounts <- lapply(
            kmers, clusterCounts,
            seqs=seqs, directional=directional, overlap=overlap
        out <- matrix(0, nrow=length(seqs), ncol=length(kmers))
        rownames(out) <- names(seqs)
        for (i in seq(length.out=length(kmers))) {
            out[names(clCounts[[i]]), i] <- clCounts[[i]]
        colnames(out) <- names(kmers)
    if (!directional) {
        revComps <- as.character(reverseComplement(DNAStringSet(kmers)))
        kmers <- sort(unique(c(as.character(kmers), revComps)))
    pattern <- paste(kmers, collapse='|')
    return(regexCounts(pattern, seqs, overlap))

#' Locate occurrences of regular expression
#' Find locations of matches of a regular expression (or vector of
#' regular expressions) in each element of a named character
#' vector. Not case sensitive.
#' @param regex character vector or XStringSet of regular expressions
#'     to search for
#' @param seqs named character vector or XStringSet of sequences in
#'     which to locate regex
#' @param showMatch logical value; if true add additional column to
#'     output indicating what the exact regex match for each
#'     occurrence (can be slow)
#' @return If only a single regex is searched for: data.frame with two
#'     columns: `seqid' containing the name of the sequence from seqs
#'     in which the regex was found and `location' giving the 1-based
#'     position at which the regex was found. If length(regex) greater
#'     than one, adds additional column `regex' indicating the name of
#'     the regex located.
#' @examples
#' data(simulatedSeqs)
#' reLoci <- regexLocate('AAAAA|TTTTT', simulatedSeqs)
#' @export
regexLocate <- function(regex, seqs, showMatch=FALSE) {
    if (length(names(seqs)) == 0) {stop("seqs must be named vector.")}
    if (length(names(regex)) == 0) {names(regex) <- regex}
    if (length(regex) > 1) {
        out <- lapply(regex, regexLocate, seqs=seqs, showMatch=showMatch)
        for (rn in names(regex)) {out[[rn]]$regex <- rep(rn, nrow(out[[rn]]))}
        outCols <- c('seqid', 'regex', 'location')
        if (showMatch) {outCols <- c(outCols, 'match')}
        out <- do.call(rbind, out)[ , outCols]
        rownames(out) <- NULL
    inseqs <- seqs
    frags <- strsplit(
        gsub(paste0('(', tolower(regex), ')'), '_\\1', tolower(seqs)),
    for (i in seq(length.out=length(inseqs))) {
        names(frags[[i]]) <- rep(names(inseqs)[i], length(frags[[i]]))
    names(frags) <- NULL
    fragLocs <- lapply(lapply(frags, nchar), cumsum)
    fragLocs <- unlist(lapply(fragLocs, function(.) {
        if (length(.) > 1) {
            return(.[seq(length.out=length(.)-1)] + 1)
        } else {
    out <- data.frame(
        seqid = names(fragLocs),
        location = fragLocs,
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
    if (showMatch) {
        out$match <- mapply(out$seqid, out$location, FUN=function(s, i) {
            sub(paste0('^(', toupper(regex), ').*'),
                toupper(substr(seqs[[s]], i, nchar(seqs[[s]]))))

#' Locate occurrences of specified k-mers
#' Find locations of matches of vector of k-mers in each element of a
#' named character vector. Not case sensitive.
#' @param kmers character vector or XStringSet of k-mers to search for
#' @param seqs named character vector or XStringSet of sequences in
#'     which to locate kmer
#' @param directional logical value: if FALSE, counts occurrences of
#'     either kmers or their reverse-complements. Makes sense only if
#'     applying to DNA sequences!
#' @param showMatch logical value; if true add additional column to
#'     output indicating what the exact regex match for each
#'     occurrence (can be slow)
#' @return data.frame with three columns: `seqid' containing the name
#'     of the sequence from seqs in which the k-mer was found; `kmer'
#'     indicating the k-mer located; and `location' giving the 1-based
#'     position at which the match was found.
#' @examples
#' data(simulatedSeqs)
#' kmerLoci <- locateKmers(c('AAAAA', 'CATACTGAGA'), simulatedSeqs)
#' @export
#' @importFrom Biostrings DNAStringSet
#' @importFrom Biostrings reverseComplement
locateKmers <- function(kmers, seqs, directional=TRUE, showMatch=FALSE) {
    patterns <- structure(as.character(kmers), names=as.character(kmers))
    if (!directional) {
        revComps <- as.character(reverseComplement(DNAStringSet(kmers)))
        patterns <- structure(
            paste0(kmers, '|', revComps), names=as.character(kmers)
    locations <- lapply(patterns, regexLocate, seqs=seqs, showMatch=showMatch)
    for (kmer in as.character(kmers)) {
        locations[[kmer]]$kmer <- rep(kmer, nrow(locations[[kmer]]))
    outCols <- c('seqid', 'kmer', 'location')
    if (showMatch) {outCols <- c(outCols, 'match')}
    out <- do.call(rbind, locations)[ , outCols]
    rownames(out) <- NULL

#' Locate occurrences of specified clusters of k-mers
#' Find locations of matches of list of character vectors of k-mers in
#' each element of a named character vector. Not case sensitive.
#' @param clusters list of character vectors or XStringSet objects of
#'     k-mers to search for
#' @param seqs character vector or XStringSet of sequences in which to
#'     locate kmer
#' @param directional logical value: if FALSE, counts occurrences of
#'     either k-mers within each cluster or their reverse-complements.
#'     Makes sense only if applying to DNA sequences!
#' @param showMatch logical value; if true add additional column to
#'     output indicating what the exact regex match for each
#'     occurrence (can be slow)
#' @return data.frame with three columns: `seqid' containing the name
#'     of the sequence from seqs in which the match was found;
#'     `cluster' indicating the cluster from wich a k-mer was located;
#'     and `location' giving the 1-based position at which the match
#'     was found.
#' @examples
#' seqs <- c(
#'     line1 = "My mind's got a mind of its own",
#'     line2 = "Takes me out to parties when I'd rather be alone",
#'     line3 = "Takes me out a-walkin' when I'd rather be at home"
#' )
#' clusters <- list(
#'     antisocial = c('alone', 'at home'),
#'     mind = 'mind'
#' )
#' clusterLoci <- locateClusters(clusters, seqs)
#' @export
#' @importFrom Biostrings DNAStringSet
#' @importFrom Biostrings reverseComplement
locateClusters <- function(clusters, seqs, directional=TRUE, showMatch=FALSE) {
    out <- list()
    for (cn in names(clusters)) {
        kmers <- clusters[[cn]]
        if (!directional) {
            revComps <- as.character(reverseComplement(DNAStringSet(kmers)))
            kmers <- sort(unique(c(as.character(kmers), revComps)))
        pattern <- paste(kmers, collapse='|')
        locations <- regexLocate(pattern, seqs, showMatch=showMatch)
        locations$cluster <- rep(cn, nrow(locations))
        out[[cn]] <- locations
    outCols <- c('seqid', 'cluster', 'location')
    if (showMatch) {outCols <- c(outCols, 'match')}
    out <- do.call(rbind, out)[ , outCols]
    rownames(out) <- NULL

integralOptimize <- function(f, lower, upper, resolution=10) {
    testPoints <- unique(round(seq(
            lower, upper, by=(upper-lower)/(resolution-1))))
    if (testPoints[length(testPoints)] < upper) {
        testPoints <- c(testPoints, upper)
    testVals <- vapply(testPoints, f, 0)
    testMax <- which.max(testVals)
    newLower <- testPoints[ifelse(testMax == 1, testMax, testMax-1)]
    newUpper <- testPoints[ifelse(
            testMax == length(testPoints), testMax, testMax+1)]
    if (newUpper <= (newLower+2)) {
    } else {
        return(integralOptimize(f, newLower, newUpper, resolution))

#' Cluster k-mers
#' Takes a set of k-mer sequences and returns a list of partitioning
#' the input k-mers into clusters of more similar k-mers. Hierarchical
#' clustering (average linkage) is performed based on Jaccard
#' coefficient distance metric applied treating each k-mer as the set
#' of all tetramers which can be found as substrings within it.
#' @param kmers character vector or XStringSet of k-mers to partition
#'     into clusters
#' @param k length of sub-k-mers (default k=4 to use tetramers) with
#'     which to calculate Jaccard distances for clustering
#' @param nClusters number of clusters to partition kmers into; if set
#'     to NULL (default value), selects number of clusters to maximize
#'     the average silhouette score
#'     (\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silhouette_(clustering)}).
#' @param maxClusters if nClusters not specified, can optionally set
#'     maximum number of clusters allowed in silhouette score
#'     optimization.
#' @param directional logical value: if FALSE, considers each kmer as
#'     equivalent to its reverse-complement. Makes sense only if
#'     applying to DNA sequences!
#' @return list of character vectors (or XStringSet objects as per the
#'     class of kmers argument) partitioning kmers into clusters: the
#'     character vector at the i-th element of the output list
#'     contains the elements from kmers assigned to cluster i.
#' @examples
#' kmers <- c(
#' )
#' clusterKmers(kmers, directional=FALSE)
#' @export
#' @importFrom Biostrings DNAStringSet
#' @importFrom Biostrings reverseComplement
#' @importFrom cluster silhouette
#' @importFrom stats as.dist
#' @importFrom stats cutree
#' @importFrom stats hclust
clusterKmers <- function(
            kmers, k=4, nClusters=NULL, maxClusters=NULL, directional=TRUE) {
    outClass <- gsub('character', 'identity', class(kmers)[[1]])
    kmers <- unique(kmers)
    if (length(kmers) <= 3 && (length(nClusters) == 0 || nClusters > 3)) {
        stop('Must specify nClusters <= 3 for length(kmers) <= 3.')
    tetraCounts <- kmerCounts(
        k, kmers, directional=directional, overlap=TRUE
    tetraCounts <- data.frame(tetraCounts, row.names=kmers)
    if (!directional) {
        unorientedTetramers <- sort(unique(vapply(
                colnames(tetraCounts), function(km) {
                    min(km, as.character(reverseComplement(DNAStringSet(km))))
                }, '')))
        tetraCounts <- tetraCounts[ , unorientedTetramers]
    tetraCounts <- tetraCounts[ , colSums(tetraCounts) > 0]
    pq <- as.matrix(tetraCounts) %*% t(as.matrix(tetraCounts))
    p2 <- rowSums(tetraCounts^2)
    d <- 1 - pq / (outer(p2, p2, `+`) - pq)
    rownames(d) <- colnames(d) <- rownames(tetraCounts)
    diag(d) <- Inf
    d[d == 0] <- min(d[d > 0]) / 2
    diag(d) <- 0
    ddist <- as.dist(d)
    hcout <- hclust(ddist, method='average')
    if (length(nClusters) == 0) {
        if (length(maxClusters) == 0) {maxClusters <- nrow(d) - 1}
        ctouts <- data.frame(
            cutree(hcout, k=seq(2, maxClusters, 1)),
            check.names = FALSE
        nClusters <- integralOptimize(f=function(nc) {
            mean(silhouette(ctouts[ , as.character(nc)], ddist)[ , 3])
        }, lower=2, upper=maxClusters)
    ctout <- cutree(hcout, k=nClusters)
    clusters <- lapply(
        function(cl) {d[ctout==cl, ctout==cl, drop=FALSE]}
    names(clusters) <- vapply(
            clusters, function(d) {rownames(d)[which.min(rowMeans(d))]}, '')
    out <- lapply(clusters, function(d) {get(outClass)(rownames(d))})

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