
Defines functions getHelpFile getExCode eExplorer

Documented in eExplorer getExCode getHelpFile

# This widget gets all the R example code from R-ex directory of a
# given package and allows users to execute the example code chunks
# and view the result of the execution.
eExplorer <- function(pkgName, font = "arial 13", getFocus = TRUE){
    # An environment to evaluate the code within
    evalEnv <- new.env(hash = TRUE, parent = parent.frame())
    if(any(missing(pkgName), is.null(pkgName), is.na(pkgName),
           pkgName == "")){
        stop("Can not proceed without a package name")
    if(!require(pkgName, character.only = TRUE)){
        stop(paste("Package name", pkgName, "is invalid"))

    chunkList <- getExCode(pkgName)

        chunkOrNot <- "No example code obtained"
        nameNCode <- NULL
        chunkOrNot <- "Example code chunk"

    end <- function(){
    showHelp <- function(){
         chunk <- as.character(tkget(chunkText,
         helpFile <- getHelpFile(pkgName, chunk)
         # Get rid of the "_\b"
         helpFile <- gsub("_\\\b", "", helpFile)
         tkconfigure(resultViewer, state = "normal")
         tkdelete(resultViewer, "1.0", "end")
         for(i in helpFile){
             tkinsert(resultViewer, "end", paste(i, "\n", sep = ""))
         tkconfigure(resultViewer, state = "disabled")

    # Shows the code chunk in a text box that allows the user to
    # editor the code chunk in the box but not to the actual code chunk
    showCode <- function(){
        chunk <- as.character(tkget(chunkText,
        tkconfigure(editViewer, state = "normal")
        tkdelete(editViewer, "1.0", "end")
        for(i in chunkList[[chunk]]){
            tkinsert(editViewer, "end", paste(i, "\n", sep = ""))
        tkconfigure(editViewer, state = "disabled")
        tkconfigure(resultViewer, state = "normal")
        tkdelete(resultViewer, "0.0", "end")
        tkconfigure(resultViewer, state = "disabled")

        tkconfigure(execButton, state = "normal")
        tkconfigure(clearButton, state = "normal")
#        tkconfigure(expoButton, state = "normal")
        tkconfigure(helpButton, state = "normal")
    # Export code chunk to the R session
    export <- function(){
        temp <- objectBrowser(evalEnv)
        for(i in names(temp)){
            assign(i, temp[[i]], env = .GlobalEnv)

    # Executes whatever that is in the text box for code chunk
    execute <- function(){
        expCode <- as.character(tkget(chunkText,
        tkconfigure(resultViewer, state = "normal")
        tkdelete(resultViewer, "0.0", "end")
        options(show.error.messages = FALSE)
        out <- try(capture.output(do.call(example, list(topic = expCode))))
        options(show.error.messages = TRUE)
        if(inherits(out, "try-error")){
            cont <- paste("Execution fauled because of:", out)
            tkinsert(resultViewer, "end", out)
                tkinsert(resultViewer, "end", "\n")
            if(length(out) > 0 && out != "NULL"){
                for(outputs in out){
                    tkinsert(resultViewer, "end", outputs)
                    tkinsert(resultViewer, "end", "\n")
        tkconfigure(resultViewer, state = "disabled")
        tkconfigure(expoButton, state = "normal")

    # keeps track of code modification done
    #codeChanged <- function(){
    #    newCode <<- TRUE

    # Cleans the boxes for code chunk and result of execution
    clear <- function(){
        tkconfigure(editViewer, state = "normal")
        tkdelete(editViewer, "1.0", "end")
        tkconfigure(editViewer, state = "disabled")
        tkconfigure(resultViewer, state = "normal")
        tkdelete(resultViewer, "1.0", "end")
        tkconfigure(resultViewer, state = "disabled")

        tkconfigure(execButton, state = "disabled")
        tkconfigure(expoButton, state = "disabled")
        tkconfigure(clearButton, state = "disabled")

    # Initilizes the buttons for code chunks
    popChunks <- function(){
            writeList(chunkText, names(chunkList), TRUE)

    base <- tktoplevel()
    tktitle(base) <- "BioC R-ex Explorer\n"
    # Write package and vignette names
    pNvNames <- paste("Package:", pkgName,
                      "\nPick a code chunk to view/execute", sep = "")
    tkpack(tklabel(base, text = pNvNames, font = font), pady = 4)

    listFrame <- tkframe(base)
    # Create a text widgets for code chunks
    chunkFrame <- tkframe(listFrame)
    tkpack(tklabel(chunkFrame, text = chunkOrNot, font = font))
    chunkText <- makeViewer(chunkFrame, vWidth = 18, vHeight = NULL,
                      hScroll = TRUE, vScroll = TRUE, what = "list")
    tkbind(chunkText, "<B1-ButtonRelease>", showCode)
    tkpack(chunkFrame, side = "left", anchor = "nw", expand = FALSE,
           fill = "y")

    # Create the viewers for code and results of execution
    codeNRelFrame <- tkframe(listFrame)
    editFrame <- tkframe(codeNRelFrame)
    tkpack(tklabel(editFrame, text = "R Source Code", font = font))
    eViewerFrame <- tkframe(editFrame)
    editViewer <- makeViewer(eViewerFrame, vWidth = 50, vHeight = 5,
                      hScroll = TRUE, vScroll = TRUE, what = "text")
    tkconfigure(editViewer, font = font)
    tkconfigure(editViewer, state = "disabled")
#    tkbind(editViewer, "<KeyRelease>", codeChanged)
    tkpack(eViewerFrame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
    tkpack(tklabel(editFrame, text = "Display window", font = font))
    rViewerFrame <- tkframe(editFrame)
    resultViewer <-  makeViewer(rViewerFrame, vWidth = 50, vHeight = 5,
                      hScroll = TRUE, vScroll = TRUE, what = "text")
    tkconfigure(resultViewer, font = font)
    tkpack(rViewerFrame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
    tkpack(editFrame, expand = TRUE, fill = "both")
    tkpack(codeNRelFrame, side = "left", expand = TRUE, fill = "both")

    tkpack(listFrame, side = "top", expand = TRUE, fill = "both", padx
    = 4, pady = 6)

    # Put the buttons in
    butFrame <- tkframe(base)
    helpButton <- tkbutton(butFrame, text = "View Help", width = 12,
                          font = font, state = "disabled",
                          command = showHelp)
    execButton <- tkbutton(butFrame, text = "Execute Code", width = 12,
                           font = font, command = execute)
    tkconfigure(execButton, state = "disabled")
    expoButton <- tkbutton(butFrame, text = "Export to R", width = 12,
                           font = font, command = export)
    tkconfigure(expoButton, state = "disabled")
    clearButton <- tkbutton(butFrame, text = "Clear", width = 12,
                            font = font, command = clear)
    tkconfigure(clearButton, state = "disabled")
    tkpack(helpButton, execButton, expoButton, clearButton, side = "left")
    tkpack(butFrame, pady = 6)
    # Put end button separately to avoid accidents
    endButton <- tkbutton(base, text = "End", width = 12,
                          font = font, command = end)



getExCode <- function(pkgName){
    options(show.error.messages = FALSE)
    tryMe <- try(list.files(file.path(path.package(pkgName), "R-ex")))
    options(show.error.messages = TRUE)

    if(inherits(tryMe, "try-error")){
    # Make sure only to deal with files with an R extension
    tryMe <- tryMe[grep("\\.R", tryMe)]
    if(length(tryMe) == 0){
    codeChunks <- list()
    for(i in tryMe){
        codeChunks[[gsub("\\.R", "", i)]] <- readLines(
                     file.path(path.package(pkgName), "R-ex", i))

getHelpFile <- function(pkgName, fileName){
    if(any(missing(pkgName), missing(fileName))){
        return("Can't get help file because pkgName or fileName is missing")
    if(any(is.null(pkgName), is.null(fileName), is.na(pkgName),
        return(paste("Can't get help file because pkgName or",
                     "fileName is NULL or NA"))
    options(show.error.message = FALSE)
    tryMe <- try(readLines(file.path(path.package(pkgName), "help",
    options(show.error.messages = TRUE)
    if(inherits(tryMe, "try-error")){
        return("Can't get help file because pkgName or fileName is invalid")

Try the tkWidgets package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

tkWidgets documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:17 p.m.