
Defines functions fields_id_to_name fields_name_to_id field_empty_warning field_info ala_fields

Documented in ala_fields field_info

#' Retrieves a list of all field names that can be used with data
#' retrieval functions
#' Note for occurrence fields: only fields that are indexed in the ALA
#' database can be queried (e.g. used in the \code{fq} parameter in
#' \code{\link{occurrences}}. These fields are identified by the \code{indexed}
#' column in \code{ala_fields("occurrence")}. Only fields that are stored in
#' the database can be returned as part of an \code{occurrences} call. These
#' fields are identified by the \code{stored} column in
#' \code{ala_fields("occurrence")}. The calling syntaxes
#' \code{ala_fields("occurrence_stored")} and
#' \code{ala_fields("occurrence_indexed")} are for convenience, and are
#' equivalent to \code{subset(ala_fields("occurrence"),stored)} and
#' \code{subset(ala_fields("occurrence"),indexed)}.
#' @references Relevant ALA web services: \itemize{
#' \item for fields_type "occurrence": https://api.ala.org.au/#ws72
#' \item for fields_type "general": https://api.ala.org.au/#ws88
#' \item for fields_type "layers": https://api.ala.org.au/#ws11
#' (see also descriptions of the spatial layers:
#'  \url{https://spatial.ala.org.au/ws/layers/index})
#' \item for fields_type "assertions": https://api.ala.org.au/#ws81
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{search_layers}} to search for spatial layers
#' @param fields_type text: one of the following
#' \itemize{
#' \item "general" - for searching taxa, datasets, layers, and collections
#' metadata
#' \item "occurrence" - for species occurrence records
#' \item "occurrence_stored" - can be returned as part of a species occurrence
#' record search (equivalent to \code{subset(ala_fields("occurrences"),stored)})
#' \item "occurrence_indexed" - can be queried as part of a species occurrence
#' record search (equivalent to
#' \code{subset(ala_fields("occurrences"),indexed)})
#' \item "layers" - fields associated with the environmental and contextual
#' layers. For additional information
#' on layers, including metadata and licensing, see \code{\link{search_layers}}
#' \item "assertions" - potential issues flagged on one or more occurrence
#' record fields
#' \item "images - for image search
#' }
#' @param as_is logical: if TRUE, leave the field names as they are returned
#' from the ALA web services. Arguments that are passed directly to the ALA's
#' web services (e.g. parameter \code{fq} in \code{\link{occurrences}}) should
#' use field names in this format. If \code{as_is} is FALSE, the returned
#' $names entries will be modified to make them consistent with the
#' corresponding column names in R data.frames returned by e.g.
#' \code{\link{occurrences}}. \code{as_is = FALSE} has no effect when
#' \code{fields_type} is "layers". Note that prior to v1.20,
#' \code{as_is = FALSE}
#' did not work correctly.
#' @param field_id text: id of environmental/contextual layer field for which
#' to look up information
#' Prepend "el" for "environmental" (gridded) layers and "cl" for "contextual"
#' (polygonal) layers
#' @param maxrows integer: maximum number of records to download. Some
#' contextual layers (those with \code{field_id}s starting with "cl") have a
#' very large number of records and attempting to download the full set can
#' cause R to crash. Specifying -1 for maxrows will download the full set of
#' records for that field
#' @param record_count_only logical: if TRUE, return just the count of records
#' that would be downloaded, but don't download them. This really only makes
#' sense for contextual layers, because environmental layers have only one
#' record per layer
#' @return If \code{record_count_only} is TRUE, the number of records is
#' returned as numeric. Otherwise, a data frame containing the field name and
#' various attributes; an empty data frame is returned if no match is found
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#'  l <- ala_fields("layers")
#'  l[, 4]
#'  o <- ala_fields("occurrence")
#'  o[1:13, ]
#'  a <- ala_fields("assertions")
#'  a$description
#'  field_info("cl22")
#'  field_info("el767")
#' }
#' @export ala_fields

# TODO: Summary of #fields returned
# ids from https://spatial.ala.org.au/ws/layers are NUMERIC but lookup
# prepends "el" and "cl"!

ala_fields <- function(fields_type = "occurrence", as_is = TRUE) {
  assert_that(is.flag(as_is), !is.na(as_is))
  fields_type <- match.arg(tolower(fields_type),
                           c("occurrence", "occurrence_stored",
                             "occurrence_indexed", "general", "layers",
                             "assertions", "images"))

  # Hard code images fields until the API returns this nicely
  if (identical(fields_type, "images")) {
    fields <- c("dateUploaded", "dataResourceUid", "license",
                "recognisedLicence", "imageSize", "dateUploadedYearMonth",
                "format", "fileType", "createdYear", "creator", "title",
                "description", "width", "height", "thumbHeight", "thumbWidth")
    df <- data.frame(fields)
    names(df) <- "name"

  this_url <- switch(fields_type,
                     "general" = {
                       bie_url <-
                                              c("admin", "indexFields"))
                     "occurrence_indexed" =,
                     "occurrence_stored" =,
                     "occurrence" = {
                                            c("index", "fields"))
                     "layers" = {
                     "assertions" = {
                                            c("assertions", "codes"))
  x <- cached_get(this_url, type = "json")
  ## we have a list of unwanted columns that get removed from results
  ## since this function returns a list of field names, also remove the
  ## unwanted fields from the results list
  x <- x[!x$name %in% unwanted_columns(fields_type), ]

  ## for "layers", shorter, more manageable names are provided from
  ## https://spatial.ala.org.au/ws/layers in API. Add these as an extra
  ## column: shortName
  if (identical(fields_type, "layers")) {
    more_x <- cached_get(build_url_from_parts(getOption("ALA4R_server_config")$
                                                base_url_spatial, "layers"),
                         type = "json")
    ## just pull out the bits that we want and construct ids here that match
    ## the field names in x
    more_x$id <- paste(substr(tolower(more_x$type), 1, 1),
                       sep = "")
    more_x <- more_x[, c("name", "id")]
    names(more_x) <- c("shortName", "id")
    x <- merge(x, more_x, by = "id")
    x$type[x$type == "c"] <- "Contextual"
    ## there is an errant "b" here that should be "c"
    x$type[x$type == "b"] <- "Contextual"
    ## for consistency with search_layers
    x$type[x$type == "e"] <- "Environmental"
  } else if (identical(fields_type, "occurrence_stored")) {
    x <- x[x$stored, ]
  } else if (identical(fields_type, "occurrence_indexed")) {
    x <- x[x$indexed, ]

  if (!as_is) {
    ## old code ## names(x) <- rename_variables(names(x), type=fields_type)
    ## Nooooo! this should have been applied to x$name not names(x)
    ## as_is now defaults to TRUE (v1.20) to keep default behaviour the same as
    ## with previous versions
    if (!(fields_type %in% c("layers"))) {
      ## don't apply when fields_type is layers,  because we want name left as
      ## full name
      x$name <- rename_variables(x$name, type = fields_type)
  ## some other hard-coded name changes
  names(x)[tolower(names(x)) == "desc"] <- "description"
  ## drop unwanted columns
  xcols <- setdiff(names(x), unwanted_columns(fields_type))
  x[, xcols]

#' @rdname ala_fields
#' @export
field_info  <-  function(field_id, maxrows = 50, record_count_only = FALSE) {
  assert_that(is.count(maxrows) || maxrows == -1)
  if (record_count_only) {
    ## override maxrows setting
    maxrows <- 0
  field_id <- fields_name_to_id(fields = field_id, fields_type = "layers")
  this_url <-
                         c("field", field_id), query = list(pageSize = maxrows))
    ## retrieve a max of 50 objects by default
    out  <-  cached_get(url = this_url, type = "json")
    if (substr(field_id, 1, 2) == "cl") {
      if (record_count_only) {
      } else if (nrow(out$objects) < out$number_of_objects) {
        ## we retrieved a subset of the full record set for this field, so let
        ## the user know
        warning("field_info retrieved ", nrow(out$objects),
                " rows out of a total of ", out$number_of_objects,
                " for this field. You may wish to increase the maxrows
                parameter, but be aware that a very large number of rows
                may crash R")
      out  <-  out$objects #keep only the content
    } else if (substr(field_id, 1, 2) == "el") {
      if (record_count_only) {
        ## user has asked for number of rows, which is always 1 for el layers
      out  <-  as.data.frame(rbind(out)) #bind the data as a dataframe
      rownames(out)  <-  NULL #reset the row names
    names(out) <- rename_variables(names(out), type = "layers")
  , warning = function(w) {
    ## un-matched field name, return an empty data frame
  , error = function(e) {

## private function to issue warning if unmatched field name
field_empty_warning <- function() {
  if (ala_config()$warn_on_empty) {
    warning("No information returned. Please check field_id is valid using ",

## private function to replace any full field names (descriptions) with
## their id values
## e.g. "Radiation - lowest period (Bio22)" to id "el871"
fields_name_to_id <- function(fields, fields_type, make_names = FALSE) {
  ## if TRUE, apply make.names to variable names before matching
  fields_type <- match.arg(tolower(fields_type), c("occurrence", "general",
                                                   "layers", "assertions"))
  valid_fields <- ala_fields(fields_type = fields_type)
  ## merge differently for "layers" fields, because those column names differ
  ## from other fields_type
  ## for layers, the long name is in "desc", with the id in "id" (and "name"
  ## is something different)
  ## ** as of 17-Jun-2014, "desc" is now renamed "description"
  ## for "occurrence" and "assertions", long name is in "description" and id
  ## is in "name"
  ## for general, there is no long name (description)
  ## for each one, warn if multiple matches on long name are found
  if (make_names) {
    valid_fields$description <- switch(fields_type,
                                       "layers" =,
                                       "occurrence" =,
                                       "assertions" =
         "layers" = vapply(fields, function(z) {
           if (z %in% valid_fields$description & (!z %in% valid_fields$id)) {
             if (sum(valid_fields$description == z, na.rm = TRUE) > 1) {
               if (nchar(z) > 0) { ## don't warn if field name is degenerate ""
                 warning(" multiple ", fields_type,
                         " fields match the name \"", z, "\", using first")
             valid_fields$id[which(valid_fields$description == z)[1]]
           else {
         }, FUN.VALUE = "", USE.NAMES = FALSE),
         "occurrence" =,
         "assertions" = vapply(fields, function(z) {
           if (z %in% valid_fields$description & (!z %in% valid_fields$name)) {
             if (sum(valid_fields$description == z, na.rm = TRUE) > 1) {
               if (nchar(z) > 0) {
                 warning(" multiple ", fields_type, " fields match the name \"",
                         z, "\", using first")
             valid_fields$name[which(valid_fields$description == z)[1]]
           else {
         , FUN.VALUE = "", USE.NAMES = FALSE),
         fields ## default to just returning the fields as supplied

## private function to replace any id values with their full field
## names (descriptions)
fields_id_to_name <- function(fields, fields_type) {
  fields_type <- match.arg(tolower(fields_type),
                           c("occurrence", "general", "layers", "assertions"))
  valid_fields <- ala_fields(fields_type = fields_type)
  ## merge differently for "layers" fields, because those column names differ
  ## from other fields_type
  ## for layers, the long name is in "desc", with the id in "id" (and "name"
  ## is something different)
  ## ** as of 17-Jun-2014, "desc" is now renamed "description"
  ## for "occurrence" and "assertions", long name is in "description" and id is
  ## in "name"
  ## for general, there is no long name (description)
  ## for each one, warn if multiple matches on long name are found
         "layers" = vapply(fields, function(z) {
           if (z %in% valid_fields$id & (!z %in% valid_fields$description)) {
             valid_fields$description[which(valid_fields$id == z)[1]]
           else {
         FUN.VALUE = "", USE.NAMES = FALSE),
         "occurrence" =,
         "assertions" = vapply(fields, function(z) {
           if (z %in% valid_fields$name & (!z %in% valid_fields$description)) {
             valid_fields$name[which(valid_fields$name == z)[1]]
           else {
         }, FUN.VALUE = "", USE.NAMES = FALSE),
         fields ## default to just returning the fields as supplied

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ALA4R documentation built on July 12, 2021, 9:07 a.m.