Man pages for simplifyEnrichment
Simplify Functional Enrichment Results

all_clustering_methodsAll clustering methods
binary_cutCluster functional terms by recursively binary cutting the...
cluster_by_apclusterCluster similarity matrix by apcluster
cluster_by_dynamicTreeCutCluster similarity matrix by dynamicTreeCut
cluster_by_hdbscanCluster similarity matrix by hdbscan
cluster_by_igraphCluster similarity matrix by graph community detection...
cluster_by_kmeansCluster similarity matrix by k-means clustering
cluster_by_MCLCluster similarity matrix by MCL
cluster_by_mclustCluster similarity matrix by mclust
cluster_termsCluster functional terms
cmp_make_clustersApply various clustering methods
cmp_make_plotMake plots for comparing clustering methods
compare_clustering_methodsCompare clustering methods
count_wordCalculate word frequency
dend_node_applyApply functions on every node in a dendrogram
difference_scoreDifference score
DO_similarityCalculate Disease Ontology (DO) semantic similarity matrix
edit_nodeModify nodes in a dendrogram
GO_similarityCalculate Gene Ontology (GO) semantic similarity matrix
guess_ontGuess the ontology of the input GO IDs
heightDetails.word_cloudHeight for word_cloud grob
ht_clustersVisualize the similarity matrix and the clustering
partition_by_hclustPartition by hclust
partition_by_kmeansPartition by kmeans
partition_by_kmeansppPartition by kmeans++
partition_by_pamPartition by PAM
plot_binary_cutVisualize the process of binary cut
random_DOGenerate random Disease Ontology (DO) IDs
random_GOGenerate random GO IDs
register_clustering_methodsRegister new clustering methods
remove_clustering_methodsRemove clustering methods
reset_clustering_methodsReset to default clustering methods
scale_fontsizeScale font size
select_cutoffSelect the cutoff for binary cut
simplifyEnrichmentSimplify functional enrichment results
simplifyGOSimplify Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment results
subset_enrichResultSubset method of the enrichResult class
term_similaritySimilarity between terms based on the overlap of genes
term_similarity_from_enrichResultSimilarity between terms in the enrichResult class
term_similarity_from_gmtSimilarity between terms from a gmt file
term_similarity_from_KEGGSimilarity between KEGG terms
term_similarity_from_MSigDBSimilarity between MSigDB terms
term_similarity_from_ReactomeSimilarity between Reactome terms
widthDetails.word_cloudWidth for word_cloud grob
word_cloud_grobA simple grob for the word cloud
simplifyEnrichment documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:07 p.m.