#' @title emFrequencies: simple effect analysis of frequency data.
#' @md
#' @description The function `emFrequencies()` performs a simple effect analyses
#' of frequencies after an omnibus analysis has been obtained with `anofa()`
#' according to the ANOFA framework. See \insertCite{lc23b;textual}{ANOFA} for more.
#' @usage emFrequencies(w, formula)
#' @param w An ANOFA object obtained from `anofa()`;
#' @param formula A formula which indicates what simple effect to analyze.
#' only one simple effect formula at a time can be analyzed. The formula
#' is given using a vertical bar, e.g., " ~ factorA | factorB " to obtain
#' the effect of Factor A within every level of the Factor B.
#' @return a model fit of the simple effect.
#' @details emFrequencies computes expected marginal frequencies and
#' analyze the hypothesis of equal frequencies.
#' The sum of the Gs of the simple effects are equal to the
#' interaction and main effect Gs, as this is an additive decomposition
#' of the effects.
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @examples
#' # Basic example using a two-factors design with the data in compiled format.
#' # Ficticious data present frequency of observation classified according
#' # to Intensity (three levels) and Pitch (two levels) for 6 possible cells.
#' minimalExample
#' # performs the omnibus analysis first (mandatory):
#' w <- anofa(Frequency ~ Intensity * Pitch, minimalExample)
#' summary(w)
#' # execute the simple effect of Pitch for every levels of Intensity
#' e <- emFrequencies(w, ~ Pitch | Intensity)
#' summary(e)
#' # As a check, you can verify that the Gs are decomposed additively
#' sum(e$results[,1])
#' w$results[3,1]+w$results[4,1]
#' # Real-data example using a two-factor design with the data in compiled format:
#' LandisBarrettGalvin2013
#' w <- anofa( obsfreq ~ provider * program, LandisBarrettGalvin2013)
#' anofaPlot(w)
#' summary(w)
#' # there is an interaction, so look for simple effects
#' e <- emFrequencies(w, ~ program | provider )
#' summary(e)
#' # Example from Gillet1993 : 3 factors for appletrees
#' Gillet1993
#' w <- anofa( Freq ~ species * location * florished, Gillet1993)
#' e <- emFrequencies(w, ~ florished | location )
#' # Again, as a check, you can verify that the Gs are decomposed additively
#' w$results[4,1]+w$results[7,1] # B + B:C
#' sum(e$results[,1])
#' # You can ask easier outputs with
#' summarize(w) # or summary(w) for the ANOFA table only
#' explain(w) # human-readable ouptut ((pending))
#' @export emFrequencies
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
emFrequencies <- function(
w = NULL,
formula = NULL
# 1.1 Is w of the right type and having more than 1 factor
if (!("ANOFAobject" %in% class(w)))
stop("ANOFA::error(21): The argument w is not an ANOFA object. Exiting...")
if (length(w$factColumns)==1)
stop("ANOFA::error(22): There must be at least two factors in the design. Exiting...")
# 1.2 If formula indeed a formula
if (!(is.formula(formula)))
stop("ANOFA::error(23): The formula argument is not a legitimate formula. Exiting...")
# 1.3 Is the rhs having a | sign, and only one
if (!(has.nested.terms(formula)))
stop("ANOFA::error(24): The rhs of formula must have a variable nested within another variable. Exiting... ")
if (length(tmp <- sub.formulas(formula, "|"))!=1)
stop("ANOFA::error(25): The rhs of formula must contain a single nested equation. Exiting...")
if (tmp[[1]][[2]]==tmp[[1]][[3]])
stop("ANOFA::error(26): The two variables on either side of | must differ. Exiting...")
# 1.4 If the dependent variable is named (optional), is it the correct variable
if (length(formula)==3) {
if (formula[[2]] != w$freqColumn)
stop("ANOFA::error(27): The lhs of formula is not the correct frequency variable. Exiting...")
# 1.5 Are the factors named in formula present in w
vars <- all.vars(formula) # extract variables in cbind and with | alike
if (!(all(vars %in% names(w$compiledData))))
stop("ANOFA::error(28): variables in `formula` are not all in the data. Exiting...")
## STEP 2: Run the analysis based on the number of factors
# 2.1: identify the factors
subfactors <- all.vars(tmp[[1]][[2]])
nestfactor <- all.vars(tmp[[1]][[3]])
# 2.2: perform the analysis based on the number of factors
analysis <- switch( length(subfactors),
emf1way(w, subfactors, nestfactor),
emf2way(w, subfactors, nestfactor),
emf3way(w, subfactors, nestfactor),
# STEP 3: Return the object
# 3.1: preserve everything in an object of class ANOFAobject
res <- list(
type = "ANOFAsimpleeffects",
formula = as.formula(w$formula),
compiledData = w$compiledData,
freqColumn = w$freqColumn,
factColumns = w$factColumns,
nlevels = w$nlevels,
clevels = w$clevels,
# new information added
formulasimple = as.formula(formula),
nestedFactors = nestfactor,
subFactors = subfactors,
nestedLevels = dim(analysis)[1],
results = analysis
class(res) <- c("ANOFAobject", class(res) )
return( res )
emf1way <- function(w, subfact, nestfact){
## Herein, the sole factor analyzed is called factor A, which is nested within factor B,
## that is, the effect of A within b1, the effect of A within b2, ... A within bj.
## There can only be a single nesting variable (e.g., B)
## We can get here if (a) there are 2 factors, (b) there are 3 factors, (c) there are 4 factors
# The factors position in the factor list and their number of levels
posA <- (1:length(w$factColumns))[w$factColumns==subfact]
A <- w$nlevels[posA]
# posB <- (1:length(w$factColumns))[w$factColumns==nestfact]
# B <- w$nlevels[posB]
if (length(nestfact)==1) {
posB <- (1:length(w$nlevels))[w$factColumns==nestfact]
B <- w$nlevels[posB]
lvls <- w$clevels[[posB]]
} else {
B <-1
lvls <- c()
for (i in nestfact) {
pos <- (1:length(w$nlevels))[w$factColumns==i]
B <- B * w$nlevels[pos]
lvls <- unlist(lapply(w$clevels[[pos]], function(x) paste(lvls,x, sep=":")))
nestfact <- paste(nestfact, collapse = "+")
# the total n and the vector marginals
ndd <- sum(w$compiledData[[w$freqColumn]])
ndj <- aggregate(as.formula(paste(w$freqColumn, nestfact, sep="~")),
data = w$compiledData, sum)[[w$freqColumn]]
by2 <- paste(c(nestfact, subfact), collapse=" + ")
nij <- matrix(aggregate(as.formula(paste(w$freqColumn, by2, sep="~")),
data = w$compiledData, sum)[[w$freqColumn]], B)
# First, we compute the expected frequencies e separately for each levels of factor B
eigivenj <- ndj / A
# Second, we get the G statistics for each level
Gs <- c()
for (j in 1:B) {
Gs[j] <- 2 * sum(nij[j,] * (log(nij[j,])- log(eigivenj[j])))
# Third, the correction factor (Williams, 1976) for each
cf <- 1+ (A^2-1) / ( 6 * (A-1) * ndd)
# Finally, getting the p-values for each corrected effect
ps = 1- pchisq( Gs / cf, df = B-1)
# This is it! let's put the results in a table
resultsSimpleEffects <- data.frame(
G = Gs,
df = rep(A-1, B),
Gcorrected = Gs / cf,
pvalue = ps,
etasq = apply( nij/ndj, 1, anofaES)
rownames(resultsSimpleEffects) <- paste(subfact, lvls, sep=" | ")
emf2way <- function(w, subfacts, nestfact){
## Herein, the factors decomposed are called factors A*B,
## that is, the effects of (A, B, A*B) within c1, the effects of (A, B, A*B) within c2, etc.
## We can get here if (a) there are 3 factors, (b) there are 4 factors.
# The factor positions in the factor list and their number of levels
posA <- (1:length(w$nlevels))[w$factColumns==subfacts[1]]
A <- w$nlevels[posA]
posB <- (1:length(w$nlevels))[w$factColumns==subfacts[2]]
B <- w$nlevels[posB]
# posC <- (1:length(w$factColumns))[w$factColumns==nestfact]
# C <- w$nlevels[posC]
if (length(nestfact)==1) {
posC <- (1:length(w$nlevels))[w$factColumns==nestfact]
C <- w$nlevels[posC]
lvls <- w$clevels[[posC]]
} else {
C <-1
lvls <- c()
for (i in nestfact) {
pos <- (1:length(w$nlevels))[w$factColumns==i]
C <- C * w$nlevels[pos]
lvls <- unlist(lapply(w$clevels[[pos]], function(x) paste(x,lvls, sep=":")))
nestfact <- paste(nestfact, collapse = "+")
# the total n and the matrix marginals
nddd <- sum(w$compiledData[[w$freqColumn]])
nddk <- aggregate(as.formula(paste(w$freqColumn, nestfact, sep="~")),
data = w$compiledData, sum)[[w$freqColumn]]
by2 <- paste(subfacts, nestfact, sep="+")
nidk <- matrix(aggregate(as.formula(paste(w$freqColumn, by2[[1]],sep="~")),
data = w$compiledData, sum)[[w$freqColumn]], A,C )
ndjk <- matrix(aggregate(as.formula(paste(w$freqColumn, by2[[2]],sep="~")),
data = w$compiledData, sum)[[w$freqColumn]], B,C )
# # here is ok for a three factor design only... use tt uu with %in%
# nijd <- array(aggregate(as.formula(paste(w$freqColumn, paste(subfacts, collapse=" + "), sep="~")),
# data = w$compiledData, sum)[[w$freqColumn]],c(A,B,C))
by3 <- paste(paste(subfacts, collapse=" + "), nestfact, sep = " + ")
nijk <- array(aggregate(as.formula(paste(w$freqColumn, by3, sep="~")),
data = w$compiledData, sum)[[w$freqColumn]],c(A,B,C))
# First, we compute the expected frequencies e separately for each levels of factor C
eidgivenk <- nddk / A
edjgivenk <- nddk / B
eijgivenk <- nddk / (A * B)
# Second, we get the G statistics for each level
Gs <- c()
for (k in 1:C) {
Gs[(k-1)*3+1] <- 2 * sum(nijk[,,k] * (log(nijk[,,k])- log(eijgivenk[k])))
Gs[(k-1)*3+2] <- 2 * sum(nidk[,k] * (log(nidk[,k])- log(eidgivenk[k])))
Gs[(k-1)*3+3] <- 2 * sum(ndjk[,k] * (log(ndjk[,k])- log(edjgivenk[k])))
Gs[(k-1)*3+1] <- Gs[(k-1)*3+1] - Gs[(k-1)*3+2] - Gs[(k-1)*3+3] # remove simple effects
# Third, the correction factor (Williams, 1976) for each
cfA <- 1+ (A^2-1) / ( 6 * (A-1) * nddd)
cfB <- 1+ (B^2-1) / ( 6 * (B-1) * nddd)
cfAB <- 1+ ((A*B)^2-1) / ( 6 * (A-1) * (B-1) * nddd)
alletasq <- c()
for (k in 1:C) {
alletasq[(k-1)*3+1] <- anofaES(as.vector(nijk[,,k])/nddk[k])
alletasq[(k-1)*3+2] <- anofaES(nidk[,k]/nddk[k])
alletasq[(k-1)*3+3] <- anofaES(ndjk[,k]/nddk[k])
# Finally, getting the p-values for each corrected effect
ps <- 1- pchisq( Gs / c(cfAB, cfA, cfB), df = c((A-1)*(B-1), A-1, B-1) )
# This is it! let's put the results in a table
resultsSimpleEffects <- data.frame(
G = Gs,
df = rep(c((A-1)*(B-1), A-1, B-1), C),
Gcorrected = Gs / c(cfAB, cfA, cfB),
pvalue = ps,
etasq = alletasq
lbl <- c(paste(subfacts, collapse=":"), subfacts )
rownames(resultsSimpleEffects) <- unlist(lapply(lvls, \(x) paste(lbl, x, sep=" | ")))
# #
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# #
# Coding third-order simple effects #
# is postponed until interest is shown. #
emf3way <- function(w, subfacts, nestfact){
## Herein, the factor decomposed is called factor D,
## that is, the effect of (A, B, C, AB, AC, BC, A*B*C) within d1,
## the effect of (A, B, C, AB, AC, BC, A*B*C) within d2, etc.
## There is only one way to get here: a 4 factor design is decomposed.
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